Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141 - 暇つぶし2ch682:.
10/06/05 16:05:22
Who do you believe in then?

10/06/05 16:26:23
Oh, another issue of political money...?
I'm sick of it.

10/06/05 16:32:53
Sounds like we all are sick of politics.
Where are we going without a true leader?

10/06/05 16:35:58
But honestly, have we ever had anyone respected as a true leader?

10/06/05 16:40:06
Yoshida Shigeru was one of the true leaders of Japan.

10/06/05 16:49:21
Oh, sorry. I'm not that old and don't know how great he was.

10/06/05 16:52:29
Ahh, you only know bureaucrats ruled Japan, right?

10/06/05 17:15:43
That's right. And I can't expect anyone.
Nothing would change significantly whoever becomes the prime minister.
Maybe slightly changes something but it doesn't really matter.
I might be wrong for thinking this way but...

10/06/05 17:25:55
the glass prison

10/06/05 17:32:52
You can keep throwing a fit non-stop in here and it will change nothing. That's for sure.

10/06/05 17:53:21
5 years ago or so, some of the guys I knew said Koizumi was a tough guy. But I said the Japs didn't like him in the end, saying he was the worst PM in the postwar history.
Anybody ends up like that, even though koizumi and hatoyama are totally different.

10/06/05 19:17:11
anal cunt

10/06/05 19:27:59
The least I could say is that things have been worse than they used to be after Democratic Party
took over Japan.They call themselved Democratic, but what they did for the past 9 months made our lives
worse. Come to think of it, Kan is also responsible for that since he was a member of the Hatoyama administaration,
but he became Prime Minister. What was that?
He sure can be a good performer and entertainer, but he isn't the appropriate kind of person who deserves to be manage
a state. Sadlly, some Japanese people love to make out a performer to be a good politician (and get disappointed after
he or she isn't far from it)..

Anyway, what we should do now is stop DPJ from doing anything as they like.
In order to do so, we should vote against the party. I'll probably vete for LDP or
Tachiagare Nihon or Nihonsousin, I'm still not decided on where to vote for, but
one thing is for sure; I'll never ever support DPJ.

10/06/05 20:25:31
The least I could say is that we should rely on ourselves.
No matter who the prime minister is.

10/06/05 20:51:55
In my opinion, Japanese politics won't change whoever the prime minister is.
Anyway, it's not prime minister but the U.S. that moves Japan.
The U.S. wrote the senario to make the DPJ fall from the top political party.

10/06/05 21:05:39
Only non-affiliates(voters) can move Japan, not the US.

10/06/05 23:47:11
The LDP's new plan looks like combining a consumption tax hike (from the current 5% to 10%) with a corporate tax cut.
Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) has been asking for this for years, and the LDP seems ready for it now.
It's the voters that are likely to get stuck in a loop, after all...

10/06/05 23:48:52
i dont know much about it but i have this opinion that "the systems" in japan is the problem, like the bureaucratic (kanryo) system.
something is not right about it - not just politicians or citizens.
i think i need to read karen van wolferen's books or something...

10/06/05 23:54:24
so all i can say about that is even if you have another PM, things will end up the same way.
its not about what tax laws or child support laws that the government might implement.

10/06/06 06:02:01
I liked Koizumi.
Then again, the main reason I liked him was probably
that he looked like a Japanese version of Richard Gere.

702:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/06/06 07:13:47
I see. I might have made a misunderstand about him.
From now on, I'll think better of him.
