14/04/04 17:39:48.39 yGUZOCdX
その時点でJARPA IIはJARPAとほとんど変わらないものになったから、それならミンクを2倍にする必然性もなくなった。
Secondly, despite the fact that no humpback whales and few fin whales have been caught during JARPA II,
Japan’s emphasis on multi-species competition and ecosystem research as the bases for the JARPA II
sample sizes for all three species is unwavering. In the view of the Court, the gap between the target
sample sizes for fin and humpback whales in the JARPA II Research Plan and the actual take of these two
species undermines Japan’s argument that the objectives relating to ecosystem research and multi-species
competition justify the larger target sample size for minke whales, as compared to that in JARPA.