Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 128at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 128 - 暇つぶし2ch500:MCAkio
09/02/22 06:43:28
UT? Really?
NO, if you want to study english, go to University of Georgia or Georgia Tech.

501:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/02/22 07:45:54
Caltech students overall are indeed more academically excellent; however, I heard that MIT realized that students who were purely academic did poorly in the school.
I'm also applying to Stanford! They have a very good Physics program as well. My number one choice is Princeton though. Their undergraduate Physics program seems to be the best.
I wanted to become a Computer Scientist as well until I learned more about Physics. I'm the sort of person who has to know and understand the underpinnings of EVERYTHING. w
wwww Maybe he can teach us the Kusomiso Technique!
( ・ω・) Huh? University of Texas at Austin is considered one of the "Public Ivy" schools. Am I mixing up schools or something?
University of Georgia is not on the same level as University of Texas. Georgia Tech is highly ranked but I always hear bad things about their engineers so I have no idea what to think about it.

09/02/22 08:35:27
Eh? I'm not studying English. I'm an Americunt, so I speak a good approximation of English.

I think UT is considered a "Public Ivy," but I'm actually at UT Dallas. I just said UT because
I was pretty sure nobody has ever heard of UT Dallas. It's like the fifth or sixth choice
for a lot of potential engineering majors.

09/02/22 11:23:43
If you and Zack are both accepted by USC, your host sister must scream
with excitment and send you her panty or two. You must take photos of him and
send them to her in return. But that can't beat the thrill and pleasure of stealing them.

You said you are American, then why did you ask about your university?
Just wanted to know your university's reputation from American?
What do you want to know about Nagoya?
Nagoya is the third or fourth largest city so very urbanized.
Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Yokohama.... I don't know why the JETs have
low opinion about Nagoya, but maybe they just like Tokyo metropolitan

As you may know two of three Japanese Nobel Prize winners last year
studied at Nagoya university.

You know Kusomiso Technique. Amazed.

09/02/22 11:36:35
I wasn't really asking a question. It was more of a joke implying that
nobody has ever heard of the university that I go to. Apparently, though
I was wrong.

Also, even a lot of people in the West know about Kusomiso Technique.

09/02/22 14:09:09
Moderate excersise is good for your health.
Are you doing some excersise every day ?
In my case, strolling around nearby park at night is my routine excersise.

09/02/22 15:51:31
I do sit-ups and push-ups.
I took online karate master course.
I'll challenge Tennessean to a sumo bout.

09/02/22 17:50:32
Do you think Heroes of Might and Magic is interesting?
Is there anyone who palyed the game before?

09/02/22 18:00:24

09/02/22 18:46:12
It was my first time that I knew there's a site we can practice Karate online.
How did you do that?
I guess that a Karate teacher explain you how to kick or punch in the display, and you imitate the way he perfome.
Am I right?

09/02/22 18:47:04
I find the graphic of the game really beautiful.


I like turn-based strategy games very much.
So if the storyline of this game is sophisticated, I want to give it a try!

09/02/22 19:15:27
It's just a joke.
There was that kind of joke in manzai or Yoshimoto Shinkigeki.
I arranged this joke to fit Internet age. That is, online Karate course.

09/02/22 19:27:03
I guess it takes a good CPU and graphic card to play the game.
Or else, the picture doesn't run smoothly.

What's your PC's spec? You self-made your PC?

09/02/22 23:25:19
Does these posts >>502 >>500 mean some of us write proper English so it's not always easy to spot native speakers?
I always thought it was a cinch for native speakers to put their fingers on non-native-ish errors.
And this makes me wonder: Have you ever met a non-native speaker of your mother tongue who would pass for a native speaker when s/he writes a long passage?

I know everyone can speak fairly well with some accent reduction training.
Besides, even native speakers make a ton of errors when speaking.
Actually there're a bunch of youtube videos of faking native speakers of virtually any major language.

But I was thinking you could never get away with errors in your written text;
literate native speakers make far fewer errors in their writings than in speech, so your unnatural word choices and idiosyncratic errors do stick out if made any.

My English skills are limited and I can't tell who writes native-like posts,
but I do know some of posters in here have a better command of English than me (Thank you, advanced learners! I learned a lot from you.).
Do they write flawlessly? If so, it's amazing. I've never seen a Japanese learner having such high level writing skills.

09/02/22 23:31:02
Ah, by "Japanese learner" in the last line of >>513, I mean a person who is learning the Japanese language as a foreign language.
Sorry, it was confusing.

09/02/23 00:24:20
There are so many versions of this song out there, but this is my fave.<3

What's your theme song today, folks?

09/02/23 00:38:08
Here's my today's tune:


By the way, are you the uploader?

09/02/23 01:00:03

My theme song yesterday was this.

09/02/23 01:00:54
No, it's not me, that song just popped up into my mind for some reason.
I liked your pick. Do you like badass girls, or you just like the song?

09/02/23 01:03:41
You look good in there.

09/02/23 01:13:51
It's Superhuman by Modern Day Zero, and I like the band.
As for girls, I like all sorts of good looking females. Dominatrices are fine too.

When I run into the cool vid, I didn't know the anime series shown in the vid, and it made me give it a shot.
I watched the first few eps of its English dub somewhere on the internet, and now I have a copy of DVD on my HD.
If you don't mind anime and stuff, I recommend it.

09/02/23 01:23:33
I forgot to mention the title. The series is Black Lagoon. All characters including the female protagonist are supposed to be speaking English in the show,
and, in my humble opinion, their voice acting is pretty good.

Ah, and I wanted to say "When I ran across the vid,". Sorry, I always make stupid errors here and there.

09/02/23 01:44:03
I watch some anime, so I'll try it. Thanks. Maybe I can find those eps on youtube, right?
I hope the English is not that hard for me to follow.

BTW, I'd be interested to know how English-dubbed versions sound to native speakers of English.
Lot's of Japanese-dubbed movies sound sort of odd, as their Japanese is sometimes superficial.
I like them that way, but I'm curious if it's the same as with English.

09/02/23 02:21:03
I think you can find all eps on some streaming site if you google the title.
If you don't mind it, I'm pretty sure you can torrent 'em all.
I do recommend you buy DVDs if you like it though.

As for English in the show, it's pretty easy. Pronunciation is clear and they don't use big words.
Probably you'll pick up new words/phrases that you're not familiar with so it's a good way to hone your English skills, if you ask me.

09/02/23 02:21:32
Continuation to >>523

I don't watch anime in Japanese a lot so I'm not sure if English dubs are better in general.
But, from my own experience, I can tell you old series most likely suck and new, popular ones are generally good.
They often hire famous voice actors who voices in foreign movies, tv ads, and whatnot for popular anime.
If you prefer more easy-to-localize shows, you're in luck. Black Lagoon is a good example: Charactors are all supposed to be speaking English.
Of course, you may end up hearing squeeky voices if you like so called moe anime and stuff.
But still, even dubs of moe-ish shows are sometimes very good, if not better than the original Japanese dubs.

Anyway, you can try some eps of each series you have watched in Japanese so you can see if English is shit or not.

09/02/23 02:24:22
Argh! I can't post a longer comment. It took forever to appear or I'll get an error.
What's wrong? It seems 2ch needs some fix.

09/02/23 02:26:27
Sorry, I meant "I takes forever." Seems it's me that needs a fix... Whatever.

527:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/02/23 02:37:49
Oh man, Black Lagoon is one of my favorite animes. As for dubs, I really liked the dubbing in
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (that is also one of my all time favorites).
As in fluent non native speakers? There are plenty of fluent non native speakers at my school
(most of them Chinese expats) who write and speak perfectly. Remeber though, being able to write
well is distinctive from being a fluent writer. Some of you here are good enough to get away with it as well,
such as yourself. The only thing quirky I noticed was your usage of there're. While it's used in speech
it looks very odd in writing and I would suggest not using the contraction. If anything though that could
be a mistake a native speaker would make as well.
Oh man that get brings back memories. I use to play it at friends house all the time although
it must have been an older version because the graphics were terrible lol.

My song for today is anything by "The National". I went on YouTube but I couldn't
decide on one single song to pick lol. "Fake Empire" is their most popular song though
so if you're interested I'd search for that one first.

09/02/23 02:52:14
Thanks for your detailed commet.

>Remeber though, being able to write well is distinctive from being a fluent writer.

Being a fluent writer is a toll order for me...

>The only thing quirky I noticed was your usage of there're.

I always use the contraction whenever I'm in sort of speaking mode.
For some reason, sometimes I can't help but write the way I speak. Apparently that's why I can't do without a spell checker.
I'm terrible when it comes to spelling. (terrable? terrible? Well, firefox says "terrable" is rediculous... oh wait.)

I'll write more in the next post. Somehow longer posts won't appear.

09/02/23 03:04:01
Continuation to >>528

Yes! Black Lagoon is awesome.
I think Haruhi is one of good examples of excellent English dubs of moe-ish anime.
The voice action of Kyon, Haruhi, and many other casts are convincing to me.
Though it's not my kind of anime, I picked up lots of vocab from the show.

I guess popular in US = at least torelable dubs. Am I right?
It seems to me Outraw Star, Trigun, Hellsing, and most of fairly new, popular ones are dubbed very well.

09/02/23 03:09:55
Ahhh, what's "toll order"?? I wanted to say "It's a tall order." Spell checkers always fail me when it comes to but-it's-also-a-word kind of typo.

531:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/02/23 03:14:43
I am sort of a student of 2ch internet culture. I have been following it since 2004 or so. Same with Futaba.
Please teach me 2ch jokes!
( ・ω・) Is the Yoshinoya rant still well known?

09/02/23 03:22:29
I didn't like the Haruhi Anime. I liked the manga, though. : )
Lucky star ftw!! It's great <3
kagamin <33

09/02/23 03:26:46
Not >>503, but since 2004? I'm a newfag compared to you then.
I've been on 2ch for only a year or so, but I know what the Yoshinoya rant means.
So I guess it could still pop up once in a while in a few threads, but it seems to be obsolete.

So you speak Japanese well enough to be able to follow Futaba.
I must admit sometimes I don't understand their moonspeak even though I'm Japanese.
Which boards are you on?

09/02/23 03:27:42

...I like it too.

09/02/23 03:30:20
Didn't the English voice actress of Haruhi also voice the blue hair protagonist in Lucky Star?
I like her voice acting.

536:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/02/23 03:44:16
( ・ω・) My Japanese really isn't very good at all. I have a lot of trouble but I can roughly figure out what a lot of posts mean basically through experience.
Futaba also has images so it's a little easier to follow what's going on if you already know what the image means.
I spend most of my time on may, jun and some of the other neta boards.
I'm not surprised the Yoshinoya rant is obsolete. It is extremely old. I wonder if there is any new popular kopipe that I don't know about.

09/02/23 04:04:55
>I can roughly figure out what a lot of posts mean basically through experience.
That's impressing. I used to occasionally browse jun, may and others,
but my ISP got b& from Futaba so I fled to 4chan because I didn't have much trouble understanding English.
I think you're learning Japanese in a natural way. I wouldn't be surprised if you eventually achieve native-like fluency.
Well, in my case, /b/ significantly lowered my IQ and /a/ has been hurting my grammar for ages though.

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with 2ch memes. I have tons of 4chan pasta on my HD, but to me, remembering 2ch memes does more harm than good.
Hmm... In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have saved 4chan pasta either.
They're funny but usually stupid and always contain a dash of grammatical errors thrown in for good measure.

538:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/02/23 04:12:49
I am a long time 4chan user as well except now 4chan is really lame. orz
If you are interested in 4chan kopipe please visit this site: URLリンク(
( ・ω・) Why do you say remembering 2ch memes does more harm than good?

09/02/23 04:25:16
Japanese is my mother tongue and if I remembered a meme, maybe I'd blurt it out without thinking.
You know, memes always have some stupidity in them.
If I say something strange in English, it'd be ok because all I need to say is "Ah, maybe I said something wrong? Sorry if I may have offended you. It's my second language after all..."
But I wouldn't be able to get away with it if I said something awkward.
Memes are memes for a reason. They're catchy. I can see myself saying a meme or two out of habit without realizing it.

09/02/23 04:26:58
Remembering 2ch memes is pretty bad if you want to actually learn
Japanese. After all, most 2ch jokes, in my experience, are based on
improper usage of kanji and other intentional (or maybe unintentional)

One that I see that still pops up a lot is the whole
「Xけど何か質問ある?」thing. Sometimes you see equivalents on Western
*chans, but you see it a lot in in news4vip. By the way, I don't
endorse hanging around there; it'll affect your Japanese and your
intelligence in many more ways than memorising old neta ever will.

09/02/23 04:28:10
Oops, meant to reply to >>538.

I really need to put on my glasses before posting...

09/02/23 04:29:20
And thank you for the link. 4chan has been changing, but I always find it addictive.
What makes you think current 4chan's lame?

09/02/23 04:40:26
4chan sure has been hurting my grammar. I can tell you from my own experience.
That said, it greatly helped me improve fluency. I'm not sure if non-native speakers should avoid an idiosyncratic language register.
It's not like I'd say, "eh doesn't afraid of anything" in real life. And like I said, if I did, it wouldn't be that big a problem.

544:Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE
09/02/23 04:47:00
w Yes, I know most of the Japanese is not exactly correct. I do not use 2ch as a method for learning Japanese really. The main benefit to me is that it causes me to look up kanji which reinforces it in my memory.
For my Japanese studies I usually stick to books and other resources. Thank you for your concern though!
It is now much more popular and for this reason the quality of posts has gone down a lot.
Long ago everyone knew what kind of posts were considered quality on 4chan, and every one knew the inside jokes. It allowed for a very witty interchange to go on within threads.
Now 4chan's users are from all over the internet and do not particularly subscribe to the "4chan" sense of humor. Now 4chan is like any other site on the internet and has lost that original charm.
There are hardly any new jokes or interesting comments being made; most of the threads are about posting naked girls.
Also the attitude of the users has become unfitting for an anonymous site. Before people would make cool and funny posts hoping to contribute to the website. Now people try to make memorable posts for fame.
I'm not sure why anyone would try to post for attention on an anonymous board, but it seems to happen a lot now.
( ・ω・) Basically I am just bitter that my secret club website of internet nerds has now become mainstream. wwwww

What do you Japanese users enjoy about 4chan? What makes it interesting

09/02/23 05:11:45
To me, old 4chan was moving too slow. And I think I find it interesting because it has lots of posts and I can get a reply in a second.
Increasing popularity may have been lowering its quality, but as an outsider, the more people, the better.
English isn't my native tongue, so I can't be a true member of it in the sense that I never fully understand a post as the same level as you do.
So, as long as it keeps certain quality, it's all right. Inside jokes are all well and good, but they sure repel casual users, and most of Japanese aren't hardcore anons, I think.
The numbers of users are the main reason why I don't frequent other *chans too.

Ah, and 4chan, especially /a/, taught me a lot about otaku/weeaboo culture.
It's definitely interesting to know what foreign weeaboos (I know it's kind of a tautology.) think of our subculture.

That being all said, maybe why I frequent 4chan can be boiled down to the fact that I love an image board. Simply, it's fun!

09/02/23 05:22:48

09/02/23 05:32:11
Um, I'm not sure how I can help you in this Chat in English thread.
Maybe fixing your grammar would help a little?
If you want me to do so, let me know.

If you're a native English speaker, it'd be nice to correct errors and/or refine our wording.
I'm >>545 (right above you) and some other long posts about anime/English/4chan/other nonsense.

09/02/23 05:41:03
Trying to explain to Japanese posters: 4chan is considered the retards of the western internet. They are mostly 14 - 18 year old boys who think repeating catchphrases makes them a comedy genius.
Please to not consider them representative of Western people.
Do you have idiots in your country?

09/02/23 05:46:00
Yes I am a native english speaker from England. I'm not sure where else to post this on the site.
I find Japanese grammar to be very confusing at times, but I've only been learning Japanese for a few months, and I am sitting an exam in it in the Summer so I have plenty of time to improve.
I prefer learning kanji to grammar so I should proably shift my attention.
I don't really need help to be honest, I just wanted to say it :)

also: The only 4chan board I ever read is /jp/.

09/02/23 05:57:35
>>544 >>548
It's pretty much the same with 2ch. Just so many attention seekers over here, too. I'm sure there's a reason or two
for them but most of them don't even post anything remotely interesting nowadays. They just want to inflate their
egos, which is a quite natural desire, but why on 2ch when there's so many other places that can fulfill their needs?
There used to be a lot of funny assholes even with tripcodes, but those days are gone and the majority of anons are
retarded as well. Though, the native speakers here on this board are exempted from that blame, because your posts serve
a legitimate purpose of helping us with English and I, for one, really appreciate it.

09/02/23 05:59:40
Thanks, captain obvious.
I'm fully aware that 4chan is a cesspool filled with retarded on the internet.
I do think anyone who consider those faggots are representing Westerners has a fucked up brain.

Our country does have a plethora of idiots such as myself.
I thought it was a common sense that idiots are everywhere.

Then you're good at picking a language up. Your Japanese seems good for a learner who only spent a few months, though it might be too short to see if it's true.
I've read a blog claiming Japanese learners should learn all 2000 kanji first.
I don't know if it's more efficient, but he only spent a few years but sounds like a native speaker so you might be interested:


I wish you the best of luck!

09/02/23 06:07:06
Your knowledge of websites has impressed me. Even to the point that it validates you assuming a general comment was aimed at you.
Thank you for explaining also the distribution of idiots via the globe. Unfortunatley it seems though your english is not well developed enough
to trace "sarcasm".
If you wish I would honor to re-educate you. ^_^

09/02/23 06:16:19
It's not sarcasm, but trolling.
I always make sure that I look retarded when trolling.

09/02/23 06:22:24
You are showing your misunderstanding. I know "Troll" is a mythical creature like unicorn or Jesus.
Though from what I know from this troll they are slow and stupid. Retard maybe.
In this case, you are very excellent at trolling sir!

09/02/23 06:26:53
Yes. I'm good at trolling. Actually I just got this guy who's kindly educating me.
Trolling is one of the best ways to learn a second language, don't you think?

09/02/23 06:37:31
I fail to see how being retard assist in learning language?
Unless maybe American? From what I know retard is common in their culture. Maybe you will fit in, well?

09/02/23 07:04:22
Yes, I'd fit perfectly in if it's idiotic culture.

Joking aside, I think acquiring a language is developing a new linguistic persona in the target language.
And to understand a given persona, you need to know other characters as well to compare with.
It's like if you want to be a "good" boy, you need to know how a spoilt brat would behave.

I guess we've been mimicking adults and peers when we were kids as absorbing our first language(s), and through this mimicking, or acting if you will, we naturally gained deep knowledge of personas, culture and so on.
Alas, we adults don't have leeway to mimic other idiots in real life so it seems very hard to learn "good behavior."

I think trolling on the internet is a good approximation of this learning process.
Also, on anonymous fora, it is fairly easy to sock puppet multiple persons with different personas.
If children are "acting" to develop a persona and it is vital to acquire their first language, then it stands reason that the online mimicry is beneficial to adult language learners.

Well, I got bored. Does this make sense to you? If so, that's why. If not, I don't care.

09/02/23 07:10:40
Overlong psudo science to excuse acting as a retard. Try harder next time thank you.

09/02/23 07:15:15
See? I'm good at trolling.

09/02/23 07:29:10
Why do you keep telling me you are retard? I would attempt to I hide I was a retard.
Maybe that is why you try to learn American?

09/02/23 07:38:58
What do Japanese people think of Americans who love moe and stuff like Lucky Star?
Other Americans see us as disgusting losers but I'm sure you all understand us.
Maybe I should move to Japan?

09/02/23 07:40:37
>learn American


Anyway, there's no point trying to figure out what others are really thinking in an online discussion.
There's no way to prove I'm the same guy as the idiot you've been talking to.
You can't tell if I'm really Japanese or not. Can you?

You take everything serious and nothing will be obtained.
You ignore everything in here and nothing will be lost.
Everything is meaningless on anonymous boards.
It's that simple.

09/02/23 07:41:12
Spent the weekend in London, for about the first time since I was sixteen.
Stayed at Trafalgar Square, visited the National Gallery and Victoria and
Albert Museum. They had a special exhibition on Imperial Russia, which was
pretty interesting, but also a room on Japanese artwork, mainly 浮世絵 but
other things too. There were a few pieces of artwork in the corner by Utagawa
Sadahide which were quite bizarre... like an octopus with a teapot instead of
a head. That was interesting too. And saw the Russian girl from the train again.

Managed to mutilate my feet by walking around too much in new shoes (after the
old ones split in half on the bottom), and almost thought I'd set the fire alarm
off in the hotel after it started sounding the moment I opened my room door. And
had nothing to eat today except for a blueberry muffin. Memorable times.

09/02/23 07:43:39
I don't despise guys who fantasize about lolis. But it might be just me.
I fapped to Konata last night by the way.

09/02/23 08:08:42
A trip to London isn't complete without visiting the SOHO district.

09/02/23 08:10:51
In this world there cannot be two people as expert at being a retard troll.
Truely astonded am I.

09/02/23 08:25:26
Although I'm not completely sure about moe, Lucky Star doesn't seem to be one in that category.
I don't really see how those characters could appeal to the audience in that way, but their conversations
contain some wit, I suppose.

09/02/23 08:26:24
Ahaha. You're right on the money.

By the way, I learned a new usage of the verb "trace" from your post.
I kind of knew it could be used in that sense, but I wasn't 100% sure.
Now I learned it from clear context. Thank you!

Well, I should get going now. Catch you later.

09/02/23 08:32:37
I think we just witnessed something magical.

English-speaking Japanese trolling other English-speaking Japanese.

ಥ_ಥ Beautiful....

09/02/23 08:59:18
After meeting with the Japanese girl, this time you showed the Russian girl you met on the
train around London? You, lucky dog. I guess you couldn't sleep tight the day before
with your heart pounding. At least you didn't have to be nervous about
speaking in Japanese before you saw her.

On a different note, in that this is about a girl, it's on the same note,
Hirosue Ryoko made appearance on TV this morning. She's now in America to participate
in Academy Award. She is in a movie nominated to the award as a foreign film.
She and other actors and the director is supposed to walk on the red carpet
to particiapte in the ceremony.

09/02/23 09:10:03
Got as far as Soho Square, but didn't go deep down into it. The Japanese
visitors from last Tuesday were telling me about it, though. About the pub
with a rainbow flag in the window, and with men holding hands with other men
and women groping each other. They seemed totally shocked. But a bit amused too.

That reminds me... as I was about to board my train back home today, these
two guys were totally making out and feeling each other up before one got
on the train. I've got nothing against gay couples, but this was just indecent.
Even heterosexual couples don't do things like that.

09/02/23 09:22:53
To me, they were just bullshitting over the trivial nonsense, but surely flattering and buttering each other..

09/02/23 09:32:00
Oh ho, I had no idea Okuribito had a nomination! Now there's even
more reason to watch the Oscars - thank you!

09/02/23 09:39:11
I may understand what the word ‘troll’exactly means at last today.
Do you think my deduction about its meaning is right?

09/02/23 09:45:56
How did you know the girl in the train was Russian ?

09/02/23 09:48:10
I don't know what your deduction is, but this might help you get a general idea.

09/02/23 09:49:25
Yeah, that's it. You are still updated on Japanese movie scene.
I'm impressed!

09/02/23 09:54:51
It's one I've been meaning to watch, but just haven't found the time...
has it been released on DVD yet?

I met her on a different train, back in November 2007. She was travelling
with a colleague, as they both work at Moscow State University and were on
some kind of seminar, but doing sightseeing on the side.

09/02/23 10:09:00
Oh, she's the russian girl you memtioned before? What a accidental event!

Did you carry on a conversation with her?

09/02/23 10:13:05
>>578 says DVD's available from March 18th.
Probably this is the case of the Japanese version and you have to wait longer to get
subbed or dubbed version... I don't know.

Okuribito's promotion website is really heavy now probably because
many people here want to know more about it now.

09/02/23 10:16:23
I think they planed to see in London.

09/02/23 10:18:39
Oh no... there wasn't anything accidental about it. Got a message from
her just over a week ago, saying she was going to be in London last week.
Couldn't go down while I was working, but arranged to meet over this weekend.

Hadn't actually seen her other than on the train, so she seemed shorter than

09/02/23 10:24:45
Unless you perfome stupid things, such as dancing on the street with anime costume,
mamy people accept you with open arms.
Basically, I think people feel somehow happy to hear foreigners like things related to Japan!
But be careful, decent adults tend to hate or be completely ignorant of otaku.

09/02/23 10:34:03
haha, I got it! Surely such an accidental thing is very unlikely to occur.

Well, I hope your relationship with her continues.

09/02/23 10:44:15
>Hadn't actually seen her other than on the train, so she seemed shorter than

Haha. That's funny. You guys were seated on the train, you didn't recognized
how tall she was the first time you met her. I guess she and you have good
chemistry to think that it just took only a few hours of chatting on the train (and
maybe exchanging email) to have been to the point where you almost
went out.

09/02/23 11:50:29
Basically, you would be accepted compared with the same kind of Japanese otaku, but otaku is also avoided here.
Personally, I don't have any negative feeling to them, but I admit that I'm worried about communicating with them because their conversation topics are very narrow and deep.

09/02/23 11:54:32
I just ate Korean food dinner and read English book.
I have to use dictionary from time to time or more often, but I'm learning,so it's a good thing.

588:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/02/23 12:55:31
Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades =P

I'm watching the oscars right now and keeping my eye out for the foreign language film category.

589:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/02/23 13:11:03
Okuribito just won!

09/02/23 13:24:53
Are Hirosue crying?

09/02/23 15:16:31
Someone should attach AA to celebrate the prize!

09/02/23 16:28:51
That'd be too much.

09/02/23 20:12:21
Otaku gaijins are cool because when I see them talking about Japanese culture
it makes me feel like I'm cool and awesome even though I'm just a loser who
has done nothing to contribute to the culture. Otakus are welcome here~
However, I watched Lucky Star some time ago and it was boring as shit.

09/02/23 21:01:24
So how do you eat a chocolate cornet?

09/02/23 21:33:05
What about a chocolate?
Do you need a chocolate that is my hand made?
If you want I will give you that.

09/02/23 21:38:32
When I visited a thread concerned about Syouichi Nakagawa, I found the link to a youtube video, in which
a famous journalist explained that his drunkun interview was a plot caused by a high official.
And he also said that Japan was in fact thanked for its contributuin to IMF at the G7 meeting.
He deplared Japanese media's guilt, saying that they only emphasized how China was important without introducing Japanese donations.

By the way, I found Yoshimi Watanabe, who is a politician, had his own channel on youtube, and I was startled.

09/02/23 23:02:26
We should develop media literacy on our part and reveal how untrustworthy they are.
Off the top of my head, at least the current Japanese media have two problems.
One, they don't provide any information necessary to judge what's good and what's not.
They love to accentuate the dark side of one thing. Let's say, the value of yen.
When the value of yen goes up, they say Japan's economy's dead (while they say Japan's economy's dead when
it goes down. - what the fuck?) Always one-sided view of things with dark impression.
And two, like you brought up the subject about ex-financial minister Nakagawa, they don't want to report of any good thing.
They say they have the right not to report : all that is important is whether it's in favor of themselves.
(Personally I think it's awful when they say, "the right to know". )
I'm sick of the Japanese media, especially TV news sucks.

09/02/23 23:39:28
What is bizarre about Japanese media is they seem to be quite indifferent to national interest.
I think this attitude is somewhat good in terms of world peace and international cooporation.
But I doubt they are actually care about kind of international cooporation. I'm wondering if they just like picking up someone's failures or just all pessimists.

09/02/23 23:52:53
I dont know.. I dont remember the last time I ate one.
Choco cornet looks like turd. I would buy something else.

600:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/02/24 01:26:57
It is said in Japan that America brings up Japan and tries to get Japan money.
Such Movie Awards and Novel Prizes of physics may be bait.

09/02/24 04:22:27
A game company has challenged the public to find a mysterious

To help, the company has released a picture of this Satoshi.


The background of Satoshi's picture is Kaysersberg, Alsace, France.
However, it's probable that Satoshi isn't there anymore.
Apparently, several Japanese companies used to have local branches
there, but have since moved on.
The owners of the site received a tip that Satoshi was in Los Angeles
for a short amount of time, but it's unknown if this is true.

Also, it's been confirmed that this Satoshi is not Satoshi Hirabayashi
or Dr. Satoshi Habuchi.

09/02/24 05:53:28
I read through about the project on the website.
Sounds interesting.

The biggest barrier for the project to secceed is a language barrier.
The project was started by a British company and all the info about the
project is written in English.

There has to be conventional influential Japanese media and online media
involved in this project to find him.

Even ABC reported this project.

And some other online English speaking online media has this project
come to light but not Japanese influential media.

09/02/24 06:54:21
Okuribito, the winner of Academy foreign film award was directed by a
a man who has a history of derecting porn movies.

It's not easy to climb up the ladder to be a decent director who
is entrusted with big money and shooting a decent film.
Maybe I should start from becoming a porn actor in B movies and
decades later, I can imagine myself on Academy award stage, after
walking on the red carpet, introduced by Tom Hanks as a winner of
Leading actor category.

Nice carrer path, eh? I'd make a speech that goes like, "Two decades
ago, I was nothing. Posting in 2ch and wasting time there waking up all night.
Now I'm here on this stage for one of the the most prestageous awards
in the world. I thank all 2channelers I trolled and was trolled by.
I can't beleive I was at the keybpard typing shivering in the dark without
turning on room lights decades ago.... speech continues.

09/02/24 07:43:04
Considering the role of journalism that is expected, they should rather be critical of power than
being a propaganda machine catering to the authorities; I would just turn off the TV set that keeps
telling me how important it is for us to hold onto mythical patriotic pride no matter what and then everything
is going to be alright. However, I agree that today's mass media tend to accomodate the taste of the public
to the extent that they are no different to sleazy tabloid papers that can sell, but don't really get deeper into
an untouchable level where the real interest lies. Probably, they never will confront secretive power whatever it is.
They do shape public opinion but also relfect social and cultural characteristics of a nation, in a way.

09/02/24 09:58:43
It's a good idea!

09/02/24 10:05:43
Native speakers of English.

Which is considered to be worse in terms of manner, farting in public or burping in public?
Don't answer both are bad. Pick which is worse.

09/02/24 14:02:58
I'm going to play Heroes of might and magic V.
Does anyone have opinions about the game?

09/02/24 14:16:28
Don't ask the same question.

09/02/24 19:02:55
I played HOMM 3. It was a very repetitive and boring game.
And 3 seems to be the most popular in the series.

09/02/24 19:17:59
How about age of empire series?
I heard they are good games.

09/02/24 19:57:25
Prime minister Aso is going to attend a conference at white house.
It seems that Japan is the first country to be invited there for the Obama cabinet.

This news sounds like really good news for us but we cannot take it at face value.
A journalist said ‘ the president Obama must have intention to demand Japan
for its extra financial contribution as an ally. ’
There is a truth behind the special treatment!

09/02/24 20:22:52
Gian calls Suneo when the going gets tough. Same old, same old.

09/02/24 20:52:42
Good example..
Aso can be a competent diplomat, but I think it's tough for him to refuse Obama's demands.
I think Aso must stand oppressive pressure of the U.S. officials during the meeting.

09/02/24 20:53:14
lol what's this?lololololol i suggest you go to USA or UK if you want to talk in english.
LMAO you are all too funny LMFAO lolololololololololololololo
btw do you know aly and aj?i love them n thier songs so much.especially "potential break up song"!
see ya

09/02/24 21:00:11
Canada, Australia, and other English speaking countries would like a word with you.

09/02/24 21:09:22
Thank you, I feel relaxed!

09/02/24 22:13:57
Farting is much worse by far. Isn't that the same everywhere?
The Age of Empire series are pretty good Real Time Strategy games.
Starcaft and Warcraft (Not World of Warcraft obviously) are other popular games in the same genre.
However Starcraft is mainly popular in Korea.

09/02/24 23:02:19
I heard burp is considered to be worse in USA so I asked the question.

09/02/24 23:17:15
America seems to being attempting to suck money from Japan,
that is to say, we might be regarded as their "wallet".
They might have played up to us by having awarded the winner of Academy to Okuribito.

09/02/24 23:17:23
I heard burp is impolite as much as furting in China.

09/02/24 23:26:34
I wonder how you're pronouncing "fart." It's difficult to misspell it that way.

09/02/24 23:33:20
Now, my mother named the Aso cabinet "the sales tax cabinet".
She said, the rate of this cabinet gets lower as much as sales tax.

09/02/24 23:42:50
Your mother has excellent foresight,
what's more, she could be a fortuneteller!

09/02/25 01:00:31

I didn't know he was this fluent in English.
Did he grew up in America?? So he acted he wasn't good at English.

09/02/25 01:37:55
I guess he's like my cousin who moved to US when she was 5 and forgot how to speak Japanese.
She still understands what me and her mother are saying in Japanese but always responds in English.
She speaks English like your average American and that's the only language she can hold a meaningful conversation.
I'm sure there is a scientific term for this but can't remember.
Could have googled it, but I'm as lazy as you.

This is particularly interesting to me because my Japanese too is getting rusty, though I don't think I'd completely forget my mother tongue like her.

09/02/25 01:53:05
I think he still has a very subtle accent, but not a typical thick Japanese one that I know of.

09/02/25 01:58:50
And he speaks fluent Japanese as well.

09/02/25 02:06:08
Link please?

09/02/25 02:42:54
Dude, it wouldn't take more than two seconds to find a clip on YouTube.

He's said to have an IQ of over 180. So I guess that explains some of it, too.

09/02/25 03:44:38
Thanks. As for his fluency, I think IQ has nothing to do with it.
The dumbest kids in your local kindergarten will acquire their first language without any problem.
Sure he must be very smart, but language acquisition doesn't require intelligence unless you're talking about eloquent orators, novelists and whatnot.

One thing I noticed is his voice gets higher when speaking Japanese.
My friends who are fluent in both J and E all have this tendency and my pitch also becomes higher too.
I wonder if there is any linguistic difference in pitch between J and E.

09/02/25 06:33:39
It probably has something to do with the pitch accent in Japanese.

Or it may have something to do with how the particular way someone talks
is perceived across cultures? How is speaking in a very low pitch
perceived in Japan?

09/02/25 07:11:27
Don't think, just feel.

09/02/25 07:57:36
Then will I be Tanasinn?

634:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/02/25 11:05:07
On the topic of Japanese film have you guys heard anything about "TOKYO!" or "Tokyo Sonata"?
Both are going to be screening starting in the next couple months and my friends and I were planning
on seeing them.
I guess I have to see "Okuribito" and "Tsumiki no le" now as well lol.

635:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/02/25 11:18:26
Starcraft is actually pretty ppular here in the US as well, but obviously to not nearly the same degree as
in South Korea.

Masi Oka is really interesting considering his major was in computer science and he his first job was at ILM.
We had a student here who was majoring in lingustics but she hasn't posted in a long time...

636:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/02/25 11:21:34
Gah I made a ton of errors in my posts, sorry. My iPod is decent for writing but I wish I could use a real keyboard.

09/02/25 11:30:59
Stupid me. I am often confused about some pronouciations related to 'a'.
For example: match and much, fun and fan.
Moreover, l and r are also difficult for me to recognize.

09/02/25 11:59:41
Incidentally, I think Japan has much different chalacter from the other countries.
Although Japan usually accepts all culture as possible, but the basis of Japan's chalacter never changes.
As a result, Japan has something which is different from the other.
Not to say highly, but to say about strangeness, No country can produce the movie Okuribito without Japan.
That's all I thought about Okuribito.

Cell phone has so much functions that human beings cannot completely handle it.
I don't grasp all functions of my cell phone.
I'm afraid cell phone in the future will fits up a function as telephone newly.

I cannot see cell phone as telephone.

639:English Grammar and Spelling Teacher
09/02/25 12:32:24
The correct English word is "character."

Your English is good, but the line
>I'm afraid cell phone in the future will fits up a function as telephone newly.
is very confusing.  As a native English speaker, I have no idea what you mean.

09/02/25 15:59:08
Cell phone in the future... function as telephon...?
I think he's saying that normal telephones will be extinct and
cell phones will take over...
It's usually very easy for me to understand broken English written by
Japanese people but this one is hard.

09/02/25 17:34:36
If that's the case, he spent most of his childhood(even adulthood) in America, right?
I see. That'd make sense.
He is. I'm not sure if he has trouble reading written Japanese because of kanji and tricky Japanese expressions, though.

Hmm, I haven't given any thought to that.
I tend to think people would mumble when they speak in a low pitched voice.
But it'd be ok if their speech was acceptable or they speak clearly.

I remember, when Utada Hikaru speaks English, her voice goes down a octave or two compared to when she speaks Japanese.

I've never heard of either films.
I thought you meant "Tokyo Tower". It was sort of a hit like 2 years ago?
Anyway, who stars the film(s)?

No problem. lol
I have no trouble understanding.

09/02/25 17:44:39
That'd probably be it.
And I guess he meant mobile phones would make more progress than simply talking, and so we couldn't predict in what direction
they would go now.

We can't be sure until he answers, though.

09/02/25 17:55:31
I've just checked on Youtube if Warcraft looks good and interesting. And it did.

I wonder if there's SRPG like fire emblem that you can play on the computer.

09/02/25 18:02:14
What kinds of topics are going on?

Somebody, give me interesting topics!

09/02/25 18:10:40
Video games, languages, films, electric gadgets, and so on.

Any topic will do as long as others find interesting.
So go ahead.

09/02/25 18:23:46
I always get this error when I try to submit a longer post. How do I fix it?

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

09/02/25 18:29:11
Shit. Tried again and got the same error. I'll post it in two separate comments then.

>I remember, when Utada Hikaru speaks English, her voice goes down a octave or two compared to when she speaks Japanese.

Ah, yes. she's not an exception either. I too am curious why J-E bilinguals all sound maturer when speaking English.
This also occurs a native English speaker speaks Japanese with an English accent.
In this case, his or her voice sounds deeper than the average Japanese.

09/02/25 18:29:33
Continuation to >>647:

Apparently there are exceptions because we know some Japanese have deep voices and there should be English speakers with adorable voices.
In fact, actors, especially voice actors often change their pitch and tone so that their voice matches characters in play.
But it's very interesting to me changing language can naturally alter a speaker's tone of voice.

I don't know if this is cultural (e.g., the emphasis on politeness may have something to do with higher pitch) or purely linguistic (e.g., English may be phonetically lower in pitch),
but this is why I don't want Japanese girls to reduce their accent; they always sound cuter with the Japanese accent.

09/02/25 20:02:19
I took the entrance examination of XX university today.
This is what I wrote at the English test.

A question was like this; Write in 70 words as if you were studying abroad and introducing your country to people there.

Japan is a country influence by Buddhism.
If you come here, you would see temples and shrines are ubiquitous. We visit there to make a New Year's resolution
when New Years come around. We also enjoy summer festivals there during summer.
Though many of us are not into religion so much but
we embrace traditional activities.
These days more and more fornigners are participating in our activities, so let's join us without reserve!

I made the most of my ability..

09/02/25 20:37:48
How about Romance of the three kingdoms 11?
I haven't played it myself, but the series has been quite popular in Japan.
I'm thinking of playing it now.

09/02/25 20:41:01
Oh, by the way, the news says that American president Obama and Japanese priminster Aso met today.
Seemingly, they didn't hold a press conference, though.

09/02/25 21:16:55
Is there Romance in your three kingdoms?
I have only one kingdom, and there is Romance also in my kingdom.
My kingdom is my onanizum kingdom.
In my onanizum kingdom, Sekimori Hinowa is a leading part, and she is nakedly keeping to defeats Kagari every day.
This is my vest romance.

09/02/25 21:33:46
This is notification for you American.
Do you know Yoko Osita Yoko the female announcer in Japan?
If Oshita Yoko and Obama fighted each other, Would you think which person win ?
Do you want Oshita Yoko to become the President U.S.?

09/02/25 21:46:46
SRPGs or turn-based strategies as I guess they would be more commonly known, are fairly rare on the PC.
Most tactical RPGs are found on consoles such as the DS or Playstations and are ususally just translated Japanese SRPGs.
This is probably due to the fact that Real Time Strategies are more popular here, although everyone has probably played Final Fantasy.
There used to be a lot more PC SRPGs and you can still find a few classics like Fallout 1 and 2.
Such games do still exist on the PC however, here's a link to wikipedia because I'm lazy:
However most of them are crap.

09/02/25 21:59:54
>He is. I'm not sure if he has trouble reading written Japanese because of kanji and tricky Japanese expressions, though.

According to the Japanese wiki article about Masi, he can command both Japanese and English at an academic level.
From elementary school through middle school, his mother forced him to attend a Japanese school on weekends
for 9 years where he had to finish a regular weekly curriculum in just one day every week. Also, it is said that he is
fluent in French and Spanish as well. It's not that hard to imagine the man with an IQ of 189 who can handle so much
information could grasp a situation presented in a foreign language (technically his native one, though) and then whip out
his weaponry of vocaburaly to make a witty riposte. Quite simply, he's not just an ordinary man.

09/02/25 23:07:06
The closest thing to Fire Emblem would be Warcraft 3, though it's
a real time strategy and the gameplay is different it's got some
epic fantasy storyline and characters (I think that's what >>643 is looking for).
I got bored after the first several chapters but it's probably just me.

09/02/26 03:00:37
I know he's no ordinary human.
He can stop time.

09/02/26 13:22:47
I find Romance of the Three Kingdoms very complicated and hard. There are a lot of things for me to get used to, such as
many commands to order leaders to do things and how to fight enemies, etc. Actually, this is the first time I've ever played
this type of video game. I failed to complete a tutorial map where you can learn the basics of how to play the game.
Does anyone have tips?

659:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/02/26 13:47:48
I've been watching Mobile Suit Gundam, the first series of the whole set of series.

The grand story is interesting and Char is fucking fantastic. I can't help but laugh
every time Amuro does something, though. He is such a goofy character.

09/02/26 14:02:33
I know there are lots and lots of fans of it in Japan, but for some reason
I've never had a chance to watch any except when I happened to see a piece of the story
on TV. You know, Japanese TV stations sometimes broadcast programs like "collections of animes
that would bring back your memory" where TV talents get together to see their fav anime and talk about it,
or something like that. And all I know about Gundam, though very limited, comes from that kind of TV show.

Did you watch subbed version or dubbed? I'm not sure if dubbed Gundam has ever been made to broadcast in America, though.

09/02/26 14:04:55
Yeah, I know! You must've watched it on Youtube or any other websites illegally. lol
Illegal Fan subbed Gundam, isn't it?

662:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/02/26 14:09:59

with subtitles. i figure i can get the intended experience that way.

by the way, I've noticed there are quite a few shows in Japan where celebrities
just sit around and talk. i remember watching this one show where a few people just
walked around some small town while it was snowing, went into any interesting shops,
and made comical observations about whatever they could find. literally, the entire show
was just that.

a show like that is really bizarre to someone who hasn't watched japanese TV show before.
there aren't any shows like that in America at all. I suppose the closest thing you could find
would be late night talk shows which only have 1 or 2 big name celebrities with each airing.
I suppose the corporate executives don't think a show like that, where celebrities talk and play
games and shit, would be successful in America.

also, on a lot of japanese shows, they show in a little box in the corner the host of the show. i suppose
they do that so that the audience can see his or her reaction. that is another thing which is unique to Japan.
when I first saw that, I thought, "why is there a box with the host? who cares about him?" I suppose it is because
some people must want to see his reaction... perhaps it is like the equivalent of the laugh track.

09/02/26 14:10:35
) So tell me what's fantastic about Char?
) Did you like the voice actor?   
) What made you watch Gundam, by the way? I mean, where did you   
) learn about the anime.
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664:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/02/26 14:22:56

Char is just a charming guy. What can I say?
I have no idea how good the voice actor is. I'm not good enough with Japanese to
tell how natural he sounded or what else.
Where did I learn about anime? I used to watch some other shows when I was younger
that played on American television. Mobile Suit Gundam was among those played, but
I didn't watch much of it. I decided to try watching some of it again because it is
such a long running show, there must be something special about it.

09/02/26 14:31:02
I had been thought that interview style shows (two or three celebrities carry on their conversation)
are majority in America until I read your post.
Also, I gave it the reason like ‘English is logical, so western tv programs highly value conversation style.’

Except for such kinds of Japanese show you cited, Japanese tv programs are quite boring.
I strongly believe they ruin our sense of morality or intelligence.
One reason why they are shit is they are very noisy;we have to listen to background music all time.
Another is celebrities such as comedians don't think nothing other than making audiences laugh by making fun of others.
The reasons are endless. I'm angry at them.

I advice you not to watch Japanese tv shows for a long time even if you should become fluent in Japanese.

09/02/26 14:32:05
>I've noticed there are quite a few shows in Japan where celebrities
>just sit around and talk.
Hahaha, nope, we have many talk shows like that. Probably, people overseas are
simply more interested in Japanese game/variety shows. It's natural to me, though.
You need to know a lot about Japanese pop/traditional cultures in order to enjoy their talks.

>they show in a little box in the corner the host of the show.
Hmm, in a little box in the corner? I'm afraid I don't get it.
Do they put their hand(s) into a box with the front side framed with glass where some creatures
like turtles or eels are inside?

667:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/02/26 14:44:19
>Do they put their hand(s) into a box with the front side framed with glass where some creatures
like turtles or eels are inside?
Now I'm the one who doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.

Here is an example of what I meant... at 1:54 in this video.

09/02/26 14:44:57
Talking about Gundam, did you notice the person who voice acted as Amuro has been very popular
and we can watch/hear him voice acting in many other animes?
Off the top of my head, Yamucha (DB/DBZ), Abel(Dragon Quest), Seiya (saint seiya), etc...
I like his voice a lot.

09/02/26 14:57:04
Ahhhh, now I see what you meant. lol

>i suppose they do that so that the audience can see his or her reaction.
I've never been told why TV producers do that kind of thing, but I think you're right.

And I'm searching for what videos I meant on youtube, but it seems that type of game is too typical to share or anything.
I can find one now. Still searching.

09/02/26 15:00:44
Can't, I mean.

09/02/26 15:03:37
Now I've found one!

>>Do they put their hand(s) into a box with the front side framed with glass where some creatures
>like turtles or eels are inside?
>Now I'm the one who doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.


09/02/26 15:07:18
Take off your eye hold, Char. And let us see your true identity!!

673:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/02/26 15:08:22

What is up with the black guy on the right? Why does the other guy have long,
blonde hair?

That is really funny. The girl is adorable.

09/02/26 15:19:21
Um, I don't know. This is the first time I've seen the show myself too.
The black guy doesn't seem to say anything.

But the guy on the left is Nagura Jun, who's a commedian, and I'm sure he's
wearing a blond wigg to make an expression that it's not his true self or anything.

09/02/26 15:25:06

09/02/26 15:29:52

Lol. So funny.

09/02/26 18:44:42
Drugs make people die inside.

09/02/26 19:17:55

If you are a fan of MLB, this video clip may be interesting to watch.
All star game of NBL 1996, Ichiro was called to pitch in the 9 ining.

09/02/26 19:27:40
i can't help laughing about it
it's terrible convulsion
sometimes i confused and i think i had the same experience ever before

09/02/26 19:33:40
Yeah, it's so funny. I think I can't thank you enough to the one that created it.

09/02/26 19:44:20

May I ask, can you spell out what it says please, native speakers?

09/02/26 20:34:04
So it seems posting a youtube link is the current fad on this thread. It may be interesting to join you by giving a link to the vid I just watched:


What do you think of Ron Paul? I know he's fairly popular on the internet and I like him too.
It's not that I'd have voted for him in the last presidential election if I were American,
but what he says is usually clear and lucid. I'm fed up with all those political newspeak devised to obfuscate everything.

Obviously he's too Republican, but to me as a foreigner, he often has a point.
I wonder if other Japanese and foreigners would think the same and if Americans are considering him a crazy fundamentalist.

09/02/26 21:56:45
Char is my all time favorite character. He represents all coolness of mankind.
However, he turns out to be a guy with lolicon plus mothercon in a later series. lol

684:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/02/27 00:06:45
Yeah! A-ROD hit a two run HR!

09/02/27 00:09:53
Oh, he wasn't exiled from MBA ?

686:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/02/27 00:23:19
No, when he had used steroid, while Texas player, I don't know precisely
but maybe it's not prohibited. And his trainer was dealer.
Btw MLB is correct.

687:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/02/27 00:25:41
Oh sorry, I misunderstood the word of "exile".

688:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/02/27 00:30:12
OK, OK, >>685 was irony or something. ha ha.

09/02/27 01:10:55
Sorry for my late response.
I don't know ‘exile’ is a proper word in this context.
Oops, MLB.. I have to keep it in mind. orz That was not an irony.

Then, he is completely innocent?

09/02/27 02:41:21
WBC is going to take place within three weeks or so, right?
I'm expecting Ichiro to perform well.

09/02/27 03:51:11
I don't think that Ron Paul is crazy at all, he has some very clear ideas,
many of which I agree with.

-Abolish the IRS: I'm not so sure about this one, the IRS has proven
itself very useful
-Withdraw forces from abroad: I Absolutely disagree. We have
various allies that basically rely on our support. Besides, I like the idea
of freeing Japan from as many military obligations as possible.
|_On a side note I would like to say that we do not
extort money from allies, that is an appalling accusation
-Cut taxes
|_Corporate tax rates are the second highest in the world, we are
| not facilitating competitiveness on the world stage as a result.
|_Income tax rates are an obvious target for cuts
-Cut most welfare related spending, you must have a job or be
demonstrably physically/mentally disabled if you want welfare aid
-Fully restore second amendment rights, diminish the government's
ability to monitor transmissions: I would argue that allowing the
government to do so would simply overload them with "white noise",
making it an unintentionally good thing.

09/02/27 04:10:00





ギリギリ君◆D1A7cJqOrA ←NEW!!


Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 117

09/02/27 04:13:54
USD-KRW 1513.2500 3.3500 0.2219% 12:53

The value of won agaist dollar has been going down, down, and down.

09/02/27 08:27:28

09/02/27 08:44:30
Ron Paul is liked by kids and teenagers because he's stupid enough to go out on a limb with his batshit policies.
They probably see him as radical or something without really considering the horrific and inevitable consequences if his ideas were put into practice.
He's kind of like a Che Guevara for republican kids.

09/02/27 08:45:46
Ron Paul is liked by kids and teenagers because he's stupid enough to go out on a limb with his batshit policies.
They probably see him as radical or something without really considering the horrific and inevitable consequences if his ideas were put into practice.
He's kind of like a Che Guevara for republican kids.
His decimation in the elections despite disproportionate media coverage seems to be evidence of this.

09/02/27 09:03:39
With a super relevant analogy and enough evidence to support your argument, your post sounds more full of meaning.

09/02/27 13:08:23
“They are confident WITH themselves.”
Is this sentense correct?
Since I looked up the usage of “confident”, I know “in” is appropriate, but I could get
thousands of hits when I googled “confident with themselves”.

I'm expecting both of them are right..
Could anyone help with this problem?

09/02/27 18:10:19
USD-KRW 1533.8000 16.5000 1.0875% 02:51

It's going down, down, and down again today.
It set a year record.

09/02/27 20:14:47
>>698 isn't that reliable if you're looking for proper grammar and usage. It'd be better to search GoogleBook or GoogleNews instead.
If I simply googled the usage of confident, your posts in this thread would show up too.


09/02/27 21:18:59
With a post dripping with sarcasm and a hypocritical accusation I'm am now in respiratory shock at having been so dramatically 'told' on the internet.
'more full' is a descriptive tautology by the way.

09/02/27 21:21:09
When I am tampering with my penis, I can't forget Sekimori Hinowa even for a moment. Sekimori Hinowa is my best onapet.
Sekimori Hinowa is a nice my onapet who appears in Fujita's Manga "Ushio and Tora". Sekimori Hinowa is a littele likes handsome youth.
I am masturbating as intensely as a mad beast while imagining the scene that Sekimori Hinowa and Kagari vie for robustness of their thighs.
I'm dying to compare Sekimori Hinowa's thigh and Kagari's thigh minutely.

09/02/27 21:23:54
I understand what you mean.
Please let me know express my gratitude. I decided to make use of above sites.
As to “confident with themselves” or “confident with myself”, I could get about 100 hits as a whole.
However, “confident in” is overwhelming in number, so I assume “in”is proper gramatically.
Anyway, thanks.

09/02/27 21:23:56
>descriptive tautology
You're quite unique! Very very unique! Totally!

09/02/27 21:24:56
please delete “know”in your brain

09/02/27 21:26:49
Um, I kind of understand what you just said, I guess. Good luck anyway.

09/02/27 21:32:34
iPhone is a good shit.

09/02/27 22:27:54





ギリギリ君◆D1A7cJqOrA ←NEW!!


Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 117

709:real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR.
09/02/28 00:50:02
Legally he seems to be not guilty.

WBC first round in Japan is going to start March 5th.
Seeing recent game, I thought ichiro seems to have been a little smaller and less power.
He hits grounder only.

09/02/28 01:15:22

This is a collaboration of Michael Jackson and Japan's legenday middle-aged
rapper Ikuzo Yoshi.

09/02/28 02:16:51
iPhone is an overhyped, overpriced piece of shit
I'm sorry, could you rephrase that, I don't understand Engrish.

09/02/28 03:09:06
Does iPhone work in Japan in the first place?

09/02/28 03:16:02
Why not?

I don't have one, nor I'm intersted in buying one, though.
SoftBank deals in it.

714:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/02/28 04:40:24
In America, going to the gym is pretty popular because it is so easy to become overweight
and out-of-shape around here. How is it in Japan? From my perspective, it seems like all you
people are just naturally thin.

09/02/28 05:12:11
because it is so easy to become overweight
and out-of-shape around here
naturally thinあたりはネィティブぽさを出そうとしたんだなwそれはOKだねw

09/02/28 05:17:57
>From my perspective, it seems like all you
>people are just naturally thin.
HA, HA, HA! I really wish you were right.
I'm simply fat as whales are. Exercise a lot or enjoy being diabetic. Well, it was a tough choice to make. I decided to go for the first choice. So I've been excercising quite a lot.

09/02/28 05:19:27

09/02/28 07:31:03
Talking of Girigiri-Kun, I heard he failed to find a job and after graduating
his F-ranked college, he has no choice but to become NEET.

Oh poor Girigiri-Kun.

719:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/02/28 08:25:15
Why the Japanese hate the iPhone: URLリンク(

09/02/28 09:43:44

Chat in English part 1

09/02/28 09:45:03
This should be the one that you wanted to paste.

I'm not really knowledgeable about the Keitai market, but the "cultural opposition" conspiracy theory
sounds pretty lame to me... Because the iPod has completely dominated the Japanese mp3 market and
Apple has already established its status as a top-notched brand so far.

09/02/28 10:42:32
Maybe because there is a much higher cell phone usage in Japan than the rest of the world.
So they notice what an badly made, overpriced cell phone it really is?

09/02/28 10:46:59
Looking at stuff like the Panasonic P905i which is readily available in Japan it's hard to see why they would settle for a piece of shit like the iPhone.

09/02/28 10:47:10
You are right. Japanese people are thin so in most cases they don't
need to do exercise to get slim.

But some people sure go to the gym. In case of men in their twenties,
the biggest reason to go to gym is to have great build. They know
muscles appeal to some women. They are already slim but got to the gym
to get their muscles bulked up.

In case of women in their twenties, the biggest reason is to get slim.
Despite the reason, they look slim on American standard. They are too much
worried about their figure. Going to gym sounds cool so for some women,
that can be a kind of like fashion statement. This is the case with men, too.

The Japanese society is aging rapidly and some health concious elderly people
go to gym to prevent themselves from being bed ridden in the future. Private gym
companies know this trend and cater to these people.

Gym not only provides training machines such as treadmill but also
provide various exercise program ranging from Aerobics classes to
hip hop dance classes. Some people take these class that can work for
shedding some pounds, rataher, kilos.

09/02/28 10:48:23
You are right. Japanese people are thin so in most cases they don't
need to do exercise to get slim.

But some people sure go to the gym. In case of men in their twenties,
the biggest reason to go to gym is to have great build. They know
muscles appeal to some women. They are already slim but got to the gym
to get their muscles bulked up.

In case of women in their twenties, the biggest reason is to get slim.
Despite the reason, they look slim on American standard. They are too much
worried about their figure. Going to gym sounds cool so for some women,
that can be a kind of like fashion statement. This is the case with men, too.

The Japanese society is aging rapidly and some health concious elderly people
go to gym to prevent themselves from being bed ridden in the future. Private gym
companies know this trend and cater to these people.

Gym not only provides training machines such as treadmill but also
provide various exercise program ranging from Aerobics classes to
hip hop dance classes. Some people take these class that can work for
shedding some pounds, rataher, kilos.

09/02/28 11:57:21
Not super obese like some Ameriacns are but there are lots of fat out-of-shape
people in Japan too. Japanese people are smaller and take up less space so
they are just not as noticeable as big fat Ameicans. Also there are many seemingly
thin people who have some very ugly fat hanging around their bellies. They just hide
it with clothes.

09/02/28 13:44:40
I hope those gyms will turn all the energies produced by the
work-outers into some electricity, or something-Green Energy-

09/02/28 14:30:20
this person says that it is not so much hate of the iphone, but other things. URLリンク(

09/02/28 20:39:01
I'm not a big fan of cell phones nor smart phones, so I might not be in a position
to say anything about them, but as I see it, I don't think it's good for SoftBank to sell iPhone for nothing,
a) they charge more money monthly than in the case they sell the gadget at a proper price,
 and you have to pay extra money if you want to stop using one within 2 years.
b) the no-price-for-sale campaign that SoftBank took would impair the image of iPhone, like no one wants to have one
 unless it's sold for free. I'd call it "dumping"..
c) SoftBank has been faced with manegerial problems, say, simply the company has huge debts, and CDS (which indicates
how good/bad a situation companies are in) are quite high - more than 1,700 points the last time I checked. Even though
many Japanese people without interest in business, such as students and housewives, wouldn't believe that since SoftBank
has been putting out a huge amount of advertisment in Japan.
"What if the company will go bankrupt? What will become of my iPhone!?" would be a concern for people who know the truth
about SoftBank.

And these are things that's just come out of my head, and that's just me.

730:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/02/28 20:42:40
Native speakers, could you give me a comment?
Anyone has nort made any mistakes.
Is this way of saying incorrect?
To me, it sounds very clear and precise.
No one has made any mistakes.
Must this way of saying be done?

731:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A
09/02/28 20:43:39
Native speakers, could you give me a comment?
Anyone has not made any mistakes.
Is this way of saying incorrect?
To me, it sounds very clear and precise.
No one has made any mistakes.
Must this way of saying be done?

09/02/28 20:56:20
Anyway, what is your point?(笑)
Scattering so many unnecessary stuff wouldd not help the reader grasp the big picture.
You call for SoftBank to terminate its effective subsidy campaigne or free moble phone marketing gimmick?
Everyone with good judgemnt or sanity doesn't belive the mobile carrier will go under anytime soon, at least a decade.
Were that happen, until then your favorite device would become garbage.
Note CDS, or credit default swap, is kind of insuarance hedging against potential insolvency,
which does not indicate a company's current financial standing, rather the investors' risk-averseness
in a seized up market characterized by extraordinary fears to risks unduly.
