A Question for our Japanese readersat DEJIMA
A Question for our Japanese readers - 暇つぶし2ch29:maji
08/09/19 16:46:42 O19T+psW0.net
The reason is quite obvious to me.
They don't like FPS (and RTS) games because they don't have much experience playing them on PC.
PC game market in Japan is just full of porn games and nothing else.

08/12/31 01:00:00 SZBBmz0t0.net
Brits must remember the crimes below
before criticizing Japan's past

# Beijing massacre in 1900 (Boxer rebellion)
# Opium War
# Unequal treaties impositioned against Meiji Japan
# Mutilation spree of Bengali cotton workers' hands
# 6 million deaths of Indians by exploitation and man-made famines
# Rape and murder of Burmese royal family
# Boer Wars and abuse, slaughter at the Concentration Camp
# Aborigine holocaust
# Boming of Dresden
# Native Fijians holocaust
# Nuclear Bomb Test at the Aborigine habitats in Australia
# Whale massacre in the Antarctic and Bonin waters
# Selling arms and instigating further massacre in Nigerian Civil War
# Iraq Invasion

You all are sons of criminals, fucking bloody Brits.
Britain is the worst atrocity-ridden country in the world and of all time.

You know what the Bible says about hypocrisy?
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;
and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

09/03/24 13:00:57 KtF4oO+Z0.net
Eh? And you think the Japanese are angels sent from heaven?
Have you forgotten World War 2? And who here ever criticized
Japan's past?

You know what the Bible says about hypocrisy?
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;
and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

09/07/13 09:06:26 bRxdudAO0.net
Japanese leaders are papets of U.S.A.

Daisaku Ikeda Finance les Operations de Cocaine de Manuel Noriega

09/07/13 22:52:58 PYYER4Kx0.net
U.S.A. leaders are papets of Japan

09/07/14 19:28:57 Ixo6hjER0.net
are you serious?

09/07/14 21:53:57 30Cxpf0Q0.net
This is the first sensible answer I've gotten in this thread, thank you

09/07/25 08:28:36 3kt43Wjx0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

09/07/27 21:00:18 mWDygHQS0.net

09/08/06 19:54:53 Tu7qcJqW0.net
i don't like fps much because i don't like the 1st person view
although i really enjoyed golden eye

09/08/29 09:23:26 OccFkKHV0.net
We play TF2 maybe on JPN HIMTSUKICHI server

09/12/27 17:47:30 xVPQ4IbX0.net
I'm japanese, but why don't most japanese people like FPS?
I enjoy them, and have made MODs.

09/12/27 21:22:18 wO4bU0Z70.net
chinese de ok?

09/12/28 16:03:03 Qx6+SYJxO.net

10/04/12 13:19:46 fK0SjN4P0.net
> first person shooters do not have interesting stories

For the most part, I agree with this sentiment - that is to say, a FPS
does not need to have an involving (or even existent) story to be
considered good. However, there are a handful of first person shooters
out there with fascinating stories and settings that I think people
are missing out on - even in the US, most people haven't heard of
titles like this. Whether or not you like FPS, I'd personally recommend
the following titles, if you can find a place to pirate them:

System Shock
System Shock 2
Deus Ex

All of three of these titles incorporate varying elements of RPGs,
so it's not like they're completely "FUCK YEAR, MANLY SHOOTING ACTION
GAMES" either, if that turns you off.

Oh, and I feel kind of dumb for bumping a four month old thread, but
this place seems pretty dead anyways, I don't think anyone will mind...

10/04/12 22:56:08 zTLJM6hV0.net


10/04/13 09:21:33 Kg0+AV0a0.net
Ok, I will. Before I leave, I'd like to unoptimize my previous quotes.


10/05/20 16:13:03 jPOfS1j/0.net
whyte ppl i hate u cuz

* 1. u all racist
* 2. u pale as hell
* 3. u fuckin stupid
* 4. u stereotype niggas cuz u all dumb
* 5. ur fat
* 6. u look like marshmellows
* 7. u look like gluesticks
* 8. u close minded
* 9. u jus straight up bitch
* 10. u make me sick
* 11. u all like fishin for sum reason
* 12. u all have dogs
* 13. u think u a good race when u aint even human
* 14.u look ugly as hell
* 15.u a disgrace
* 16. u think u know bout niggas so much when u dont
* 17. u all got faggot ass voices
* 18. u speak like british ppl
* 19. u all gay
* 20. u have no place in hiphop so u shud stop listenin to it

10/10/31 12:04:26 dl6Zjy5M0.net
Sadly enough, you hit the nail.

10/12/11 19:01:00 KTAKOeCP0.net
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11/02/20 01:02:01.42 iFfZhdPA0.net

11/07/24 21:25:14.39 XTPsc5v10.net
Can is piss of shit.

11/10/18 13:31:16.25 TuDJiI2I0.net

52: 【18m】 dennouprion 【東電 80.3 %】
12/04/23 23:14:45.14 ZMz+B7CK0.net ?PLT(12079)
I do not know.

13/02/16 16:43:05.43 y2jqW1U10.net
somebody please tell me how the hell did this thread turned from discussion about FPS to race-hating, thanks.

13/04/27 23:15:33.21 ER1kSs290.net

55: 忍法帖【Lv=19,xxxPT】(1+0:8)
13/06/15 22:13:20.84 AN11v4GU0.net
Who are you?
