現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む13at MATH
現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む13 - 暇つぶし2ch568:現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む
15/05/24 20:15:27.46 cQbF44Sx.net
>>519 下記かい?

Differences between mathoverflow and math.stackexchange.

answered Jul 21 '10
The two sites are meant for very different audiences, and have very different types of questions.
From the MathOverflow faq:
MathOverflow's primary goal is for users to ask and answer research level math questions, the sorts of questions you come across when you're writing or reading articles or graduate level books.

From the Area51 page for math.stackexchange:
Q&A site for people studying math at any level & professionals in related fields

Why separate the two?
The community at MathOverflow is not interested in the typical question here.
It is too elementary, and they don't want to be flooded with people asking basic math questions. Conversely, most MathOverflow questions would not be well suited to the audience here.
Many may not even be comprehensible! The concentration of professional mathematicians is too low (or will be after the site goes public, anyways), and the questions are not interesting to most people without graduate-level coursework in math.
Of course, there are plenty of exceptions to the above. Especially in the closed beta, there will be substantial overlap between the two sites, in terms of users, anyway. The distinction will probably be a lot more clear once the site goes public.

2 AaronLS Nov 10 '10
Yeh, it definitely is not clear on their site what their focus is if you are a new user.
I'm sure it's a unpleasant trial by fire.
It sounds like there is a need for something analgous to the relation ship between stackoverflow and serverfault, where questions can be migrated by mods appropriately if they don't fall within the criteria of research mathematics.
