10/06/28 20:31:40
The experimental method can be used outside the laboratory as well.
For wxample,in research on obesity,the effects of different methods of weight control can be inverstigated by trying these methods on separate
but similar groups of obese individuals.
The experimental method is a matter of logic,not location.
Still,most experiments take place in laboratories,chiefly because a laboratory setting allows measuring behavior more precisely
and controlling the variables more completely.
And again,it is often random assignment that is at issue:If two obesity clinics use different methods and achieve different results,
we cannot conclude with confidence that the deifferent methods are responsible
because the clinics might attract deifferent kinds of people to their programs or have different staff cultures and expectations.
The experiments described so far examine the effect of one independent variable on one dependent variable.
Limiting an investigation to only one independent variable,however,is too restrictive for some problems.
Multivariate experiments―experiments manipulating several independent variables at once―are common in psychological research.
In the hypothetical study in which participants were offered different amounts of money for solving math problems,
the experimenter might also vary the level of difficulty of the problems.
Now there would be six groups of participants each combining one of three defferent amounts of money with one of two levels of difficulty(easy versus difficult).