09/11/13 15:51:51
昨日youtubeでこんなのを見た agosやばくないか?w
AGOSの担当の人 URLリンク(www.youtube.com)
AGOS means leadership and actually we are leading the TOEFL, a progression(?) program of all in Japan.
We help our students study abroad such as in English speaking countries which require TOEFL, GMAT, GRE,
SAT and so on. So we help them achieve their goals, career goals for future academic goals to study abroad.
AGOS Japan places emphasis on all the skills including reading, listening, speaking and writing.
And TOEFL is very good. They mean and test actually can assess students of the foundational English
language skills, but at the same time, I can help and motivate our students study more.
101(words) / 65(s) = 1.55(w/s)