Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 129at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 129 - 暇つぶし2ch30:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/14 01:03:20
At one time I thought I might like computer science, but I realized that I don't
give a damn about computers outside of just having fun on applications and games.

09/03/14 05:07:49
I always have some interest in Sazae-san, mostly for be a historical animation in Japan.
It is too hard to find it with English subs?
Thanks for your recommendation!

09/03/14 08:20:46
One of the sales pitches of ipod touch is Wi-Fi wireless internet connection
and you can access to the Internet on the road.

I wonder why アメリカ人 has to use neighbor's bandwith? If you have no way
of accessing to the Internet on his own, what's the point of having an
ipod touch? I thought if you don't have your own Internet access, then,
ipod classic or ipod nano meet your demands. If you don't keep lots of
music in an ipod then an ipod shuffle is sufficient.

09/03/14 13:28:06
I admire talented programmers who always get everything done so efficiently and elegantly.
I hope you get accepted into the college.

As for your career, your goal may change as you learn a lot at college, and you may consider another path.
Maybe you land on a job that has nothing to do with computers, but a lot of opportunities are open to versatile guys like you.
Whatever walk of life you choose, programming skills and a second language will be a plus.
You speak English and are learning Japanese and Java. I have never seen a trilingual derelict who doesn't enjoy his life.

I could have given some advice if you wanted to be a scientist, but it'd be too early to preach how wonderful science is.

You made a wise choice. Apps and games are not science any more.
If you're a consumer and interested in taking advantage of personal computers,
you'll get bored with computer science/engineering sooner or later.
Riding a bike is fun, but I don't think riders should learn mechanical engineering or dynamics.

34:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/14 13:34:23
Ooh thanks for the suggestion!
>garage...legendary entrepeneurs
Haha, that made my day. Have you seen the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley? If you have you have serious geek cred.

I'm only in a high school CS class so I won't be much help on the data compression front lol.
Although I do like reading articles about quantum computing (not that I understand it in any meaningful sense).
I hope you get your Nobel Prize, 頑張って!

My ISP is blocked but my neighbor must have a different ISP because I can post. I do have my own wifi connection a home.
Plus my iPod touch is serving me well during class once I figured out the school wifi password.

I had a great day to day. My calculus quiz was postponed and my kanji quiz was incredibly easy and I easily answered
the extra credit questions(thank my flashcard application for my iPod for that). However, the highlight of my day was seeing
the Chicago premier of the movie "TOKYO!" . I surprised myself by understanding a lot of the Japanese.
As I said to my friends, "TOKYO! left me with shudders. See it if you want great social commentary and a dose of the absurd."

35:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/03/14 13:46:50
WASHINGTON – [ Turning more upbeat ], President Barack Obama said Friday [ his administration is working to create a "post-bubble" model for solid economic growth [ once the recession ends ].
He said [ that means the days of [ overheated ] [ housing ] markets and "[ people maxing out on their credit cards ]" are over.
But first, Obama said, "We've got [ to get through this difficult period ]."
There are "modestly [ encouraging ] signs" on that score, said Lawrence Summers, Obama's top economic adviser,
[ citing indications [ that consumer [ spending ] had stabilized after [ taking a dive over the holiday season ] ].
The White House attempts [ to be positive ] matched a fourth day in a row of stock market gains.
The Dow Jones industrials gained ****53.92 points [ to cap Wall Street's best week since last November ].
Administration officials were criticized earlier this year for [ painting too dark a picture of the economy in an effort [ to win congressional passage of the president's ***$787 billion stimulus package ].
But more recently, the president and others on his team have tempered their comments in hopes of [ building confidence ],
[ including the president's suggestion last week [ that it was a good time for those with a long-term perspective [ to buy stocks ] ].

36:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/03/14 13:59:41
A Poem by Victor Hugo "I wish you"
First of all, I wish [ you love, and that by [ loving ] you may also be loved ].
But [ if it’s not like that ], be brief in [ forgetting ]
And [ after you’ve forgotten ], don’t keep anything.
I wish [ that wouldn’t happen ],
but [ if it does and you forget ], you could be a person without desperation.
I also wish [ you may have a lot of friends ],
And [ even if they are bad and inconsequent ],
They should be brave and true

37:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/03/14 14:00:36
And, at least one of them, should be completely reliable.
But [ because life is the way [ it is ] ],
I also wish [ you may have enemies ].
Not many or too little, just in the right number
[ So that you will have to question your own certainties and truths as well ].
And may there be among them at least one [ who is just and fair ],
[ So that you can never feel too secure in your ideas ].
I wish [ you may be useful but not irreplaceable ]

38:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/03/14 14:01:21
And in your bad moments,
[ [ When you have nothing else ], That sense of usefulness will keep you on your feet ].
So equally, I wish [ you to be tolerant,
Not with those [ that make little mistakes,
[ because that is easy ] ],
but with those [ that make a lot of mistakes and can’t help it ]
And make good use of this tolerance [ to set an example to others ] ].
I wish [ that, [ being young ], you don’t mature too quickly ].
And [ once you’re mature ], don’t insist in [ getting younger ].
And [ when you’re old ], don’t feel despaired [ Because each age has its pains and pleasures And we need them both in our lives ].

39:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/03/14 20:02:39
Victor Hugo's word,
how do you like this?

09/03/14 23:17:58
Hi kazu, how are you doing?

09/03/15 01:45:41
Never heard of Pirates of Silicon Valley.
I'll google it later. I just know that founders of google, DELL and
presumably other start-ups busness were launched in a garage.

09/03/15 01:47:07
The western actor in the movie TOKYO looks like Brad Pitt.
Never heard of this film, either.

09/03/15 02:23:28
Looks like it's one of those lines like "Lost in Translation", except the actors are mostly Japanese.
Probably, those famous directors from Paris, NY and Seoul put their own interpretation of Tokyo, its cultures
and some social issues into each work based on their style. I'd like to watch it if I have a chance.
The most surprising part is YMO under the name of HASYMO did the ending music for it.

44:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/15 04:39:42
I just got acceptance letters from USC and NYU!!!!!

09/03/15 04:43:50
Hey, congratulations. You can dance with Zak on campus if you go USC.
What if you are accepted by Cornel?

09/03/15 05:43:03

09/03/15 07:25:29
I don't understand how wifi wireless connection works.
What do you have to do to have your ipod touch connected to the Internet?
First you have to buy an ipod tocuh and bring it home.
What do you have to do then? In my case, I have fiber optical Internet
connection but my PC is connected to the router or something with a
cable. The way you connect your ipod touch to internet is different
depending on whether your home PC is connected to the Internet with cable
or wireless?

09/03/15 08:42:40
Do you have some connector to connect the iPod to your PC?
When I connect my game machine, Nintendo DS, to Wi-Fi, I use the USB connector.
Maybe the iPod also needs some gadget.

09/03/15 09:16:29
I'm 47. I neither have ipod, DS nor PSP.
I was asking in 47 out of curiusity. I don't know much about LAN, networking
and such.

You have to connect your DS to PC to get internet access with DS?
That sounds inconvenient.

09/03/15 09:18:14
I gotta go now and will check this thread at night.
I hope somebody'll answer my question.

09/03/15 09:30:10
you just need a wifi access point.
if you don't have one, go get one at some computer shop.

09/03/15 09:36:36
Google is your friend, just remember that.

09/03/15 10:37:05
No way!
I connect DS to the network just to play online game.

I'm sorry but I don't know about WI-FI system.
You had better to ask in Computer category thread.

09/03/15 13:47:51
If you have a wireless router, the DS will search for the connection automatically and then go online.
As for the iPod touch, I think you can use a wireless router in much the same way.
Although I know that many people use the 3G card, which lets you go on the internet anywhere.
However it costs a lot of money.

55:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/03/15 14:42:55
I didn't know this. haha
The definition of a desert seems that the rain is short,
and amount of evaporation is more then precipitation.

Here is the book. And we can see sevral pages.
It may be available if Amazon or something internet stores exist in Chile.
I have looked at this book carefully for the first time,
And I thought a little that this book isn't suitable for Japanese learner.
Because, at first, the Japanese sentences written in this book is too colloquial for learner.
Second, contents of the book is too old. Third, few kanji characters are used in the book.
I think that following stuff is better than above as a textbook of parallel translation.
Push the button of "閲覧する(e tu ra n su ru)". This meaning is "look".
I forgot the contents of previous thread,
and was what you needed such a stuff that voices are Japanese and letters are Engilish ?

Oh, Full-length Gundam is going to be made at "Si o ka ze ko u e n (潮風公園)" in "O da i ba (お台場)".
It's 60 feet !

09/03/15 15:04:24
I'm playing TearRing Saga now. It's a long while since I completed the game last.
It's fun to play, of course, but to be truthful, I wanted to find other SRPGs.

Do you have recommendations for fun and interesting turn-based strategy games?
I like the Fire Emblem series as well as tearring saga, but just
to let you know, I tried to play the Romance of the three kingdoms, but it was boring.

09/03/15 16:16:06
I'm really interested in PC games, but I know next to nothing about them.
I'd love to play an RPG if there's good one.

09/03/15 16:46:32
Last Remnants will be in store sooner or later.
I'm sure it's a PC game.

09/03/15 17:07:07
What's Last Remnants like?
Is it an RPG?

09/03/15 17:43:03
Don't think you don't know, but just in case let me inform you this,
Fire Emblem is also released for DS.

09/03/15 20:09:40
The Last Remnant

Seems like a good game.

09/03/15 21:49:36
hello, how are you.
What is your name?

09/03/15 22:30:46
I love video games. What do you like to do?

09/03/15 22:46:24
Thanks for your response.
It still sounds inconvenient that you have to connect your DS to PC when
you play online game.

>Computer category thread
Thanks for your suggestion.

>the DS will search for the connection automatically
Thanks for your response, too. DS is very clever.

>3G card
I've never heard of 3G card but maybe you're talking about using cell phone network.
I think I need to do more research.

09/03/15 23:15:49
>real yakibuta
I guess you love baseball. Am I correct?lol

Man, fire emblem is surely a masterpiece. I love it too.
By the way, I sometimes watch game play videos with the player speaking to audiences
on Niconico. This one is funny. It seems a 2ch'er made it.

Now to answer your question, I've played Summon Knight 2, FE, FFT, Utawarerumono,
and so on. They are really interesting. And though I haven't played it myself, Super Robot taisen seems like a
popular SRPG. If you are interested, I suggest you check it out.

09/03/16 00:37:14
great movie
one of my favorites

09/03/16 01:07:36
I love video games, three, especially like dragon quest.

Put that aside, I have a question.
When you say, "Japan isn't a utopia like America", does that mean
America isn't a utopia? Or is it a utopia?
If you want to mean America isn't a utopia as well,
it should be "Japan isn't a utopia unlike America"?
Please she light on this.

09/03/16 01:08:37

09/03/16 02:21:45
America is a utopia. That's for sure. That's why people move there even if they become illegal immigrant.

09/03/16 03:32:27
I found the whole movie put up on the Internet.
The actor who plays Carter in ER plays Steve Job in the movie.
I tried to watch the whole movie but thought twice and decided not to
watch it because I find it understanding spoken English difficult.
So I went back to my day to day rutine, meaning I set sail on a daily
porn sites tour.

I happened to read an interesting quote from the wife of Bill Gates.
She kind of envies ipod and mac users because in the Gates family,
Bill Gates doesn't allow her to use Apple's products.

71:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/03/16 03:36:57
On a hill far away, there's an old [ rugged ] cross,
the emblem of [ suffering ] and shame.
It was on that old coss [ Jesus suffered and died
[ to parden and sanctify me ] ].
I will cherish that old [ rugged ] cross
[ till my trophies all I lay down ].
I will cling to the old [ rugged ] cross
and exchage it some day for a crown.

Really Jesus' cross is the key [ for you to enter Heaven ].
Let [ us lend His Key free of charge ]!
Let [ your tears shed many figures of your sin ]!

09/03/16 04:19:38

I love videogames too.
But im more fan of fighting games.
Street Fighter IV wasnt really that good, is too similar to II.
By the way, i heard that Arcana Heart is extremely famous in Japan, im waiting for Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2.

09/03/16 05:18:33
World Baseball Classic

Japan VS Cuba has just started.

09/03/16 05:59:56
It means that America is a utopia, and Japan is not a utopia.
If the person wanted to say that America was not a utopia too, it could be phrased:
"Japan is not a utopia, like America," with a comma. Though that sounds awkward.

Man, SFIV was bad. I regret buying it.

09/03/16 06:07:49
It just crossed my mind but was your HN アメリカ人 and you changed it
to the current handle name not to make everybody confused?

How do I pronounce your kanji character?

09/03/16 06:13:23
at the top of 3rd inning

Two down, runner on 1st and 3rd base

Japan 3
Cuba 0

09/03/16 06:20:35
No, 加拿大人 means Canadian while アメリカ人 means American.
Unless I'm wrong - I had to look it up in a dictionary so I can't be too sure.

I'm not too clear on what your second question is... You mean how is 加拿大人 pronounced?
I think it's Kanada-jin.

09/03/16 06:36:58
I'm 75 and Japanese.

>You mean how is 加拿大人 pronounced?
Yeah, that's what I meant. I couldn't read the kanji although I'm Japanese.

I did some research and 加拿大人 is a way of china's writing.
Although Japan imported kanji from China, it seems like 加奈陀人
is used in Japan. But カナダ人 is more common as アメリカ人 is
more common than 亜米利加人. I mean usually when we write contriy's name
we don't use kanji but use katakana.

09/03/16 07:24:08
Oh, I see! Thank you for the explanation. I'll use this spelling.

09/03/16 07:24:45
You are welcome.

09/03/16 09:51:15
According to today's paper, a Canadian woman who's been a big fan of Japanese anime is going to debut as a singer in Japan.
She is supposed to sing in Japanese. She moved to Japan a few years ago and won first prize. Her song will be used as a opening song
for some anime (and the name slipped my mind).

We won! Well, there's still a long way to go, though...
But the pitchers did quite well. Hope they will do well again in the next games. ^^

09/03/16 09:55:58
One thing to worry about the representatives of Japan is Ichiro hasn't been at his best since the begining of the first round of WBC.
I really hope he's going well soon.

09/03/16 10:03:12
Let's look on the bright side.
Japan's team can win without Ichiro's best performance.

I think he proves his ability under extreme pressure such as in the final game
and semi-final.

09/03/16 10:14:44
Obviously no one can replace Ichiro, so...but well, yeah, you're right.
Maybe his presense itself can encourage other players to perform better.

09/03/16 13:24:52
Why is Ichigo Kurosaki that weak? He's the protagonist, and even after he goes vizard,
he's still weak. Why do other captains seem stronger even though they can't hollowficate themselves?
I thought hollowfication makes shinigami much stronger.

09/03/16 15:44:08
sweet dreams, Anny

87:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/03/16 22:27:29
Yeah, you bet it is. Today's game was nice game!
but I like soccer too.
It's a little pity that I won't be able to see the next game live due to my job.

09/03/16 23:33:29
It's easy. Just quit your job.

89:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/03/17 03:11:49
Hi everyone. Sorry for not posting for a bit. I was on vacation with my girlfriend! It was a lot of fun~
In other news I got an acceptance letter from MIT two days ago. YES!
(・ω・) How is everyone doing?

09/03/17 03:45:12
Vacation with your girlfriend? I envy you.
Where did you go? What did you do?

And congratulations on the acceptance letter.
MIT is an extrememly good university.
What other universities did you apply for if you don't mind my asking?
No matter what universities they are, MIT sounds like best choice to me.

09/03/17 04:16:50
Have you otaku guys heard of this Canadian singer living in Tokyo. I hadn't. She was on yesterday's Asahi newspaper
with a color photo of her that says she won an anime song competition last September and will pretty soon make a debut
with the OP song for a TV anime show, and it's on not an indie but major label, Sony Music Japan.
You can listen to her singing from 15:00 on this clip.

I don't really care for anime in general but I must say she's really good.

09/03/17 05:07:41
Watched NASA's launch of the space shuttle 'Discovery' last night.
The commentating was both hilarious and terrible at the same time.
"Taking the space station to FULL POWER FOR FULL SCIENCE".

Anyway, that will be Japan's first long-term journey to the ISS.
Valuable for JAXA.

09/03/17 05:27:35
I've just watched the niconico video. She is a great singer and deserves to
be the winner of the contest. Actually, she's the only one who has
great singing techniques. Other contestants are terrible.
As some people in niconico commented on the video, other contestants
had better just sing karaoke. They sing off key. Terrible. It's natural
this Canadian woman won the contest.

Not only she sings very well, she doesn't have English accent when
she sings the Japanese song. Without the fottage, I'd had assume she's
Japanese. Other than her song itself, I can tell that she's been
immersed in Japanese songs. Many Japanese singers theses days move their
one hand in the air while singing to express their emotion.
This Canadian woman does the same when she sings.

This is her fan site on youtube where you can watch her sing.
URLリンク( (This is not her own youtube
channel but a channel run by her fans.)

She has a blog and in this entry, she write about the contest.
Ahe writes in Japanese in the blog and the Japanese is almost perfect.
Maybe her Japanese friends or people relating music industry proofread it.

94:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/03/17 05:28:00
I missed the registration for college classes again.
I still got into good classes, but I really wanted to take Japanese...
Too bad. That class was filled up.

09/03/17 05:59:05
Woah, she is really awesome!

09/03/17 06:04:25
My English isn't good enough to understand why the comment is hilarious.

I don't know much about the space station and the launch of the space shuttle
except that Koichi Wakata, Japanese astronaut was on board this time.

I take the Japanese course was pretty popular.

97:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/03/17 06:12:15
We spent the whole week hanging out together in DC. Not much sightseeing was accomplished but we did spend a lot of time just hanging out, talking, etc.
I am also applying to Princeton, Stanford, Cornell and Berkeley. I think I might go to Princeton instead of MIT if I get accepted because their undergraduate program in Physics is really astounding. Then I can go to MIT for graduate school
(・ω・) UHO! Amazing~

09/03/17 06:22:34
Japan's national baseball team is going to have a match against Korea AGAIN.
Hmm, 3 out of 6 games... I'm just bored with this match.
I really want to see Japan having matches with other national teams such as from
Europe and America..

09/03/17 06:31:28
I would have spent time in a hotel all day, I mean, on bed, humping.
UHO is used wrong. It is used right in that you have exclamation marks
in your head but the exclamation should be in a homosexual way, like
when you watch this video. URLリンク(

09/03/17 06:36:09
I agree. But that can't be helped.
If Both Japan and Korea move on to the final, they are supposed to play
three more games.

09/03/17 06:43:40
Now that I've found a similar post (>>81) to mine, I feel painfully stupid but anyway..
Yeah, she has perfectly mastered up the J-pop style of singing like tons of vibrato and flat flows,
on top of her perfect pronunciation. And her exceptional singing. There's no reason why she could've lost it.
I can see her try other styles of music with her talent.
Also, from what I can read on her blog, she seems like a very decent person as well. Thanks for the links.

09/03/17 06:46:13

Watch this video. The way he makes sushi for his adorable dog looks
like professional but he says in his blog that he's not a pro.
The way he cuts cucumber is really awesome at 1:41

He has muscular arms and some people mention that in comments.
One person says UHO (in Japanese)there, other people says similar things. That dog is soooooo cute.

09/03/17 06:46:59
Never mind. I don't complain about that.
Coz that'd happen to everyone. So don't feel stupid. It's not worth it.

09/03/17 06:52:33
I thought you are >>81. lol

105:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/17 08:16:02

106:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/17 08:28:30
False alarm.

That's an impressive list of schools there. Congrats on MIT!
I'm still waiting on Columbia and Cornell but NYU and USC were my top choices anyways.
Just have to decide on LA or NYC... Zac Efron could be a deal breaker lol. Although Bo Burnham
goes to NYU and Moot possibly got in as well...

I loved this video; it made my day.
The cucumber slicing blew my mind and reading the comments when that huge flame leapt out was hilarious.
Also when I read 「犬になりたい」i burst out laughing.


09/03/17 08:45:17
I'm looking for a nice simulation role playing game.

09/03/17 08:46:58

09/03/17 09:31:35
WTF are u talking about

09/03/17 09:38:56
You can watch the video in >>102 on youtube, too, although
it is divided into three parts on youtube.


He originally started uploading videos on youtube then began uploading
them on noconico, too, I think. Or someone puts them on niconico
without his permission.

09/03/17 09:48:44
A Golden retriever in general is very clever and so is she.
Coco, the dog is she, by the way.

She barked at her male owner after the flame. It's not because the dog
was surprised at the frame. You heard the dog's female owner, who's
shooting the video scream being surprised by the flame. The dog thought
the man did something bad to make her scream so the dog accused the man
of making her scream by barking at him. Very clever dog.

09/03/17 10:20:12
>>91 >>108

I searched and she used to post in 2ch with fixed handle name, before
she came to Japan.

She was just a woman who loved to be an anime singer and she made her
dream come true. She looks young but she's already 30.

09/03/17 11:11:56
297 :HIMEKA ◆9WWAtIF1ss []:2008/03/19(水) 10:35:20 ID:cO0jsBHE0

The above is an exerpt of the thread linked in 112.
She sounded really depressed on the early stage of her life in
Japan and was struggling. Seems like she deleted her blog entries in which
she wrote something very negative and depressing things.
It's very natural now that she paved the way to becoming a singer in

In 777 URLリンク(
, she wrote it would be impossible for her to win the contest.
and the latter the thread goes, the more she and 2channelers quarrel.
That's kind of entertaining. In 780 she wrote she doesn't want to
go to the final competition for various reasons.

09/03/17 11:14:12
XShe looks young but she's already 30.
OShe looks young but she's already 28 years old.

09/03/17 11:22:26
I found some articles about her on the Internet and they never mention
her quarrels with 2channelers and her writing about private things
and whining, struggling on her blog, which is of course.

09/03/17 11:26:47

Ichiro has a way with words.
His comment on "having a match with Korea again" is so so
That's one of the reason I like Ichiro very much.

09/03/17 12:30:57
That's so witty, Ichiro. lol

118:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/17 14:01:01
Let me try translating: "There's a relaltionship with Korea. The impression is she's separated from but we still have met her in town.
So it's that sort of thing. If that's the case then perhaps it'd be better if the two people have been married. As to that extent there's a relationship."

I know that's not a very good translation, but I think that's the gist. Ichiro is pretty darn witty.

09/03/17 14:22:44
Ichiro is said to be a bright student to the extent that he might have entered
Tokyo university.

His father wanted Ichiro to go to a high school whose baseball club is
strong. But the principal of Ichiro's junior high school didn't want him to
go to the high school because it was obvious Ichiro would have not time
to study because of hard baseball practice so the princiapl persuaded
the manager of the hich school's baseball club not to accept him because
Ichiro has potential and if he studied as he did in juniro high, he would be accademicaly
good to pass Tokyo university's entrance exam.

Ichiro's father told the manager to accept him, claiming Ichiro and his father's
dream is Ichiro's becoming a baseball player.

09/03/17 14:26:25

One thing I find especially funny about it is that he's married already(in real life), so
there'd be no chance that ex-girlfriend and he would be in a relationship again.

Think Ichiro implies he is also bored with another match as many others(including audiences) are.

09/03/17 14:46:42
I'd translate like this.

Somehow Japan is pretty closely connected with Korea.
It's like you happen to see your ex-girlfriend in town.
That happens often. Maybe getting married with her is a good idea
if the two see so often and are connected that way.

Ichiro compare seeing ex in town to Japan and korea's national
teams game. I don't understand Ichiro's metapher though.
Anyway, in WBC's system, Korea and Japan play games many times.
Tomorrow's game is the third time and If both team move on to the final,
they'll play fifth time in this tournament.

That's because of adoptation of new tournasment system in WBC.
In the old system, Japan and Korea played three times.

09/03/17 14:59:18
What? I'm sorry to say, but if I read your translation first, I'd have
different idea than what Ichiro meant to say...

>I don't understand Ichiro's metapher though
I see. That showes in your translation...

09/03/17 16:30:33
I bet Ichiro would be a good troll on 2ch.
In fact, he said on an interview that he once posted on 2ch to defend himself in his thread when people
were criticizing his personality as being selfish and egoistic. He wrote "Actually, Ichiro is a nice guy."
and someone asked "Are you Ichiro by any chance?", then that completely shook him out of his anger.
He's really funny.

09/03/17 18:03:05


I've never heard of that. When did he had the interview?

It's tough to make use of 2ch if you are easily tricked, isn't it?
Especially if a source of information isn't exhibited...

09/03/17 18:19:07
I actually watched it myself on TV about 2 years ago. It was kind of a special program about Ichiro,
so said part might be much older, though. I think the episode was from when he just moved to America.
You might be able to find it on youtube. Sorry, but I just don't feel like I have to prove it.

09/03/17 18:19:18
Eeeeeek!! Ichiro posted on 2ch.
Woooops!! Ichiro posted on 2ch.
I also posted on 2ch as much as Ichiro. Therefore, I'm Ichiro, and a celebrity. I am proud of that as if my groin gets wet!!

09/03/17 19:06:04
Don't think. Feel, then you'll be Ichiro.

09/03/17 20:32:50
Hey, you guys!! Though this is a photograph of my face, ↓ can you believe it?
It seems to be a young woman in twenties, but I'm an old man in fifties.
Apparently, I might be born under a checkered star... Can you believe it?


09/03/17 22:08:17

09/03/18 05:42:08
Anita Alvarado is not white.

131:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/03/18 06:38:21
Thanks for the lesson! A good deal of humping was accomplished. w We also watched movies!

09/03/18 07:24:15

In this video at 0:02, you can see a a poster of a boy in a white tank top.
Is he Zak whom アメリカ人 wants to be like?
Can the girls in the video be called a "bitch?"
I guess they are not the type of girls who are accepted by a good university.

09/03/18 07:29:22
In America, do you have to get a permission from her parents when you go on a trip
with your girlfriend?

It depends on parents, but I guess decent parents in Japan don't welcome
with open arms their daughter going on a trip with a man at the age of 18 or so.
I guess some girls tell a lie to their parents, saying she goes on a trip with
her female friend when in fact she goes on a trip with her boyfriend.

09/03/18 09:05:19
Hey!!! I'm sure there are a certain numbers of fans of turn-based strategy games.
I've been searching for a nice one, and I've just found this game, King’s Bounty:The Legend.
It looks like a real nice game.
What's your take? Do you also think it's worth playing?
Is it popular in America?

09/03/18 15:28:23

09/03/18 16:16:40
Why they planted Korean flag on the mound??
It's so provocative act.

09/03/18 16:22:03


09/03/18 16:26:21

09/03/18 16:27:33


09/03/18 16:29:07


09/03/18 16:41:20
Yeah. Japan's national team has to be more motivated by the act.
The ability of Japan's each player is higher than that of Koreans
but as a team, Korea did a good job in this game and the last game.

Japan's number of hit was larger than Koreans. It's just that Japan gave
more walks and Japan's hits were intermittent.

I think Japan'll beat Cuba tomorrow and there's still a hope for Japan
survive the tournament but Japan has to be more motivated.
Ichiro didn't hit in this game. If he get back to his normal conditon,
things will change. Korean players have a big motivation. If they do well
in WBC, they don't have to serve in military.

09/03/18 17:22:31
Mr. Perfect Korean must be really proud of this victory somewhere on the internet. I wonder how much it will contribute
to his popularity among white girls all over the world.

09/03/18 18:50:21
I think he insists Korean men are so attractive that every girl on the street gets
pregnant just by looked at by Korean men.

09/03/18 23:41:46
The game looks really good.
I wonder if there's anyone here who actually played it.
Think I'll play the trial version. What I'm worried about is that my PC doesn't reach
the required spec for that game... Ooooh, it really hurts!

09/03/18 23:47:01
Just found a let's play video of King's bounty on youtube.

09/03/18 23:58:56
Hello Chile-jin you still here?
Just wanted to say hi because anime fans are scarce around here

09/03/19 00:05:28
Say hi to Kintama儿 'cause he's a respectable otaku too, if I recall correctly.

09/03/19 01:00:46
Yes im still here!
I hasnt say a comment because i dont know a thing about baseball
(that what are you talking about right guys?)
Here in Chile Soccer is the most popular sport.

By the way i also want to play Zwei!! 2 but my PC cant handle it.

09/03/19 04:13:51
Did they do that again just in the elimnation round?
I guess they did that act because they won against japan.
They would not have done that if they had beaten a team
other than japanese team. Possibly they might do against U.S too.

I remember they did that act even when they lost to Japanese team
in the semifinal? round in the previous WBC.
And Korean media started to make an excuse that Korea was the true champion
because they beat japan twice or Cuba must have been unhappy
with weaker and bogus japan or something.

09/03/19 04:17:39
I didn't watch the match. But I must agree that korean
was stronger.
But they almost always do somthing nonsense and provocative
that I didn't expect to happen.
It ruins everything including korean honor.
I never learn. lol

09/03/19 05:08:30
I remember a newspaper cartoon in which a cuban batter was
grudging against a japanese catcher. The cuban was depiced like
a beast or primitive tribesmen.

That was something beyond emphasis. That was intentional and hateful.
I can't find the one. Instead I found this one.

I happened to find thins one.
The Japanese teeth are actually less prutruding than whitemen.
The Japanese have shorter nose and chin, which makes our teeth
look prominent. These phenomenon are (more) common among koreans too.
For some reason Koreans see japanese from the white people's standpoint.
Anyway, we can still see wartime propanga-like cartoon in korean

09/03/19 06:32:41
Really? That seems strange to me. In America parents aren't really involved too much once you are in college. My girlfriend is in college even though I am not so maybe that is what makes the difference?

153:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/19 06:57:56

Speak for yourself. My parents are probably planning on clinging to me until I am 40 years old.
A little annoying, but it isn't a bad thing.

09/03/19 07:02:40
Zwei 2!
Now that you mention it, I remember I watched a game play video of it, and yeah, the action role playing game seemed
impressive, beautiful graphics, cute characters and everything.

So your computer is old fashioned?
I don't think the game takes a high spec computer to play with.

09/03/19 07:05:18
What type of video/PC games do you like, Tennessean?
Fight game, action game, or turn-based starategy?

09/03/19 07:16:41
Yeah, king's bounty seems quite awsome.
I really want to play it myself, and so I checked if there was a thread for that game
and found one. According to some posters there, the English used in the game is a bit difficult
and it's sometimes a pain to read English like that, but I'm so interested in king's bounty
that I can't give up because of that.
The problem I have here is, like you said, my computer can't seem to handle the game.
You need to have a high spec computer to run King's Bounty on. *sigh*

09/03/19 10:12:17
When I was a little kid, other kids were always talking about their favourite
baseball players and such but I never understood why it was so popular.
Soccer is very popular in Japan too. Old people watch Baseball and
younger people generally prefer Soccer I think.
Kids around me were talking less and less about Baseball as they grew up,
and by 15, no one was talking about Baseball any more.

Zwei 2? Are you really from Chile? Those domestic PC games are pretty
obscure even to Japanese gamers.

09/03/19 10:24:16
I'm 83 years old and stil wannabe a baseball player.

09/03/19 10:50:59
>Those domestic PC games are pretty
>obscure even to Japanese gamers.
That's not true. I mean, yeah, you're partly right, but among those who play
PC games, falcom is a famous game developer. So if he's interested in PC games as well,
chances are he's also interested in their games.

09/03/19 11:24:28
>Zwei 2!
>So your computer is old fashioned?
>I don't think the game takes a high spec computer to play with.

Yeah, is really old fashioned, its from 2005 and i know it will run slow.
But i will try to buy a new PC in the end of this year.

>Zwei 2? Are you really from Chile? Those domestic PC games are pretty
>obscure even to Japanese gamers.

Yes im Chilean and videogames are my favorite hobbie, much more than Anime.
Japanese videogames are the best for me, here in Chile and mostly all America we lost some consoles.
PC-Engine wasnt really popular outside of Japan so i get one (imported) when i was young mostly because of Dracula X.
In that time i discover a lot of Japanese games that you cant find here.

Still my favorite genres are Fighters, Shooting and Puzzle games, totally Arcade player i guess.
I was waiting for DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou on Xbox 360 but i heard that the port is horrible...

09/03/19 11:59:11
Zwei 2 looks like an interesting game. That's for sure.

09/03/19 14:52:34
How about civilization 4? I heard it was a good game.

09/03/19 15:08:38
I never player 4, they change the game rules A LOT.
The last Civilization i played was 3, absolutely awesome game if you like turn-based games.

09/03/19 18:26:09
【朝鮮日報】日本がキューバ戦に勝利し4強入りできたのは霧のおかげ 第1回大会の時と同様、日本はWBCで運がいいようだ[03/19]

09/03/19 22:14:00
Import PC-Engine to play Dracula X? I see you are hardcore XD

I used to go to an arcade after school. I mostly played vertical shooters
because that was the only thing I could play decently with the arcade
controller stick. I eventually got good enough to see some final bosses
with one credit in some easier games.
But I never got used to playing fighting games with the arcade stick.
I had trouble executing simplest moves such as.. shoryuken...

09/03/19 22:48:58
I played 2 and 4. Liked 2 and didn't like 4 for some reason.
I think Civ2 was the first English game I bought.
I remember the smell of the box. Imported computer games have this
smell that smells like foreign smell, I always smell it when I open the boxes.

09/03/20 03:48:29
How many times did you say "smell"?
Enough is enough.

09/03/20 06:50:44
I'm swamped with work and there's a possibility that I may not get to
go to Nagoya for research/fun. (´;ω;`)

This makes me a sad engineer.

09/03/20 07:20:36
Noagoya is a wonderful village. You are unlucky.

09/03/20 07:24:12

09/03/20 07:45:57
Nagoya village is located somewhere between Tokyo and Osaka.
That is all I know.

172:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/03/20 08:06:53
Tokyo is better than Nagoya.
Tokyo has everything [ that everyone wants ].

I am in Miyazaki.
But in April, I will be in Tokyo.

09/03/20 08:14:56
Who cares?

09/03/20 08:19:53
I cares

09/03/20 08:52:59
King's bounty looks like Might and Magic 5.
I haven't played either of them myself, though.

09/03/20 09:11:02
Remember, kids:

A sad engineer is an alcoholic engineer.

09/03/20 09:40:36
I don't care if you are alcoholic or not.
Go to a rehab and release a CD like the bitch.

09/03/20 10:55:27
How many non-Japanese games are really popular in Japan anyway?
I heard that Outer World was somewhat popular, GTA also.

09/03/20 10:56:57
Hey! That's kind of surprising. I've just started HOMM5!!!!

But I have problems, I mean like alphabetical characters used in
the game is tiny and so hard to decipher, and since this is the first time
I've played HOMM series, I have no idea how to play (so I need to read tutorial
messages but, you know, it's hard to read them because of the said reason).
Hmmm, to be truthful, I'm still in dark what I should do at the begining of the first map.
Any pointers? I'd really appreciate it if those of you who played HOMM5 helped me out.

Anyway, the game is visually very entertaining. I like it very much.

09/03/20 10:58:03
you guys all right over there? or is cnn just full of it?

09/03/20 12:52:37
I'm not an expert on this but I think there are 2 kinds of gamers in Japan,
those who play a lot of non-Japanese games (mainly PC gamers), and those
who don't care about them (mainly console gamers and casual gamers)
So, all kinds of non-Japanese games are popular among the former. I'm one of
the former so I dont really know what's popular among the latter and whats not.
I think nowadays people play more non-Japanese games on the new consoles
but I dont know much about that cuz i dont own them.
GTA, God of War, Halo, were quite popular I think.

09/03/20 13:24:34
well in this crisis suicide rate going up isn't a surprise...
"breeds a culture where suicide is still seen as an honorable option"
i dont know about this though...

09/03/20 13:35:15
Kim Yona criticised Japanese ice skaters, saying that they constantly disturbed her while practicing though there is no evidence.
Do you have any opinion about this?

09/03/20 13:42:44
In other countries, people often hurt other persons when they want to
ptotest against something too irregistable. But, in Japan, people often
choose to kill himself to do so. People like Kato, who commited
that cruel murder case, is still rare in this country, where there was
a tradition of seppuku.

09/03/20 14:37:42
help, i were looking for food then rat trap got my penis!
it is pain! much pain but i will live

09/03/20 14:57:21
ya cnn tends to exaggerate. just as i thought.

09/03/20 14:57:28
Outside of Japan mostly all people think that Japan never plays US or Europe games.
I cant blame Japan, videogames in USA at least on console were terrible in the 90s on the 8 and 16 bit era.
There is the idea that "PC Gamers in Japan" mostly plays Eroge or Doujin games... and there are not too much fans of FPS or RTS.
I guess this is a stereotype and there is a strong community of gaijin games in Japan but its more a niche, maybe?

09/03/20 15:10:54
ISn't CNN morereliable than FOX?
What's the most reliable TV media? PBS?

Regarding the article, I don't think there's no exaggeration.

>"breeds a culture where suicide is still seen as an honorable option" ][
In Chrsitain society, suiside is disgrace. But in Japan, suicide is considered
to be less bed than Christian countries, I think.

09/03/20 15:15:25
All those "suicide is honorable in Japan" claims are exaggerated to some extent.
Certainly our culture and traditions (and the economic turmoil too) have something to do with the higher suicide rate,
but it doesn't seem that they are the main cause. After all, we're all humans and no one in their right mind would want to hurt themselves.

I think the biggest problem is the stricter regulation on stimulant drugs for clinical depression/ADHD/whatever
and poor treatment of such illness and disorder.
Also poor understanding of mental diseases among the Japanese is aggravating the dire situation.
In fact, quite a few people regard seeking for professional help for mental illness/disorder as extremely shameful.

I'm not sure if the you-can-fake-mental-disorder situation in the US is better than our you-can't-get-any-stimulant-no-matter-what,
but it seems the US is handling patients who need help much better.

09/03/20 15:20:57
Xis considered to be less bed
O is considered to be less bad

In Japan, suicide is considered to be beautiful in a way.
In Christian countires, suicide is immoral, against Christ's preach.

09/03/20 15:24:44
fox is just about the only fair and balanced news corp out there.

09/03/20 15:33:50
well that quote was from some japanese men, so it's not cnn's fault...
it is true that there is a big difference in how suicide is seen in Japan
and the rest of the world, but it all depends on the context and
commiting suicide because you lost your job and money isn't a honorable option

09/03/20 15:35:10
You are trolling, are you?
Fox is a right wing broadcast station.
PBS is least biased TV and radio station, right?

09/03/20 15:38:57
I find your American joke amusing.

09/03/20 15:40:54
no, it's just that most everyone else is left, so when one sees a network with a 50/50 split for the first time they think it's right wing because they have never seen that before.

09/03/20 15:46:34
>it's just that most everyone else is left
If this doesn't mean you're leaning toward right, what else would you say?

09/03/20 15:49:47
Fair and balanced distortion, that is.

09/03/20 15:55:49
i used to shun fox news until a few months ago. i was strictly a cnn person.
i let the left slander me and i thought fox was some right winged news corp and i did not want that kind of influence.
but then the other news networks jsut got more and more left. they did not even try to hide it.
i had always heard the mass media was slanted to the left but i just thought it was slander from the right.
then i saw it for myself.
so i started adding fox news to my news lineup and have been pleased so far.
plus my favorite talk show host has a show on fox now. he used to be on cnn.

09/03/20 16:29:09
Yes, until the late 90's it was exactly as you said, western videogames were seen as
weird/lesser shite in most cases.
Also, what you said about Japanese PC gamers and Eroge is exactly how it was
in the 90's. There is a 2ch banner (I think it's on the PC games board) where
a 2ch character is buying Inukatana (parody of Daikatana, an infamous FPS phail)
and some kid saying "that guy's buying an Eroge!" or something like that.
But we get a lot of real good games from the west now, and the FPS/RTS community
in today's Japan is far bigger than a niche. I think there are even some Japanese
pro FPS/RTS gamers who compete internationally.

09/03/20 16:58:24
PBS is run by donations so no biased.
Other broadcast campanies are influenced by certain companies because
they are sponsers.

09/03/20 16:59:16
Um, don't think of news media as reliable or anything. They only give superficial information and are never fair.
These problems become obvious when you watch news pertinent to your expertise,
and every expert in a particular area knows that.
You should always take anything from any sort of mass media cum grano salis.

09/03/20 17:03:36
i don't have an opinion on PBS. i do not watch that network and thus can not make comments.

09/03/20 17:16:19
Show me an example based on your expertise.

09/03/20 17:20:27
Take a look at IT related news.

09/03/20 17:23:25
Like what kind of IT related news?
Give me a specific news that doesn't reflect on reality or truth.

09/03/20 17:29:42
What's luuuuvvve?

Got to dooooooo
Got to dooooooo
wiiiith it.

In the PV of the song above, what sports players appear?

09/03/20 17:34:13
...if you don't think a randomly chosen news would be generally superficial, then I don't know what I could do.
I don't quite understand how a person could be convinced that news articles that can be understood by your average person would be deep enough.

Also, how would you think you can explain to non-experts a complicated matter without skewing reality?
Could it be fair when you should dumb down information? If you think you can, I don't care any more.

Do you want a jargon filled explanation of a news article? I can't facepalm any harder...

09/03/20 18:12:32
I've been playing Japanese games most of the time with a few exception of English translated
Japanese games like final fantasy 9 and dragon warrior 7. As I said in >>179, I've started HOMM5 and
this is the first time I've ever played a non-Japanese game. I haven't got the hang of it.
I need to know what I should do.

>I think nowadays people play more non-Japanese games on the new consoles
I agree with you. Funny to know you're almost in the same situation as mine,
I mean, I don't have those new consoles like xbox360 or PS3, but I do know
that some games have been ported to such consoles.

Now I'm in between PC gamers and console gamers. DS and PC games.
Anyway, I'll search for Japanese HOMM5 fans coz I want to ask them about the game. :)

09/03/20 19:05:03

Japan and America is going to have a match!
Let us enjoy ourselves!

09/03/20 19:09:40
   /     i f ,.r='"-‐'つ____  こまけぇこたぁいいんだよ!!
  /      /   _,.-‐'~/⌒  ⌒\
    /   ,i   ,二ニ⊃( ●). (●)\
   /    ノ    il゙フ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \
      ,イ「ト、  ,!,!|     |r┬-|     |
     / iトヾヽ_/ィ"\      `ー'´     /

09/03/20 20:54:37
one word: RTFM

09/03/20 22:21:16
today's night meal
1 bowl of diarrhea (main meal)
3 well-fibered pieces of shit (salad)

09/03/21 03:36:29
what a self-sufficent guy you are!

214:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/21 10:21:06
I haven't pooped in a few days.


09/03/21 11:12:14
You should take a lesson from these guys.

09/03/21 21:57:44
I've heard that not to poop everyday doesn't mean you are unhealthy.
It depends on a person how often they poo.
Actually, it's very common for me not to poop for three or four days and
I'm completely all right.

If I don't poop for a three or four days, my poo become very long and huge and
it's like that of Saint Bernard's. When I get it out of my body and
see it in toilet, I feel a sense of achievement. It doesn't flush by just
one try. Two flushes are need to get it all gone. So far, I haven't had to
call a plumber.

If you can't poo for more days and feel uncomfortable, tell me.
I'll go to your place with chopsticks to insert it and pick your anal
to get it out of your body. I'm a certified anal picker.

09/03/21 23:38:31
Japan is up against USA in WBC semi-final in 1 and a half day.
A few US players such as Chipper Jones are suspended due to injury.
US's players and American baseball fans just considered WBC to be
spring pre-season matches and don't take WBC so seriously and that's
what I don't like about US national team's attitude.

On behalf of the injured players, players from Chicago Panty sniffers
should join the US team.

09/03/22 04:56:09
So the BNP posted a leaflet through my door today. Because I know some
of you seem to be fixated on right-wing politics, I've scanned this
flyer. Enjoy.


09/03/22 05:34:58
so, what are you gonna vote in the next election?
Me, I can't decide between Greens and Nationalists.

09/03/22 05:35:58
thank you god

09/03/22 05:36:46
The next errection will cum on your face.

09/03/22 06:50:55
I have no idea... last two elections, went for Liberal Democrats, but
they haven't actually been in power since Churchill. If they get in,
I'm pretty sure we'd have the Euro.

How's Merkel doing over there?

09/03/22 07:23:08
What would happen if a person with foreign accent call the number to
get the free information pack?

09/03/22 07:44:38
Meh, we've had worse. I'm not a conservative and I especially don't like how her administration handles the financial crisis
(LOL LET'S GIEF TAX MONIES TO CHINESE AND AMERICAN-OWNED COMPANIES!!1!), but at least she's pretty smart and seems to know what she's doing most of the time.

225:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/22 10:37:56

My problem is solved now! Thanks, Japanese television!

09/03/22 10:41:25
I guess your poo was like that of elephant.

09/03/22 12:02:44
EU... This is madness!
I didn't know Igirusujin was still around. And Doitsujin is new to me.
Do they post as anon here?

228:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/22 12:07:39

Like a rabbit's would be more accurate.

by the way


This scene of Gundam is fucking great.

09/03/22 12:11:32
As most of the people living all over the world say, Korean guys are absolutely popular all over the world even now.
They say Korean guys are like white Asian people because Korean guys are smart, gentle, cool, hot and sexy.
But it seem they will consider Korean guys are the best of all the peoples after WBC is finised with Korea at the top of
the world, looking down on all the other baseball teams. You know Venezuela completely beat America the other day, and
now Korea makes Venezuela get down on its kneads just by comletely beating the country. The world should admit Korean guys
are phisically talented as well as mentally superb. All the girls on this planet are naturally attracted to this kind of guys.
American people respect Korea for Korean high-tech gadgets and phisical strength. In other words, American people know how smart
and tough Korean guys are. They love Korean products and Korean guys. I wouldn't be surprised if American girls rushed to offer
marriage to Korean guys. :) Europian girls already noticed that since when they knew Korean succer team was really strong.
Now it goes without saying all the girls in this world are mesmerised with Korean guys.
I'm proud of it. :)

09/03/22 12:24:17
That scene is very famouse and even I, who's not otaku in any sence
know it. "Even my dad hasn't hit me." is a famoue line.
The scene is followed by Amuro pooing by the way.

Here you come!

09/03/22 12:34:15
lol Emoro

09/03/22 12:50:50
I know you know everyone knows that. However, maybe Germans don't know yet.

09/03/22 13:15:19
How very sick of you! Don't you ever try to show us how ignorant of you.
Yes, lots of German girls are already interested in Korean guys.
And even if a few of them haven't known yet, once they notice how very attractive Korean guys
are, they'll go crazy for K-guys. So such girls should know that now.
Anyway, it occured to me when I read you, though, that you're just jealous of Korean popularity.
American people are so honest that they admit the truth, but Germans are not?
Either way, this is a good oppotunity for you to know how impressive Korean guys are.
As I said, most of the girls all over the world are already mesmerized with Korean guys, and those few people
who don't know about Korean guys yet will love Korean guys when they see Korean guys. That is, it'd be safe to
say all the girls living on this planet will fall in love with Korean guys sooner or later.
I'm really proud of it. :)

09/03/22 13:37:17
To tell you guys the truth, I was really dombfounded and surprised that
there are still, though only a few, people who claim they don't know how popular Korean guys are around the world.
I was at a loss for words about their ignorance of what's happening in this day and age. Korean guys are attractive and many girls are attracted to
Korean guys, yes, that is the only truth you need to know. Those who oppose that fact should be considered uneducated or just ignorant.
I thought I taught you guys how very popular Korean guys were, but it seems that wasn't enough. Those few people need to know how impressive
Korean guys are and they have to respect Korea no matter what because Korea is worth full respect.
But of course, I'm proud of the fact that many girls in the world already like Korea very much. :)

09/03/22 13:49:03
I am well aware that your statement is completely backed up by アメリカ人's confirmation and
イギリス人's silence about it. However, it has yet to be confirmed by any actual German resident.
Otherwise, my ignorance won't be cleared up as it should be.

09/03/22 14:03:52
I don't know what you are saying, but there's one thing I know for sure is true.
Korean guys are absolutely popular among girls all over the world because Korean guys are smart and sexy.
The world knows that except for a few ignorant people.
I'm proud of it. :)

09/03/22 14:25:12
↑ あほ

09/03/22 14:29:01
>>Korean guy
I think if most peaple all over the world know Korean supremacy, there would be no need to try hard to show it here in my arrogant opinion.
How do you think about it ?

09/03/22 19:43:26
I don't know if Korean yonger has popularity among girls in Japan.
But, I think they are appearing in TV programme more often than ever.
What do you think is the reason of this?

09/03/22 22:25:40
today's night meal
smoked sock filled with tennessean's rabbit poop

09/03/23 01:08:46
In 7 hours, Japan vs USA in World Baseball Classic is broadcast.
I think I have to go to bed now to watch the game.

USA national team is supplemented with a closer from Chicago Panty Sniffers.
Before he makes appearance in the game, Japan has to earn as many runs as
possible. To advance to the final, Japan has to knock USA to shatters.

09/03/23 01:50:13
Tennessean armed with his impacted poop is going to defend the team USA and defeat whatever enemy stands in their way.

09/03/23 02:01:18
Rumor has it that an American starter of the game is going to throw a ball of poop.

09/03/23 02:06:51
They say he can pitch a three times faster ball than normal pitchers do.

09/03/23 02:13:24
As long as the pitcher throw a ball of poo, there is no pitch by hit
in any game. Who wants to be hit by a poo? A hitter stands far away
from the plate.

09/03/23 03:26:09
wtf is this?

09/03/23 05:11:12
Re:Intentional Impeding during Warm-up at Figure Skating[Yuna Kim]

I'm like "haaaaaaa, this is how Korean people blame others"...

09/03/23 06:38:09
It's true, Korean men are adored by all German girls.
My girlfriend left me because she knew I'd never be as smart, strong and sexy as a K-Man.
"Masturbating to Korean dramas is better than being together with you!" she told me.
More and more people here start to know how great Korea is.
I myself trashed my Mercedes last week and bought a Hyundai instead.
And of course, there's no food as delicious as some good, real Korean sushi.
Sometimes I'm sad that my country isn't as cool as Korea,
but then I remind myself that everyone else, too, has to accept and live with the fact of Korean supremacy, so I'm not ashamed.

09/03/23 06:45:13
LOL I guess your cell phone is manufactured by samsun and
your TV is manufactured by LG.

09/03/23 07:47:56

Japan vs USA

09/03/23 07:55:52
Heh, one of my PC monitors really is an LG.
Seriously speaking though, here's all what most Germans/Europeans know about Korea:
-Korea is somewhere in Asia.
-Most people are pretty sure that Korea is a country. Others think it's probably a part of China.
-Korean writing looks sort of like Chinese, but not exactly like it.
-They eat dogs. (China is far more famous for this though)
-North Korea's dictator is a funny-looking madman.

If someone over here is interested in or fascinated with East-Asian countries, they're usually into Japanese or maybe Chinese stuff.
And unlike the USA, we don't get many immigrants from Korea, so yeah, naturally there's not much awareness about that country's culture.

09/03/23 08:03:19
Oooh, SBS again.

For those who are not in the know, SBS is an infamous Korean TV station (not to Korean people but the rest of us. lol)
for their sensationalism based on lies.
For example, off the top of my head, what they did in the past was

1) broadcast a false report like all US beaf was infected with mad cow deaseas and lead thousands of Koreans to be turned extremely hard against USA.
They did it without scientific evidence..

2) sneak into the place where the ceremony of the Beijin Olympic was supposed to take place
and record a rehearsal without permission and broadcast it by breaking the rule(s).

And this time they are blaming Japanese skaters, especially Mao Asada, in a gratuitous manner for interrupting Kim Yuna? All based on that edited and mozaiced video
which turned out to be fault now? Gee, I feel sick.

* I'm sure you can confirm that those videos I mention above do exist on youtube, just in case you are interested to watch.

09/03/23 08:29:24
American people, what is people around you reaction like about WBC?
Allmost all posters including American here are nerd and you and your
friend don't even talk about WBC?

米人 is a Boston Redson fan and she might be interested in WBC, too.
Then again what she cares is only her local team, though.

30 minutes to go!

09/03/23 08:31:07

09/03/23 08:38:56
This may be a bit off the point, but as for me, I didn't hear about those names (Sumsung and LG) just about half a year ago.
And I've never seen their cellphones nor monitors sold in Japan, probably because I just didn't notice.
You? Did you know the companies far back?

That'd be an exciting game. Tatsunori Hara, the superviser of the team, said he respects American baseball and he's happy and excited to
have a match with America. And I agree with him. I don't know why I feel this way, but whether we win or lose isn't a matter any more.
I guess it's because we can respect each other no matter what the result will be. I just want to enjoy watching the game. ^_^

>-North Korea's dictator is a funny-looking madman.
He announced N.K would launch a satellite into space, but it's thought
it was just an excuse... It'd be a missile, actually..

09/03/23 09:17:37
America 1 - 0 Japan

257:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/23 09:34:10

I didn't even know it was going on until I saw this thread. Everyone I know is
is talking about their basketball brackets right now.

09/03/23 09:45:09
America 1 - 1 Japan

09/03/23 09:56:31
America 2 - 1 Japan

09/03/23 10:16:27
Matuzaka is not good today.
Japan shoud win this game so that Japan have to beat fucking Korea like a fucking dog in the final.

09/03/23 10:24:17
America 2 - 4 Japan

09/03/23 10:26:46
America 2 - 5 Japan

09/03/23 10:30:33
America 2 - 6 Japan

09/03/23 10:34:39
Japan is really good.

09/03/23 10:47:12
Samsung and LG are OEM for some Japanese electronics and computers,
so you might have something Korean in your room without knowing.

09/03/23 10:51:04
I have almost no interest in Korea.
The game we're holding now is really interesting.
No matter what points Japan is leading, I feel America's batters will make hits/homeruns.
So it might be an idea for Japanese audiences to forget about Korea for now. It's America
we are having a match with!

267:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/23 11:02:36
Oh, I found this baseball game on television. These Japanese players look pro. I don't
think we stand a chance.

268:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/23 11:14:55
Oh this tournament is in North America? Japanese players are doing very well so come to
a different country and play this well.

09/03/23 11:23:53
Yes, they are pro.
Just to be fair, America won Puerto Rico at the last moment, I mean, in the 9th inning
before they made their way to the semi final. So if Japanese players feel easy, it'll be
a pit hole. As I said, America is mostly comprised of MLB players, and MLB is the best league in the world.

09/03/23 11:48:00
America 4 - 6 Japan

09/03/23 12:03:51
America 4 - 7 Japan

09/03/23 12:09:23
America 4 - 8 Japan

09/03/23 12:10:44
America 4 - 9 Japan

09/03/23 13:16:10

09/03/23 14:22:00
The number of spectators I saw on TV shows how you Americans aren't
interested in WBC.

WBC consists of the first rounds, the second rounds, the semi-finals and the final.
16 countires participated in the first rounds, they are divided into 4 groups, being
4 countires in each group. Top two teams in each group can advance to
the second rounds. top 2 teams X 4 groups-=8 teams moved on to the second
round. Second round was held at the Petco Park in San Diego. The first rounds
were held in each reagions. The Asian group's first round one consisting of Japan, Korea, China and
Taiwan was held in Tokyo. Japan and Korea moved on to the second rounds.

In the second rounds, the 8 countires are devided into two groups,
being 4 teams in each group. the top two teams in each group, top 2 teams X 2 groups =4 teams
moved on to the semi-finals, which is Japan, Korea, USA and Venezuera.
Korea won over Venezuera and moved on to the final. Japan beat USA so
the final is Japan vs Korea. The semi-finals and the final are played
at Dogers Stadium in LA.

09/03/23 14:22:41
WBC was first held in 2006 and Japan is the defending champion in this
WBC. Although "3" years has passed since the first WBC, it's said it's held
every "4" year from now on. WBC was started by MLB's comissioner with the
aim of spreading the popularity of baseball in sight worldwide.
It's USA who adovacated WBC after all. It's difficult to say USA team's players
are the best of the major leaguers. If the best team is 100, I would say
this USA team is from 90 to 95 because some players declined to participated
with traing for the upcoming regular MLB' regular season prioritized.
It's odd that while MLB's commisoner advocated WBC, some MLB players don't
participate, putting WBC low on the list.

Japan and Korean teams aren't with the best lineups, too though.
IN capan's case, Hideki Matsui, one of the players of NY Yankees, Japan's best slugger,
didn't participate. In his case, it's due to his injury of the last season.
He's almost fully recovered now but due to MLB's regulation, he couldn't join Japan's
squad. The regulation's aim is to protect injured players from overwork.
Even if he says it is ok with playing for Japan's squad, it isn't permitted.
Again, the regulation is a bit odd to think that WBC was advocated by MLB's commssioner.
The regulation shows that MLB puts priority on MLB's regular season.
MLB wants Major leaguers to be in the best condition for the upcoming regular
season. I would say if he's OK with participating, MLB should allow him to
play in WBC. Anyway, Japan is 95-98% best lineup, I would say.

09/03/23 15:08:14
I have known the names of the two companies for at least five years because
I read newspaper's economy section. But I have to admit all I knew about them at first
was just that they are electric appliances manufactures, and I didn't know anthing about
their products' lineups.

About a few years ago, I subscribed to C-NET's news letters so I became familiar with
Samsung and LG's products. URLリンク( (I subscribed C-NET's
various newsletters to practice reading English.)

As for Samsung's cell phones in Japanese market, I found them advertized in
新聞チラシ of Japan's cell phone carriers, if I remember correctly.
As for LG, I don't know their products are sold in Japan.

This is news of March 2008 and I remeber reading this news in newspaper.
The news is about Sony's partnership with Samsung.

09/03/23 15:10:15
And I didn't know the fact >>265 wrote about.

09/03/23 15:25:44
This is a pen!
do not you ares?

09/03/23 19:43:40
I know little about professioanl sports in USA.

Actually, all I know is Pittsburgh Steelers's rival team is Chicago Panty Stealers.

09/03/23 20:04:42
You can't forget the world series champion, Tennessee Butt Stealers.

09/03/23 20:10:30

283:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/03/23 20:53:52
Oh, Japanese team beat American team in WBC.
I think the relation between Japanese baseball and American baseball
is much the same as relation between Japanese car and American car.

09/03/23 21:46:08
Just because we happened to win this time doesn't mean Japan is up
to par with MLB. America didn't choose thier best players because
of their contracts. Many of them value thier own teams.

Anyway, we have a game with Korea again tomorrow.. Hmm.
From my past experience, I think I'll feel bitter even
if we win or lose. You know what I mean? If we win, they
will say, "all the rules of WBC is made in favor of Japan.
Japan is dirty. We're the true winner." or something like that.
And if we lose, they will say, "we concur Japan. It's proven
Japan's weak. Ichiro is the worst baseball player. Japan should admit
Korea is superior to Japan. And Dokto is a Korean teritory
(and me thinking that's nothing to do with baseball.)
Japan is envious of Korea." or something like that.
I base this theory on my experience. Korean newspapers
(which are translated into Japanese of course) always say
things like that. Actually, what I write above is/was
already written in Korean paper. I read them online.

Hmmm, all I could do would be just sigh.

285:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/03/23 22:31:39
Whatever they say, it would be better than Japan lose. haha.

There is another problem in other countries which have many good MLB players.
if those countries gather most of good players,
there are many players who can't take part in the game,
and they will be dissatisfied with their situation.

09/03/23 22:40:05
There are always baseball fans out there who actually enjoy watching baseball games, not just their own
national teams, regardless of what counrty they are from. So, let's not get hopes up. Maybe some media
facilitate those sentiments that go back and forth between them, or some players provoke their opponents
by being a jerk, but you can either manage to keep a little bit of distance but at the same time enjoy the whole
thing, or totally get carried away by it. Either way, I don't think you'll lose anything. It's just baseball.
I'm definitely looking forward to the game.

09/03/23 22:58:04
I love Baseball, I've spent my whole childhood playing it. But for some reason, I don't enjoy it at all as a spectator sport.

09/03/23 23:18:00
i didnt know germans play baseball

09/03/23 23:29:03
I guess the professional leagues of baseball are not popular at all over there.
Oliver Kahn is admired with a sense of awe by lots of Japanese football fans, by the way.

09/03/23 23:29:35
Oh yeah? Isn't it uncommon for kids in German to play baseball?
German kids play football as far as I know.
In this World Baseball Classic, Netherland is the only country in
Europe which participated.

Some Japanese people who are involved in football such as amateur football
coaches, pro football coaches and retired players go to German to learn
football teaching skills and training skills frist hand. They're all surprised at
how German is advanced in terms of football facilities and how they grow up
on football. Footbal is in German's gene.

Football field covered with lawn specificly made for football is very
rare in amateur level here in Japan. The system in Germany to produce
pro football players is very well organized. That's what I heard.

09/03/23 23:52:23

Do you know how she's doing now? Have you heard of her?
If I'm not wrong, she's the only German who climbed to the top of
Billboard chart in USA. This song was neck and neck with Cyndi Lauper's
"Girls just want to have fun" in those days. Yes, I'm old.


09/03/24 00:04:31
look at how popular the ger-man is!

09/03/24 05:15:47
Korea is totally ugly!

I've never seen such a ugly country.

09/03/24 09:40:54
I ugly(agree) with you.

09/03/24 10:04:36
Still around, though don't really have much to say about baseball, video
games (anymore, anyway... just no time), Koreans (don't actually know any),
or UHO. Just trying to escape my job still, and also planning a trip to
Russia. There are so many things I'd like to ask Rosiajin... wonder where
he got to...

I'd expect a barrage of abuse and racism...

Really enjoy that song, forgot about it until now though. Thanks.

09/03/24 10:17:12
I've been sorta out of touch with German pop culture ever since I got broadband internet access (English immersion ftw!), but last
thing I heard was that she did a few new songs and remakes of old ones (like URLリンク( )
and that she's involved in a lot of charity activities.

Yeah, it's very rare for German kids to play baseball. Football/soccer is the most popular sport over here, I think we even have the
second best team (after Brazil) in the world, in terms of titles we've won. But me and my friends decided to try out baseball, and
some other kids joined us after seeing us play. It was fun, so it turned into a habit to play basically whenever the weather was good.
Some of us even joined organized softball teams later on (only reason that's even possible is that I live in a big city). We didn't have
any real baseball gear most of the time though, usually we just played with an old tennis ball and a large stick we found somewhere.

What are some games Japanese kids usually play, other than baseball?
Over here, basketball and American football are sort of catching on, my brother even was a professional player of the latter for some time.
