07/11/07 20:44:26 sentia2j0
リチャードダン氏の尽力で、我々はRepublic P-43 Lancerに関する長い記事
1940~1941年の冬に認可した"Special Air Unit"の一部としての中国への武器貸与でした。
Republic P-43 Lancer in Chinese service
Thanks to Richard Dunn, we have a long article (or short book) on the
Republic P-43 Lancer, 108 of which were Lend-Leased to China as part
of the "Special Air Unit" that Roosevelt authorized in the winter of
1940-1941. Originally intended to equip the 3rd American Volunteer Group,
the planes were instead transferred directly to the Chinese Air Force.
(The 1st AVG bcame famous as the Flying Tigers. The 2nd AVG, a bomber group,
was ready to go when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The 3rd AVG was to
have been a fighter group, recruited early in 1942.)