Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141 - 暇つぶし2ch550:名無しさん@英語勉強中
10/05/20 15:25:23
See Hatoyama's press conferences and you'll notice Hatoyama looks uneasy and worried
when making statements. And his eyes, what does he look? His eyes seem unfocused and dreamy.
There's something wrong with him. That's written on his face.

10/05/20 18:18:37
The Daily Mail is known to be quite nationalistic and anti-immigration,
reporting mainly on... the evils of foreign countries, the injustice of
the justice system, paedophiles, the royal family, and how everything
can give you cancer.

Someone wrote a song about it...

Anyway, despite marrying him, Clegg's wife hasn't taken British citizenship.
She used to work as an advisor on trade law, economic relations and the Middle
East for both the EU and British government. She now works as head of international
trade law for a large, international law firm.

10/05/21 08:24:47
When I was bored, I've checked out a lot of foreign TV commercials on youtube,
and I must say there are many really good ones in the UK.
Here are some of my favorites that I've seen recently:

10/05/22 08:31:10
Hatoyama is ill mentally or spiritually, is he not?

10/05/22 08:37:46
Hatoyama ia ill.
Hatoyama should ask Kan to succeed the Prime Ministry, shouldn't he?

10/05/22 08:42:51
Yesterday, I delivered Japan Communist Party handbills in front of Myogadani Station,
where I looked eyes of the walking people and greeted smiling.
They also smiled at me, and many of them took handbills from my hand.

10/05/22 10:06:27
Are all members of the Communist Party NEETs?
If not, what are you Communists doing in evil capitalist Japan anyway?
Don't you realize that, simply by living and working here, you are
helping the corrupt capitalist system and its imperialist American overlords?
Go to the glorious Communist paradise of North Korea and help the Dear Leader
if you want to contribute to moving the world in the right direction.

10/05/22 12:32:57
The more NEETs grow, the more Communist Party members grow.
That's what Japan is.

10/05/22 13:47:49
He's just loopy. That means he lacks common sense, in my opinion.
He turns his back on the reality. He has the gift for provoking people
without meaning to. He didn't deserve to be Prime Minister.
According to a news article, most people say he lacks leadership skills.
He doesn't have the ability to make decisions. Don't forget he's loopy.

10/05/22 14:46:57
how boring.
you guys want only to say loopy, don't you?

10/05/22 14:53:00
They know they're in a loop.

10/05/23 11:04:25
But chances are Hatoyama himself hasn't realized he's out of the loop.

10/05/24 15:13:53
Have you heard that hundreds of thousands of cows should be killed due to the foot and mouth desease?
It's a disaster.

10/05/24 16:06:55
That's because of Akamatsu, the minister of agriculture.

10/05/24 18:11:39
I don't think it's not peculiar to him.
where is animal's right to live?
how selfish fuckin human are.

10/05/24 18:12:59
* it's not peculiar -> it's peculiar

566:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/05/24 20:51:27
I don't have an expectation to Japanese soccer team.
Because Japaenese soccer team has been beated in the W cup many times.
They can't win, rather, never win. And in this time, they can't do again, I think.
So, I don't wanna watch the match of Japanese vs a country's soccer team, and
I wonder why do the Japanese soccer freaks continue to encourage to them?

10/05/24 20:54:28
England's one and only World Cup win in football was in 1966,
44 years ago now. I don't think our chances are too good this time,
as usual.

10/05/24 23:34:52
I don't think I would be feel any bad if Japan's world cup ended up in a 3-streak defeat.
Actually, I have no particular feelings with today's game because I think it was a matter of course.
Then I have realized a great fact that if we have no hope, then we can be free from frustration.
I want to share this feelings with all the Japanese people. Let's be pessimistic, then we can find God in our life.

10/05/25 00:03:55
Germany usually ends up reaching at least the semi-finals.
But I don't care about football. When there's an important match
with a German or Turkish team playing, I usually go to the gym.
Hardly anyone is there during those times, so I never have to wait
until someone else finishes his reps on the machine I want to use next.

10/05/25 08:13:17
In '02 we played like shit and still went to the finals.
This year we'll play even worse, so I don't see why we shouldn't win this.

10/05/25 10:06:30
It's a national character of Japanese.
Remember WW2.
How many people realized that they wouldn't be able to make a win in the battle.
But they send lots and lots of young boys to TOKKOTAI without thinking how weak they are.
They closed their eyes,and just imagened they would be able to make a win by their death.
So crazy.

10/05/25 10:26:09
That's war.
The U.S. used two nuclear bombs. So crazy.

10/05/25 11:07:35
Yes,that's so crazy.And war is war.
But make sure I'm talking without any nationalisms.
In fact,as you can see my bad English,I'm a Japanese guy.
I wanted to talk just about a national character of most Japanese.
And I think the nuclear bombs aren't issue of national characters.

10/05/25 11:37:52
Just so you know, imagine what it would be to board on a plane with explosives by which you're ordered to bomber a vessle
in a way you crashes the plane into it with yourself.
Imagine what they would have thought how their family and descendants, I mean, you, would be treated
if they lose the war in an era that almost all of colored countries were colonies of the Western countries.
Don't mix up their spirit with desperation. I'm not talking about nationalism either, I'm talking about humanity.

10/05/25 11:48:19

10/05/25 12:19:58
I told "WITHOUT nationalism".
So I didn't say you were talking "about "nationalism.
I just felt you were talking by nationalism.
Because when I told about tokkotai,you told about nuclear bomb.
I also wanna talk about humanity.But I think that national traits are there, too.

10/05/25 19:09:30
fack you

10/05/25 19:27:53
The city of Hiroshima and the city of Nakasaki had their people and all lives disappear at once.
We are the only nation who had the nuclear bomb kill counless people.
We are the nation who must work hardest for abolishment of newclear weapons.

10/05/27 03:48:54
I know controversial goal by England.
England barely(narrowly?) won the world cup by possible biased
refree and the homegame advantage.
I don't know whether England deserved the world champion.
I don't have many knowledage about the world cup 1966.

Korea in 2002 is still new to me and Italy won world cup by fraud
and Spain seems to have gone up to final games by false judges
in their world cup.
So I become suspicios of the matches in England too.

As for England national team now, it's not too good but you
have more chance than before, do you?
Rooney is possibly world top three player and at his best time,
MF plyaers are very uncomprably powerful.
Defenders are good too.

10/05/27 03:55:52
In 2002 when japan were figning in world cup, train were almost
I remember. That was daytime. I guess
that was tunisa VS japan.

I hope japan will get a real world cup victory, which means
frist win outside japan.
Best 4 is no way.

10/05/27 04:05:04
Do you know Boris Johnson is turkish descent?
ofcourse he is tremendously immersed with English blood.
He marries half-Indian woman, doesn't he?

Some british white nationalists argued how he looked non-white on the web,
citing his asian characteristics, this and that.
That was funny. They must have not liked his policy and his marriage.
He looks quite aryan and looks typical of English elite.

10/05/27 08:23:19
I had been forced not to go to church every Sunday for 8 years by Miyazaki Prefecture education committee because they forced me, knowing that I am a Christian, not to go to church on Sundays
by keeping me within correspondence system learning senior high school for 8 years and intending to keep me one more year until I got to the retirement age.
I quit working there one year before my retirement age,
and since then I haven't missed even one day going to church on Sunday.
Even more, I go to church three days in one week, going to Sunday service and Thursday and Friday Bible study classes.
I am completely content living my life basing on Church.
Is going to church the greatest pleasure to you?

10/05/27 08:48:49
I am going to church today to attend English Bible study class.
Do you envy me?

10/05/27 11:12:25
Japan Communist Party criticises Democratic Party on its contary to democracy measure to Okinawa problems.
Halperin an ex-adviser of President criticises Democratic Party for its ignoring of the voice of Okinawans.

10/05/27 18:42:36

Most English-speaking countries don't really care about Christianity,
One way or the other.

Except for America, but even then...

10/05/27 18:59:14
Have you guys ever played non-Japanese video games?
I didn't used to play even a single one of them, but for some reason
Dragon Age appealed to me, and so I just get a start on it.
I'm not used to the formats, I mean, when conversation scenes between the main character and subs appear,
I have to make a choice of how to respond. And that makes me think sometimes - like you can kill ordinary
persons without mercy - that wouldn't happen in Japanese video games like Dragon Quest.
And though I can use AI to make my allies act on my wish, but I find it a little tough to make such settings.
It's complicated. But over all, Dragon Age is quite interesting, even though I sometimes have trouble understanding
what's going on due to the language. It's not for learners, of course. I often come across English expressions that are
hard to get, and I need to get used to their pronunciations and accents.

10/05/28 00:25:18
yep. I'm sick of Japanese RPG, especially used animation-like character.
I think japanese RPG haven't improved even a bit for decades.

I haven't played "洋ゲー" since last january.
"洋ゲー"stand for the game made in somewhere outside of Japan in English.
pronunciation of this word is "you ge-"

anyway, if you like Dragon Age, I strongly recommend you The Witcher.
in combat, I often heard The Witcher is inferior to Dragon Age.
But, The story line of The Witcher is awesome. it is grim and ruthless.

As you mentiond Dragon Age, The expression of The Witcher is also not suitable for lerneres of English.
I often stumbled over trying to understand what they said.
every time I stuck, I referred to online dictionary.

even though if you are not fluent in English, many troubles and hardships will be waiting for you,
The Witcher is worth playing.

10/05/28 00:39:57
I think "洋ゲー" sounds more like "Yo gay"

10/05/28 00:59:53
I cannot help but agree with you, though I don't like that' sound. (w

10/05/28 03:14:48
examples of devoted christians and sincere christian organizations
in America.



10/05/28 03:19:19
Are you playing that game on a console? I've heard that the PC version is the best because it's easier to control the characters with a mouse and keyboard.

10/05/28 11:03:25

Now, now, there are Christians that aren't bigoted, fundamentalist idiots.

... Just give me a couple of years to think of some.

10/05/28 12:32:01
You're quite knowledgable. The Witcher, ok, I'll check afterwards.

You were using an online dictionary while playing the game?
Wow, that must have been a pain. As for me, I can't be bothered to do so.
Let's say there's this word I encountered just now which I wasn't sure exactly what's the meaning of -
it's cloister. Let me see... And I'm just done checking. Hmm, I'd say there's no chance for me to actually
use it. lol
But the idea of the word is quite simple.. Anyhow, if I want to understand the story of the game better, I should
think of looking up some unknown words like this. Mind you, it'll take lots of time doing that.. What should I do?
If there were a word list or something that's specifically meant for people like me to refer to, it'd be wonderful, though.

Nope, I'm playing it on the computer. I didn't compare it with the PS3 or Xbox version, but there was no choice, I mean,
I don't have those consoles. So I happened to choose the best. lol
Having said that, I'm not so used to how to move my cute elf girl on the keyboard, though.

10/05/28 12:59:13
These kinds of games use a lot of words that you wouldn't hear every day. It's good enough just to be able to remember the meaning. You probably wouldn't use them anywhere except for writing a book, so don't worry too much!

10/05/28 20:31:35
Johnson's ancestry is pretty well known now, thanks to a BBC show which takes
well-known personalities and helps them trace their family tree. His great
grandfather was an Interior Minister in the Ottoman Empire, before being assassinated
during the Turkish War of Independence. He is also directly descended from King George
II, though he was German and only became king because his (also German) father reigned
here before him, being the closest Protestant relative to Queen Anne, once she died.
As you say, though, he's very stereotypical as a member of the English upper-class, but
is never condescending or patronising, and is able to laugh at himself when he does
something stupid. Which is quite often.

In my youth, before choosing the path I took, it was my ambition to eventually work for
the company that made Dragon Age - A company called BioWare, founded by two medical doctors
in Canada. They're generally pretty polished, with good stories. The games, I mean, not
the doctors.

To be honest, I don't really know that much about what happened, or about football in
general. It's not really my thing, but we hear so much about it on television and the radio.
Rooney's pretty much the driving force in England's hopes of a win this year, you've
got that right.

Here are some of Nike's predictions...

10/05/29 00:14:39
So you are (were?) a fan of video games, right? I think I understand why you were interested in BioWare,
When I saw Dragon Age game play videos on Niconico and got interested, I read up on the game on the Internet
and found out that BioWare had been a good developer for long, but the article I read didn't say anything about
two doctors at all. That's really interesting, because there seems no such element at all. Rather, it's the exact opposite. lol
Doctors who have knowledge on computer programming sound quite intriguing.
Just out of curiosity, I guess you completed Dragon Age already. Am I wrong? lol
I've reached Red Cliff, where I'm supposed to meet King Ealmon. Anyway, what I want to do now is to get in a relationship with Leliana.
I'm a female elf, though.

10/05/29 02:47:54
To be precise, you're wrong. It's "Noriaki is da REAL," not "Noriaki da King."

I understand why you remember the phrase wrong, cause any king around the world
in human history would/woud've knelt down before his presense.
Lots of FAKE rappers have been around but no one except Noriaki is da REAL thing.
He's got a story to tell in his rap. And don't forget his sperb rapping skill.

50 cent lost confidence when he listened to Noriaki's rap and he almost
decided to throw away his career as a rapper but Noriai, being so nice,
encourged him to be confident and told him some tips to be a better rapper.

10/05/29 03:08:02
If you are looking for an RPG that is good for learning English,
you should check out The Elder Scrolls. I've become fluent in English
almost exclusively by way and for the purpose of playing the third part
of that series, Morrowind. That was quite some time ago, and my English
back then was not as good as yours is now.
The fourth installment (TES4: Oblivion) came out a few years ago. I haven't played it though,
mainly because I've become somewhat disinterested in computer games in the meantime.
But I bet if they had made a 完全日本語版 of it, with all the spoken dialog
re-enacted by Japanese voice actors, I would've played the shit out of it
and would be fluent in Japanese by now.

Right now, I play a session of DraculaX: 月下の夜想曲 every now and then.
It's a very good game, and I missed out on it back when it was released.
But it doesn't have a lot of dialog, the only new words I remember
learning from it being コウモリ and 十字架.

10/05/29 04:13:19
Speaking of Oblivion, I like this vid.

It's so funny. The person who created it is really talented in making audiences to laugh out.

10/05/29 11:59:15
Ossan gone wild playing an RPG. Quite amusing.

10/05/29 13:42:23
Talking about RPGs?
I'd recommend this video game but before you shell out los of money,
you can check out a demo of the game. Innovative and intriguing. You guys will never
get disaponted.


10/05/29 14:59:22

603:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/05/29 18:38:09
Social Democratic Party leader Fukushima is dismissed as Minister of State for
Consumer Affairs and Food Safety, Social Affairs by Prime Minister Hatoyama.
I think it's natural and she is just a burden on the Hatoyama Administration.
However, she doesn't realize that, and began critisizing him for dismissing her.
I wonder if she is just a super loopy too.

604:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/05/29 18:42:45
Oh,sorry.I've made a mistake.

○Fukushima was dismissed
×Fukushima is dismissed

10/05/30 02:21:54
I know she's laying the ground work for the next election this summer.
All she's doing now is aimed for getting as much public attention as she can.
As you probably know, she's going to run for the election. She wants to keep seated in the Diet.
That explains why she's making commotions like that. Be that as it may, however, I don't think
"loopy" doesn't apply to her deed.
Let me note this in the first place. I'd never vote for SDP coz the idea the small party has concerning the national security is quite
ridiculous, considering the situation Japan is in now - we are faced with China, North Korea, and Russia. We need to be properly armed
if we don't want to be attacked and bombed.
That said, Fukushima has been saying she wanted to remove the bases from Okinawa all along, so in a sense she tried to do what she promised.
I commend her ONLY in this respect. Again, I'm against her ideas, such as "even when a police man is faced with a cruel murderer
he should not trigger a gun, he may be killed, but it's ok." See how stupid she is?
Ok, that's that. Let's get back to the point.
Hatoyama is the one who won the title of the loopy king of Tax evasion.
At first he encouraged Okinawan people who are opposed to having American bases in Okinawa and he kept saying he had great plans in mind,
and he changed his opinion? Nah, that's not understandable. He's loopy.
I don't trust him at all.

10/05/30 05:49:55
By using "loop" three times in a single post, you just broke the record in this thread.

10/05/30 06:08:46
We should set the new record. Loopy is all the rage in Japan now. lol
People dislike him. I guess the approval rates that are supposed to be conducted this weekend
will go down to under 20.

10/05/30 06:09:34
R.I.P Dennis Hopper.

10/05/30 16:44:50
It is natural that Mizuho Fukushima who is a sitting member of the House of Councilors runs for the following election is consequential.

10/05/30 17:30:21
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but No, it's not always so, quate,
"The term of a member of the House of Councilors is six years and half of the members are elected every three years"
So Fukushima is accused of her deed by those who are suspicious she's barking because she has to contest a seat this summer.
And I think the criticise is to the point. Should she not run for the election, she wouldn't have gone this far.

10/05/30 19:42:07

Some people would get fainted when they watch Dennis' Japanese CM appearance like this.

10/05/30 19:58:36
There was such a moth in the aisle at my apartment.
I didn't think of that there was such an insect around here.

10/05/30 23:25:35
Now I understand where you live.

10/05/31 00:05:37
guess where.

10/05/31 00:49:46
It'll have been being cloudy from to 7:00.
I want it to be rainy.

10/05/31 01:15:55
Arnold, the character name in the drama is dead. So sad.

The tiny black man in the drama, "Different stroke."

It was aired with different title here in Japan.

It was a story where white family adopted Black brothers. One of them
is Arnold, the small guy. Newspaper says he didn't grow up physically because
of a kidney diease he suffered as a child. I love the white girl in the
family called Kimbrly. Her boobs was very appealing for me as a junior high student back then.

Are you familiar with the drama?
Japanese dubbed.

10/05/31 03:38:45
I don't think HATOYAMA can govern this country from now on, because he easily changes his past comments and don't keep his words.
The Prime Minister must originally be responsible for everything he has done and otherwise he should regisin his current position immediately.
People say he is the worst Prime Minister in the long history. He may be a person who ruin this country until it's never to be recovered.

10/05/31 15:27:44
As I'm sure you may know, the latest approval rates are down, 17 percent to 19 percent,
while disapproval rates are about 70 on average. In a nutshell, Hatoyama administration is
a lame duck. He can't do anything any more. He should step down NOW!

10/05/31 15:38:09
I wonder who have been supporting THE LOOPY...

10/05/31 16:32:04
I don't know why the approval rates of HATOYAMA adoministration is still so high.
And I'm surprised there are still so many peple who are deceived.
They must recognize immediately how much this Japan is exposed to the danger and the threats of the countries around this country.
If we continued to allow LOOPY'S to govern this country with the stupid policies anymore, peaceful future could be expected.

10/05/31 17:04:08
According to the 20 percent core base theory, about 20 percent of the Japanese people are the voters base for Democratic Party,
so even some of them started to quit supporting Hatoyama. That means a lot to the rest of us.

Are you kidding? It's only 17 percent at best. 70 percent is against Hatoyama.
His party will lose the next election. That's for sure.
The more important thing is, LDP can win trust from voters.
If LDP doesn't win, then Ozawa will try to form a new coalition government.
That would be the worst ending. He'll do anything he likes that would harm most Japanese people.

10/05/31 17:25:04

10/05/31 17:41:41
I'm serious. 17 percent is still so high.
Around 10 percent is normal and under 5 percent is even better, because I'm concerend that DP may use every unfair measure they can take in oreder to win the election.
You may think I'm too worried, but they have sticky and strong weapons such as the mass media, the partial root of evil spreading through this country.
HATOYAMA and OZAWA is just a cancer of Japan. We must protect this wonderful country from being ruined.


10/05/31 18:14:22
I agree with you mostly, and according to the niconico poll, it's only 5 percent approval.
So those who use the Internet to read news are sharply against Hatoyama.
Older generations, mainly in their 60 or higher, still use legacy media to retrieve information
and no wonder some of them still don't realize Democratic Party is injustice. What we can do for now
is let them know the truth. They support DP out of their innocent ignorance.

10/05/31 19:09:58
No offence, but the niconico poll part made me lol.

10/05/31 19:19:55
I think so, too.
People who are "DANKAI" or more aged generations seem unlikely to think about Jananese future seriously,
and what is worse, almost all of them like to watch NHK and strongly believe the TV programs or information provided by it is almost true.
It's hard to make the people persisting in one belief realize that they should change their thoughts.
What younger generations can do is go to the polls and choose the statemen/women truely hoping to change this country better.

10/05/31 19:42:33
It's conducted when you are on Niconico, and you are suddenly linked to a questionnaire video,
then you are asked to answer all questions within 200 seconds,
one person can vote only once. How many people answer? It's about 100,000.
The admins break down data into each category - like approval rates in each generation.
As for me, I happened to take part in the poll once.
I'd say it's safe to say it's the voice of the Internet users.
Though, of course, that doesn't mean all the Japanese people.

I'll definitely go vote for LDP this summer. Make Hatoyama know he should get out!

10/05/31 20:50:46
You were right. It's surely under 20.

10/06/01 00:04:10
This thread is only decent one.

10/06/01 00:07:56
What do you mean by that?

10/06/01 00:32:39
Hey, I heard that another king of tax evation appeared in England.
I'm concerned the british government is also loopy. You know, after it came to light
Hatoyama tried to evade tax, he started to lose his trust completely and
just within a window of 8 months the approval rate reached 17 percent.

10/06/01 10:16:27
evation? what's that?

10/06/01 13:02:31
Hatoyama's crooked face always makes me angry...

634:Native Speaker :3
10/06/01 13:13:11
I think that he means "Evasion". 'Evade' means something like 'Avoid'.

10/06/01 13:19:47
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10/06/01 13:26:14
Tell me about Tea Party.

10/06/01 13:57:23
I nearly lose my temper by his stupid face.

10/06/01 14:00:56
I second that.

639:Native Speaker :3
10/06/01 14:03:37
They are a group of people that don't like the Obama administration.
I personally don't like them very much though; they're the same people that said "love it or leave it" when George Bush was in office.

They think that the United Stats is going to become some Socialistic half-Communist tyrannic empire that wants to enslave their children and kill old people
(they actually thought the Health Care bill included killing old people).
The same people also pulled their kids out of school when a speech that Mr. Obama made for the nation's students was supposed to be shown because they thought it would be propaganda.

10/06/01 14:12:57

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  .   |.   |   |. \   `ー'  /
  .   |   )  .|   ` ―--―- '
  .   |   |  .|       I'm sorry for making you lose your temper.

641:Native Speaker :3
10/06/01 14:18:19
I know a game that you guys might like to practice reading English with. It's called Nethack.

As you read the scroll, it disappears. This is an identify scroll.--More--

--.---------- #
# --.-.-

Gareth the Stripling St:17 Dx:13 Co:18 In:6 Wi:9 Ch:10 Lawful
Dlvl:2 $:29 HP:12(16) Pw:2(2) AC:6 Exp:1

That probably didn't come out right but there's a lot of text.

Also, prepare to die. A lot.

10/06/01 14:45:44
Last I heard, Tea Party has become sort of influential.

Speaking of games, I'm playing Dragon Age as I said before, and it
seems hard to get the hang of it. I haven't acquired coercion skill
and so failed to convince NPCs several times. How pathetic.

643:Native Speaker :3
10/06/01 14:52:12
Yea, a lot of candidates for State elections are trying to get their votes.
That's a good thing for the Democrats, though, because when a party splits only half of the votes count against the other major party.

I'm more of a FPS guy but don't give up :D

10/06/01 14:59:20
He looks like Hideo Noguchi.

10/06/01 15:28:40
In this globalized world we're living in, being monolingual makes you isolated both culturally and politically.
Even if you're not traveling anywhere you still have plenty of opportunity to use the language you've learned.
You can experience media in its original language (I always try to do that), communicate with people from different countries through the internet and get a different perspectives on global events by reading news from other countries.
Ethnocentricity was cool 200-300 years ago during the colonial age.

10/06/01 17:17:02
Have you ever seen this video?

The video is about 15 years old, but I think Ozawa has been no different than he used to be 15 years ago.
What he is doing is pulling strings behind the scene. It's disgusting.
Besides, Ishibashi Takaaki of Tunnels was quite witty and sarcastic against Ozawa at that time.
Hope Takaaki will do the same again now.

10/06/01 19:25:18
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10/06/02 02:21:17
What do you think of his magic, using an i-pad.
I'm impressed with his magic but it seems like quite a lot of people commented there
calling hime fake or anything. Probably people there are apple products haters
and couldn't help but being rude to him, too.
Subbed in English so you can enjoy his tricks in English.


If you want more, you can check this video, too.
I'm sure even people who claim the magician in the first vid is fake will agree
this man in the second vid is REAL.

10/06/02 04:07:54
It'll have been being sunny today.
I'm not happy.
I like the thunder.

Don't write Japanese here.
And every one dislike political a topic.
Be careful.

10/06/02 05:17:06
in 2ch, here, we have seen much political actibities by those who is zealous to support their favorite political group.
you can clearly see that in this thread.

so, all we have to do is to neglect such topics.
generally the people contribute to 2ch hate those contributores and those who reply them.

just neglect them or you are regarded as one of them.

10/06/02 05:18:03

10/06/02 09:24:47
Why do you think that Mizuho Fukushima should not run for the next election?

10/06/02 10:10:48
You misunderstood me. I didn't say she should not run for the election.
"If she should not run for the election, she wouldn't have gone this far."
That's it.

By the way, break news.
Hatoyama quit! He step down.

10/06/02 10:18:57
We clearily say Hatoyama is the worst Prime Minister in the history of Japan.
He even looks like a pigion fleeing from a cage.

10/06/02 11:00:39
The horrible things strikes me. That is, Ozawa hinding from the scene for a while before the election,
a new person getting ahead, voters will be tricked into believing Democratic Party is believable.

10/06/02 13:58:10
You should confirm the fact more carefully.
Mizuho Fukushima has been improving performance in labor policy.
She is not a wage-snatch.

10/06/02 14:17:44
Hatoyama talks about the reasons of his resignation without any reflection, which meks me irristibally angry.
How do the Japanese think about his stupid attitudes and comments in the coverage?
Can we really leave Janapese future to the fool party like this?
The size of Hatoyama's brain must be the same as that of pigeons.
He is definately the worst Prime Minister and just a shame of Japan.

658:Native Speaker :3
10/06/02 17:17:22
Here's a funny story.
One day on 4chan's '/jp/ - Otaku Culture' board somebody asked for a translation to a panel in a hentai manga.
It meant 'The pleasure of being cummed inside' but everybody began to argue about whether it'd be better to just translate it as "I love to be cummed in" ,ect
They then continued to argue about whether it even mattered if you actually translate hentai or just put text into the boxes because the story isn't really the point.

Now on /jp/ if you ask them to translate anything from Japanese to English the first reply will always be: My Japanese is a like shaky... but I think it has something to do with pleasure, and cumming.
You can even try it yourself.

659:Native Speaker :3
10/06/02 17:25:56
little*, not like

660:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/06/02 20:30:47
About Hatoyama's resignation.
I really think now it's time to redo the Restoration.
Because, in my view, all political parties are hopeless in Japan today.
I wonder who is the competent politician? I don't know at all.

10/06/03 05:18:54
What fact do I have to confirm?
I don't have any confidence in her. She's unrealistic.

I'm not completely sure if what you meant by the Restoration was, like, all the current political parties
should be disbanded once and then they should form new parties only if their basic policies and thoughts are shared.
But if that's the case, yeah, I agree with you totally.
We shouldn't support Democratic Party in order to achieve this. If DP has enough seats in the Diet, then
they'll say, " voters gave us a chance to do anything we like". That'd be the worst.
The least we could do to avoid such situation is to vote against Democratic Party and make them understand
what we expect politics to be. That's why I'm on your side.

Now to answer your question, able politicians...yeah...I think that depends on personal lookouts on life,
you know, there might be a person who still believes Hatoyama is a good politician, but
in my opinion, Ishiba shigeru deserves your attention, if you are the type of person who
felt irritated at the news that mouth-and-foot disease is spreading in Miyazaki prefecture or that Hatoyama
was responsible for causing trouble in getting rid of the dangerousness of Futenma Camp.
He knows what he's doing. He's trustworthy. Anyway, I think it's best for you to see Niconico videos in the political section.

10/06/03 13:40:53
All facts which were of help as evidence when you post >>653.

10/06/03 16:37:19
Suppose we change the subject.
I'm getting tired of this.

10/06/03 21:45:43
No idea what to say...

10/06/03 21:53:25
me too.

10/06/03 23:31:08
Aren't you sleepy?

10/06/03 23:35:49
I wasn't asleep. I heard every word you guys ware saying.

10/06/04 00:07:35
That's it for ABCnews,
Good night, America.

10/06/04 00:32:20

670:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/06/04 20:34:12
Indeed, Sigreru Ishiba may be trustworthy. I do think his speaking is always simple and easy to people.
But, to my surprise, he does believes in UFO. I think he is too obedient and doesn't doubt if UFO really
exists or not. At the point, I can't have high opinion about him.
Because, I don't believe in the occult at all. If you say "UFO really exists!", let me see the testimony.
That are two testimonies; a real UFO and aliens are in.
I wonder if occult freaks can show anti-occult freaks including me that.

671:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/06/04 20:39:47
Oh, sorry. I've made a mistake again...

○Sigeru Ishiba
×Shigeru Ishiba

10/06/05 04:52:21
His way of explaining things is simple but quite logical, and about UFO,
I did see a video on YT when he mentioned it. In my opinion, he wasn't too
serious about it coz he seemed just to have fun talking about UFO. Let me point
out this: He's realistic when it comes to the security issue.
I'm sure you know about that, though..

Beside that, have you heard that Hatoyama actually gave his companions lots of money?
He said he didn't do that... Liar..

10/06/05 10:59:41
I think Japanese names shouldn't be romanized.
Nobody who doesn't speak Japanese can remember those convolutions of
syllables anyway.
Instead, people should use a translation of the meaning of the characters
that make up their name. Like, someone named 真田 wouldn't be called
"Sanada" abroad, but instead "Truefield."
How cool is that? I wouldn't mind being called Mr. Truefield.
Much better than people calling you Sadanada or Salada, isn't it?

10/06/05 11:09:30
Then, what would 佐藤 be?
鳩山元総理 would be ex Prime Minister PigeonMountain?
That's silly. If CNN called him that way, Japanese audience would hardly stop laughing.

10/06/05 11:20:11
Could translate that as Dovemount. Sounds fine to me.

10/06/05 11:30:10
Dovemount sounds kind of like the famous American 矢口大学 (Dartmouth College).

10/06/05 12:56:40
Kan speaks fluent Japanese.
Better than Hatoyama does, I think.

10/06/05 13:23:00
I mean Kan is a slick politico.

10/06/05 13:26:51
Hope he is not as loopy as Hatoyama.

10/06/05 14:27:41
I think Sengoku is the best in the DPJ.
Though I know you like a younger politician, he is well conversant in a wide rage of policy issues.

10/06/05 15:44:03
I wouldn't set hope high if I were you.
Read this article.


Sorry to disappont you, but I have to inform you that he's not an able person.
On the contrary, he'll do harm to the Japanese society.
I'm not sure you heard about this, but let me take it as an example; Sengoku tried
to deregulate the doctor lisence, he said Japan was going to let people practice medicine
without being licensed in Japan.. And I remember he has some kind of connection with
Korean doctors, which suggest that he plans to let Korean plastic surgeons earn huge money.
Who can be sure there'll be no trouble with such doctors? He's too shallow..


10/06/05 16:05:22
Who do you believe in then?

10/06/05 16:26:23
Oh, another issue of political money...?
I'm sick of it.

10/06/05 16:32:53
Sounds like we all are sick of politics.
Where are we going without a true leader?

10/06/05 16:35:58
But honestly, have we ever had anyone respected as a true leader?

10/06/05 16:40:06
Yoshida Shigeru was one of the true leaders of Japan.

10/06/05 16:49:21
Oh, sorry. I'm not that old and don't know how great he was.

10/06/05 16:52:29
Ahh, you only know bureaucrats ruled Japan, right?

10/06/05 17:15:43
That's right. And I can't expect anyone.
Nothing would change significantly whoever becomes the prime minister.
Maybe slightly changes something but it doesn't really matter.
I might be wrong for thinking this way but...

10/06/05 17:25:55
the glass prison

10/06/05 17:32:52
You can keep throwing a fit non-stop in here and it will change nothing. That's for sure.

10/06/05 17:53:21
5 years ago or so, some of the guys I knew said Koizumi was a tough guy. But I said the Japs didn't like him in the end, saying he was the worst PM in the postwar history.
Anybody ends up like that, even though koizumi and hatoyama are totally different.

10/06/05 19:17:11
anal cunt

10/06/05 19:27:59
The least I could say is that things have been worse than they used to be after Democratic Party
took over Japan.They call themselved Democratic, but what they did for the past 9 months made our lives
worse. Come to think of it, Kan is also responsible for that since he was a member of the Hatoyama administaration,
but he became Prime Minister. What was that?
He sure can be a good performer and entertainer, but he isn't the appropriate kind of person who deserves to be manage
a state. Sadlly, some Japanese people love to make out a performer to be a good politician (and get disappointed after
he or she isn't far from it)..

Anyway, what we should do now is stop DPJ from doing anything as they like.
In order to do so, we should vote against the party. I'll probably vete for LDP or
Tachiagare Nihon or Nihonsousin, I'm still not decided on where to vote for, but
one thing is for sure; I'll never ever support DPJ.

10/06/05 20:25:31
The least I could say is that we should rely on ourselves.
No matter who the prime minister is.

10/06/05 20:51:55
In my opinion, Japanese politics won't change whoever the prime minister is.
Anyway, it's not prime minister but the U.S. that moves Japan.
The U.S. wrote the senario to make the DPJ fall from the top political party.

10/06/05 21:05:39
Only non-affiliates(voters) can move Japan, not the US.

10/06/05 23:47:11
The LDP's new plan looks like combining a consumption tax hike (from the current 5% to 10%) with a corporate tax cut.
Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) has been asking for this for years, and the LDP seems ready for it now.
It's the voters that are likely to get stuck in a loop, after all...

10/06/05 23:48:52
i dont know much about it but i have this opinion that "the systems" in japan is the problem, like the bureaucratic (kanryo) system.
something is not right about it - not just politicians or citizens.
i think i need to read karen van wolferen's books or something...

10/06/05 23:54:24
so all i can say about that is even if you have another PM, things will end up the same way.
its not about what tax laws or child support laws that the government might implement.

10/06/06 06:02:01
I liked Koizumi.
Then again, the main reason I liked him was probably
that he looked like a Japanese version of Richard Gere.

702:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/06/06 07:13:47
I see. I might have made a misunderstand about him.
From now on, I'll think better of him.
