09/03/23 11:14:55
Oh this tournament is in North America? Japanese players are doing very well so come to
a different country and play this well.
09/03/23 11:23:53
Yes, they are pro.
Just to be fair, America won Puerto Rico at the last moment, I mean, in the 9th inning
before they made their way to the semi final. So if Japanese players feel easy, it'll be
a pit hole. As I said, America is mostly comprised of MLB players, and MLB is the best league in the world.
09/03/23 11:48:00
America 4 - 6 Japan
09/03/23 12:03:51
America 4 - 7 Japan
09/03/23 12:09:23
America 4 - 8 Japan
09/03/23 12:10:44
America 4 - 9 Japan
09/03/23 13:16:10
09/03/23 14:22:00
The number of spectators I saw on TV shows how you Americans aren't
interested in WBC.
WBC consists of the first rounds, the second rounds, the semi-finals and the final.
16 countires participated in the first rounds, they are divided into 4 groups, being
4 countires in each group. Top two teams in each group can advance to
the second rounds. top 2 teams X 4 groups-=8 teams moved on to the second
round. Second round was held at the Petco Park in San Diego. The first rounds
were held in each reagions. The Asian group's first round one consisting of Japan, Korea, China and
Taiwan was held in Tokyo. Japan and Korea moved on to the second rounds.
In the second rounds, the 8 countires are devided into two groups,
being 4 teams in each group. the top two teams in each group, top 2 teams X 2 groups =4 teams
moved on to the semi-finals, which is Japan, Korea, USA and Venezuera.
Korea won over Venezuera and moved on to the final. Japan beat USA so
the final is Japan vs Korea. The semi-finals and the final are played
at Dogers Stadium in LA.
09/03/23 14:22:41
WBC was first held in 2006 and Japan is the defending champion in this
WBC. Although "3" years has passed since the first WBC, it's said it's held
every "4" year from now on. WBC was started by MLB's comissioner with the
aim of spreading the popularity of baseball in sight worldwide.
It's USA who adovacated WBC after all. It's difficult to say USA team's players
are the best of the major leaguers. If the best team is 100, I would say
this USA team is from 90 to 95 because some players declined to participated
with traing for the upcoming regular MLB' regular season prioritized.
It's odd that while MLB's commisoner advocated WBC, some MLB players don't
participate, putting WBC low on the list.
Japan and Korean teams aren't with the best lineups, too though.
IN capan's case, Hideki Matsui, one of the players of NY Yankees, Japan's best slugger,
didn't participate. In his case, it's due to his injury of the last season.
He's almost fully recovered now but due to MLB's regulation, he couldn't join Japan's
squad. The regulation's aim is to protect injured players from overwork.
Even if he says it is ok with playing for Japan's squad, it isn't permitted.
Again, the regulation is a bit odd to think that WBC was advocated by MLB's commssioner.
The regulation shows that MLB puts priority on MLB's regular season.
MLB wants Major leaguers to be in the best condition for the upcoming regular
season. I would say if he's OK with participating, MLB should allow him to
play in WBC. Anyway, Japan is 95-98% best lineup, I would say.
09/03/23 15:08:14
I have known the names of the two companies for at least five years because
I read newspaper's economy section. But I have to admit all I knew about them at first
was just that they are electric appliances manufactures, and I didn't know anthing about
their products' lineups.
About a few years ago, I subscribed to C-NET's news letters so I became familiar with
Samsung and LG's products. URLリンク(www.cnet.com) (I subscribed C-NET's
various newsletters to practice reading English.)
As for Samsung's cell phones in Japanese market, I found them advertized in
新聞チラシ of Japan's cell phone carriers, if I remember correctly.
As for LG, I don't know their products are sold in Japan.
This is news of March 2008 and I remeber reading this news in newspaper.
The news is about Sony's partnership with Samsung.
09/03/23 15:10:15
And I didn't know the fact >>265 wrote about.
09/03/23 15:25:44
This is a pen!
do not you ares?
09/03/23 19:43:40
I know little about professioanl sports in USA.
Actually, all I know is Pittsburgh Steelers's rival team is Chicago Panty Stealers.
09/03/23 20:04:42
You can't forget the world series champion, Tennessee Butt Stealers.
09/03/23 20:10:30
283:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/03/23 20:53:52
Oh, Japanese team beat American team in WBC.
I think the relation between Japanese baseball and American baseball
is much the same as relation between Japanese car and American car.
09/03/23 21:46:08
Just because we happened to win this time doesn't mean Japan is up
to par with MLB. America didn't choose thier best players because
of their contracts. Many of them value thier own teams.
Anyway, we have a game with Korea again tomorrow.. Hmm.
From my past experience, I think I'll feel bitter even
if we win or lose. You know what I mean? If we win, they
will say, "all the rules of WBC is made in favor of Japan.
Japan is dirty. We're the true winner." or something like that.
And if we lose, they will say, "we concur Japan. It's proven
Japan's weak. Ichiro is the worst baseball player. Japan should admit
Korea is superior to Japan. And Dokto is a Korean teritory
(and me thinking that's nothing to do with baseball.)
Japan is envious of Korea." or something like that.
I base this theory on my experience. Korean newspapers
(which are translated into Japanese of course) always say
things like that. Actually, what I write above is/was
already written in Korean paper. I read them online.
Hmmm, all I could do would be just sigh.
285:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/03/23 22:31:39
Whatever they say, it would be better than Japan lose. haha.
There is another problem in other countries which have many good MLB players.
if those countries gather most of good players,
there are many players who can't take part in the game,
and they will be dissatisfied with their situation.
09/03/23 22:40:05
There are always baseball fans out there who actually enjoy watching baseball games, not just their own
national teams, regardless of what counrty they are from. So, let's not get hopes up. Maybe some media
facilitate those sentiments that go back and forth between them, or some players provoke their opponents
by being a jerk, but you can either manage to keep a little bit of distance but at the same time enjoy the whole
thing, or totally get carried away by it. Either way, I don't think you'll lose anything. It's just baseball.
I'm definitely looking forward to the game.
09/03/23 22:58:04
I love Baseball, I've spent my whole childhood playing it. But for some reason, I don't enjoy it at all as a spectator sport.
09/03/23 23:18:00
i didnt know germans play baseball
09/03/23 23:29:03
I guess the professional leagues of baseball are not popular at all over there.
Oliver Kahn is admired with a sense of awe by lots of Japanese football fans, by the way.
09/03/23 23:29:35
Oh yeah? Isn't it uncommon for kids in German to play baseball?
German kids play football as far as I know.
In this World Baseball Classic, Netherland is the only country in
Europe which participated.
Some Japanese people who are involved in football such as amateur football
coaches, pro football coaches and retired players go to German to learn
football teaching skills and training skills frist hand. They're all surprised at
how German is advanced in terms of football facilities and how they grow up
on football. Footbal is in German's gene.
Football field covered with lawn specificly made for football is very
rare in amateur level here in Japan. The system in Germany to produce
pro football players is very well organized. That's what I heard.
09/03/23 23:52:23
Do you know how she's doing now? Have you heard of her?
If I'm not wrong, she's the only German who climbed to the top of
Billboard chart in USA. This song was neck and neck with Cyndi Lauper's
"Girls just want to have fun" in those days. Yes, I'm old.
09/03/24 00:04:31
look at how popular the ger-man is!
09/03/24 05:15:47
Korea is totally ugly!
I've never seen such a ugly country.
09/03/24 09:40:54
I ugly(agree) with you.
09/03/24 10:04:36
Still around, though don't really have much to say about baseball, video
games (anymore, anyway... just no time), Koreans (don't actually know any),
or UHO. Just trying to escape my job still, and also planning a trip to
Russia. There are so many things I'd like to ask Rosiajin... wonder where
he got to...
I'd expect a barrage of abuse and racism...
Really enjoy that song, forgot about it until now though. Thanks.
09/03/24 10:17:12
I've been sorta out of touch with German pop culture ever since I got broadband internet access (English immersion ftw!), but last
thing I heard was that she did a few new songs and remakes of old ones (like URLリンク(www.youtube.com) )
and that she's involved in a lot of charity activities.
Yeah, it's very rare for German kids to play baseball. Football/soccer is the most popular sport over here, I think we even have the
second best team (after Brazil) in the world, in terms of titles we've won. But me and my friends decided to try out baseball, and
some other kids joined us after seeing us play. It was fun, so it turned into a habit to play basically whenever the weather was good.
Some of us even joined organized softball teams later on (only reason that's even possible is that I live in a big city). We didn't have
any real baseball gear most of the time though, usually we just played with an old tennis ball and a large stick we found somewhere.
What are some games Japanese kids usually play, other than baseball?
Over here, basketball and American football are sort of catching on, my brother even was a professional player of the latter for some time.
09/03/24 10:29:24
WBC, the final, Japan vs Korea is about to start.
Now pre-game ceremony is going on with national anthems and all.
09/03/24 10:39:53
beat the fucking Korea
09/03/24 11:15:28
2 down with runners on the first and the second base.
Hitter Ichiro, ground to the first. Three out.
09/03/24 13:14:20
I played soccer most often with my friends, since all you need to play it
is a soccer ball. Also soccer is very simple and every kid can play it,
you just run around kicking the ball, whereas in baseball you need to
have some skills and knowledge to play it.
(without minimal skills to throw accurately or hit with a bat, the damn game
just won't work)
In school, most of major ballgames are popular here. Baseball, soccer,
basketball, volleyball, tennis, softball... Most schools have their own teams
for these sports.
09/03/24 13:32:56
Today is my birthday!
What things Japanese people do usually on their birthdays?
09/03/24 14:08:33
Korea vs Japan
The Game is extended into 10th inning.
The score is 3-3.
Happy birthday!!
Got to get back to TV. This PC isn't a Laptop.
303:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/24 14:23:54
304:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/24 14:24:47
ICHIRO'S A BEAST. I've been watching all night and I saw the game against the US.
This is epic.
305:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/24 14:27:01
I saw an old friend a few days ago and he's a baseball otaku (obsessive fan of the Chicago Panty Sniffers).
He told me he loves Ichiro and then told me the quote someone linked here (in English). It was pretty funny altough
I didn't tell him I saw the original Japanese quote.
306:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/03/24 14:39:39
09/03/24 14:44:03
09/03/24 14:48:37
prepare for Korean internet attacks
09/03/24 15:18:10
Japan won the WBC!!!!!
Japan 5- Korea 3
When runners on the second and third base, Ichiro hit a game deciding hit
to the center field in the top of the 10th inning.
>obsessive fan of the Chicago Panty Sniffers
>the quote someone linked here
What was the Ichiro's quote like? I don't remember seeing it here.
I just remember seeing a quote of a Panty sniffer, "Sniff it when you're
nervous. That'll calm you down."
09/03/24 15:22:39
Ichiro's interview was really impressive.
First, he brought tears to my eyes, then made me laugh,
and lastly made me sure how he love baseball..
You did it, Ichiro! You are my hero!
09/03/24 15:26:42
on birthday i usually curl up in the corner and cry.
but other people eat cakes and maybe give presents. nothing special.
09/03/24 15:28:34
ichiro was already a god 15 years ago, and he is still a god.
just incredible.
09/03/24 15:31:56
>What things Japanese people do usually on their birthdays?
In Japan, if you're a small kid your mom buys a cake and eat it after dinner with your family.
In many cases, If you are an elementary school student, there's a small party held at your place.
You invite your friends to your house and eat a birthday cake and have fun.
If you go to junior high school, there's no home birthday party like that any more.
Maybe your close friends give you a small birthday present.
As an adult, it depends on a person. If you have lots of close friends,
they may throw a birthday party at a bar or something for you.
If you have girlfriend, she'll give you a present and maybe dine out at
a restaurant.
09/03/24 15:34:32
Do they broadcast his interview after the game?
I watched TBS but didn't see his interview.
Did you watch the game on a channel of Skyperfect TV?
09/03/24 15:42:01
It's not fair that Chicago has two baseball teams!
Panty Sniffers and Panty Stealers!
09/03/24 15:45:52
Similar to American Customs,
Families hold parties for young children
As children go, they are more likely to have parties with friends.
As an adult, these things seem the same, as adult birthday celebrations
usually consist of drinking liquor.
09/03/24 15:48:26
Did you watch the interview?
Ichiro said he'd been in bad shape and at some point his heart was almost broken
(*I'm sure he mentioned he betrayed our trust. He said he was frustrated at himself
and we know he felt that way. ;_;)
and as we witnessed, at the last moment Ichiro hit...
I thought it wasn't matter if Japan won or lost, and if we had lost
I would've been contented, but seeing Ichiro was almost in tear,
it really touched me. He's human. He makes mistakes, but what makes
Ichiro a hero (at least to me) is that he lives up to our expectations when we really need that.
09/03/24 16:02:56
Someone already made an AA. This must be when he answered the interviewer and he was about to go. lol
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09/03/24 16:28:34
09/03/24 16:42:11
So is exactly the same as all the world, i was waiting for something different in Japan.
Here in Latin America is somewhat the same, but when you are a child we got the tradition of "Piñatas".
Piñatas are some kind of figures with candy inside, and you need to destroy it with your eyes covered with a ribbon.
This is a joke video about piñatas, i didnt find a better example to be honest.
09/03/24 16:43:13
Bah, i forget wikipedia...
09/03/24 16:50:26
Just as I expected, Korean paper says Japan's dirty sumurai. lol
Why is Korea always like this? I hope the country sometimes goes beyond
my expectation. lol
Something like it's Korea that drew Ichiro's true power so Korea is worth the winner.
Yeah, they need some humour. I'd say that's never gonna happen. though.
【野球WBC】日本は「ダーティー・サムライ」。韓国との決勝戦での卑劣プレーに世界が眉をひそめた … 在米コリアン系メディア [03/24]
09/03/24 17:05:42
dads get hit in the nuts too often, they should wear a cup...
09/03/24 17:45:34
Nice to neet you!
09/03/24 17:51:22
Funny video. For some reason, I've heard of Pniatas.
Maybe Hispanic families keep the tradition in America.
Do parents make it on their own or is it sold in a store?
We have similar thing. It's a play on the beach.
It has nothing to do with birthday, though.
09/03/24 18:04:34
Oliver Kahn was famouse in Japan.
He was in Japanese TV commercial film.
>my brother even was a professional player of the latter for some time
You are from Americanized family.
I know NFL (pro football league in USA) had another league in Europe
called NFL Europa.
Even some Japanese have played there. Your brother is a real athlete!
I googled and found out that there were 5 teams in Germany.
Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Rhein.
09/03/24 18:58:00
Thank you for the information and the link.
Good to know she's still in show business alive and kicking.
She still looks really young in the video.
According to Wikipedia, her birthday is March 24th in 1960. She's 49 years old. She looks really young.
It happens to be today. The same birthday with チリ人!
What a coincidence!
09/03/24 19:19:17
Rosiajin is in bed now surrounded by a dozen of attaractive Japanese girls
in his dream, I mean...
09/03/24 19:50:09
I think Korea is beatiful country.
I want to watch the korean flag on the pitching mound.
It's very funny.
09/03/24 19:55:47
Oh yeah! i remember that game because of an Anime called Hanaukyo Maid Tai.
A lot of characters plays the Watermelon game in an episode.
By the way, Piñatas were invented in Mexico, not Spain, and it was propagated to all Latin America.
Thanks for the info!
Is she the same girl who sangs "99luft Balons"?
Funny to know that she has her birthday the same day as me, im 25, though.
09/03/24 21:18:35
i blindfold myself and smash my penis with a hammer until next morning
that is the game i play on my birthday
09/03/24 22:04:46
Ha, I didn't really know who Cyndi Lauper is, but the song sounded like Goonies
so I serched for te Goonies song and it was her. I love this song.
What's with all the fat men in her videos?
09/03/24 22:22:01
Though I dislike South Koria, I like South Korean's Kim Yu-na.
I was very glad because Japan won South Korea at baseball, but If Asada Mao defeats Kim Yu-na in figure skating, I will hate Asada very much .
It's means that you keep smashing your penis until next morning ? But I think your penis will be squashed by a first blow of hammer.
09/03/24 23:20:22
I think you're familiar with this song, too. This song is one of her hit songs
and covered by lots of singers. It's used in CM, too.
09/03/24 23:51:27
I agree that Korea is a beautiful country.
I mean, the country is endowed with beautiful nature.
However, planting the Korean flag on the piching mound
is really rude.
09/03/25 01:46:08
I respect the Korean closer for not having walked Ichiro in the 10th, although maybe he should have if they
hadn't wanted to lose the game since first base was open. I guess they really wanted a win over Ichiro as well,
which wasn't about strategy but something personal against him. And it made the perfect climax of the entire tournament.
And I'm so glad that Ichiro delivered.
09/03/25 02:03:46
I frist thought Korean team was brave enough but the truth behind
it is different from what you and me think about the situation.
09/03/25 02:09:46
It was too boring to watch the baseball game of Asian brothers...
09/03/25 02:15:41
Korea isn't Japan's brother but just an annoying neighbor living next door.
09/03/25 02:31:10
I see. They are brothers on bad terms but are so much alike...
People in other countries couldn't tell one from the other....
09/03/25 02:35:56
I read the comment the Korean manager made after the game, too. I took it as his indecisiveness that he regretted.
The count was 2-2, so I think the pitcher chose to challenge Ichiro.
09/03/25 02:38:38
Indeed, they could be twins!
Mom is China and Dad is......Russia!?
09/03/25 02:49:50
Troll harder, you don't even make sense there.
09/03/25 02:50:43
Historically, it is true that China has brought up the two children, Japan and Korea.....
09/03/25 02:55:08
Korea and Japan were once colonies of China....
In 1945, Korea became independent of China, while Japan in 1950....
09/03/25 02:57:37
Er, your analogy itself is a clarifying manifestation of your lack of culture and understanding, but whatever.
09/03/25 03:04:32
In terms of culture, Chine is the mother of the two children; Korea is the elder brother and Japan is the younger.
09/03/25 03:11:44
Perhaps, you are a microorganism or parasite that causes diseases in one of them, huh?
09/03/25 03:15:29
So, what made the K&J twins break up? I wonder....
09/03/25 03:28:18
Speaking of disease, both of K&J twins probably have caught a disease...
A disease in which patients go mad about batball or bathball or something.....
09/03/25 04:57:10
>People in other countries couldn't tell one from the other....
They just have to follow this infallible guide on how to tell East Asians from one another: URLリンク(s5.tinypic.com)
09/03/25 05:48:24
Maybe you should study the world history more.
Japan and Korea have never colonized by China;
they were China's daughter nations.
Korea was colonized by Japan untill 1945,
and Japan was under the occupation of GHQ until 1952.
Before the WWII, they were both independent countries.
09/03/25 06:22:06
Exactly !
09/03/25 09:49:49
Japan's team at the WBC played really good. Congratulations.
09/03/25 09:52:30
I understand...
Before WW2,
Korea was a independent country but a colony of Japan and a daughter of China.....
Japan also was a independent country but a colony of U.S. and a daughter of China......
09/03/25 10:02:39
It's the great result of K&J twins' close cooperation and bonds of friendship, thank you....
09/03/25 11:06:01
daughter of China ?
09/03/25 11:15:12
Those Chinese who distort history tries are not permitted to join this thread !
I'm fed up with Sinocentrism.
09/03/25 11:22:01
超速報!WBC イチロー優勝インタビュー!2009 ICHIRO 51
09/03/25 11:42:33
Yes, the K&J twins are China's daughters.....!
09/03/25 11:57:12
09/03/25 13:50:20
09/03/25 14:16:22
When you write agree and ugly in Japanese characters, both are
written アグリー.
I know to native English speakers, they sound different from each other but
do you say ugly and agree rhymes with each other?
09/03/25 14:53:47
You are absolutely right. The japanese pronunciation of these english words sound completely the same.
When spoken from a native voice, they do not rhyme.
09/03/25 15:01:12
Yeah, native english speakers pronounce the words like UH-gly and uh-gREE,not agurii.
09/03/25 16:02:13
The number of people who speak Chinese or Japanese (a dialect of Chinese) is about 2,000,000,
far more than that of English speakers....
So we should respect the pronunciation of Chinese including Korean and Japnanean.......
09/03/25 16:06:01
Do Japanese textbooks/dictionaries use katakana to represent the pronunciation of English words?
It's a good idea to learn IPA (URLリンク(en.wikipedia.org)), it does a good job at clearing up how to pronounce stuff
and is used in many English-English dictionaries (the only kind of dictionary for this language you should be using if you can read this).
But of course, to actually speak well, you have to listen to thousands of hours of English, there's no way around it.
It's a bit frustrating that the English use a writing system that is so badly suited for their language. From Japanese kana and
Spanish, German or Italian words written in Latin letters, I get a fairly precise description of how to pronounce it. Kanji
at least give me a good idea of what the word means. But when I learn a new English word, I still sometimes have to look up its
pronunciation and get no clue about its meaning other than the context I discover it in.
09/03/25 16:53:12
No, textbooks and dicktionaries use phonetic alphabets.
09/03/25 17:00:41
Thanks for your response.
Are you a native English speaker?
I want to ask native English speakers to confirm if they think the two
words rhyme. I'm sorry if you're Japanese and feel bad about this post.
09/03/25 18:10:45
Some dictionaries ,especially which target on junior high kids or below,
use both katakana and IPA to describe pronunciation of words.
I don't approve of these dictionaries because these can lead children to
be under illusion that Japanese pronunciation can be applied to english pronunciations.
371:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/25 21:47:03
If Japanese had some way to say syllables beginning with L, it would make
things a lot easier.
It seems to me that a lot of Japanese people have trouble saying L words because
it isn't in their language. Kind of sucks.
09/03/25 22:20:07
The thing that Japanease not to be good is not to say syllables beginning with L, but to say syllables beginning with R?
Japanese are not good at the pronunciation of R.
Then why they are not good at that? Well I think that the reason for that they are shameful because the pronunciation of R looks like operatic singer's singing voice.
09/03/25 23:11:41
i dig hole to protect myself from nuclear war and
look for food in dark warehouse to prepare for survival of fittest.
then rat trap got my penis! i bleed silently from penis in warehouse alone
and wait to die
09/03/25 23:25:37
peter! are you allright! a rat who is danny, said so to dying peter
peter's penis blood is became ice and blood stopped because now is winter.
peter ejaculated and penis bleed again! what a fool! said rat and leave peter alone
09/03/26 00:01:06
So native speakers don't take that the two words don't rhyme with each othter.
09/03/26 00:04:44
Nah. When I speak Japanese, I have to use a whole lot different set of phonemes, and vice versa.
On top of that, tonality, stress-timed vs. mora timed and other differences all make it difficult.
I don't think just adding L to the language would help a lot.
09/03/26 00:20:17
Empire State Building was lighted up like Japan's flag to celebrate
Japan's visctory in World Baseball Classic.
He's just talking about the difference in pronunciation between agree and
09/03/26 00:25:26
I disagree.
Japanese people cannnot pronunciate R sound because
they have no R sound in Japanese.
I was once amazed to see that some French people cannot
pronunciate H sound. That's because they have no H sound
in their language. NOT because they are ashamed of H sound.
09/03/26 01:17:54
>they have no R sound in Japanese
You do, it's just not the R of e.g. American English. The R in syllables like れ sounds a lot like the R in Scottish English.
It's somewhere between that and the L sound really, but native speakers usually interpret it as an R when you say it.
09/03/26 02:33:23
09/03/26 04:14:00
I too have a problem pronouncing my L's and R's sometimes.
09/03/26 04:40:01
Been trying to roll mine for months, but still can't... so jealous of
people who can. Lenin couldn't roll his Rs though.
09/03/26 05:29:18
like hitler's r's?
384:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/26 11:08:03
To say a proper L, you have to start with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth,
then end it with it smacking the back of your bottom teeth.
or back of top teeth to back of bottom teeth. i dunno.
09/03/26 11:41:27
The deadline's coming up.
I guess you've been extremely busy with making a new kind of April
Fool's Day virus.
09/03/26 18:18:06
Here comes a Wolf!!
09/03/26 19:44:56
Do Americans really take a bath tub with full of bubble ?
09/03/26 19:55:29
Anyone saw とらドラ! ending?
It was somewhat bland compared to the quality of the series in general but it was cute.
09/03/26 20:06:13
Hey Chilejin! I watched it live last night and it was a neat ending indeed!
And I was reading the Toradora threads just now.
It ended so neatly there is not much to be said about it though.
09/03/26 20:43:08
Yeah, i wanted to post something in those threads but my Japanese is still too weak...
09/03/26 20:55:02
Aw, speaking of which, did you watch it raw?
How good is your Japanese?
09/03/26 21:01:18
Japanease are not good at the pronunciation of R, but Yakuzas (Japanease Mafias) are good at that.
The reason for that is they trill their r's, "Gorururuaaa!!!", when they threat others.
09/03/26 21:02:05
I first saw in RAW, yeah
Then i saw it fansubbed, but to be honest it was somewhat easy to understand.
The kiss scene was very beautiful... "もういちどう。。。" (Hope that i didnt spoiled too much)
But finally i was happy with the ending, i mean, it was too obvious... but it was much more neat than average Shoujo/Bishoujo Anime
Im at second grade in my Japanese classes (im studying Japanese professionally, i want to get the translator title).
But there is still a really loooong way to go...
09/03/26 21:02:51
It was >>391, sorry.
09/03/26 21:07:54
>Im at second grade in my Japanese classes
Does that mean you've been studying for 2 years? Or is it that you "earn" grades by taking some sort of test?
09/03/26 21:10:50
This is my second year in Japanese classes.
I can read hiragana, katakana, about 70/90 Kanjis and basic things.
But i know some other things because im a self-taught person.
09/03/26 21:16:03
By the way:
It seems that mostly all people are discussing about if the kiss was a normal or a "French" kiss.
I think it was a normal but sweet kiss, what do you think?
09/03/26 21:25:21
So・・ If every Japanese uses YAKUZA world, Everybody can use “r” better than before right??
09/03/26 21:33:06
Oh, so you are good enough to understand raw anime!
And yea, the kiss scene was very well done. In Toradora threads
everyone is talking about what "happened" afterwards. (hehe
I understand the ending was too obvious, some people seemd to be
disappointed by that. But personally I expected it to end like that
after watching ep 24, so it was all good for me.
09/03/26 21:38:10
I don't remember that well but it seemed normal to me.
09/03/26 21:47:35
>And yea, the kiss scene was very well done. In Toradora threads
>everyone is talking about what "happened" afterwards. (hehe
Well, i heard that Toradora was based on a light novel and on an unfinished manga.
So... i guess there is "more" of Toradora anyway right?
To be honest i cant imagine how Toradora can continue (excluding the ero wishes of all).
09/03/26 22:13:20
From what I read, the novel was finished before the last anime ep.
I don't know about manga... I only watched anime and didn't care about
the original materials.
And by "happened" I meant secks after the kiss. They kinda implied it
by having the two hold hands tightly. (on the train back home)
09/03/26 22:44:44
It was pretty easy to understand what you implied by saying“what happened afterward”, probably because I'm Japanese.
Japanese perople often write/say this way in Japanese.
09/03/26 23:18:44
Yeah i understand what you say about what "happened" (thats because i say "excluding the ero wishes of all").
Im pretty sure that next Comiket will be full of Toradora doujinshi...
09/03/26 23:21:26
peter is killed by coldness of winter. do not underestimate winter.
this you become if you underestimate winter! said butcher and
throw body of peter on floor. dead body sleeps there silently.
peter is became so cold. it is peter's death.
makahannyah haramita shingyo amen. farewell peter.
09/03/26 23:23:25
He is so sad・・
09/03/26 23:40:53
Ah kk!
I shudder at the thought of graphic Taiga x Ryuji action...
09/03/26 23:59:00
you! give that stove to me! you little rat!
butcher attacks rat who with stove. rat died instantly vaporating
remember this rats! no one mess with butcher. ruler of this land!
09/03/27 00:34:04
that reminds me, is there any movie that is more epic than lord of the rings?
i want to see some huge war like orcs vs humans in lord of the rings.
no modern day war.
09/03/27 00:40:51
Good luck with your studying Japanese!
Though I haven't seen Toradora, but
studying Japanese with animes is kinda
motivating, isn't it?
09/03/27 02:30:17
>Though I haven't seen Toradora, but
>studying Japanese with animes is kinda
>motivating, isn't it?
With anime, music, movies, video games, doramas, you name it!
412:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/03/27 03:01:12
What is the meaning/reference to 「それはマジでキチガイじみてるからやめろ」?
A person I was talking to over irc was trying to figure out the meaning, but all we could understand were "maji" and "yamero".
09/03/27 03:17:07
Still can't access to 2ch at home?
I need the context to translate it well but I think there are two possibilites.
1) Stop doing it because the act of doing it is kind of crazy/stupid/insane.
2) Stop doing it because it is kind if crazy/stupid/insane.
In 1), speaker is ordering/requesting/advising not to do something because the
act of doing it is crazy/stupid/insane.
In 2), speaker is ordering/requesting/advising not to do something
because "the something" is seems so crazy/stupid/insane that you should
keep away from it.
09/03/27 03:23:17
The literal translation would be "Stop it, that really sounds crazy."
This katakana "kichigai" is generally used as something very outrageous/dangerous/scary/ in a negaive sense.
09/03/27 03:26:25
And what about マジ? i saw it in a lot of threads.
09/03/27 03:28:53
Really?/Seriously?/For sure?, etc.
09/03/27 03:33:20
Ah, leave out the question mark, I thouht it was part of the phrase.
09/03/27 04:10:39
Forgot to translate majide.
As 416-417 says, it can be translated using a adverb but in 1) and 2)
I would just add "I mean it" at the end of each sentense.
419:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/27 11:49:16
I have a question. This whole deal of company loyalty, salary men, etc; is that a result
of Japanese culture or perhaps a result of high competition for jobs? I was thinking maybe
it is a result of older Japanese culture where samurai had this code of honor and loyalty (of
course a general would want to indoctrinate ideas of loyalty into his servants).
420:日本人 ◆EyxCPX2ero
09/03/27 12:19:06
09/03/27 12:24:28
The former one is right.
And I think it's also a result of Japanese traditional culture, where people admired older people.
09/03/27 12:25:50
09/03/27 12:42:00
(continued from 421)
and I'm not sure but maybe old Japanese society where samurai prevailed also has contributed to its seniority system in companies.
This is likely enough to this unique Japanese system.
09/03/27 12:46:35
I don't know. If you trace it back to samurai era, maybe you can say that.
But common understanding is Japan's company's lifetime employment system
contrinutes to it. Different from American companies, Japanese companies
don't give their employees a pink slip easily. That results in employees
loyalty. And it's common an employee work for the same company until they
Now things have changed and western value and merit system has been adopted
and employees loyalty is less than before. Job changing getting more common.
09/03/27 13:10:15
I like dump trucks.
09/03/27 13:23:42
So, how many of these foreigners in this thread live in Japan?
09/03/27 13:37:31
Nobody. All foreigners here are posting from abroad.
Some foreigners living in Japan posted before, though.
09/03/27 14:26:44
I've seen native speakers use ` instead of ' such as "I don`t know" instead of
"I don't know." Do you know why? they're just having fun getting out of mold?
Come to think of it, ` looks cool than using '.
What's your take on this phenomenon?
Using ` isn't acceptable in an official document, right?
09/03/27 15:09:06
I've not seen the punctuation mark used as a way of meaning ' so often.
So I have no idea.
09/03/27 20:56:24
Ok, thanks for your response.
Any native English speakers?
09/03/27 22:19:29
皆さんこんにちは ^^
I'm a fan of Japanese mystery novels
I'm interested in ''東京ダモイ 鏑木蓮''
has anyone read this book?
if you like mystery too
what mystery novels do you recommend?
09/03/27 22:37:37
I've never read the book and I don't read much in the first place.
I spend most of my free time studying English and I used to try reading
English novels. I read one Japanese mystery novel translated to English.
That's "Spiral" and in Japanese, it's title is "らせん" written by
Koji Suzuki. That movie was a sensation and Sadako became a buzz word.
09/03/27 22:53:16
I never read a Japanese mystery novel... sadly. Sorry
09/03/27 23:52:18
I'm sure this is a gadget you native English speakers who are crazy about Japanese girls
are interested in.
435:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/03/28 00:39:24
Have you heard of a game called "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"?
It's a game based on the "small world experiment", created by
three college students.
At some point, they watched "Footloose", followed by
"Quicksilver", both movies starring Kevin Bacon. During this
viewing, they began to speculate on how many movies Kevin Bacon
had been in, and how many other actors he was thus "linked" to.
It was intended to be a simple party trick: someone would tell
them the name of an actor or actress, and then they would find a
link between that person and Kevin Bacon. However, it's now
familiar enough in American pop culture to be referenced to in
some TV shows. Here's an example:
Beat Takeshi has never appeared in a movie with Kevin Bacon.
However, he appeared in "Johnny Mnemonic".
Simon Sinn appeared in "Johnny Mnemonic" (though he had an
almost nonexistent role). Simon Sinn was also in "Where the
Truth Lies".
Kevin Bacon had a major role in "Where the Truth Lies".
Therefore, Beat Takeshi has a Bacon number of 2.
09/03/28 01:44:30
Never heard of the game, never did it for that matter.
I am not in any Kevin Bacon's movie, which is obvious because I am not
an actor. But I ate a slice of bacon on a slice of a toast this morning.
So I have a Bacon number of 1 alpha.
09/03/28 05:39:29
The Japanease youth culture in postwar denied an old Japan lifestyle, and have mimicked the United States lifestyle.
If so, why don't they throw away Japanese and speak English?
Though they think that any United States thing is fantastic, why don't they speak English?
It is very mysterious for me...
09/03/28 08:55:47
Would you wear hundoshi and kimono, and write Engrish then?
You'd be a real kintama that you are.
439:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/28 09:59:10
Probably because parents taught their kids Japanese. A lot of Japanese people
learn English as a second language because of it's international importance, anyways.
Kind of like I have been learning Japanese because I think it sounds awesome and it
is amazing resume fodder, to learn a complex Asian language on one's own self-initiative.
Trying to learn some Mandarin Chinese, now.
09/03/28 13:45:04
Do people in America know that much about movies?
Sounds like I would have to implant a movie database chip
into my brain to play that game?
09/03/28 14:20:52
You should start learning Korean now.
It's the most beautiful language in the world.
Most girls all over the world today are truly interested in the Korean language because they want to
understand what Korean guys say. They say Korean guys are hot and cool, innocent and sexy, and gentle and smart.
The thing is, Korean guys have what appeals to girls. You know, phisical strength and mental strength as well as
kind heart. There's no wonder they want to marry one. Thousands of words couldn't say how much girls are interested
in Korean guys. Those girls chose a Korean world star named the Rain as one of the most influential people all over the
world. That explains how they love and respect Korean guys.
Another reason they love Korean guys is because they appreciate how dependent they are on Korean guys in their daily life,
you know, Korean high-tech gadgets have become something of necessity like Samsung smart phones and hyundai cars, especially
in America. it's a given American girls are mesmerised with Korean guys. No doubt about it.
And it's a sure bet that more and more girls will fall in love with Korean guys once they get their hands on Korean products
which are absolutely selling well all over the world. They know how much Korean guys contribute to their life.
I'm really proud of it. :)
09/03/28 14:37:28
He was always prepared to make himself useful, and
there was nothing, however tiresome, that you asked
him to do for you that he would not do with pleasure.
(The Razor's Edge, W. Somerset Maugham)
What is the meaning and function of 'would' in the last line?
09/03/28 14:52:47
I just remembered this one incident I witnessed on some Japan-related forum.
Some Korean guy started a thread about people's favourite languages,
saying "I guess you all like Japanese, it's a cool language. Korean is like Japanese,
it sounds a lot like Japanese" which was denied by some Westerner's post
"No it doesn't sound similar at all to me"
The Korean guy was talking very friendly at first, but then some anti-Japan American
guy came in and said fuck Japan, they're gay. Then the Korean guy took a 180 degree
turn and started to bash Japan together with that American guy. It was hilarious.
444:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/28 15:07:30
Yea Korean is alright, but I think Chinese should be prioritized because they are ALL THE RAGE
right now. They have dreadful business practices, but their GDP is soaring!!!
09/03/28 15:28:53
If Japanese women judge Korean men from only drama characters
that's a big mistake =.=
I'm sorry, I really don't like Korean
09/03/28 16:11:45
Whatever language you choose, the fact remains Korean guys are considered fascinating and attractive to most sensible girls all over the world and
Korean high-tech gadgets are far more competitive than Chinese dreadful products are.
You must admit that. Korean guys make the best husbands. That's what almost all the girls all over the world know.
I don't give a shit about your meaningless opinion, coz most girls in the right mind say they are truly interested in Korean guys.
They express their affection to Korean guys on the internet. Korean guys deserve their interest. Korean guys are so smart they invent
cool electric gadgets and not only that Korean guys are also very sexy so girls can't get K-guys out of their heads. That's the truth.
I'm really proud of it. :)
09/03/28 17:39:21
They sort of do. Listen to some Japanese pop music,
a lot of it has Engrish spliced into it. Other songs are completely in Japanese
but sung with a fake American accent.
09/03/28 21:25:05
Fear Ichiro
09/03/28 22:48:57
Those McDonalds commercials in Japan are extremelly popular in Japan right?
I saw it in a lot of parody videos.
09/03/28 23:19:30
Yes, Ronald was popular a while ago I think. I'm not a niconico person so
I don't know much. I only watched some on youtube.
Some of the Ronald videos I liked
09/03/28 23:56:15
I laught a lot with the MOTHER remix song.
I guess the most famous Ronald videos is the Touhou remix
09/03/29 00:12:55
Yeah, that video was what got me into Touhou music
09/03/29 00:15:43
I felt myself having goosebump when I watched this video.
Ichiro is thought-provoking and philosophical. I'm in awe.
09/03/29 00:39:06
Don't miss the Japanese legendary rapper for which even イギリス人 kneels down for.
イギリス人's i-pod's heavy rotation.
09/03/29 01:22:24
Is Ronaldo famous name in Britan and related countries?
First ronald that came to my mind is Brazilian soccer player Rolando
and second is fake Ronaldo in Portugese.
And wait a minute.. Ronaldo Reagan was there!
And I remember hearing that Ronald on Portugese was named after that President.
I think soccer Rolando's image is too strong and wanes ex-president.
Their prime time is different.
09/03/29 01:26:01
And he is not Ronaldo, but Donaldo, isn't he?
09/03/29 01:32:04
Things are complicated.
Ronaldo seemst to be porutugese name and Ronald is British name.
Both must be coming from Christian name.
His second given name, "Ronaldo," was chosen after then-U.S. president Ronald Reagan, who was his father's favourite actor.[
Oh, God. His father choose Reagan not for his presidency but his acting career.
09/03/29 02:03:04
Ronald is a Germanic/Nordic name, I think.
I know lots of Americans, Dutch and Germans with that name.
Dunno if Ronaldo is actually related to that or if it's an original Latin name.
09/03/29 02:13:06
Oh, Really? Interesting story.
Ronaldo is so famous that he seems to have overwhelmed the origin.
I guess story is different in the U.S because soccer and soccer
player are not the center of the attentions.
Besides, Reagan was Amerca's own President who Americans can never
09/03/29 02:23:49
I just learned Ronnie is a nickname for Ronald.
Do Americans call Ronald Reagan Ronnie Reagan?
The man below is Ronnie Coleman and different from Reagan, he seems to be
always called Ronnie. He is arguably the best Body Builder ever.
And Ron Paul is Ron Paul. I don't know the rule.
Maybe nickname for President is unpolite and other cases may follow with
the flow of the names.
09/03/29 02:26:24
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton : There are many examples that
contradicts with my assumption.
09/03/29 04:52:26
I showed those to my colleagues at work a few months ago. They were
pretty impressed with Cool TAK. Especially this one guy who pretends
he's black sometimes and says "mother bitches!" a lot.
Near enough everyone here has heard of Ronaldo, even though he's never
played for any British teams.
463:Outrageous Catherine Zeta-Jones
09/03/29 08:12:31
Good morning!
How a good sunny day!!
09/03/29 14:05:05
It's cloudy here but it feels like spring has come.
In a week or so, cherry blossoms vewing parties will be in full swing.
That's nothing to do with me. First, I don't go out as a reclusive man
so don't care if it's spring or not. Second, I have no friends so I have
no one to go to a cherry blossoms vewing party with.
09/03/29 15:15:46
Oh, outrageous Catherine Zeta-Jones...
09/03/29 15:20:14
By the way, how does the word “Zeta” function in a name ?
For example, David Zeta-Beckam or Micheal Zeta-Jackson is ok?
467:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/29 15:24:30
America has... pine trees. Seriously, our vegetation/shrubbery/trees are terrible.
But cherry blossom viewing parties? Even for an awesome tree, that seems like it's
going overboard.
09/03/29 15:52:46
Zeta indicates that the person is a cyborg or an artificial lifeform.
The main purpose of Hanami is to get drunk and do stupid things
just like any other party.
09/03/29 16:07:31
>Do Americans call Ronald Reagan Ronnie Reagan?
09/03/29 16:11:12
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/29 16:16:24
I thought you know Japan's tradition and culture to some extent so
I was kind of surprised at your comment.
Cherry blossoms vewing party, which is called "Hanami" as 468 says is
Japan's event throughout Japan. Family memebers, friends or coworkers
gather to drink and have some fun under bloomed cherry tree. Some sing Karaoke.
Even Japan's meteorologial agency announces the date of when cherry blossoms
will start to bloom every year. The far northern, the later cherry blossoms bloom.
09/03/29 16:23:59
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/29 16:33:11
That brings back childhood memories...
I don't live in Japan, but my city has a park with quite a few sakuras.
And once a year, there's a festival with a few thousand people and very nice fireworks.
I loved going there when I was a kid.
09/03/29 17:04:47
The people in the park enjoying cherry blossoms vewing is Japanese?
Japan gave many cherry trees to Washinton. So I guess people in Washinton DC are
familiar with cherry blossoms vewing.
09/03/29 19:37:41
What are you guys talking about.
I'm the one who is cherry boy.
No more cherry thing, that I don't want to hear it anymore.
09/03/29 22:00:09
Japan gave many cherry trees to Washinton, and United States gave many dogwoods to Japan in return for the Sakuras.
Many Japanese don't enjoy vewing cherry blossomes but enjoy drinking sake on the pretent of vewing Sakuras.
By the way, a novel "A Peach-Buttocks-Girl" is written by an auther Hashimoto Osamu.
09/03/29 22:04:20
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/29 23:54:25
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/30 01:11:50
Hey foreigners can post again. I missed translating messages to English in that other thread. So much fun, or maybe I'm just so bored.
09/03/30 02:04:12
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/30 07:44:24
I want to punch a tiger.
I will videotape it and put it on the internet.
People will watch it and say "He punched a tiger. I wish I was as manly and awesome as he is."
But then I will move to the Brazilian Rain Forest and make sure that nobody ever sees me again.
They will all ask "Where did he go?" and I will become a legend.
In sixty years I will reappear on the streets of Tokyo wearing nothing but a thong made of tiger fur.
I will then become the first foreign Japanese Prime Minister.
09/03/30 08:23:37
Siberia's winter has hardened my soul. Cuddle bears taught me how to fight.
I am ready to go now.
09/03/30 08:33:07
You know who is fucking amazing?
I am motherfuckers,now all you yellow commies should be lining up to suck my dick.
Derp derp da durrr
09/03/30 10:26:15
Golly mister, I thought commies were red!
Every day is a learning experience.
09/03/30 10:32:11
There are no cuddle bears in Siberia. There are only grenades and bags of jagged glass.
You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor! Take her away.
486:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/03/30 12:46:42
The Republicans are starting to annoy me a little. They don't care about the country,
they just care about opposing anything Obama does and gaining more votes. Totally
09/03/30 13:57:43
these sakura are in DC. I have been there and I have seen them.
wikipedia has images.
i have seen them in bloom they are very nice.
we also have cherry and apple trees that look like this planted around my university and a collage friend and I would go and photo them each spring as they bloom.
09/03/30 14:37:21
You should appreciate it to Jonney the apple seed.
09/03/30 14:44:18
09/03/30 15:08:11
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/30 15:20:09
Thanks to Jonney Appleseed, there're lots of apple trees in America
as far as I know.
09/03/30 15:32:31
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/30 16:36:55
Can you be a little more specific?
You are talking about AIG or something?
I hear the poll showes that the number of people who support Obama
has been dwindling (though it still is over 50 percent isn't it?)
mainly because of that AIG managirial staff recieving horrible amount of money thing.
Some people in 2ch say, however, more and more American tax money is used to pay other
financial organizations than is used for AIG. Still, American media doesn't seem to focus
on the problem. If American people are notified of it, I'm sure they will get angry.
>They don't care about the country,
>they just care about opposing anything Obama does
I know how frustated you are. Seeing the biggest opposition party in Japan, which calls themselves
Democratic Party, doesn't coorperate for overcoming this financial crisis, I think I can share what
you think about those politicians whose heads are full of shit.
09/03/30 17:01:49
Personally, I expect Obama to succeed and get honored in the future.
09/03/30 17:36:21
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/30 17:44:55
Get the hell off my back, you airhead.
09/03/30 17:47:58
you are boring
09/03/30 22:30:39
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/30 23:41:41
Not that I care but just a friendly reminder. If you keep posting the exact same nonsense line over and over,
soon they can ban you. Though I'm not sure of the number of posts it takes to cause that,
I know it only takes a true idiot to get banned and their IP number will be showcased somewhere. Good luck.
09/03/31 04:21:15
fucking progressives fuck fuck
it really is starting to look like a good idea for me to move out of the nation.
anyone from canada here? how are things going up there lately?
09/03/31 04:47:18
It's said that there's a kingdom for NEET.
Flee from America and live in the NEET kingdom, where you don't have to
09/03/31 04:52:21
I shall allow you to sow seeds of apple throughout the kingdom.
I'm the king and I shall rear a monument in which your name is engravd,
"firestar Appleseed."
09/03/31 07:59:34
Gates said that the U.S. military could shoot down "an aberrant missile, one that was headed for Hawaii ...
or something like that, we might consider it, but I don't think we have any plans to (do) anything like that at this point."
Hmm.. I just recalled that Obama is from Hawaii.
Perhaps, the U.S. is now starting to think it's time to withdraw their forces from Japan as well.
Or just keep them on a long paid vacation as some kind of incentive for otaku recruits?
I thought we had a treaty...
09/03/31 09:55:44
i lol'd
09/03/31 10:32:57
i just learned a new word today
09/03/31 10:40:32
Yes, I recognized a true natural number which can control entire world.
09/03/31 11:03:19
and so what is it?
09/03/31 11:48:36
It's what you first come up with.
09/03/31 15:39:45
It's a bird in zoological classfication. They live in Antarctica and can't fly.
If you want to see it, go there.
09/03/31 16:07:41
you mean a penguin?
09/03/31 16:30:26
That's right! Not funny, eh? I know.
09/03/31 17:45:29
Hi guys!
Does anybody know good US message board sites similar to 2ch?
We could all go there and try talking to American guys,
and come back here and share our experiences.
How do you think?
09/03/31 18:25:54
I only know English. I hope that I am still welcome as I only want to socialize with 2ch.
There is a board that mocks 2ch, actually. It is very popular now: URLリンク(4chan.org)
However craigslist.com has a wider demographic and an even simpler board style. That might be more of what you are looking for since most people on 4chan act childish.
09/03/31 18:38:52
I think it's an exciting idea (^ω^.)
If I were skilled enough to communicate with others in English, I wouldn't hesitate to join it.
09/03/31 18:43:28
here is full of exert in english?
i am into english.
this is big a find!!
09/03/31 19:32:23
Yes, I know a number.
09/03/31 20:22:38
Yes, I know a number of Japanese people who can speak English is increasing.
09/03/31 21:48:22
In that case, a should be raplaced by the.
09/03/31 22:19:11
I call myself Mr. Anology. I can explain every incident on earth to you, using baseball analogy.
eg) I got up late and couldn't make it to the class.
I would use this baseball anology:
It's like, a runner on the first base started late trying to steal a base
and was tagged out.
I can explain each and every incident that happens to you in daily life,
using a baseball analogy. Do you have anything that you want me to explain with a baseball analogy?
Go ahead.
09/04/01 01:35:02
I stumbled over the stone and got injored.
Can you explain this incident by using baseball anology?
09/04/01 02:52:08
There's also 420chan.org
similar to 4chan/2chan, but smaller, less focused on otaku/weeaboo culture and the visitors write much more correct English than 4channers.
09/04/01 03:26:32
It's easy.
You were on the first base and trying to steal the second base.
The pitcher threw a ball to the first baseman to stop you from
stealing the second base. You hurried back to the first base in time.
You are safe. You thought the first baseman threw the ball back to the pitcher but in reality
he hid the ball in his glove. You tried to steal the second base again and
made a few steps away from the first base. Ouchhhhh. The first baseman
tagged you out.
09/04/01 04:59:38
Hey, hybrid 4channers.
I don’t your future and killing soon!
Also, the best board similar to 2ch in style and in culture is 4-ch, and not 4chan.
4chan is ugh.
09/04/01 05:26:07
Can you explain this with your analogy?
Korean guys are so hot and sexy that white girls are mesmerised with them around the world.
I'm proud of it. :)
525:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/04/01 05:57:50
If Korean men are so sexy, then do they attract other Korean men as well?
What about the Korean women? If Korean men are apparently mating with women all
over the entire world, then surely there is an imbalance.
09/04/01 06:06:45
It's too easy.
A pitcher insists his fastball is more than 100mph/160kmph and thinks all the scouts of major
league's clubs are fascinated by his pitches. He's very proud of it.
But everybody knows that his fastball is less than 50mph and can't
even pass as a little leaguer.
09/04/01 06:12:07
Can you really explain every incident in the metagalaxy, using baseball analogy?
Well, I always masturbate while comparing the strength of Kim Yuna's thigh with strength of Mizener's thigh.
I wan to win Kim's thigh, and when I think so my penis begin to grow up huge and burst.
Can you explain this phenomenon with your analogy?
09/04/01 06:29:45
I don't know who Mizener is and I'm not 100% sure what you mean so
this anology might not so good. Anyway, here goes...
A pitcher is good at throwing both curveball and fastball.
He wants to strike a hitter out with his fastball because he thinks
it's more cool than throwing a curve. The thought of him striking the hitter
out gets him really excited.
09/04/01 06:37:56
Please try and explain Holocaust in baseball analogy.
09/04/01 06:46:25
Theoretically, you're right in that there should be an immense number of homosexual Korean couples over there,
but I don't know, since Mr. Perfect Korea only mentions white girls. Maybe Korean girls are extremely popular, too.
09/04/01 06:57:25
An arrogant General Manager of a big club fired lots of players in his
team who he thinks are terrible by his own biased standard.
09/04/01 08:00:09
I happened to meet an old friend on the street after the long time interval and then found myself falling love with her.
Can you explain this with your anology?
09/04/01 12:23:42
09/04/01 12:24:59
09/04/01 12:27:46
09/04/01 12:31:47
09/04/01 13:36:42
09/04/01 14:57:15
We can recoganise same people wether the board displays ID or not.
09/04/01 15:18:53
One hitter was in a terrible slump so he changed his hitting form.
He got back to his hitting form that he had long time ago.
The hitting form clicked and he get out of the slump and
09/04/01 18:42:04
make no sense to me
09/04/01 19:31:32
"recoganise" is used in England OK?
Do you prefer it to USA?
09/04/01 19:34:48
That means either Most Korean women are mateless due to their men being gay or mating with westerners,
or that almost all Koreans only have sex with foreigners. In either case, the Koreans as an ethnic group will
quickly cease to exist over the next few generations.
09/04/01 21:34:42
If you are a man, MUST SEE!!!
09/04/01 22:11:39
>Microsoft offered a $250,000 reward to anyone who could catch the worm authors.
イギリス人..... Never answer if someone knocks on your door.
Pack your things and fly to Cyberia ASAP. You need to hide deep in the woods. Watch out!!!
Looks Yummy.....
She must be one of the girls called 女神 in 2ch jargon.
09/04/01 22:44:34
>She must be one of the girls called 女神 in 2ch jargon.
09/04/02 10:40:50
+ +
∧_∧ +
(0゚・∀・) ワクワクテカテカ
(0゚∪ ∪ + wakuwakutekateka
と__)__) +
09/04/02 19:04:47
I've just posted a question in the thread.
If you have time, please answer me. Thank you.
09/04/02 19:18:45
What is so funny...
09/04/02 20:37:03
Yes, I know a number.
09/04/02 21:20:21
>>549 is the first retard JAP to actually make sense
09/04/02 21:43:40
are you retard dude?
09/04/02 21:44:28
stupid JAP country is stupid asshole
Fuck retard ASO
stupid asshole w
09/04/02 22:57:06
You had better wank watching this.
09/04/03 00:09:54
Yummy yummy
555:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/04/03 02:57:54
I found the following C&P.
/__.))ノヽ control panel →
.|ミ.l _ ._ i.) voice recognition →
(^'ミ/.´・ .〈・ リ select " Microsoft Sam "(If you are Japanese.)
.しi r、_) | Useing the following text, play voice.
| `ニニ' / " what she got so dat Tatar. "
ノ `ー―i´
That's funny. haha
We can listen to his cliche.
09/04/03 03:09:59
All I could choose was Ann. There's no Sam in my PC, maybe because
my PC is vista? Tater is better than Tatar. It sounds more like てた。
557:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/04/03 10:27:57
I've begun looking over Chinese a bit. At first glance, a lot of the characters
are written the same and even have the same meaning as Japanese. The traditional
characters even look similar, just a few added strokes.
That sure is convenient.
The pronunciations on the other hand... I don't think it's possible to get it
right on my own without a native speaker. Lordy.
558:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/04/03 13:33:10
>The House budget drew opposition from 20 Democrats as well as all 176 Republicans who voted.
>In the Senate, only two Democrats voted against the plan, along with all 41 Republicans.
Really, every single one? Not a single Republican think it is a good idea, while
nearly all the Democrats do?
This is what I was talking about earlier, how the Republicans are just putting their
fingers into their ears, saying "BLAH BLAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU", and opposing anything
Obama does.
Oh yea, and,
>But a Republican alternative fared poorly in the House, where 38 GOP lawmakers voted against a plan supported by their own leadership.
Officials ascribed much of the opposition to a provision that called for eliminating traditional fee-for-service Medicare for individuals
who reach age 65 in 2020 or later and replacing it with coverage from private insurance companies.
09/04/03 15:10:10
oh...Taepodong is coming.
09/04/03 17:08:12
Opposing The Great Brotherly Leader President Obama is ridiculous!
09/04/03 19:05:24
Hey, I'm going to learn Chinese language with almost no knoledge about it as you.
Maybe, I know a little bit more kanji than you have, so I get to a certain level more quickly.
But let's compete!
09/04/03 19:20:16
Americans win when they and Japanese start learning Chinese together.
Knowing a Japanese version of Kanji won't help. Instead that puts a huge roadblock in the way.
Americans can transfer their grammar of English to Chinese, but Japanese can't that of Japanese.
In addition, there are a whole bunch of easy access to China for Americans, but there are few for Japanese.
Japanese are supposed to pick Korean instead of Chinese. They can be super-students without troubles.
Good luck anyway for your challenge.
09/04/03 20:06:11
Really? It's sad that knowing kanji used in Japan won't help with acquiring Chinese.
Looking at the pronunciaiton, both Chinese and English have wide range of sounds, unlike Japanese.
Native English speaker don't seem to get trouble in speaking Chinese as long as I watch videos in youtube.
564:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/04/04 01:20:33
Alright, first, I have to wait until the book I ordered comes in!
I think it will, actually. Japanese characters are almost exactly the same
in appearance and inherent meaning as Chinese characters, but the readings of
said characters are different. However, that means I won't have to, say, memorize
the basic alphabet again. Except for the single Hanzi which seem to have single characters
09/04/04 02:19:01
Out of curiosity, how many Kanji do you know?
09/04/04 05:35:00
The Japanese version of Chinese characters are somewhere between traditional ones and simplified ones.
They are all logograms but different in minor details. It's like looking at texts in Russian, Polish, and English.
Anyway, when Japanese start learning Chinese, they start learning from reading Chines texts. This works fine.
But when it comes to speaking, the knowledge of how to pronounce Chinese characters in Japanese interferes them every step they go.
(Remember Americans who are learning French....)
The golden rule for any Japanese to learn Chinese is to spend all of your time on speaking and listening at the beginning. This works.
Hope this would be of your assistance.
09/04/04 05:51:20
Don't think, just feel.
09/04/04 05:59:00
More to be precise, it's like a difference among the Greek, the Russian, and the Roman alphabets.
The traditonal and Japanese ones are like those of the Greek and the Russian. The simplified ones are like that of the Roman.
09/04/04 06:27:23
What exactly happened in NY?
Seems like some random shooting took place and a dozen of immigrants got killed there.
570:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/04/04 06:34:37
Apparently some idiot blocked the back door of an immigration services center with his car,
went in with a gun, and started killing as many people as he could before killing himself.
Obama reacted swiftly in giving his thoughts and prayers to the victims and Biden chastised
the already dead gunman.
09/04/04 07:21:57
Have you ever heard of or ate at Coldstone Creamery?
I hadn't heard of it until I watched some videos on youtube.
The icecream sold there looks delicious and I definately want to try some
but I'm confused with its staff sing a song. I felt this feeling coming up from inside of me, "JUST SHUT UP!"
Very irritating.
Yeah, girls there are cute but....Just "SHUT UP!" is what I thought
about them. Am I the exception? What do you think?
Also, from hygienic point of view, singing like that is rediculous.
They spit over icecream, right? I bet a man with girl's saliva fetish
would love it.
Some videos on youtube show Coldstone Creamery clerks overseas sing and dance
while making icecream. What the heck. I guess the idea behind it is
to entertain customers but at least I wan't entertained.
I don't like the idea of importing the custom of singing to its outlets
in Japan. They think what's popular in America should get popular in Japan, too
and I don't like it.
Let me use this baseball analogy here. I hate Coldstone Creamery clerks' singing
as much as I hate some Japanese baseball players who chew a gum in a
game like hell, thinking its cool influeced by Major Leaguers.
09/04/04 07:46:31
Ummm.. It looks like there have been lots of shooting sprees going on lately.
We've got a madman with a missile (or whatever satellite) across the sea but most probably no one's gonna die.
I guess one with a gun in the neighborhood might actually be more of a threat in real life. 合掌
09/04/04 07:51:30
It's a terrible scene.
If it started as a result of being influenced by other country, I think it's all the worse.(^_^;)
09/04/04 09:46:30
Maybe that dude played "Postal" too much....
575:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/04/04 10:14:18
Is what you find so annoying something which can be explained or is it just
irritating for no particular reason? I don't see anything annoying about that.
I went to a Coldstone Creamery once. It was alright. The service was nothing
I almost wish someone would just invade North Korea and get that idiot out of power. He
is starving his whole country because of his own personal pride. It's ridiculous, but I
have a feeling if anyone does invade he will make every damn person in the country a
conscript and the causalities would end up being huge.
Besides that, these kinds of killing sprees just about happen on a regular basis now.
It's pretty consistent.
I have no idea. Certainly not enough.