Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 132at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 132 - 暇つぶし2ch1:名無しさん@英語勉強中
09/05/24 04:02:30
( ´・ω・) Let's have Green tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 131

Hey!!! you NEETs, nerds, YouTube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, and cunning
linguists. And let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

Here is the place to have a blast!!!!!

09/05/24 04:08:50
Good job.

It felt like ages to see a new thread built.

09/05/24 04:14:39
well done, blah blah blha

09/05/24 04:17:45
I was told to fart in your face. Well, here I go.

09/05/24 04:44:14

09/05/24 04:44:44
I forgot how long I haven't taken a bath.
I think it's more than 5 days but less than 7days.

In Japan, it's been summer like days even though it still is May.
I smell really bad. Even Shakespear can't describe how I smell bad.
Dostoevski can't either. I stink. I mean it. I think I'm fermented.

7:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 05:20:39
Hurray! Good job.


Yeah we're having hot days like that in Canada right now too.

09/05/24 05:24:33
I looked up climate data for Japan. Summer doesn't seem too bad there.
The highest averages were 31-32C. Here in Texas, the summer average is usually over 35C.

This is an example from just last year. Over half of July had days over 38C.
The first four days of August even went over 40.

09/05/24 05:30:35
I doubt Canadian literary magnets can discribe my BO, too.
I'll fill me smell in a small bin and send it to you if you want.
It would be useful when you are burning a midnight oil because my
smell is in a way stimulous and you don't fall into sleeping.

09/05/24 05:41:51
Japan's humid hot so just comparing temperature isn't enough.

You can go to Hokkaido, northern biggest island in summer to avoid scorching
weather. Since I'm NEET, I'll settle for sweating and fermenting and
rearching and developing new stimulous perfume in my room.

09/05/24 05:53:34
eau d'neet

09/05/24 05:55:19
you had better take a bath and wash your body
with goshigoshi towel

09/05/24 06:32:27
It's getting very common thing for me not to take a bath 5 days or more.
I'm like, "well, I think I took a bath maybe, the day before yesterday, so
I don't have to take a bath tonight."

My pillow is real sticky so gotta wash it. I have to wash my hair, too.
I tried combing through my pubic hair with my fingers and smelled them.
I almost vomited and fainted.

09/05/24 06:34:56
I'll grab your hair and pull your head to under my armpit so that
you can smell my armpit. I'm sure you'll faint in less than 30 seconds.

09/05/24 06:35:57

09/05/24 07:03:58
hey, slow down, smelly guy. I'm having breakfast while reading your comments.

17:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 07:25:25
To the people who don't wash much, do you stay in your room all day?

Are you hikikomori?

09/05/24 07:29:47
Although I'm not a hikikomori, I will often go without washing myself
when I'm off and stay indoors for a few days.

09/05/24 08:26:18
Be careful not to read my posts or else you'll vomit.

I'm not a hard-core hikikomori but semi-hikikomori.
I haven't been out for three weeks when you can see the sun. At night,
I go to convenience store once in a four or five days.

20:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/05/24 08:30:53
You should try wearing a diaper too. Then you would never have to go
to the bathroom at all!

21:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/05/24 08:33:05
I've read a few stories of people who played and got so addicted to games like Starcraft and World of Warcraft
that they died from lack of food / sleep. There was also a story of a couple of let their infant die because they
spent a long time at an internet cafe to play MMORPGs.

09/05/24 08:40:23
So how do you neets get money?

09/05/24 09:36:48
The world is full of sorrow.
I think girls all around the world hope Korean guys will get over it and want to see Korean guys smile for them.
I want to tell those girls in the world who know what pains mean their condolences mean a lot to Korean guys who will in return make the world smile.
Korean guys and girls all around the world strengthen spiritual bonds that way. They can't never be apart.
Girls anywhere in the world need Korean guys, while Korean guys need girls living on this planet. They need each other.
The world needs to get over the sorrow.

09/05/24 10:07:14
Girls all around the world say they felt more dear to Korean guys when they saw Korean guys shed tears
and they also claimed that that brought tears to their eyes. Yes, Korean guys know what sorrow means.
I think those girls were impressed at how very nice Korean guys really are. Girls all around the world
are certain Korean guys have many aspects and that makes girls everywhere more interested in Korean guys.

09/05/24 10:18:45
>The world's largest online community is grappling with challenges it faces in protecting intellectual property rights (IPR), says an expert.
>The US Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus on Wednesday listed China as one of the world's five-worst offenders in violating copyright. The other four nations were Canada, Mexico, Russia and Spain.
>But Wang Chunyan, an expert in intellectual property studies at Renmin University of China, said the nation, with an online population of 316 million, is taking on the challenges.

According to a news article, Canadaian people don't know what IPR is.
I think Canadian girls are eager to watch Korean dramas on the Internet.

09/05/24 10:40:58
Canada is ranked within the 5 countries violationg copyright?
I used to think Canada was a good country, but it seems I was wrong.
Korea isn't in the bad countries. I breathed a sigh of releaf. But don't worry, Canadian girls,
Koran guys wouldn't discriminate against you because your country is considered worst in protecting copy-righted materials.
But I hope you Canadian girls will make it a rule to buy Korean Wave stuffs instead of downloading them. Korean guys are still
believing in Canadian girls as a token of friendship.

09/05/24 10:55:18
How very nice of Korean guys are! I believe one of the reasons why Korean guys are very popular among girls all over the world is
because they are very generous compared to other people apart from the fact that Korean guys are manly, sexy, hot, gentle, and romantic.
Canadian girls will be touched at your message to them.

09/05/24 11:11:40
Now I understand why Korean guys are popular with girls. Korean guys set an example of what guys should be like.
Korean guys are mesmerising beyond comarison.

09/05/24 11:20:08
Exactly. :)
It's partly Korean guys' fault as to why Canadian girls illegally download Korean Wave stuffs
because Korean guys are really appealing to girls. That's why I can't blame such girls.
Korean guys draw attentions from girls all around the world.
I'm pround of it. :)

09/05/24 11:39:24
Heart-warming story. I almost cried. That's romantic.

09/05/24 11:45:58
I hope this thread will be full of love and romance. That's what girls want most.
More and more female posters will join us. The world should know Korean guys are
bringers of romance to everywhere in the world. So I was really excited at the news
that Korean Wave is reaching every place in this dry world. :)

32:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 12:05:57
Fucking eh' lot's of Korean spam.

Anyway, tonight I saw the new terminator was pretty sick I guess. I liked Star Trek better. Anyway, after that I had to walk home so I picked up some beer for the way home...and now I'm drunk :3

I have two things to say:
1) How many of you own panties? -_^ be honest.
2) I got Japanese typing installed right and...よじびおめはにかはすごいですね。


09/05/24 12:08:42
More and more girls are getting interested in Korean guys now thanks to Korean Wave.
That's for sure. As a matter of fact, girls everywhere are talking a lot about Korean guys.
And it seems non Korean girls all around the world are jealous of Korean girls because Korean girls have
a good chance to meet Korean guys. Probably Korean guys tend to choose Korean girls, but many girls all around
the world are looking for any chance to find a Korean guy. :)

34:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 12:32:17

Oh shit, I just realized I should of added a さん。。。I'm an idiot.

09/05/24 12:38:06
It is indeed biomechanical insanity, not really spam, and it sure never ends.

2)You might want to write it in katakana: ヨージ・ビオメハニカ

09/05/24 12:39:16
Hahaha, are you drunken?

Then I reccomend you take a look at this youtube video.
This is a popular drink in the world. I didn't expect it uploaded on Youtube. lol


09/05/24 12:39:30
Is there a firefox addon that can filter posts? I have bss2chreader but it can't (I think).

38:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 12:47:21

Lol! That is a pretty neat video, the drink looks like vodka which is my
favorite to drink. Unfortunately tonight I was too poor to afford vodka so
I got some cheep beer, like a salaryman. :3


Ah okay I will keep this in mind, but I just found out about this artist
yesterday and I love his music. Since I can type in Japanese now I was
thinking about making a thread for music only on this board. It would be
called 英語で雑談の音楽. Is this right for saying "Music chat, in English"?
I'm not sure but I think it's right.

If it is right I'll make this thread later, I'm lazy now.

09/05/24 14:05:44

09/05/24 14:26:59

41:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 14:47:39

Ah okay thank you. I'll remember.

42:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 14:48:34

Ah thank you I'll keep this in mind.

09/05/24 14:51:40

Is this game popular in japan?

44:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/24 14:52:57

Ah fuck I didn't think it went through the first time...being drunk and
all I wasn't even sure I clicked the "post" button lol oh well.

09/05/24 15:11:32
I think it more natural to say, "英語で音楽を語ろう” and this way the thread will
draw more attention. But I also think a thread with a more specific title would be better
to draw 2ch'er's attention.

09/05/24 16:20:02

09/05/24 16:48:36
I just got back from a night out with friends. one of the things we did was play this game:
it is much fun. we play it on the dreamcast. grand system.

09/05/24 17:10:43
Really? I thought it would be more niche. I love it as well.

09/05/24 18:52:15
Yeah, it's a famous Korean drink. It's popular all over the world.
It's called Jinro. I think you have ever drunk it somewhere. If you haven't, I'm way too sure
you'll addicted to it. It's another type of Korean Wave. :)

09/05/24 19:01:11
You can do it by bbs2chreader. But you ought to use "Chaika" which is firefox addon.
Because development of bbs2chreader seems like almost stopping since last summer.

official site is URLリンク(
current version is 1.0.0b3.

There are some notes.
It's Beta release still.
Chaika can't coexist with bbs2chreader. Therefore you must uninstall bbs2chreader before
installing Chaika.

09/05/24 20:37:02
According to the famous and influencial Finnish newspaper, Seoul - the capital city of Korea -
is considered New York in Asia. The news also says that Korean people are well groomed in appearance, which
makes foreigners interested. You know, Korean guys are considered white in Asia and this time it's revealed
Seoul is considered to be New York in Asia. No wonder girls all around the world worship Korea and Korean guys.
I'm proud of it!! :)

09/05/24 20:46:14
I've known two Korean girls, and they were both complete psychopaths. I
watched a Korean movie ages ago called 'My Sassy Girl', and the girl in
that was a psychopath. And in Lady Vengeance, she was a psychopath.

I'm not saying Koreans are bad people, but there's a pattern forming...

09/05/24 20:56:53
You are retarded. It shows in your post.
You must have been rude to the girls. That's why they treated you as vermine.
Don't try to ridicule Korean people. You are horribly under-educated.
If you paid respect to Korean people, they'd treat you better. One sad thing is,
you don't know why you were treated badly and considered it wasn't your fault.
Or are you just jealous of Korea? You must be. It's called sour grape in English.
You want something that you can't get and you say something bad because you are jealous.
Many people say Koreans are really nice. You should admit that.

09/05/24 23:49:28
You seem to be forgetting that Koreans are descended from the British.
About one and a half thousand years ago, the first settlers landed on
the Korean peninsula, having sailed all the way from the British Isles.
A lot of Korean tradition has, therefore, come from the ancient British
ways of life (of course, it was just from one of Britain's kingdoms
back then, as it was not a united country). Kimchi, for example, comes
from the Gaelic British words 'Chim', meaning cabbage, and 'Chee', which
was a method of preserving foods to last through the winter. You'll find
many more similarities between Korean and Gaelic British language.

55:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/05/25 00:03:10


09/05/25 00:13:39
I lol'd

09/05/25 00:20:18
What is most well known special skill that Korean people has? lol

09/05/25 00:57:11
that sure is the way we should deal with that korean retarded.

09/05/25 01:36:47
Great Korean vs Great Britanian

09/05/25 02:21:29
Special skill? They excel in the art of plagiarism.

09/05/25 03:16:17
That's China.

09/05/25 03:51:19
No. Korea is notorious for claming everything popular around the world originate
in Korea. For example, many Japanese restaurants such as sushi and tempura restaurant
in America are run by Korean. They know Japanse dish is popular so
they open Japanese restaurant pretending to be Japanese.

The taste of sushi and tempura is diferent from that of Japan's.
They serve low quality what they claim Japanese dish.
I read Japan's government organiazation has started a survey regarding
how many Korean serve fake Japanese dish.

63:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/25 04:38:37
So are Koreans to you guys like what Mexicans are to Americans? I always
thought it was the Philipinoes that every Asian country picks on lol.

09/05/25 04:45:24
Flips are the Mexicans of southeast Asia. Koreans are the Mexicans of the rest of Asia.

09/05/25 05:15:11
stop feeding the troll

09/05/25 05:41:02
I'm reading Britain's got talent website.
One of the semi-finals are going on live now, right?
How's it going?
I'm curious about Susan Boyle.

09/05/25 05:45:56
WOW, I can watch the show on justin TV and in a few minutes, the result
will be annunced.

09/05/25 05:48:36

09/05/25 05:55:58
Susan did iT!

09/05/25 06:21:15
What did she do?

09/05/25 06:26:20
She mesmerised this man on the internet.

09/05/25 06:30:40
She went through to the final on Saturday, 30th May!

09/05/25 07:38:03
Would anyone in the know tell me how the press to the final is like?
I almost understand the description below but not sure.

"The first live semi-final is on Sunday evening, ITV1 at 8.30pm,
followed by further semi-finals on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Two acts from each semi-final will go through to the live grand final on
Saturday May 30th. Make sure you check back here after each semi-final to find
out who went through and to get the low-down on each act."

How many people(group counted as one) moved to semi-finals in the first place? 40?
The first semi-final was aired and Susan and the dancer group was selected.
Do they go to the final on Saturday, May 30th?

It says there are also shows on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
On each day, two peoiple(group) is selected?
If so on Friday, 2X5=10 people is supposed to be selsected as of next Friday.
10 people will compete on Saturday in the final?

If 40 contestants were devided into 5, each consiting of 8 contentants,
how was the persedure like? Just drawing?

09/05/25 09:19:24
The contestants where whittled down from around 250 to 40 on last Saturday's show.
The semi-finals are then split into 5 rounds, each round containing 8 acts.
At the end of each of these five shows, whoever gets the most votes from the
public goes through to the final (on the 30th). The judges choose another act
from whoever came 2nd and 3rd in each semifinal, and they go to the final too.
So yes, the final will have 10 acts: 5 voted by the public, and 5 voted by the
judges (from the runners-up of the public votes).

In short, you got it.

09/05/25 09:26:53
Oops... forgot to address the part about procedure for splitting...
I think they're supposed to have been put into random groups, though
I think there was a bit of manipulation to make the most likely acts
get through.

76:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/25 10:25:42

It's evening in Canada, and the sunset in my town looked spectacular- so I took some pics.


I took the pictures at a public, let me try to translate this. Please tell me if I fuck it up lol


09/05/25 11:19:48


09/05/25 11:46:07
Those are beatiful sunset.
I would want to walk hand in hand wiht a beautiful girl watching the
beautiful scene.

09/05/25 11:49:38
A small correction.


に ---> で

09/05/25 12:20:40
British guys mesmerise all Asian girls around the world as they are sexy, smart, manly and literally gentle.
Also, they are good cooks, never fail to satisfy girls in bed, but not in the least bit afraid to take cruel vengeance
upon unfaithful girls if necessary. At the same time, they could be sensitive enough to have girls talk with their ladies
if they needed to, which most guys never can handle by any means. Yes, B-guys are the real men to look up to, the men
who should earn the dignity of being addressed as "Mr." No wonder a great many Asian girls are all over them.
I'm really proud of it. :)

09/05/25 12:51:48
How did the term "ガチムチ" come about?

09/05/25 12:51:54
Extra extra!!

North Korea conducted an nuclear experiment somewhere underground just now.
According to the news, N. Korea's aim is to drag America into negotiation and
draw reconcilement. I think Obama and our prime minister will be tested now..
Hope America won't let thing go well for N.Korea.

09/05/25 13:08:15

Apparently a combination of gacchiri "well built" and mucchiri "plump".

09/05/25 13:11:31
Haha that makes sense, thanks.

09/05/25 13:25:00
Was it a nuclear bomb test?
When I turned on TV an hour ago, the news that in North Korea, magnitude 4 point something
was measured was reported. I didn't pay attention to the news so don't know
the detail but maybe that was the news reporting underground nuclear bomb.

86:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/25 13:30:15

Ah okay thank you, I don't know why but for me the に particle is
hardest to use =/ more practice is needed.

09/05/25 13:34:04

09/05/25 13:47:39
I don't know how your grammar book explains about に but に in this case,
expresses direction of a movement, similar to "to."

公園に行く=go "to" the park

で in this case expresses where something is done, similar to "in" and "at"
You took the photos in a place, so で is right.

09/05/25 14:58:04
hi guys
It's been long time i have'nt come here.I read just anyway at all.
well YukiNagato nice to meet you. im also living in canada,in fact in vancouver.
anyway "fuck up" means to do sth badly or make a bad mistake.
so that sentence may mean like masochism or much confidence at it.
I think you better avoid using four letter words or derivatives of them till you get skills enough.

90:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/25 15:24:42

Yeah it's not the books fault, it's my fault- I just need to remember.


I'll keep it in mind?

09/05/25 16:51:54
Yeah, it seems so. The international society should tighten the economic sanctions on N.Korea this time.
I wouldn't think this leads to war now, but we should do something. As for Japan, it should take precautions
to monitor the Korean embassy in Japan not to send any money and mechanical parts to N.Korea. Obama might think
it's no big deal if N.Korea has nuclear weapons since he keeps economic sanctions lifted, but N.Korea keeps trying
developping ballistic missiles and compact nuclear heads. Should they succeed in this, it'll be fatal.
Preemptive attacks on the N.Korean nuclear factories must be considered this time as an option, IMO. Damn it, only Japan could do now
is just wait for nukes to expload somewhere within Japan's territory. I feel really bitter. N.Korea takes advantage of the peaceful Japanese

09/05/25 20:47:12
To attack them without good reason to believe they are going to fire nukes would create a war with many losses.
No one wants war, especially nuclear war. Nuclear bombs being fired is the last resort, their main purpose should be to stop war.
However there is no telling what might happen.

93:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/05/25 23:42:56
What do the Japanese say during sex?

09/05/25 23:55:02
Nothing. Sex does not exist. That is why our birth rate is negative.

09/05/26 00:00:41
I'm cherry!! so i don't know such a thing!!

09/05/26 01:36:46
Thank you for the input.
I think when they divide 40 contestants into 5 semi-finals, they sort of
manipulate as you say. I think Susan isn't the best but Simon said before
even if she doesn't win the contest, she'll be a pro or something like that.
I less mesmerised with her this time than the first time I saw her sing
on yuotube. As you said before, the gap between her looks and singing
ability magnifes her reputation.

But she is supported by people worldwide, including me, although it includes
the factor of sympathy vote.
If the winner is decided by the number of phone calls, Susan will win.

09/05/26 01:38:13
I think not many Japanese are talkative during sex.

09/05/26 02:02:45
I've watched some Japanese porn and the women always say "キムチ!キムチ~!"

09/05/26 02:39:34
Why are school girls in Japan a bigger sexual phenomenon than in any other country?

09/05/26 02:40:40

09/05/26 03:07:51
I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that I can understand that.

102:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/26 03:09:29



I'm not sure, I think to an extent this phenomenon happens a bit in
Canada and the US. Maybe it has to do with the skirts?

09/05/26 04:04:54
>>100 says:

Just farted, then lo and behold, I got rid of all my poo from the intestine at the same time!

09/05/26 04:18:26
What kind of clothes does the student in those countries put on generally?

105:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/26 07:00:13

Normally anything they want unless it's a private school. They don't
allow clothing with vulgar slogans either. Also, if a skirt is too short
or the clothes show too much skin you might get sent home.

On a separate note, I just got dual monitors running :3 do any of you do
this? URLリンク(

In the pic the second monitor is a bit off-center. I fixed it.

09/05/26 07:30:57
Never seen that. Usually, the second monitor is the same as the first monitor.
Plus in most cases it is a desk top PC. Yout neck would heart if you place the
second monitor that far. Side by side is the best. I don't know much about PC
so I respect you develp your own PC environment where you make your PC Dual

1) What are those cans? Some look like empty soda's cans and some look
like gas cans used to make fire. Are they spray cans to kill cockroaches?

2) Show me where you hide your porn photo books. Maybe under your bed?
Maybe you answer they are on your Hard Disc of your PC.

3) What are thick books on the bottom of the bookshelves about?

107:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/26 07:53:15

I don't really look at both at the same time, and my chair is easy to
turn so it won't hurt my neck.

1) Energy drink cans
2) I don't have much right now, I only have a folder with maybe 50 pics
of the girls from lucky star.
3) they are about:
-The Mafia
-Slash from Guns and roses
-Pink floyd
-A murder story from 19th century Britain.

Nothing too special, I have a library in the house. I'll take a picture
of it soon since it has way more books.

09/05/26 09:07:47
Oh, so they are all empty cans of viverage.

Those books are so thick that I thought they are all technical books about
PC programing. Did you really read them through?

109:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/05/26 09:15:42
Today is Memorial Day. Unfortunately, most of the veterans from WW2
have passed their expiration date. I don't think Americans want to
remember the Vietnam vets. It seems much less enthusiastic this year than
usual, not that it ever was to begin with.

110:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/26 09:55:42

The one about Ghosts is just short stories so I've read some of it. I haven't read
the one on the mafia but the two books about the rockstars I've read. I do have
some thick books on programming, but one of them isn't here and I think I put the others away.

09/05/26 10:22:41
What's "have passed their exiration date?" Is it euphemistic way of
"all dead"?

My sister sent me Bill clinton's memoir. That's a really thick hard coverbook.
It's so thick that I am not motivated to turn even one page. Now it
is just covered with dusts.

09/05/26 11:17:40
イギリス人、tell me about Amanda, one of the judges.

I thought she was young but she's 38 years old according to Wikipedia.
She is an actress? How's her reputation there in UK?

As an armpit fetish, I became her fan the moment I saw this video.
2:13 and 2:25. Check it.

113:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/26 11:42:29

Don't worry, I wouldn't read a memoir of Bill Clinton either.

09/05/26 12:19:01
イギリス人、I forgot to put a link to the video.
2:13 and 2:25

09/05/26 12:30:24

09/05/26 20:49:49
>A murder story from 19th century Britain.

Is that story about "Jack The Ripper"?

117:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/27 01:20:06

No, it was a story written by an anonymous person and most of it is true- as far as historians can tell.
Jack the ripper is a much more famous story than this one.

09/05/27 02:59:47
Acada university is a good university?

119:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/05/27 03:09:05
how's the weather is japan today?

09/05/27 04:13:27
I think it's clowdy or fine.
It's night so I don't bother to go outside to see the weather nor open the
windows and curtain to check the weather.

At least there's no sound of raing coming from outside.
It's just my BO coming into my nose. I haven't taken a bath for a week or
eight days. I don't even know how many days I've skipped taking a bath.
Anyway, this I'm sure is my personal record.

09/05/27 05:40:13
Don't worry.
I confess that I am more sweaty smell than you though taking bath everyday.
I don't know cause of that. even the doctor.

People who around me within 10m often cover own noses.
It seems like biological weapon......

09/05/27 05:42:22
Many girls all over the world today see Korean guys as romantic, manly, smart, and sexy.
Sure, that's all perfectly correct.
Korean guys treat girls gently and nicely, meaning they are romantic.
Korean guys go through a hard-studying experience, meaning they are quite smart.
Korean guys train themselves both mentally and phisically, meaning they are manly and sexy.
Those elements of Korean guys are appealing to girls all around the world.
In addition, Korean guys are enjoying their popularity thanks to Korean Wave.
Korean Wave gives girls all over the world a chance to see Korean guys on TV and the Internet.
Those girls started to worship Korean guys since the Wave caught attention from the world media.
Now quite a number of girls are dreaming of finding a Korean guy as their boyfriend/husband.
We have to admit that Korean guys are most competitive under the current circumstance everywhere in this world.
We should be proud of it!! :)

09/05/27 05:57:58
I just got bbs2chreader and tried it.
It works pretty well for filtering out posts.

09/05/27 06:13:43
Every now and then, once or twice a year for around a month, some really bad
fish-like stench emanates from me, even after I take a bath. I thought for a
while it might be related to my masturbation habits, but even when I stop for
a week or so, it doesn't stop immediately after that.
When I'm on a train or so at a time like that, people who sit 2 meters away from me start sniffing
and say things like "hm? Something smells like fish here... you smell it too?" to each other.
Next time it happens, I think I should really see a doctor.

09/05/27 06:35:29
Fucking smelly.

Are you Jap, you are?

Compared to you, Korean guys' fragrance smells really good. That's another reason
girls all around the world are attracted to Korean guys. You know, it's called hormone.
Korean guys are girls' magnet, you know. Girls all around the world come near Korean guys
without even noticing it. :)

09/05/27 06:35:42
I've just emailed Japan's defense ministry and Pentagon to start a new biological weapon
development program.

It's so simple. All they have to do is to make a missle to slot >>122
and >>124 in it.

09/05/27 07:09:39
I think there is possibility of sick that is called "魚臭症".

You would better see a doctor.
But the doctor who can diagnose it is limited.
so i suggest using web search before you go to hospital.

128:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/05/27 07:15:38
some of you smell that way?
I used to smell in a different way.
i smet of wakiga, which is the smell that comes out from my arm pits when they are humid and very warm.
it smelled so good that even myself felt good and my rod rose and grew big.
youd hug me and smell it and press your penis on my thigh if you smell it.

09/05/27 07:48:53
You are absolutely correct.
More and more girls are starting to realise that Korean guys are the hottest men of all in the world.
I think it's safe to say that having a Korean boyfriend is considered to be a high status to acheive among girls who know what's in and hot now.
Going out with a Korean guy, I'm sure you can boost your ego and get all positive attention from other girls, let alone find true happiness for yourself. Though, some girls get jealous and give you the cold shoulder and whatnot.
That's not right at all, but mind you, it's not your fault either. So please don't make a big deal about it, since you are very very lucky girls. :)
Too bad they can't find themselves a nice Korean boyfriend, but I'd have to say that's life, you know, considering how the demands for K-guys are getting greater and greater every day and night.
Seriously, it's getting out of control, and having more than 2 K-guys in their bed room is just about every girl's romantic dream in this day and time.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention this is all thanks to the popularity of Korean Wave all over the world!

09/05/27 07:53:38
thanks, that was really helpful. I've read a little bit about this disease
(called Trimethylaminuria, scientifically) and that might just be it.
Seems like there's not much that can be done about it, though...
But yeah, I'll definitely see a doctor next time it gets bad.

09/05/27 08:02:41
don't feed the troll

09/05/27 08:41:26
Here is website that might help you.


09/05/27 08:50:28
Amanda Holden... I don't really watch anything she's in, but she was in
a comedy sketch show with Harry Enfield, as well as a drama based in
Africa called 'Wild at Heart'. She married a comedian called Les Dennis
(it's almost impossible to think of him marrying anyone, let alone someone
almost 20 years younger than him - he's popular with old people). They're
divorced now though. As for her reputation, it's far from being clean and

09/05/27 09:37:25
I couldn't agree more with your view on Korean guys.
If you search on the Internet for fan sites of Korean guys, you'll notice how large a number of girls
all around the world today are mesmerised with Korean guys.
And let me add one more thing. Korean economy is growing bigger. Korea is going to play a leading part in G20,
you know, G20 is the most important and influential economic group in the world. G7/8 was already taken over.
Korea's influence on each country in the world are increasing culturally and economically. No wonder girls all around
the world are interested in Korean guys. We should be proud of it! :)

135:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/27 10:08:21
Are some of you like, scared of bathes? Or you just forget? I'm curious.

Another thing, some of the threads here (中高生の英語の宿題・質問に答えるスレ)
I feel like I could answer some of these questions, but I'm not sure because
I don't know a few things- (like how the Japanese school system works)
and I'm not sure I could maybe answer some of these questions correctly
or with the proper Japanese. Do you guys think it would be helpful
for some of these threads to get a real English speaker to give input?
or would it not be helpful?

09/05/27 10:45:41
In almost all threads in English board and in some borads in 2ch,
people who use fixed handle name can be a target of verbal abuse.
That's because some people think 2ch should be a totally anonymous forum
and being standing out with a handle name gets negative reactions from
some people.

This thread seems to be kind of an exception because to show you're a native
English speaker can benefit everybody in this thread. As far as I know,
almost all questions in 中高生の英語の宿題・質問に答えるスレ is answered
correctly by Japanese people. So there's no slots for native speakers
to get in. But if you think you can answer questions there, it's up to you
whether you join them or not. But don't get disapointed when you get backlash.

I don't mean to scare you and urge you to give it a second thought.
I'm just telling you a possibility. I sometimes wish in a few Q&A threads
native English were there when I see a question like these below.

09/05/27 10:46:25
1) Quesitions like "What does he say in this video/audio clip"?
Not many Japanese, even if they're advanced learners, are good at listening
spoken English.

2) "Which of two is better way of saying?" "What are differences in nuances
between these two sentenses?" We can answer these questions based on grammar
we learned but sometimes English nuances can't be explained by grammars
and that's where you native English speakers come in. In questions like these,
if you native English speakers assert "one is wrong, the other is right," then
the questions are solved. That's it.

If you don't think you get offended even if you get a negative comment,
just try. Who knows what will happen? I don't think whether you know Japanese
school system or not has anything to do with your decision. Is that
relevant? Anyway, good luck!

09/05/27 10:54:22

In here one person is asking whether "." as in "Jr." is (called) a period or dot.
This I think is a kind of a question you can answer better than Japanese.
I don't know which is the correct way of calling the "."

09/05/27 11:03:19
In the same thread, another person is asking when you say 脳のしわ in
English, "crimple of the brain" is right way of saying.

Some google searches must help me answer that question right but still,
I can give the person assurance.

Both crimple and wrinkle are translated as しわ in Japanese so I don't know
which is correct when you talk about brain. Native English speakers
can answer this type of question immediately, while we Japanese have to
google or do some research on the web and still are not totally sure.

09/05/27 11:07:50
tldr even 2ch hates tripfags

09/05/27 11:21:36
Hahah neither of those make any sense, crimple or wrinkle. Are you talking about Alzheimer's or a brain fart?

09/05/27 11:34:26
Nevermind I looked it up on wikipedia and there's no english casual equivalent. You might as well use the medical term (sulcus) or, at best, a general description (like a groove or depression).

09/05/27 11:51:29
It's not exactly a common topic of discussion, but I'd definitely call it a brain wrinkle.

09/05/27 12:02:17
I see. I'll answer him/her. I assume you speak English.

Are you a native English speaker?
In this thread, a fixed handle name is useful in a situation like this.

09/05/27 12:36:28
I thought wrinkle was for the skin.

09/05/27 12:44:44
A wrinkle can be for anything. Wrinkly brain, wrinkly skin, wrinkly paper...

09/05/27 13:05:52
Wait. If you can say wrinkly brain, can't you say wrinkle(s) of a brain?
Just to make sure...

09/05/27 13:34:46

One poster put a link in the thread.
According to this blog entry, it seems like wrinkle is OK to use when
you describe a brain.

09/05/27 14:07:43
There are countless numbers of girls all around the world who love Korean Wave
and now Korean economy is getting larger than ever? Wow, I think Korea will excercise great power
over many countries on the planet. 1) cultural power, and 2) economy power...
Korean guys will be more popular considering the situation they are in now. :)

09/05/27 14:10:09
You could use wrinkle, but to my ear it sounds strange, I would use crease myself.

09/05/27 14:22:29
Yes, you could say "wrinkles of the brain".

09/05/27 14:30:16
Crease sounds good.

You say wrinkles are OK.

In a situation like this, a handle name is very helpful to tell who is
a native English speaker. I guess both of you're native English
speakers, though. Not sure. Thanks for your answers.

09/05/27 14:59:19
you guys studying anatomy now?

154:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/27 15:40:37

Okay, thank you. I definitely think I will just read these threads for now
until I can understand the questions without much difficulty. Also, I don't
have a problem with backlash from my tripcode- the same thing would happen
on 4chan =P

09/05/27 16:34:02
Thank you for the information about her.
She isn't clean and virtuous? That's against my impression on her.
She doesn't look like a bitch. She looks natural. Women in her age
tries too hard to look young, wearing thick makeup and all that but
she wears natural makeup and that's one of the reasons why I have good
impression on her. ....And armpits. lol

Wikipedia says, she's married with a record producer now.
Between the first and the second marriage, she gave birth to a baby.
I wonder who's his/her father.

09/05/27 17:45:14
Are you learning a foreign language as well? If that's the case, helping learners of your mother tongue is a really good way to improve "your" foreign language skills
becuase a difficult point where learners of your first language get tripped up often reveals the difference in grammar, culture, the ways people see the world, and so on between your language and their language.

Actually I've been helping Japanese learners for years and it considerably improved my English.
If you're learning Japanese but can't explain things well in Japanese yet, still you can help them by answering questions like "What are they saying in this video? I can't figure it out!"
I think my English pronuciation has been improved that way too. I learned what kind of Japanese sound is difficult for English speakers through the process
and it helped me to know how I am supposed to say a word.

09/05/27 18:04:20
Explanation of her that you wrote convince me that you are Yukorin guy!!

09/05/27 19:27:56
North Korea says it has abandoned the truce that ended the Korean war, amid rising tension in the region.

N. Korea: No longer bound by 1953 truce

09/05/27 19:38:33

09/05/27 19:55:12
What is most well known special ability that Korean people has?

09/05/27 20:55:53

LOADED on military transporters, four M109 Howitzers trundled down the Freedom motorway towards Seoul, as South Korea reinforced its capital.

"I have been watching army lorries moving up and down the motorway since yesterday," said Shim Hee-soon (73), in Imjingak, a village of 600 people that sits on the edge of the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ), the most heavily armed border in the world.

09/05/27 21:08:40
Haha, you guys are silly beans, really. But some people might take those K-jokes seriously, so let the truth be told for all to hear just in case.

Like I said, it is British guys who dazzle and mesmerise all sorts of girls around the world, not only Asian girls in reality.
In addition to the fact British guys are generally perceived hot, sexy, manly, gentle, sweet as they are, many girls find their accent incredibly attractive when they speak.
You know, it works like a magic spell of love and romance for girls whenever B-guys utter any word with their proper and original accent, it's not just that they sound like truely educated gentlemen, they do come off as really wild to girls.
This is the point, guys. Wild, but nothing vulgar involved here. The way B-guys speak evokes a great deal of romanticism in girls.
It's quite easy to understand the reason, though; the very fact that the British once carried their accent (as well as their flag) across the seven seas and dominated the entire globe in the way the world had never seen before.
In short, girls know subconsciously, with their instinct to survive, who they really should fall for, that is the strongest of all mankind.
Indeed, it is so mesmerising that girls can't resist B-guys speaking more than two sentences everytime they hear it!
I'm proud of it. :)

09/05/27 22:07:01
I'm not the Yukorin guy.
I don't think he's around for a long time.
All the Yukorin enthusiast wrote was about how good her fart smells.

09/05/27 22:50:33
Is it true that Japanese culture is derived entirely from Baekje?

165:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/28 01:14:19

Ah okay thank you, I might try to take more of a risk then. The foreign language
I'm learning IS Japanese =P so I think it might be helpful to post more in the
Japanese threads.

If I say something like "すみません、私は日本語の学生です”maybe this would help?
I think I'm correct in believing that means "Sorry, I'm a Japanese student"
It might be better to say "I'm learning Japanese" but I'm not sure how to say this.

09/05/28 01:23:07

09/05/28 01:32:06
I am not Japanese and I think that the Japanese military should be made into a proper army, instead of being only for 'self-defence', and having restricted armaments.
What do Japanese think about this?

09/05/28 01:43:48
You might want to help English learners on non-anonimous forums because sometimes people on 2ch can be harsh.
Either way, you'll be of great help.

As for "I'm learning Japanese," it'd be 私は日本語を学んでいます。
I've never said something like that when I help Japanese learners, but it'd be helpful especially when you're having trouble making yourself understood.

Good luck!

169:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/28 02:52:15

Thank you. And although it might be harsh I've withstood internet assaults
before- it's common on 4chan and other places. It doesn't bother me =/
such people are trolls or people you don't want to associate with.

09/05/28 03:55:20
You seemed to get it in for Korean guys. :(
British guys are considered racists, discriminating against people all around the world.
That's why they aren't popular at all anywhere on this planet except for their own small island.
Naturally, British guys are jealous of Korean guys like why we aren't popular with girls while Korean
guys are or something. And they started telling people Korean guys are not so popular. It's sour grape.
British people are only motivated to do things by that kind of sentiment, disturbing other people. :(
Korean guys are considered white in Asia, but that doesn't mean Brits. Don't get cocky, Brits.
It's often said among girls all over the world that Korean guys are like Italian guys whose characters Korean guys
have a lot to do with. Korean guys are romantic and Italian guys are too.
Korean guys love to treat nicely girls who are interested in Korean guys like Italian guys do.

There are many more things girls all over the world are interested in Korea and Korean guys about. One such thing is,
Seoul is considered New York in Asia, you know, NY is one of the most interesting and energetic city in the world and
people say Seoul is quite similar to NY. London? it's behind the time. Nothing in that city would appeal to girls all around the world
today. I hear Brits are suffering from slumbering economy. They had it comming. No more energetic. lol
It's understandable Brits are jealous of Korea now... But please don't think Brits moved to Korea in medieval ages. None of them was
allowed in to Korean territory, IMO.

09/05/28 11:15:15
Stupid story by Rana Foroohar of NEWSWEEK.

Give your comments on this stupid article, guys! 

Japan: The World’s Worst Economy (日本:世界で最悪の経済)

09/05/28 11:35:01
Uhh, Japan's GDP dropped by 16% annualized over the last quarter.

The article is pretty spot on, you guys are fucked.

09/05/28 11:42:06
you guys are all up to shit, I'm sorry to say.

174:YukiNagato ◆YUKI4lVki2
09/05/28 13:08:53
We must buy more figmas.

175:めりけん@休暇中 ◆gY8Fip1mTE
09/05/28 16:58:51
The article is pretty white-centric, and it is ridiculous that she thinks
American society is more socially mobile than Japanese society is,
but she is quite right about our economy.

If the U.S. wants to buddy up with China as a result of our economic demise,
so be it. The biggest mistake our country made in the last fifty years
was to blindly adopt American materialism anyway.

09/05/28 17:05:38
There's a bigger news coming in than North Korea's nuke test, Susan Boyle and
world economic crisis.

You know what?

That is, I took a bath yesterday night for the first time in 8 or 9 days. I didn't know the
exact number. I needed to wash my hair three times to get rid of stickyness of my hair.
I wash my body 2 times. I even shampooed my pubic hair.
Now I have skin of a newborn baby totally free from scurfs and smell.

This is CNN news reporting from Japan. Back to you.

09/05/28 17:14:54
>The biggest mistake our country made in the last fifty years was to blindly adopt American materialism anyway.

What else could we have done? We don't have natural resources so it's not surprising to fail in the end.
Apparently we should have invested more on information technology and other intangible things so we could do better,
but it has nothing to do with materialism per se.

Also, (insert a daily dose of offensive words hurled at a tripfag).

09/05/28 17:36:33
this thread is on high level.
i cant keep up with you.
i going to improve my english skill and come back.

09/05/28 18:29:35
I'm a typical hikikomori.
A while ago, some of my relatives visited my house.
So I took shelter in my room and stayed put to avoid them.
But, my brother, one of the relatives, entered my room suddenly.
And he slapped my face without any hesitation, saying
"Until when will you entirely rely on your parents and stay in this room?
Don't be a drama queen!!!"

Who would have expected this? It was like a familiar scene from a fucking drama.
Geez, my face is still throbbing with pain.

09/05/28 18:32:05
I tend to agree with you, but it doesn't look like we can afford it anytime soon. We have to live with what we have for a while.

09/05/28 19:17:30
All I hope is he keeps his happiness throughout dinner.

09/05/28 21:31:53
I think he concerned about you and your future. The action he did is rather
forcible but that is for you.
