09/01/09 02:23:52
There isn't much to say.
I'm just not the kind of person who's blindly obedient.
because of this, I asked a lot of questions...
Also, I realized that the only reason I believed (as little as I did)
in Christianity was because I had encountered it first.
Had I been born elsewhere, or to some other parents, I might have been
raised as the devout follower of some other religion.
I wondered: what was it that made Christianity so much more valid than
other religions?
There's nothing, right?
Also, I'm the sort of person who requires evidence.
I'm too grounded in the rational to believe in any religion, I think.
Lastly, the God of the old testament was sort of a dick.
He did all sorts of rotten things...
Even if that God was real, I don't think I could follow him.