Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141 - 暇つぶし2ch263:名無しさん@英語勉強中
10/05/05 11:51:33
I don't think working women think Hikky men attarctve. Women want men to
be tough basically, and Hikky men tend to be considered to be weak.
I wonder if attractive Hikky men exist in the first place. It's not about
just about preparing meal for a working women. I mean, they don'want ugly unattractive
Hikky men to serve meals for them. They don't want to live with them for that matter.

If there were Hikky men who look like Johnny's boys, some working women could hire them
to get them to prepare meals, cleaning rooms etc. I'm a man but I don't want to serve working women.
Call me I'm against gender equality or whatever, but I think me should be a brad winner. I can't take the
ideas of men act like a servant of working women. If working women take even hikky men who prepare
for thier meals superor to working women, then I'd take the job. If working women think they are
superior to hikky men, then I wouldnt want to take the job.

Besides the condition I said, I'd need to make love with a working woman who lives
with him as a condition to work for her. So the woman would need to be
beautful. Even a Hikky man wants to make love with a (beautiful) even if
they know they are asking for the moon. Even women have sexula drive so
I want one sex or two a week included in the contract with working woman.
