14/05/11 20:24:50.65
Doubts over heart stem-cell therapy
Study queries early-phase trials of heart-disease treatment.
Alison Abbott
29 April 2014 Corrected: 08 May 2014
NaURLリンク(www.nature.com) 509, 15–16 (01 May 2014) doi:10.1038/509015a
Brigham and Women's Hospital Professor of Anaesthesia,Institution Brigham and Women's Hospital ,Department Anaesthesia
Title Professor of Medicine,Brigham and Women's Hospital,Department Medicine 教授だけどハーバードのではないらしい
Harvard Catalyst Profiles
Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (Department of) 麻酔部門・部長はバカンティ
Center for Tissue Engineering (Charles Vacanti, MD) 再生医学センター長バカンティ
Center for Regenerative Medicine (Piero Anversa, MD) 再生医療センター長・アンバーサ