09/11/28 15:16:55
Tough Times
A propos my comment on now being a bad time to come to Japan,
an example of how the economic meltdown affects English teachers:
Cash-strapped municipalities have no prospect of employing assistant language teachers.
Yamagata Prefecture's Shinjo municipal government, which is required
by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry to reconstruct its finances,
has scheduled 15 or more English classes at its 10 primary schools,
but has no plans to employ assistant language teachers.
"We had to put priority on measures to strengthen the earthquake-resistance of school buildings,
which is more urgent," an official of the Shinjo municipal board of education said.
The Okushiricho town government in Hokkaido has not considered employing assistant teachers.
It plans to hold 35 English classes in fiscal 2009, but the classes will be taught by Japanese teachers.