14/03/28 22:35:10.79 wfCxbzqd0
> 227 名前:名無しさん@七周年[sage] 投稿日:2006/11/26(日) 14:33:29 ID:uh/TcX1w0
> URLリンク(web.archive.org)
> China Hails a Good Nazi and Makes Japan Take Notice
> -March 15, 2006 H. French NewYorkTimes
> More curious still, there is no record to show that Mao, who died in 1976, ever
> spoke publicly about it. Save for a brief mention in a 1960 middle school
> textbook, the Nanjing Massacre was not featured in Chinese textbooks until the
> early 1980's. As recently as the early 1990's, historians and others who wanted
> to organize conferences about the event were barred from doing so.
> ↑ニューヨーク・タイムズの記事
> ・毛沢東が公式に南京事件について語った事は一度も無い
> ・教科書での取り上げ方が妙
> ・何故か学会の組織が禁じられていた