09/02/16 00:29:57
We don't have the Valentine Day/White Day custom here, so anyone can
give a Valentines Day gift to anybody.
Most elementary school students here celebrate Valentines Day with a class
party, and everyone brings in valentines for everyone in the whole class.
(Usually these are cheap little cards with cartoon characters, and many people
put a small piece of candy in it).
But when you get to be an adult, then it turns into this big romantic deal,
which kind of takes the fun out of it for many people.
Yesterday, I read a most amazing letter written by a man to "Dear Abby" (advice
columnist) about how was sick of Valentines Day being only for couples, and
that we should revive the custom of giving valentines to everyone, just like
children do.
I must say I was impressed. Here is the link, if you want to read it: