15/06/22 11:05:57.47 YMORRz9t.net
「down to earth terms」というのは以下のような「不思議な宇宙語」でなく、
The first paper, entitled “Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I:
Construction of Hodge Theaters,” starts out by stating
that the goal is “to establish an arithmetic version of Teichmuller theory for number fields equipped with an elliptic curve…
by applying the theory of semi-graphs of anabelioids, Frobenioids, the etale theta function, and log-shells.”
This is not just gibberish to the average layman. It was gibberish to the math community as well.
“Looking at it, you feel a bit like you might be reading a paper from the future, or from outer space,” wrote Ellenberg on his blog.
“It’s very, very weird,” says Columbia University professor Johan de Jong, who works in a related field of mathematics.