09/01/09 11:38:43
>Wow I remember the one, 戸田アレクシ哲 toda Alexi tetsu.
This reminds me of the days when I was preparing for the entrance exam.
He was always on the top 3 list at every trial exam and everyone my age who wanted to go to a prestigious university knew him lol.
I didn't think アレクシ was his real name when I saw his name for the first time.
Well, I failed and Tokyo University rejected me by the way...
09/01/09 12:03:29
Everyone please be nice to me. I'm having a tough day.
Today I went to my first aerobics class in ten years.
The name of the class was "Basic Training", and so I assumed that
it was a beginner's class. But when I got there, I found out that
what it really meant was "Aerobics Boot Camp". Lots of jumping
on and off a step, high leg kicks and really uncomfortable
stretching with weights.
Man, am I out of shape.
09/01/09 12:08:47
Then tonight I came home from a meeting and my husband informed me
that our dishwasher died. Not at the end of the cycle, but right at
the beginning. So now I have to wash and dry all of today's dishes.
It's a lot when you have to do it all at one time.
The worst is the silverware--there's so much of it.
Do you think I can get everyone to use disposable chopsticks until
we can get a new one? They sell huge boxes of them at the local Chinese
supermarket, real cheap.
I can't stand plastic cutlery, so that's not an option.
Ah well, back to the kitchen...[exit stage left]
635:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/09 12:35:37
I was baptized at my age of 38 at a Mennonite Christian church in Japan.
We don't get a naming by baptism.
You are you all your life.
Making yourself called with other names than yours will make you feel weird.
09/01/09 12:38:42
The aerobics class must have been affected by Biily's boot camp and turned itself into harder one.
Keep your tough exsercise or you may have a special nice body some day.
From the ecological point of view, disposable chopsticks aren't recommended with open mind.
09/01/09 12:49:22
In some cases disposable chopsticks, or wooden chopsticks made by chinese are bad for the health.
And their wooden chopsticks may be with bleach.
Even if wooden chopsticks made by chinese have reasonable price, I won't buy it.
638:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/09 12:56:22
Billy's boot and stretch is too hard work.
But it may get you lose weight rapidly.
But it will make you stressful and make you feel like eating to escape your stress.
Then all efforts go vainfully.
639:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/01/09 13:01:56
I see, thank you for your responses. That is really interesting, though,
that Japanese songs used to (and still do) convey emotion and meaning without
09/01/09 13:02:42
No diets don't need mental toughness.
09/01/09 13:08:47
Free at last!
No, I won't buy disposable anything then.
I've seen nice painted? laquered? chopsticks at the Japanese store up
in Cambridge. They come in sets of 4, each pair is a different color, maybe so each
person can have their own set? But they are a little expensive. And face it,
it's difficult to eat macaroni and cheese, or make a peanut butter sandwich with
chopsticks. I wonder how you would tackle lasagne, probably with a knife and fork.
09/01/09 13:13:36
Lord knows I need to lose weight.
I don't think it will be that rapid though. I have the metabolism of a
three toed sloth.
But it's probably more important for me just to get some exercise
for my mental and physical health. I'm one of those people who gets
the winter blues.
09/01/09 13:23:39
Every Japanese person has his/her own pair of chopsticks, and each family has at least
one knife and fork to eat western cuisine.
So, as you mentioned, we eat those western foods with a knife, fork and spoon just as western people do.
09/01/09 13:33:04
Oh, man, have you ever tried doing Billy's boot camp ?
So do I!
Then, sorry to ask this a little personal question, but could you tell me your height
if you don't mind ? (I never have any intention to ask your weight after this question)
This is just out of my curiousity since western women are tall in general.
09/01/09 13:36:20
I like those pretty Japanese chopsticks they sell at Tokai.
Maybe I will get a set after I pay for the new dishwasher,
whenever that will be.
09/01/09 13:43:01
which is 165 cm, give or take
I'm about 1 inch taller than American female average height.
Don't bother asking my weight; I would just lie anyways.
09/01/09 13:55:59
haha, thanks indeed.
Well, your heights corresponds with the image about you.
With regard to the average height of U.S. women, it's a little smaller than I guessed.
09/01/09 14:34:42
Perhaps, general consensus about the definition of an adult will change in less than
a few years or so.
If children are supposed to become an adult at the age of 18, then the ritual for those twenty people
, which caled seijinn-shiki, will also change.
This can cause troubles because there is a two years interval and so some children cannot attend the ritual.
I just mutterd to myself.
The day after tomorrow, seijin-shiki is held.