09/03/23 08:38:56
This may be a bit off the point, but as for me, I didn't hear about those names (Sumsung and LG) just about half a year ago.
And I've never seen their cellphones nor monitors sold in Japan, probably because I just didn't notice.
You? Did you know the companies far back?
That'd be an exciting game. Tatsunori Hara, the superviser of the team, said he respects American baseball and he's happy and excited to
have a match with America. And I agree with him. I don't know why I feel this way, but whether we win or lose isn't a matter any more.
I guess it's because we can respect each other no matter what the result will be. I just want to enjoy watching the game. ^_^
>-North Korea's dictator is a funny-looking madman.
He announced N.K would launch a satellite into space, but it's thought
it was just an excuse... It'd be a missile, actually..