Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 141 - 暇つぶし2ch221:名無しさん@英語勉強中
10/05/02 19:53:24
Thanks for the welcomen my friend! I do not know anything about anime or cartoon.

No? He was wearing a green hoodie. A very nerdy one that looks like a fricken frog.

10/05/02 19:58:00

No problem. How's it going?

10/05/02 19:59:41
Then what do you know about Japan?

10/05/02 20:17:27
Hi there English-speaking Italian, don't worry, you don't
have to know much about the country when you join a chat
room run by the local people.

10/05/02 20:20:44
I am afraind I could not figure out what you wanted to say,
Since i understand japanease , please speak up in japanese.

10/05/02 20:26:37

I am >>224 (not >>223) and I don't know much about Italy or
the Italian language. I hope you were not talking to me
on >>225.

10/05/02 21:10:00
Why are you so uptight?
I guess the Italian got bored and went to bed. (There was no topic to begin with.)
You don't know about Italy either, right?

10/05/02 21:46:50
Hey everyone. English speaking Baboon here.

10/05/03 01:13:29
welcome to the 2ch zoo.
I'm the giraffe, the principal of this zoo.

please feel free to use any facilities.
your cage is over there, next to polar bear's.

10/05/03 04:50:05
sup guys, its the english speaking american here again.
I heard about 2 chan from 4chan. It is an image board similar to this but in english.
Come visit some time.

make sure to say hello in the anime section!

10/05/03 05:00:52
Ok now. I have a discussion topic for you.

Since you are mostly male NEETs with chronic hikikomori tendencies, why
don't you find a woman who works all day and comes home tired and hungry,
and cook, pamper, accompany her?

Your life would be more sustainable and you would feel wanted.

You don't have to marry her or make commitments, just be a good guy
she can come home to and relax with.

Something like an "home friend" relationship.

Why and why not? Discuss...

10/05/03 11:07:49
I all enjoy my own hikikomori world although I have women(wife and daughters) who love me.

10/05/03 11:10:32
>>232 I am asking the unattached hikikomoris.

10/05/03 11:31:26
Sorry, I was not responding to your post. I just introduced myself.
Why don't you introduce yourself to hikkies? Are you one of them?

10/05/03 13:03:38
I'm not hikky, but I think that if I lived in Japan I would be classified as one eventually.
I spend most of my time at home, leaving only for University, and even that is increasingly difficult to do.
Hm, the only thing that might keep me from isolating myself entirely is the fact that my parents won't support me when I move to Japan.
I'll be forced to work. I suspect the rest of my time will be spent in some small apartment, though, wasting away. Haha.

But how do you expect them to actually meet the women if they generally keep away from social activities?
Other than that, though, I would love to have the life you described. It'd be great.

10/05/03 13:37:40
I view you as a positive hikky who has a life plan for the future.

10/05/03 13:49:33
We do not call such a guy hikky.

10/05/03 13:58:08
You don't?
But I believe most of the hikkies have their own plan for the future.

10/05/03 17:38:48
This week is called GOLDEN WEEK in Japan. We have consecutive national holidays which are supposed to boost economy.
As for me, a hikky with less money who never contribute the economy.

10/05/03 19:20:41
If you are a hikky, it doesn't matter if it's a consecutive holiday
or not.
Because in your case, everyday is Sunday anyway.

10/05/03 20:23:08
>>233 No, I am the Janiztarento fan, not a hikikomori.
>>231,>>233 are mine.The thought occurred to me when I watched this
clip about Kame cooking for his drama crew at the shooting studio.
It would be such a great world to come home to cooked food and a
supportive, pampering male company. Since hikikomoris are housebound,
why shouldn't they cook and care for a working woman? In return the woman
becomes his outside agent, buying him manga, anime, figurines, posters,
accompanying him when he needs the company.
It makes so much sense.
Actually it could be a drama story.

10/05/03 20:37:36
 (;`・ω・)  。・゚・⌒) I will cook fried rice!!
 /   o━ヽニニフ))

10/05/03 21:36:45
There are several types of hikkies.
Some hikkies have regular jobs but don't like to socialize much.

10/05/03 22:33:29
I understand.
It's not lack of the ability to interact with people but your preference.

10/05/03 22:42:49
It doesn't matter if it's a national holiday season to hikkies cause everyday is a holiday
for them.
God bless ya'll ! lol

10/05/03 23:05:55
The golden week gives me lots of time to study English.
I have no choice but to be a hikkie.

10/05/03 23:14:56
>>235 we need a working woman-hikkikomori matching agency.

10/05/03 23:42:55
As one of hikkikomoris, I would say they are mostly self-centered people.
So I doubt they can be a dedicated partner.

10/05/03 23:55:44
You have no chance to meet someone...
It's becoming increasingly difficult to socialize with people here in Japan, even
compared to two or three years ago back then.
Single men and women are all having hard time looking for their soulmates.
All these couple of years are marked as, say, almost a "pradigm shift" of views of marriage.
Young people were trying to choose "good-looking mates."
Their mates had to be handsome, or beautiful in the first place.
But the reality is, they can't find anyone with that condition.
They began to find someone "not so handsome, not so beautiful."
Of course handsome men and beautiful women are best even now, but they started
to learn to compromise.

10/05/04 01:43:12
I don't know about that... For me, it's true that I am very apathetic at times, but I like to make people happy.
So while I think all hikikomori are somewhat self-centered, I think it differs to what degree.
I would personally like nothing more than to do all I can to make a woman happy. I'd even learn to cook, haha.

10/05/04 01:58:02
I can't wait to see what >>448 will say.

10/05/04 04:25:54
What happened to >>3?
This thread needs more kune-kune.

10/05/04 06:16:00
>>249 Looks are important,everyone should try to look their best,
actually trying to look good is nicer than looking good by default.
Men and women should groom well for comfortable social interaction.
So there should be a group meeting to discuss the skills, habits, likes, dislikes
etc. The women should ask specifically :
What can he cook? How is he with the housework?
Is he able to care for a woman, is he willing to learn?
Is he able to take away her worries, comfort her tired mind?
Can he for instance clear the table and and run a bath for her,
after dinner? etc etc
What manga/anime/film/music is he into? What are his must-have
Likewise, the hikki asks the woman what she is willing to do.
Will she provide for both of them? Buy his manga/anime/film/music?
What does she expect in the evening? What can she give?

This is a partnership contract that should be time limited.
Say, you commit to it for a day, week, month and three months.
After that all ties are severed unless the both are willing to
Also it should be in written contract as to exactly what conditions
they have agreed to.
So these issues, normally not talked between dating couples, should be resolved
much before, and a synergy is found rather than clashing interests.
Think of it companies merging for profit, not people making sacrifices.
like in a relationship.That way chances of success would be high.
It is like having good flatmates, rather than romantic relationships.
I think it is better than a relationship,

10/05/04 06:28:43
Out of curiosity, are you a hikikomori?

10/05/04 07:02:52
>>254 I am not.

10/05/04 07:48:14

10/05/04 08:03:02
I see, thank you. Anyway, your ideas are great. I could really see it catching on.

10/05/04 11:10:25

No, no, no. >>249 is not me if that is what you mean.

>>257 Thanks. I do not see much excitement over the idea, only a few
expressed their opinions.

10/05/04 19:55:04
faggots and their stupid jibba jabba

10/05/05 06:14:03
>>259 how shallow and short sighted can you get. don't read it
if you don't like it! Say it only if you have something useful to say.

261:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/05/05 08:09:31
In GW, I went to Nara Prefecture, is held the commemorate events
for 1300th anniversary of Nara Heijo-Kyo Capital with my family.

10/05/05 10:08:09
So how was it?

10/05/05 11:51:33
I don't think working women think Hikky men attarctve. Women want men to
be tough basically, and Hikky men tend to be considered to be weak.
I wonder if attractive Hikky men exist in the first place. It's not about
just about preparing meal for a working women. I mean, they don'want ugly unattractive
Hikky men to serve meals for them. They don't want to live with them for that matter.

If there were Hikky men who look like Johnny's boys, some working women could hire them
to get them to prepare meals, cleaning rooms etc. I'm a man but I don't want to serve working women.
Call me I'm against gender equality or whatever, but I think me should be a brad winner. I can't take the
ideas of men act like a servant of working women. If working women take even hikky men who prepare
for thier meals superor to working women, then I'd take the job. If working women think they are
superior to hikky men, then I wouldnt want to take the job.

Besides the condition I said, I'd need to make love with a working woman who lives
with him as a condition to work for her. So the woman would need to be
beautful. Even a Hikky man wants to make love with a (beautiful) even if
they know they are asking for the moon. Even women have sexula drive so
I want one sex or two a week included in the contract with working woman.

264:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/05/05 13:44:32
It was fun. Especially in the Hall of the Great Buddha in Todaiji-temple.
There is a hole of one of the pillars is as big as the Great Buddha's nostril
to creep through. They say if you do it, you can get a benefit to be in good
health. In there, I saw a boy who looks about 16 creeping through there. But,
his body is too big to do it, so, his mother helped him to do it.
Before he did, I tried to do it too. But, after that, I gave up.
Because I'm nearly 20, so, if I did, I'll be ashamed too.

10/05/05 14:07:50
Don't be shy. They say "A man away from home need feel no shame"

10/05/05 14:16:29
I thought I was conservative...
...You are much more conservative than me but i understand you as a man.

10/05/05 14:18:41
Who are "they"?

10/05/05 14:46:20

    ヽ)^o^)ノ   hi there, >>252!! how r u?☆♪^^
    (  (     kune~kune~ ♪
     )  )

10/05/05 15:49:20
This sounds like a Swedish househusband thread. It is very common in
Scandinavia for stay-at-home men to workout and be very good in
Cooking, cleaning and pampering.

Here's a tip: When you are waiting for your browser or download or
torrent: Work out. Pressups and Situps and flexing. All helps.

10/05/05 15:52:55
It's too hot to do some exercise.

10/05/05 15:55:56
Social isolation is usually the result of various mental conditions. It doesn't normally have anything to do with how attractive a person is.
Unless that person has been insulted, and stays inside because of that. But that can't be said of many hikkies.
So saying that hikkies as a whole are unattractive is silly.

As for the rest of your post, you seem to have a problem with supposedly "strong" women.
What you basically said is that men are superior to women, so they can't be in a lower position than a woman.
How ridiculous. The fact that a woman is a woman doesn't lower her status as a human. I thought we'd all gotten over the patriarchal bullshit.
And if you want to have mandatory sex in the contract, hire a prostitute. That's what they do.
And I'm a male, by the way, not some raging feminist.

10/05/05 16:43:05
Are you from Scandinavia?

10/05/05 17:04:06
Holly shit!!
I won't stop, can't stop , and sing song loud all in a day.
I am only making a loud with my favorite instrument,and sound.
Girls, Go Maniac!!

10/05/05 17:26:32
is there any hotties?

10/05/05 19:35:53
How about fatties?

10/05/05 21:16:18
Here you are. Enjoy it.
How's it going, mate?

10/05/05 21:26:45
Are you a fattie with triangular man titties?

10/05/06 03:13:03
I wouldn't call it a mandatory sex because a working woman'd hire a male hikky who
she thinks attractive besides having cooking and claning skills.
It's win-win as long as every man and woman has sexua drive.

A prostitute is out of the question. There's no love there. As for a sex of
a hikky and a working woman, there may not be love but, it's different from
a sex with postitute in a way that they are attracd with each other to some extent.
I'd call it vertual ralationship or whatever. Not as dry a relationship as that with

10/05/06 04:22:41
I am glad that hikki-office lady idea is creating some discussions!
I think every woman would love a man to cook and pamper her in the evening.
That is why men who cook are so popular. We need a person who cares for us.
A hikikomori can do this job if he has the right mental attitude.
It has nothing to do with any ideology, it is driven purely by economy.
>>263 I want to remind you that originally this union is meant for a
mutual benefit for the working woman coming home late and the hikikomori staying
at home all the time. It is not a relationship union. It is more like a flatmate
partnership, but your flatmate(s) works for you. It is not based on attraction
but compatibility of needs.

10/05/06 04:48:10
btw i don't see how person caring for someone is seen as a "servant".
If you are a cook, hotal attendant, masseur, laundry staff, does that make you a servant?
No. Cooking for your flatmate, helping her relax does not make you a servant,
You are not her butler, just someone who does specific tasks while you are at home.
It is just a mutually convenient existence.

10/05/06 06:24:44
Hotel attendant, laundry staff cook jobs all have servant-ish jobs if you ask me.

From old times, women cook for men. that's a legacy and that remains
in men's minds. Believe it or not, very common line Japanese men used until a few decades
ago when they ask for woman's hand was "Will you make miso soup (every day) for me?"
The line meant the same as "Will you marry me?" back then.
Miso soup is different from house to house and as you know it's staple soup in Japan's cuisine.

I think in America, the equivalent of miso soup would chicken soup in that
it's slightly different from house to house and it resembles your mother.
I heard chicken soup is often served when you catch a cold, although miso soup
is served no matter if you come down with a cold or not.

Don't know chicken soup is popyular in UK, Australia, NZ etc.

10/05/06 07:25:56
>>281 I think it is so sweet and romantic to ask that question.

It is such a sincere bonding question.

I understand gender segregation has been the norm. However times are changing.

You have a mother astronaut, with a supportive husband, which is so awesome.
It is like her family works like a team.

That is the sort of bonding that you need to build families.

BTW I love miso soup. I try to make it for myself, but I wish to learn
how to make it taste just right.

10/05/06 07:35:26
How do you know there arent any native english speakers posting on here, huh...?

10/05/06 13:53:38
Will you make miso soup for me?

I'm toooooooooooo conservative. I even hate how conservative I am but
I can't change what I am.

10/05/06 14:36:41
Katuma isn't a logical thinker.
It becomes a common sence all over Japan.

10/05/06 16:30:54
>>284 I would, if you are a real Japanese person.

10/05/07 01:40:16
Yeah, I'm Japanese.
I poppd the question and you've just accepted my marriage offer. Yahoooooo!!
I want at least two kids in our family. I'll throw away all Kame's DVD
and videos stored in your PC so that your atentions aren't distracted. Look at me
only me.

Is she a woman who are against the idea of anonymity on the Internet?
I heard she talked with Hiroyuki, who is an administrator of 2chan and
advocates anonymity on the Internet. Tell me more about how the public
discussion went regarding Internet anonymity.

10/05/07 06:23:07
Anyone else here curious how the British elections will turn out?


10/05/07 06:30:31
When I'm not interested in Japanese elections at all how can I be interested in
UK's election? All I'm curious about is my own erection.

10/05/07 06:33:06


10/05/07 06:54:04
>>287 I am suprised. How do you think we will manage our marriage, we live
half way across the world? How do we educate our children?
This is too worrying.
Wait, we hardly know each other! What kind of marriage will it be?
>>288 I voted very early this morning, I wish I could vote every day.
That brisk walk to the polling station was invigorating.

10/05/07 10:41:14
In UK, Votes are casted on a weekday?
In Japan, votes are casted on weekends so that everybody can go to poll.
Voting by absentee ballot is possible, too.

10/05/07 14:26:12

I have Scandinavian Blood, yes. My Grandfather raised me to be a servant,
Because I was arranged into a marriage when I was 6 and my wife was
already extremely talented, even then. Three years of marriage has been
Good for me, like a warm bath for the soul.

10/05/07 16:55:00
what did you guys do today?

10/05/07 21:57:48
YOU!just blazing em up all day, naw meen? working on assignments atm... how could i be fucked doing this on a friday night when all the motherfuckers out for sth. whats happening there niggaz? this goes out to

10/05/07 21:58:43
holla back!!

10/05/07 22:13:31
calm down! hope everything is going alright with you!

10/05/07 22:23:19
haha cheers buddy... all good here...just fucking with ya...what u up to now maynnn?

10/05/07 22:29:49
I'm watching tv,but its kinda boring u know but nothing to do really haha!

10/05/07 23:14:10
May I get a 300??

10/05/07 23:54:38
I eager English 2chanel,please.

10/05/08 00:07:20
yes you may get a 300,and I will get 302,okey?

10/05/08 00:34:32
I'm still restricted.

10/05/08 01:09:03
restricted? what do you mean?

10/05/08 01:10:49
hey guys, Japanimation "K-on" is in now. That is on air every Tuesday midnight.
and that's themesong is very exciting.
following passage is quoted from that song.

"cagayake! girls"
Chathing now! gachi de kashimashi never ending girs talk!

10/05/08 01:48:25
it was really fun,wasn't it?

10/05/08 06:05:04
Hello. Glad to see you're still posting here.
How was your Golden Week?
I'm in the US, so instead of fun holidays I got to do term papers and study for exams...

10/05/08 07:25:57
Today is Saturday, in spite of that,I have to go work.
damn it

10/05/08 07:58:49
you can quit your job anytime.

10/05/08 08:21:29
I don't have a job. I am a neet,but super genius NEET.
I am a fortune of Japna and world.

10/05/08 08:33:09

But do you have money?

10/05/08 08:59:53
I don't have enough money now.
However, It is a eternal truth that I am a super genius NEET.
I have an ability to become a billionaire,but I deliberately wii not become it.
People says to me that I 'm affected with the second year of junior high school disease.
There is no cure for this disease.

10/05/08 09:04:30
how old are you?

10/05/08 09:13:26
I'm in my early thirties.
Laugh at me.

10/05/08 09:18:19

10/05/08 10:06:21
Darn you!!!
Don't laugh at me!

10/05/08 10:35:42
haha you are so funny! I am sure you are kidding,right?
what kind of job do you want to have??

10/05/08 11:28:01
I want to have a super wonderful jop like super hero.
I can't guraduate syonen jump yet.

10/05/08 13:44:53
Yes. I become "MADAO".
He is so cool. He is 38 years old.
I have enough time to be 38.

10/05/08 14:37:59
super hero? how old are you? stop dreaming!

10/05/08 14:38:53
I'm only 21. The power of Youth will fuel my future!

10/05/08 15:06:44
no way,you can't be hero as a job,you'd better become a policeman!

10/05/08 15:49:13
Im ****ing genius

10/05/08 16:37:20
Good to see the thread's still going.

10/05/08 17:47:45
If anyone know how to become "MADAO", please teach me the way.

10/05/08 18:14:10
I don't know what MADAO is (;_;)

10/05/08 18:17:21
Hmm, whether or not to make pancakes for late breakfast...

What kind of breakfasts do people in this thread like? Traditional miso soup & co?

10/05/08 19:30:37
Two slices of very lightly toasted bread with a light spread of
blueberry or raspberry conserve or jam. Delicious.

Pancakes are nice, but usually too much effort to make.

10/05/08 19:49:32
how was your day guys? did you have great day?

10/05/08 21:25:17
I went to cinema and watched the movie with my gay friend,how about you?

10/05/09 00:04:56
My day is only halfway over. It's a little more than 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
I've got plenty of things left to do today, including watching Doctor Who in two hours :-3

What movie did you watch with your friend, and what did you two think of it? I hope you don't mind me asking...

10/05/09 00:08:03
I watched alice in wonderland,do you know it?
its was really good,I like that kind of movies.
where do you live in?

10/05/09 00:22:38
I haven't seen it yet, I'm waiting for it to come out on rental DVDs. It seems like something I'd like, too.
I live in Oxford, UK. I'm not a native speaker though. I only live here because I'm living with my boyfriend, who did some studies here.
We'll be leaving to Germany in a month or two, as he's German.

10/05/09 00:43:33
its amazing that you have a german boyfreind.
but is it okey for you to live in Germany? I mean,do you speak German too?
are you studying German?
and how is the life in Oxford? are people kind?

10/05/09 02:04:43
I'm from Sweden, and as both Sweden and Germany are a part of the EU, it's fine.
I studied some German many years ago. My German is rusty but it's nothing that daily exposure won't cure.

Life in Oxford is pretty good. The people are fairly kind, and as I live quite a bit outside the city centre the surroundings are pretty great for someone who likes nature.
There are lots of birds singing virtually all the time, which I love. My poor boyfriend doesn't, as they wake him up too early sometimes.

10/05/09 02:12:13
>>335 sweden? really? its really cool.
how did you find this thread?

sounds nice,but I often heard that food in UK is not good,what do you think?
is food yummy? do you like Japanese food?

10/05/09 02:15:14
...Hmm. I missed the start of the tv show episode I was planning to watch.
Oh well, I'll just have to wait until after it's finished, and watch it online.

Alice in Wonderland is apparently from Oxford, and they're not shy about it.
Several of my boyfriend's teachers kept using drawings from Through The Looking Glass and the like
for any examples in power point slides and paper hand-outs.

10/05/09 02:26:25
I found it several years ago, when it was at around part 22, because of my boyfriend's interests in Japanese internet culture.
He's been interested in 2ch, 2chan, 4chan (and later 4-ch) since 2004 or so.
I've been away for around two years, though. I couldn't post to 2ch when I moved to England almost two years ago,
I assumed IP ban or the like. I tried posting at January this year, if I recall correctly.
I still wasn't allowed to post. I was listening to my boyfriend's ipod this morning, and came across the song "Southern Cross".
It made me think of this site and so I decided to have a try again. And this time it worked!
I just don't know for how long it will last. :-/

10/05/09 02:39:47
English food isn't that bad, but sort of quite fatty. I can see why they use malt vinegar so much.
A lot of traditional English food is quite unhealthy... I've become quite fond of some things, though.
Steak and ale pie, for instance. Pretty great, but apparently it's supposed to be eaten with potato chips
(as opposed to crunchy "crisps"). I'd rather skip that and just have it with steamed vegetables.
My boyfriend and I tried making it last week, it turned out pretty tasty, but we forgot about that we halved
the recipe, so we overcooked it a little.

I'm quite fond of Japanese food, even natto. But then again I'm used to pickled herring, and "kaviar", in Sweden,
so maybe that explains why I like natto in spite of that most people, including Japanese, don't.

I apologise for posting so many posts in a row :-/ I don't have much to do this hour except for washing dishes, folding more laundry, and waiting for the tv episode to be put online.
I've been sitting here taking a bit of a break with some herbal tea.

10/05/09 05:01:51
So there are many geniuses mentioned on this thread

>>272-san who is Nordic with a genius wife
>>339-san is a Swede who has a genius Oxbridge student as a
>>331-san who claims to be a NEET genius.
That was some useful observation. (NOT)

10/05/09 06:46:43

I agree, english food is unhealthy. We like to fry pretty much everything (including chocolate bars...)

10/05/09 08:03:21
Eating enough food is no better healthy than taking alcohol is.

10/05/09 09:37:38
>>342 I agree.

Today I went to Brazilian cafe. Had fejoada and then macchiato. The coffee was good. I wouldn't say the food was that good.

Then met my collegues at a posh bar, dressed casually. Had Havana Mojito. Take a way the mint, ice and the pipette,
there was hardly any rum in it. Pass.

Then I went to an 80s college party, had a couple of pints, sweated it off on the dance floor, invited a couple of young
Chinese and a Brit =to dance with me.

Now I can't sleep. So I, the Kame wota, decided to write to you what I had done today.

What is at fault? The macchiato?

10/05/09 10:14:05
Japanese food are not healthy now.
We use a lot of artificial sweetener.
The Japanese pickles sold in stores often include many artificial coloring.

10/05/09 10:17:30

If you're in bed with the Chinese and the Brit, I think it's pretty clear what
the fault was.

10/05/09 10:49:27
I think Japaneses food is really healthy,there are not a lot of fat people in Japan.
US people eat too much.

10/05/09 11:10:04
I think , indeed, it is not nation's but individual problem.
There are a number of fat in Japan also.

Fat people have a weak mind.So they cannot help eating so much on their heart.

10/05/09 11:12:21
The US food merchandise printed with the norigication "0g trans fat per serving ."
Japanese food safety seems to be late.
I think that US people only eat too much but that the food is safety.

10/05/09 11:13:23

10/05/09 12:07:33
at least,I don't want to live in US,I went to some countries,but I realized that food
in other countries is generally not so good, also people are not as kind as Japan.
Japanese clerks are really polite,helpful,kind.
Japan is the best in my opinion.

10/05/09 12:16:34
I have never been to overseas yet.and I am twenty four year old.
Now, I am studying English very hard everyday,in spite of my hard job as a formal employee.
I always have approximately 4~5 hours sleep.
I always feel drowsy.

But I have a Dream.
I wanna to be English teacher in high school.

I hope.
"Hope" is good thing.
so I love the movie "The Showshank Redemption".

10/05/09 12:24:21
Are you a Japanese? If you are not,
Thank you for your having good impression on Japan.
Do I have "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"?
I've never gone abroad. I want to see the grass of other countries sometime.

10/05/09 12:45:35
its good that you have a dream, hope you can be a English teacher.
why do you want to become a English teacher ?

10/05/09 13:10:19
because I like studying English. and English is the most valuable course of Japan,I think.

10/05/09 13:32:37
okey,good luck with your English.
I think you can be a teacher soon.

10/05/09 13:42:56
Thank you.
I have never been to overseas, so I wanna try to go abroad once.
Therefore, I have to save money.
I will go to Canada or England to learn English.
Probably, Canada I will. Because English which is used in Canada is,so to speak,
neutral English.
English which is taught in Japanese school is a neutral English.

10/05/09 13:58:45
how much money have you saved so far?

10/05/09 14:26:10
It's a little little money I have saved.
I have to save money not less than three hundred yen,to succeed my trip

10/05/09 14:31:47
\300? I guess you meant \3,000,000.

10/05/09 14:34:30
Oops... sorry, yes ,you are right.
I need to save \3,000,000 approximately.

10/05/09 14:40:03
come on,you must work hard or you never can save that much money..
are you a part time worker now?

10/05/09 14:52:44
No I am a full-time employee.
I will manage to do.
Just I should do it.

10/05/09 14:58:39
But once you've saved up enough money, you're gonna simply quit the job and go abroad?

10/05/09 15:15:47
Yes yes. I will quit my job.
Perhaps every my colleague will say that I am reckless.

10/05/09 15:26:39
Hello, all
I'm stduying English in the university.
Today is Mother's Day.
Have you prepared presents for your mother?

10/05/09 15:39:07

I forgot. oops...

10/05/09 15:42:22
I cannot do anything for mother's day.
now and then I cannot do.
because my living is just pleasure for parents.

10/05/09 17:12:00
I bought a cake for mothers day,so we are going to eat that cake after dinner.
but it was just 298 yen cheap cake haha.
how about you? did you buy anything for your mom? or did anything for her?

10/05/09 19:00:19
Here, Mother's Day is the fourth Sunday of the Lent period - so this year,
it was on March 14th. The UK's tradition of Mothering Sunday dates back about
500 years, but is now very commercialised, much like the US Mother's Day, which
came about in 1908 after many attempts to establish one.

10/05/09 19:40:16
>>345 there is no mention of that kind of relationship in what I wrote.

Either you don't understand what you read, or you have a repressed
sexuality problem.

10/05/09 22:51:42
I haven't, but different countries have mother's day on different dates.
I gave her a handkerchief on which I had made an embroidery of her favourite flower.

10/05/09 23:14:36
Good luck, in what ways do you tend to study English?

10/05/10 03:14:44
Aren't you k-tan? Because I remember k-tan's boyfriend was German.
K-tan has brown hair. I don't mean to impose handlename on her.
If k-tan wants to hide under anonimity, go ahead.
Dolph Lundgren is not as tall as the date of him claims
according to her story.

Swedish singer Saga is her favorite.

10/05/10 03:30:40
I wonder why person who's been living with German boyfriend
loves a flat faced, skinny bodid japanese.

10/05/10 04:01:22
I guess Natto is O.K throughtout Japan nowadays.Mid Western?-
Kansai(around kyoto, osaka) People used to hate natto but I guess
they can find natto anywhere in kansai. It depends on individuals and natto
is not as hated as it used to be in kansai.

As for me, I eat natto at least once a week or so. Natto's fishy?
smell and stickiness don't offend me. I'm begining to feel uncertain though.

The other day I went to a gyudonya (beef bowl shop). I ate often at gyudonya
because it's rather delicious and cheap.
A gray haired, chubby, middled-aged guy sat next to me.
Then some strong smell started to flow from him.

I thought it was from his socks. It was like the smell of socks with water
left unwashed for certain period. I frowned and spoke ill of him
on my mind.
Soon I realised he ordered natto teisyoku!
Natto teisyoku is not something it shold be in gyudonya at that time.
Natto teisyoku is usually served or orderd in the morining time.
But the gundon shop I went serves natto teisyoku anytime and the
guy orderd it.

When I know it's natto and I am prepared to eat natto, its smell is
nice. But without prior knowleadge, it's bad.

10/05/10 04:05:05
I guess this is it.

10/05/10 04:11:52
I borrowed a link from somebodyelse's homepage.

10/05/10 06:40:35
Wow, didn't think anyone would remember. I'm not trying to hide, so no need to worry :-)
I just didn't see the point of using a handle while being someone "new" here.
Some things confuse me though. I don't remember hearing of a singer named Saga, so I apologise for being ignorant about that.

Also, while I do remember reading the wikipedia article and more about Dolph Lundgren because
it by some reason came up in the conversation, I don't recall discussing his height. orz

10/05/10 06:51:01
Interesting. I have never smelled natto without seeing it first. Thank you for the images, too.
Garlic is usually regarded by others as stinky unless they're eating it themselves, but I've never
felt that way. Perhaps it's because of being used to it from a young age - my parents used to cook
all sorts of international cuisine, and so I learned to regard the scent as something pleasant.

10/05/10 08:04:38

10/05/10 10:33:31
natto is healthy,and yummy

10/05/10 16:21:24
Natto for everyone!

10/05/10 17:46:23
Wow, scary:

> An ongoing project known as The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) is attempting to
> quantify the monetary value of various services that nature provides for us, such as purifying
> water and air, protecting coasts from storms
> [...]

> The rationale is that when such services disappear or are degraded,
> they have to be replaced out of society's coffers.

> TEEB has already calculated the annual loss of forests at $2-5 trillion,
> dwarfing costs of the banking crisis.

From URLリンク(

10/05/10 18:04:05
Natto is a shit. How come japs can eat it.

10/05/10 18:14:33
japs are weird

10/05/10 18:18:08
☓ "Natto is a shit. How come japs can eat it."

◯ "Natto is shit. How come japs can eat it?"

10/05/10 18:28:28
every food will be shit after you ate it!

10/05/10 18:33:16
Too true.

10/05/10 18:35:24
☓ every food will be shit after you ate it!
◯ every food will become shit after you eat it!

10/05/10 18:37:18
thank you for correcting my English!
I ate natto today,soon it will become shit ,but I love it!

10/05/10 18:42:11
no way.

people who eat such foods is absolutely non human.

10/05/10 18:42:52
Then what is human?

10/05/10 18:47:00
But it becoming shit is a good thing!
That means your body has taken nutrients from it and is getting rid of what it did not use!
Shit then can be used by plants and other organisms!
At least they used to when humans shat in the wild.

10/05/10 18:47:41
that is obvious.

the answer is anyone who don't eat such food.

10/05/10 18:50:50
But why? What about such foods is so alien that it means that anyone who eats them are not human?

10/05/10 18:52:57
☓ anyone who eats them are not human
◯ anyone who eats them is not human

10/05/10 18:53:03
so, are you striving to shit under the shiny sun?

10/05/10 18:58:41
judging from using 2bytes word, are you english geek or teacher who like to correct error.

10/05/10 18:59:04
No! But putting shit under earth is useful! It is manure!

10/05/10 19:01:39

10/05/10 19:08:19
how do you bury your mature treasure in the ground?

10/05/10 19:15:38
☓ judging from using 2bytes word, are you english geek or teacher who like to correct error.
◯ Judging from your use of 2-byte words, you're either an English geek or a teacher who likes to correct errors.
◯ Judging from your use of 2-byte words, you're either an English geek or a teacher who likes to correct errors, aren't you?
neither, i am boring. i am also a fish, please do not eat me. i am not delicious nor nutritious.

10/05/10 19:20:47
>>393, 399
Surely, faeces from carnivorous animals such as ourselves is entirely to stinky to use as manure?

10/05/10 21:08:51
So, plant-eating animals shit is not so stinky and cannot be used as manure?

10/05/10 22:13:14
I got bored of natto,lets change the subject.
did you have a great day today?

10/05/10 22:16:36
I had diarrhea today.

10/05/10 22:50:19
why? ate something bad?

10/05/10 22:56:55
I don't know why.
But one thing for sure, it's not because of natto.
I eat natto everymorning.

10/05/10 23:56:19
hey guys, let's not talk about excrement protruding or seeping out of the anal canal of humans and animals.
instead, we can discuss a wide range of topical issues with regard to, say, underclothes covering female crotches, buttocks and such.
i mean, what type of pantsu do you fancy?

10/05/11 00:04:07


10/05/11 00:20:40
Pantsu with Aqua or Pink and White Stripes!

10/05/11 00:26:36
I had diarrhea today.

10/05/11 00:27:14
I know you ate natto, right?

10/05/11 00:36:14
Kamewota danced with a couple of unacquainted guys.
She sent a ok sign to them.

10/05/11 01:28:21
kamewota=k-tan is a suprising fact.
I had never imagined she was k-tan.
Kamewota's address and her passion for a johnny's talent barred me
from reckoning she was k-tan.

In my image k-tan was not a kind of girl who was likely to be
the victim of johhnny's.

10/05/11 01:38:56
side-tie pantsu

Who is Kamewota? She isn't k-tan, though.

10/05/11 01:48:41
On second thought, girl shorts are cute too.

10/05/11 02:23:41
kamewota admited she was k-tan.

10/05/11 02:30:10
>>415 who is k-tan?
why should a Kame fan be his "victim"?

10/05/11 02:32:32
What is a kamewota anyway? A turtle otaku? A big fan of
Financial Services Minister Kamei?

10/05/11 02:55:08
If >>343 was written by a swedish girl in England, then
swedish girl in England = k-tan will be kamewota(fanatic of kamenashi)

10/05/11 03:02:45
Am I confused?
Kamewota is japanese living in England?
>>287 says she is japanese.

10/05/11 03:07:20
I didn't write that. My life isn't that exciting at the moment. I'm more or less like an at-home-wife this month, as my partner and I are moving soon.
We were supposed to move at the end of this month, but some unexpected issues cropped up and now it might be a few weeks later.

By the way, what's kamenashi?

10/05/11 03:11:37
I'm glad you are as smart as I thought you were.

this guy is kamenashi.

it felt strange that person who has a boyfriend like him
loves the quite opposite face like kamenashi.
Now everything unfolds.

10/05/11 03:19:01
I'm not racist, I find a wide variety of looks appealing.

That Kamenashi guy, didn't he play a character in one of the Gokusen series?
Pretty cute, but nothing I'd obsess about. Though one thing that always strikes
me about guys with that sort of hair is how much they somehow remind me of kittens.
Makes me want to pet their hair, as if they are some sort of house cat.

10/05/11 03:20:00
You must not forget your country's big star "saga".

To be honest I think she has good powerful,high tone voice as a prosinger
and has good lookings too.
I guess her English intonation is too influenced by American
acccent, don't you think?

She could have a chance as a commercial singer but she moves
the other way around.

10/05/11 03:32:31
I feel her voice is American. Just an impression.

How important is Odinism and stories surrounding it, like viking

I might be called right winger. But I don't have much interest in
japanese myth and imperial family. I guess these things should be preserved but
these don't excite me much. these are not related to daily life.

Same thing for most of scandinavians?

10/05/11 03:38:56
k-tan and k-tan's boyfriend would make a genius hybrid of
Heisenberg and Bohr.

10/05/11 03:46:20
Well, that's depressing. Quite a waste of a decent voice.

If we're discussing more "viking" style music, I prefer Nordman.
I only have two of their albums, I should probably buy the rest some day.
URLリンク( Beautiful song, great lyrics. Apparently Ultima Thule made a cover of it, yuck.
URLリンク( and so on. The band is good stuff. I prefer my ethnorock without disgusting racism.

Have some random native-pride music that's not racist:
URLリンク( Swedish version
URLリンク( The inferior English version.

By the way, the natives of Scandinavia are the Sami people.
URLリンク( They're pretty awesome, but unfortunately like virtually all indigenous people they've gotten the short end of the stick.

10/05/11 03:58:07
I wish. I'm not likely to reproduce, though.

I don't know how important Odinism is in general in Sweden. I'm very fond of those stories though. Especially the crazy antics of Thor.
Slightly related, the book Röde Orm is pretty fun and great. I own two copies of it, even.
Though that is mostly because they are two different editions with different covers, from two different publishers.

10/05/11 04:01:19
This song is known as a song of Ian Stuart's, British pioneer of
white nationalist music. Saga sung it as tribute to Ian.

If you find the song beautiful and nostalg, you don't have to hide.
The song is originally from danish rock band, white lion.
White lion is not racist band and composer, Mike Tramp
has wife from southeast Asia.

10/05/11 04:08:06
The guy in the center is wearing a pendant of thor?

He is very cool. Is he your future husband?
You might not know who cool-tak and noriaki.
I think cool tak and noriak are comparable to techno viking.
They are pride of Japan.

10/05/11 04:10:44
I just would like to point out that it is possible to be racist and still gleefully fraternise with "inferior" individuals.
One can even be "inferior" yet still discriminate against the group one belongs to. There are plenty of homosexual homophobes, or misogynous women, for instance.

One of my dear friends is ethnically a Jew, but since he looks really "Aryan", at one point an active Nazi befriended him.
That Nazi's attitude was more or less "Jews in general are bad, but you don't count because you're cool and look pure"

10/05/11 04:16:44
Thor's Hammer is a pretty classic pendant. I'd like to buy or make one some day.

10/05/11 04:27:38
Norse mythology is popular in japan in some categories
such as RPGs and adventure comic and novels.

Bersekベルセルク is apparently infuluenced by north western culture.
Berserk is scandinavian language. I have not read bersek though.
I don't like dwaring style of Bersek, firstg of all.

This vehicle is called valkyrie. I didn't know what valkyrie was.
Because it was pronunced English way like vaelkiri:.
Japanese generally call it like walcure, German way.
Word Valkyrie(walcure) is widely known in japan, probably spread by
Wagner's music in Apocalypse Now.

10/05/11 04:32:29
homosexual homophobes

It reminds me of John Wayne Gacy, the worst serial murder.

10/05/11 04:38:29
murderer or killer. sorry.

10/05/11 05:51:18
I, the resident Kamewota of this thread, is a non-Nordic, Non-Japanese eccentric
foreigner living in the UK. Don't confuse me with the Nordics of this thread.
Yes Kame has ben likened to a kitten.
The catboy has grown up under the supervision of Ms Koizumi Kyoko, to become
a young male cat. KyonKyon loves cats.

I am not K-tan btw. Who is K-tan?

10/05/11 06:10:04
>>414 Why are so bothered about me dancing with some college guys?
what do you mean by the OK sign?

10/05/11 06:13:37
BTW I am not only a Johnny's fan, I like most Japanese Rock-POP too, and even
Perfume and AKB48. I will dedicate this sweet song to all who hate me.


10/05/11 06:55:35
Why do Japanese people all hate marijuana? Do you guys not have science over there or something?

10/05/11 10:07:28
Just someone who used to be a regular poster in this thread many parts ago.

That doesn't have anything to do with science.

10/05/11 10:09:38
Does "Kamewota" mean something, or is it just a name that has no meaning?

10/05/11 13:26:12
O.K to have specific relationship.

10/05/11 18:41:19

Oh, hell.

You and I are going to be competing for the role of English teacher,
truly! I graduate this year in Accounting, but because employment
is worthless here, I'm going to become an ALT for a couple
of years until the recession dies.

So, next year I will be teaching English. Hell.

10/05/11 18:49:51
>>441 with an approach to intoxication like that, no wonder Japanese
would be suspicious and wary of foreigners. Who would want their
society to go corrupt?
>>438 -wota is a label for people who are obsessed with something
I think.(ota comes from otaku? correct me if I'm wrng please)
>>439 In Japan is it considered a sign to start a relationship with
someone, if you invite them to the dance floor? I was already with two of my friends,
a woman and a man, and these three were standing there watching with their drinks.
They looked like they wanted the dance,but were too shy, so I went over and pulled them
into our group. How would that be perceived in Japan? At the end of the night, we all
shook hands and went away alone.
A Singaporean man once asked me, upon seeing the Tango class at college, whether the partners
were singles.I explained to them that all participants are singles.
I was shocked when he said" I would never let my wife dance like that with another man"!!
I am trying understand what is acceptable in the East.
>>444 I would dance with you too, if you were there.

10/05/11 18:52:20
...I explained to him that all participants WERE singles.

apologies for my bad English.

10/05/11 20:26:26
     | \
     |Д`)   No one is here.
     |⊂     I can dance now !

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN

10/05/11 22:49:28

10/05/11 22:54:35
        (-_-) . . .

        | (-_-) mmmh
         ─ .U U ────────
      /    .UU

        (-_-) no, that's.... no.

10/05/11 23:20:22
I am here

10/05/12 03:30:44
In Britain and USA all girls have their tongues pierced?
Is it easy to see girls who have tongue pierced abroad in
one day?

10/05/12 04:45:49
I'd say its fairly uncommon in the UK.
A fair few people have them but the majority don't.
It gets looked down on a bit as well.

10/05/12 06:25:54



10/05/12 08:34:59
Pics or gt(ry

But really, if you're going to post something like that here, you should
post it in English.

10/05/12 10:33:17



10/05/12 11:11:04
If Paris Hilton and such girls as Lady GaGA have
their tongue pierced, ever american girl follows.
Who starts this is crucial

10/05/12 16:19:39


Another trend started by stupid celebrities.

10/05/12 19:05:39
hi guys,did you have a wonderful day today? anything fun?

10/05/12 19:27:14
Pretty disturbing that they hate their bodies so much they have to do that to feel good about themselves.
At least that's what Jennifer Love Hewitt seems to do, as she stated she does it to feel good about that part of herself.
Vaguely reminds me of Bobby Neurotic...

Also, I hate how people keep using vagina when they mean vulva or mons pubis.
URLリンク( is not an image of a vagina.
The vagina is internal, and it makes as little sense calling your vulva your vagina,
as calling your scrotum or penis your urethra.

10/05/12 23:50:33
But the word vagina simply sounds better than vulva.

10/05/13 00:05:37
suck my balls

10/05/13 00:56:18
I'd say its fairly uncommon in the UK.
A fair few people have them but the majority don't.
It gets looked down on a bit as well.

10/05/13 01:56:31
one sounds like angina, the other, a Swedish car make...

10/05/13 05:40:14
That is not relevant. Many people don't even say vagina, they just refer to it as if it were a dirty word.
Like "vajayjay" or "vagoo". The right words should be used for the right things. If you don't like vulva, then invent a different nickname for it.
Don't just use a close word for it instead, that is euphemism done severely wrong.
A leg is not a knee, the thigh is not the hamstring, your torso is not your lungs, and your head is not the cerebellum, no matter how much cooler the latter ones might sound.

10/05/13 06:00:56
Volvo means "I roll" in Latin.

10/05/13 12:40:22
hi guys,did you have a wonderful day today? anything fun?

10/05/13 15:44:16
yeah, I've managed to locate a decent Asian supermarket in my city.
I guess reading Japanese recipes will be a lot less frustrating from now on.
I went in, only planning to buy a few things for at most 10 bucks or so (most
importantly a pack of 味噌), but ended up blowing 60 Euros on all kinds
of sauces, candy, noodles, pastes, drinks, canned fish and what have you.

10/05/13 16:48:24
awesome,you should have bought pockys too.

10/05/13 16:53:14
The city I'll be in this summer has an Asian supermarket next to a
Kinokuniya. I wonder how much money I'll end up spending...
I hope I don't get fat from all the Pocky.

10/05/13 17:58:55
I don't have access to a good asian supermarket. It's sad. I ran out of bonito flakes yesterday.

10/05/13 22:42:40
why don't you have access?

10/05/13 23:04:30
when I want to enter the supermarket, the door just won't open.
Instead, the door turns red and a female voice saying "access denied" sounds from a speaker.

10/05/14 01:46:37
>>473 is this an online supermarket? are you some form of cyber entity?

10/05/14 16:09:40
No, it is my local shop. The shop keeper gives a stern face behind the doors
when this happens. I wonder why.

10/05/14 19:49:57
how about doing online shopping? you could buy anything you want I guess.

10/05/14 20:12:44
for test

10/05/15 00:45:22
Nah, they sell that stuff in every normal grocery store around here,
albeit under a different name (Mikado).

cool, I wish I had something like that over here. I do have access
to a very small Japanese book shop that I've checked out today, but they
don't have much that would interest me. The only fields they're fairly
well-stocked in are fashion and gossip magazines (not interested),
European philosophy (can read that in European languages), dictionaries
(already have everything I need), and manga (nice, but I still have like
15 unread volumes sitting on my shelf).
But maybe it's at least cheaper to order stuff through them than
amazon/yesasia, I'll see about that when I order my next batch of books.

10/05/15 01:50:04
I don't understand.

10/05/15 05:14:55
Then you have failed. Please be specific. Please study more words.

10/05/15 10:42:11
I miss *schoolgirl*

10/05/15 18:17:04
who does not miss schoolgirl?

10/05/15 20:26:07
so what?

10/05/16 01:17:07
rolling so whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!

10/05/16 02:43:15
Rolling down the street, smoking indo.

You The Rock smoked indo, and look what happened to him.

486:American Guy on 2ch
10/05/16 05:39:25
I miss schoolgirl ;_;

She used to bake me cookies, and read me bedtime stories. She used to take me on trips all over the world; we scaled Mt. Everest, and dived down to the deepest parts of the Mariana Trench.

I miss you schoolgirl, I really do.

10/05/16 05:53:30
R.I.P your memory.

10/05/16 10:59:15
Dream on, dream away....

The sounds of schoolgirls and homecoming queens are very nice.
They make my day.

10/05/17 06:29:35

10/05/17 06:39:13
Ah, seems like the ban was finally lifted.. I've done it for the first time
in about a month. The last time I posted here is when admins lifted the ban.
As I said then, why did they start banning people just because one of us makes
a complain about the Democratic Party, the loopy Prime Minister? I don't want to be
banned that easily without making any mistake on my part. It's really frustrating.

10/05/17 14:26:44
How many times have you ever felt loopy in your boring life?

10/05/17 14:28:18

This is an inspiring story about a refugee who was awarded "Woman of the year"
Please click below.


10/05/17 14:32:34
No, I don't want to be forwarded to a phishing site.
If you want to let us know, please sum up the inspiring story you said it was.

10/05/17 16:09:49
I'm looking for a job.

10/05/17 17:05:01
It's hot today.

10/05/17 17:06:40
I know

10/05/17 17:15:40
My life is not boring. It is strange.

10/05/17 17:53:05
My life is boring.

10/05/17 19:44:36

I don't think the Italian 'Mikado' advertisements would get past the
censors in my country...

10/05/17 21:01:14
How strange?

Who advertises it? I don't think it's Glico, though..

But now that I've searched, it actually is a Glico product..
Hmm, it's more like advertising a new photocopier, isn't it?

10/05/17 21:05:16
>I don't think the Italian 'Mikado' advertisements would get past the
>censors in my country...

How about this one?

10/05/17 21:13:38
Oh, hey, your name. That reminds me. I watched on the news that the general election
was conducted in the UK and that LDP and the workers party (is that correct?) decided
to make a coalition government. How do you feel about it? Do you agree or disagree with
their decision? Do you think it'll work? How's the approval rate now?

10/05/17 21:26:58
As for Japan's current administration, I really am not happy with it.
If you asked around in Japan, most people would say NO to Hatoyama, the current prime minster,
who admitted in the 1 on 1 debate the other day that he was surely loopy. I'm sick of it.
The latest poll shows that the current downturn in the number of people who approve
Hatoyama administration is primarily due to his inability to make decisions, and I think there
are many more reasons why. I didn't vote for the Democratic Party, coz I knew things would never go
in the right direction. And I was right. He's getting loopier.
Luckily, we have an election this summer. We should make him pay.

10/05/17 21:36:44
around 20 percent: approval
around 65 percent: disapproval

505:埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw
10/05/17 22:27:11
Everytime I watch LADY GAGA's dance in her music video,I can't stop laughing at.
Because her dance is similar to Egashira 2:50's dance,I think.

Here movies of his dance are

10/05/18 21:31:38
This thread has become really inactive. Most people, who I had a chat with ages ago, all seem
to have left here until now. I miss even the Noriaki da King guy. lol

10/05/18 21:37:14
Ega-chan is really popular among 2chers, isn't he? lol
When I had a look on a "currencies" thread, I often saw his AAs anytime the charts
went up so suddenly and sharply. That was timely and funny.

10/05/18 22:24:03
he has a big big talent!!

10/05/19 06:21:03
Confucius says, "A man who puts his dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts"

10/05/19 06:50:46
I'm going to live in the USA for July, August and September, in New york, basing my living on New York Luthern Church.
It would be a fascinating time living in Christ and Christ living in me.
What do you think?

10/05/19 07:08:19
I would be living in a different place If I were you. Think this way,
there are churches in Japan as well and it is out of the question to live
there if you aren't a Christian, so do you want to do the same in Japan?

Anyhow, it might be a good experience. It's like visitors to Japan living
in a temple or a shrine.

10/05/19 07:30:56
I had been living basing my living on Church until 9 years ago.
But for 8 years after that, I was forced to live without church until March last year thou I had one more year till retirement.
So I quit working as a Miyazaki prefectural English teacher.
Miyazaki prefectore education committee had been forcing some teachers into hardship and had been killng them by suiciding.
And I was one of the victims being made unable to go to church on Sundays when I had to work for corresspondence system learnig senior high schooling.
So I quit and came to Tokyo on April 1st last year.
Since then I haven't missed a single Sunday church prayer service.
On Sundays I pray in an English Sunday worship service and Japanese Sunday service, and sometimes even evening English service.
Besides Sunday services, I attend one or two English Bible class.
Jesus is everything to me because He saved me when I was trying to suicide in dark dark dispar whe I was about 35 years of age , for which I am 60 years of age now.

10/05/19 07:55:41
It seems to be going pretty smoothly, but it's early days yet. A government
is usually chosen by the first party past a set number of locally elected
'seats'. This time, of course, nobody made it past that point. The Conservative
party won, technically, but didn't have a majority vote, so the Liberal Democrat
party joined up with them, bringing the numbers to a majority government. So even
though the Liberal Democrats came in third place, they're in a much, much stronger
position than the Labour party, who came second (and were ousted from power).
Personally, I voted Liberal Democrats, so even though my local council is still
Labour-run (most of North-East England is loyal to Labour... Tony Blair is from just
a few miles down the road), I'm pretty happy with the results. So far, anyway.
As for approval ratings, 64% of voters approve of the coalition. 87% Conservative
voters approve, and 77% LibDem voters approve. Labour voters, of course, have a
different opinion.

If Boris Johnson had been running as leader of the Conservative Party, I'd have voted
for them.

Other than the issues of moving a US base and a funds scandal, there was a recent
story on the BBC about Hatoyama...

10/05/19 08:17:24
I was surprised to hear that Liberal Democratic Party is quite a socialist party, which is contrary to Liberal Democratic Party in Japan which is corrupted and is being broken down.

10/05/19 08:27:29
I suppose there are quite a few LibDem policies which seem quite socialist,
and even though there are a few policies which were aimed at easing the burden
for poorer families, they're reasonably class-neutral.

It's the Labour party which is mainly seen as the most socialist, though,
having red as the party colour, being a member of Socialist International,
and trying to appear to support the common workers (and non-workers, for that

Oh, I meant to add that one of the main agreements the Conservatives had to
agree to before LibDem would join them, was to hold a referendum on reforming
the entire election system, to make it fairer. Neither Conservatives nor Labour
would agree to change it outright, but they both agreed to let us have a say in
whether it should change. Which it should.

10/05/19 08:35:44
It should change because it has been changing in th USA, in Japan, in China.
I wish Kim Jonwil will die very soon so it can change in Korea too.

10/05/19 08:59:09
64 percent. I see. People's expectation is set high now.
What do you think about Euro? The labor party says the UK should
put some distance from it if I'm not mistaken.

Ah, his fashion sense. It's the worst. But the shirt he was wearing at the
barbecue looked good on him in a sense. The shirt made me think he's quite loopy.
You know, he can't even decide on colour. So he wanted green, red, yellow, purple
and blue. He doesn't even know we gave him the red card, though.

Personally, Ozawa is the one who's rotten. LDP is far beter than DPJ.
Don't tell me you think LDP is corrupted because several TV commentators says so.

10/05/19 09:00:08
Fuck china

10/05/19 09:01:54
My mistake. It's not the labor party but the conservative party that might have said so.

10/05/19 09:04:58
Tony Blair was leader of the Labor party, which is seen as the most socialist, but he was just a neo-conservative in foreign policy.
So, it doesn't really matter whether they are lefties or righies, I guess.

10/05/19 09:12:23
>reforming the entire election system, to make it fairer.
That made news here in Japan. Even here it became clear and obvious last year
that it couldn't reflect voters opinions. Japan followed the English election system in order to establish what they say is
two party system like the Labor and the Conservative in your country.

10/05/19 09:24:41

This is a theme song for Hatoyama.
The same video is quite popular in Niconico.
Nobody believes in him.

10/05/19 09:56:13
We should get Hatoyama ousted from Japan!

10/05/19 10:09:51
Hatoyama is not guilty, if you ask me.
You have to assume someone behind him.

10/05/19 10:13:25
Japabillies, unite!!!

10/05/19 10:24:23
I know what you mean. He is pulling strings behind the scene, Ozawa..
He should be punished now of course. It's not reasonable if he gets away with it.
Be that as it may, Hatoyama bet us his prime minister position that he would
definitely solve the base issue no later than the end of May, and he is going to fail
without any responsibility to fulfill? No, that's all his fault.

10/05/19 10:45:18
Ozawa Ichiro's case is not going to be brought to the court.
How disgusting it is. Where's the justice?

10/05/19 10:55:37
The members of the DPJ are morally corrupted. That's for sure.
Why could the minster of agriculture smirk even when he failed to encompass the
foot-and-mouth disease disaster that happened a month ago?
Why didn't Kobayashi Chiyomi quit even after it came out that she breached the law?
I'd say DPJ is the worst party we ever had in recent history of Japan.

10/05/19 11:54:08
I hope so.

10/05/19 12:45:35
Katawa Shoujo is out in Japanese.
What are your thoughts?

10/05/19 12:54:10
I have no idea what you meant by Katawa Shoujo.
Guess it's a girl, but I don't know why she's out.
Can you explain for the background info on that?

10/05/19 13:07:19
A free visual novel game (only complete up to Act 1 so far) about dating girls at a
school for students with disabilities.
Japanese language blog is at

10/05/19 18:02:18
Ah, the Euro. People here are still unsure about that. Both Labour and
Conservatives are wishing to keep the Pound as the national currency,
but LibDems are generally more EU-oriented, so if they were the majority
government, there would have been a referendum on switching to the Euro.
They would try and convince us it's the right thing to do too. But at
this point in time, they're keeping very quiet about it. Probably because
of the current situation in the rest of the EU and with the Euro being so
weak right now.

Though the Labour Party is seen more as a socialist party because of its roots
and symbols, it's much more centre-left these days. Though... our former Home
Secretary (and later Justice Secretary), Jack Straw, was a member of the Communist

We've heard quite a bit about his wife too. About how she eats the sun every morning,
how she used to know Tom Cruise when he was incarnated as a Japanese in a past life,
and when her spirit took a trip to Venus on a UFO.

We haven't had the chance to vote on it yet, as the new government is still
settling in, but I'm pretty certain it'll change in favour of a Proportional
Representation system, rather than the First Past the Post system we have now.

Wish people would make videos like that for our prime ministers. Suppose
this is the closest thing we have...

10/05/19 19:46:46
As far as I know, it may be wise to see how the Euro going to be.
If I were from Germany, I'd get upset to hear the tax money was used for Greece,
no matter how complicated things were.

It's Hatoyama Miyuki you were talking about, right?
Now that the approval rate of his administration went down (come to think of it,
it's been keeping going down from the start; it never went up even once. And I'm sure it's not
hit the low now. Down, down, down. ), she's making herself unseen in public.
The columnist who described him as "loopy" was quite right. The word also goes for his wife.
And I feel irritated and frustrated when I hear the word fraternalism, which Hatoyama used to use a lot when he became PM.
Do you think you can trust a person who's so fickle what he says in the morning changes in the evening and that changes next day which changes a week later,
and in the end he doesn't remember what he says a month later?
Hatoyama said clearly he would quit if he wasn't able to convince his ministers, Okinawan people and America until the 31th of May.
And he's saying he's going to give a try after that? Don't make fun of us. Liar..

10/05/19 19:57:55
Hastoyama must diappear with May.
With June, it's Kan who made all the documets of Welfare Ministry over medicine -caused aids
that must reside as PM.

10/05/19 20:01:45
Everybody, read Japan Communist Party newspaper Akahata which is Red Flag!
It tells truly major facts of the world.

10/05/19 20:08:22
Do you honestly believe he has what it takes to be Prime Minister?
No, I don't think so. I have seen the scene many times when he's asked a
question concerning financing and accounting, couldn't answer it, and lost
his temper. He's not worthy of Prime Ministry. All he can do is shout and try to
silence people. I don't trust in him any more than in Hatoyama.

10/05/19 20:11:38
Ah, sorry - you're right, it's Hatoyama Miyuki I meant. Often I go back
and add sentences and this time it was in the wrong place, which made it
look like I was talking about Jack Straw's wife.

Wives of politicians here never really try to stand out. They might speak
a little during campaigns, but generally try not to draw attention to themselves.
Ah... the Daily Mail doesn't really like Nick Clegg (LibDem leader) very much
because of the fact that his wife is Spanish and not British, and that they gave
their children Spanish names.

10/05/19 20:12:31
Hatoyama is the loopy king of tax evasion. The only reason he's not arrested
is because he's the current Prime Minister. If he steps down, then there's a strong
possibility that he'll be in jail in the end. That's why he sticks to the PM title.

10/05/19 20:17:58
You know, Kan was the only one who made them bring out all the facts.

10/05/19 20:37:40
Seems like David Cameron, the new PM of Britain, was a relaxed and cool kid.
Maybe he's relaxing the policy on recreational use of marijuana as well.

Aw shit, is he gonna ban neo-nazis?

10/05/19 21:05:02
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, has said he (himself) tried cocaine at university,
and marijuana before university. He and Cameron went to the same university
and were in the same club (along with George Osborne, our new Chancellor).
Saw a documentary about them a few months back, and Cameron was pretty
laid-back at university, and didn't really appear to make much of an effort.

10/05/19 21:27:19
He opposes the racist group in the UK while he has a tight connection with some Euro neo-nazis.
Is he sort of a hypocrite? I'm confused.

10/05/20 08:28:06
>Wives of politicians here never really try to stand out.
That's usually the case here in Japan. Hatoyama Miyuki is quite exceptional.
While we are on the subject, I've seen her appearing on TV variety shows several times, and the hosts unconditionally
treated her like a celeb or something. AH, I'm reminded that she also used "fraternalism" a lot.
That gets on my nerve.. Her husband tried to evade Tax and he's still pretending he didn't know
what was going on. I want to ask her if fraternalists don't have to pay taxes.

I haven't heard of the Daily Mail, but I wonder if this Nick's wife doesn't have English nationality
even after the marriage.
