10/05/30 02:21:54
I know she's laying the ground work for the next election this summer.
All she's doing now is aimed for getting as much public attention as she can.
As you probably know, she's going to run for the election. She wants to keep seated in the Diet.
That explains why she's making commotions like that. Be that as it may, however, I don't think
"loopy" doesn't apply to her deed.
Let me note this in the first place. I'd never vote for SDP coz the idea the small party has concerning the national security is quite
ridiculous, considering the situation Japan is in now - we are faced with China, North Korea, and Russia. We need to be properly armed
if we don't want to be attacked and bombed.
That said, Fukushima has been saying she wanted to remove the bases from Okinawa all along, so in a sense she tried to do what she promised.
I commend her ONLY in this respect. Again, I'm against her ideas, such as "even when a police man is faced with a cruel murderer
he should not trigger a gun, he may be killed, but it's ok." See how stupid she is?
Ok, that's that. Let's get back to the point.
Hatoyama is the one who won the title of the loopy king of Tax evasion.
At first he encouraged Okinawan people who are opposed to having American bases in Okinawa and he kept saying he had great plans in mind,
and he changed his opinion? Nah, that's not understandable. He's loopy.
I don't trust him at all.