10/05/01 13:35:01
「My homepageにLog inしようとするとパスワードがexpireしてるから変更するよう促すメッセージが出ることがあります。」
When you log in "My homepage," the message, "Your password has been expired, so please change it,"
might appear on the screen.
We have a experience when we are logging in My homepage, we get message that
your password is expired please change your password.
Sometimes a score needs 1 month and more for postal returning from you had sat the test.
"from you had sat the test"の検索結果 9 件中 1 - 9 件目 (0.28 秒)
不要過去形? The present case, reissue a password as you forgot your password.
つーか、>>63 まで誰も気付かず突っ込まなかったのか。。。めりけん含め。まぁ住人自体せいぜい4人くらいぽかったけど。