Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 126at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 126 - 暇つぶし2ch533:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/01/08 12:37:35
Apparently the lead singer named the band "Of Montreal" after his relationship with a girlfriend
from Montreal went south. The story changes slightly every time someone asks him about it though...

09/01/08 12:42:44
Interesting, thank you.

I've been working on an art history assignment for the last three or four hours.
This is driving me insane... I can literally smell my laptop melting...

09/01/08 12:44:33
Well, I happened to see that sort of activity once in a public area.

That seemed to be conducted by a white woman and a brown man,
and they holded a placard, which 'FREE HUG' was written on.

09/01/08 12:45:22
You are living in a heaven for male teachers.

09/01/08 12:46:22
That's pretty incredible. It wouldn't be tolerated here, mostly
because the schools are afraid of sexual harassment lawsuits from parents.
Do you go to a public school?

538:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/01/08 12:47:17

Are you an art major or is that just filling a general education requirement?

Just to give my two cents on the topic, hugging was common throughout high school.
Girls I barely knew would hug me for no particular reason. Nobody would bat an eye.

I hardly ever see that kind of behavior in my university, however. I suppose people
think they should start acting more mature and adult once they make the transition into
a university.

09/01/08 12:49:15
Did you hug either one of them?
I myself would have avoided them, but then I don't like
touching strangers.

09/01/08 12:49:52
I seem to have given the impression that male teachers are running around hugging female students and then inviting them to dinner.
I have seen it two or three times, and there was no hanky-panky involved.
My school is not a brothel, I swear. The principal is not a pimp, and my English teacher is not a prostitute named "Sugar Baby".

09/01/08 12:52:20
I bodytouched her while hugging her! 

09/01/08 12:53:57
Don't get me wrong, all kidding aside, most male teachers wouldn't hug a female student.
But some do. It's never really been an issue at my school, although I doubt the higher-ups are aware of it.

I go to a Catholic school, surprisingly.

Anyway, I'm not condoning this sort of behaviour...

09/01/08 12:57:04
In the bottom of mind, I was eager to hug the lady, but I'm coward, so I couldn't.

Putting aside my kidding, I think Free Hug Movement doesn't suit Japanese culture.
In fact, as far as I saw there, only a few people gathered aroung the two man and woman,
and most of them were women.

09/01/08 12:57:11
But Girls you said are white girls, I assume.

09/01/08 12:57:32
I chose the course on my own, but I had already fulfilled the requirements for art.
I had actually planned on becoming an artist, as I (think) I have a knack for it.
But I have instead chosen to go into Media Studies, Journalism or English.

09/01/08 13:00:03
You said you were not Christian.
But Christian value must be instilled into your body
unconciously because you are brought up in that culutre since
your birth.

09/01/08 13:02:19
Of course. I have rejected it as much as I can, but there is a part of me that will always be Catholic. And that's fine; as I age perhaps I'll find myself drawn back to Catholicism, if only for comfort in death.

09/01/08 13:21:22
Pascal's Wager (simplified): you might as well believe in God, because if you believe
and there is no God, then no harm done;
but if you choose not to believe in God, and there actually is a God,
well, now you're in trouble.

This has actually been used as an argument for believing in God, but
isn't it a little too much based on self interest?

09/01/08 13:24:23
I'm very impressed...

09/01/08 13:28:41
I think that idea is practical so as to educate people.
If a potential criminal hear it, he may resist his temptation.

551:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/01/08 13:29:14

It isn't easy for some people to indoctrinate themselves into believing in
God if they have already rationalized that God cannot exist.

But Christian values aren't so bad, I think. Avoiding the cardinal sins
and following the virtues drive one's life in a better direction even if
they aren't religious.

09/01/08 13:34:08
The atheist's response, of course, is "Which God do you pick?
There's a lot of them out there...what if you pick the wrong one?"
There is a point in that, I suppose.
In which case, just declare yourself a Unitarian and be done with it.

09/01/08 13:34:14
If there exists God, I can assert that he or she is not a man like
a jew born about 2000 years ago.

554:Captain Spicard ◆mOdChRomEs
09/01/08 13:41:05
Hasn't this religion talk gone on for a day or more now?
Are we getting anywhere?

09/01/08 13:43:47
I'm in bed, btw.

09/01/08 13:46:27
I can understand where you are coming from. I myself am not comfortable
with the idea of claiming a monopoly on Truth.
For me personally, Jesus's words in the New Testament are very meaningful
and I can believe that they are divinely inspired. But I was raised in
the Christian church, so they are familiar and comforting. If I had been
born in a different part of the world, I can't say that I would feel the same.

09/01/08 13:50:10
Sorry, I wasn't here yesterday, so I wouldn't know.
I'm not trying to recruit anyone though.
Believe or not, your choice.

That's where I should be. 'Night all!

09/01/08 13:50:52
I don't know if he was noble man or not.
Even so, I just wanted to say Jesus was a human.

09/01/08 13:54:31
God possessed a jew in Israel and made him talk the truth?
Under this theory we could say Jesus is God..

I dont think God made him talk though.

09/01/08 14:00:53
Do Christians believe the resurrecrion of Jesus like
米人 ressurected on this board?
From this point Jesus is not a human.
Then again God imbued life into a dead body and,,,
He was killed by roman army. That's it.

09/01/08 14:02:56
Who killed Jesus and how?

09/01/08 14:05:57
The whole idea of believing in God just in case he DOES exist is pretty selfish, I agree.
But as much as I'd like to say that I will never fall into that category, I can't, because in the end death frightens me, as it does many others.
It isn't the pain of death, but what happens after the fact. Before I became an atheist I had something to look forward to, a reward at the end of the maze,
but now I am faced with two options after I die:
If I'm right, I will vanish into nothingness. If I'm wrong, I will spend eternity in a horrible reality.

Plus, I'm just an idiot teenager. My world view could shift entirely in a single month.

09/01/08 14:06:51
Do Christians really believe God is like human-being
with four limbs and face?
Do you imagine Jesus Christ whey you imagine God?

Jesus looked like Sdam Hussein URLリンク(
rather than him URLリンク(
as far as lookings go.

Imagin Sadam Hussein in the night sky. He is watching us.

09/01/08 14:08:45
That was funny and creepy at the same time.

09/01/08 14:13:01
Did Vikings invade middle east just like they
invaded America?
I've heard of Vinlander.

09/01/08 14:14:44
If God is nice enough, he will save us regardless of faith,
and if not, he's a jerk and I'd rather vanish into nothingness.

09/01/08 14:16:22
DO I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do my love to you!
Do I Do, Do I Do!!

09/01/08 14:22:12
Invaded was a strong word. Vikings Landed on America
and setteld for a while. They prerished for some reason.

09/01/08 14:24:02
Wow vinland was in Canada, not in America. I didn't know.

09/01/08 14:26:51
Could you possibly tell me what exactly "Love me do" means.
And please tell me what grammar item is applied to the phrase.
I don't think "love" isn't a verb used like "make" or "get".
- Make someone do something
- Get someone to do something
Do you think "love someone do something" is a generally used phrase?

09/01/08 14:37:44
Do love me.

09/01/08 21:12:26
is anybody here?

09/01/08 21:17:40

574:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/08 21:34:34
What is life?
Life is growing and weaking, isn't it?

09/01/08 22:07:59
Hell is your eternal home. Go there with >>574!

09/01/08 22:14:36
E.T homo phone

577:aus tw
09/01/08 22:38:39
Before start discussing whether or not should we believe in god (I know, it's already too late), can someone define what god is first?

09/01/08 22:44:50
God is Slim Shady and Slim Shady is in all of us.

09/01/08 22:54:59
Real Gachimuchi Shady?

580:【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 ◆AZWpeumso.
09/01/08 23:34:06
there is a part 127 ready for use

581:【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 ◆AZWpeumso.
09/01/08 23:39:28


09/01/08 23:57:16
Before start discussing whether or not should we believe in god (I know, it's already too late), can someone define what god is first?

・Can anyone define what got is to be, before starting to discuss whether we shoud believe in god or not?(I know, it's already too late.)

09/01/09 00:05:54
I think god is nothing but a mere notion.

09/01/09 00:10:24
It's 5℃ out now, but with the windchill, it feels below freezing.
It's smells like it's going to snow tomorrow.

09/01/09 01:02:11
You can smell and judge if it snows or not?

You sound like a dog or something.

586:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 01:05:33
I used to be a Christian, technically.

I'm an atheist now, though. I never could take the stories in the Bible as seriously as the people around me.
And I never enjoyed the long periods of singing and praising God that occurred at church.
Whenever that happened, I'd wait until no one was looking at me, then quietly sit down.
I'd quickly become bored, and be forced to read the only book I had with me--the Bible.
It was actually an annotated version, so I ended up reading the annotations, too.

This was actually part of what brought me to atheism.
There are a lot of nice events, ideas, and attitudes in the Bible.
However, there are a lot of terrible ones, too...

587:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 01:13:22

Incidentally, does "possess" not have the same connotation in Japanese?

When people in English-speaking countries say "possess", they're usually
thinking of something along the lines of The Exorcist.

By the way, most Christians believe in the concept of the Trinity--
That is, that God exists as three "persons" (God the Father, God the Son,
and God the Holy Spirit), but is one being.

To be honest, I don't fully understand it myself.

09/01/09 01:26:42
some english-japanese dictionary say that should be "haunt" as an intransitive.

09/01/09 01:28:35
I have to admit that I was surprised to know that quite a lot of people from English speaking
countries here call themselves atheist.

I didn't think it's easy to become an athiest in countries of Christianity
such as the US. It's just that the moment you declare you are an athiest,
you can become atheist? Simple as that?

You had your excess skin of your penis cut when you were born right?
That's because you or at least your parents are Christians, right?
If you claim you are an athiest, you won't have a doctor cut
the skin of your baby boy's penis?

I know this question is rediculous.

09/01/09 01:46:02
You can despise Christianity as much as you want because it's been a lie for nearly 2,000 years.
But how can you deny a gospel of Jesus Christ?
You can be a Christian without attedning any Chruch.
I wish to hear more about your story on switching from "Christianity" to "Atheism" if you don't mind of course.

09/01/09 01:49:48
I was gay.

592:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 02:08:12
You're talking about circumcision, right?
I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that in the USA, most male infants are circumcised regardless of religion.
In other words, it isn't really a religious issue.

Today, most Christian denominations are neutral concerning circumcision.
Judaism calls for it, though.

09/01/09 02:19:59
Is this CNET TV thing is exclusively online?

Or do they stream online the same show as the ones broadcast on cable TV
or something?

594:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 02:23:52
There isn't much to say.
I'm just not the kind of person who's blindly obedient.
because of this, I asked a lot of questions...

Also, I realized that the only reason I believed (as little as I did)
in Christianity was because I had encountered it first.
Had I been born elsewhere, or to some other parents, I might have been
raised as the devout follower of some other religion.
I wondered: what was it that made Christianity so much more valid than
other religions?
There's nothing, right?

Also, I'm the sort of person who requires evidence.
I'm too grounded in the rational to believe in any religion, I think.

Lastly, the God of the old testament was sort of a dick.
He did all sorts of rotten things...
Even if that God was real, I don't think I could follow him.

09/01/09 02:34:06
Yes, I was talking about circumcision.
So, it has nothing to do with religion. I didn't know that.

When do you have your penis circumsise?
Right after you are born or later?

596:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/09 02:39:31
A man is a weak being.
He grows old, becomes weak, becomes unable and die.
Living is not always fun. Sometimes it's hard, other times it's too hard to keep living.
So a man seeks salvation.
He seeks great power that rules the world.
He seeks God.
He will be happy if he finds truly powerful thing.
He will be miserable if he finds pretentiously powerful thing.
Seek, then he doesn't fail to find it.
What Jesus told people us true wether you say God is or God is not.

597:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/09 02:40:55
What Jesus told people is true wether you say God is or God is not.

598:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/09 02:52:03
Why does the penis need its skin cut off?
Japanese baby boys don't have the skin cut off.
You can peel the skin off the penis head and make it used to be peeled off.

09/01/09 03:36:45
You have got to be kidding me!
I am surprised to know you have no idea that there is a well-known expression such as "smell like."
When judging by smell what happens in the future, we use "smell like."
If you catch good smell of a curry from the kitchen, you surely expect you wii be able to have a curry.
It also holds true for the weather forecast. Or have you never smelt of rain?

600:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 03:39:11
Right after birth.

09/01/09 03:53:17
Today circumcision seems not to be popular in the US
because hygiene merits turned out to be a myth.
I'm not sure of my memory though.

09/01/09 04:04:36
カナダ人 calls himself athiest. But he has an enrollment in
Catholic church and his parenents are devoted Catholic and he goes to
Catholic school.
Even if he callse himself athiest, he has been surrouded by christian
thigns all his life.

603:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 04:10:02
To me, that makes him especially qualified to fight for atheism.
Who better to debate with a Christian than a former Christian--someone who also has knowledge of Christianity and the Bible?

604:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 04:10:55
Unless there has been a dramatic change in the past few years,
circumcision rates should be somewhere around 60%.

09/01/09 04:32:54
Who better to debate with a Christian than a former Christian--someone who also has knowledge of Christianity and the Bible?

What does it mean? who better to ?

606:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/01/09 04:36:02

My sister is very religious and so is my brother, but I am not. In fact, my
probably my entire family genuinely believes in God. I don't recall
ever believing that God exists, even when I was a very young boy. My grandparents
used to read to me stories from the Bible (when I was around 4-5) and I would think
to myself that they all sound like some kind of ridiculous, made-up fairy tale.

09/01/09 05:18:05
Does that mean you can laugh it away when someone approches you and tells you that Hell is your eternal home?

608:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/01/09 05:19:39
I could have written this post, but substitute Christianity with Judaism.
Enough religion talk though.

So I have this stereotype in my mind about Japan and this article reminded me of it:
My idea of the Japanese workforce is that men dominate every level, with women mostly being
secretaries or similar positions. And then of course once they marry they become housewives.
Sorry if this sounds ignorant, but I'm very curious about women in the Japanese workforce.

09/01/09 05:27:07
Actually, what you've just posted doesn't sound ignorant at all.
When it comes to an issue of women wokring in Japan, glass shields against them are everywhere.
Things are changing from the bottom. I mean from working class people. Their wages are getting smaller and smaller.
Thus both the husband and wife have to work just to feed themselves.

09/01/09 05:33:33
I heard that when Japanese people are Christened they get a
Christian name. What about you people in Christian countries?
When you were born, you recieved a Christian name?

If so, that can be a sign to tell if you're Chrstian or an atheist.
Even if you declare you're an athiest, you are Christian as long as
you have a Christian name.

I see.

09/01/09 05:51:09
Many japanese women's first aim is to real on men's budget.
Some get treated as much as they are worth. And that's not bad thing.

Lack of their motivation is one issue. They are choosing their own way.
And exaggeration is another issue.

I know a certain publishing company like benesse corporation is equally?
dominated by women.
Benesse is a big company which usually is on the top ten lists among
university students.

09/01/09 06:13:24
A8 社員の約6割が女性ですので、確かに女性社員の数の方が多いです。

Q8 Female employee's perfomance is prominant. Aren't there male employees
who are active?
A8 A sixth of employees is women so it's true the number of women
outnumers that of men's.
However this is the enviroment where we can work regardless of genders,
there are many male employees who are active as our home page shows.
I'm not confident about my translation. But it should bring core
I heard mens felt small in the corporation..

In general men are always swayed by women all the place all the time.
We make an effort to answer their expectations not to be disliked by them.
In japan men's are considered to be just the machine to bring
money. Housewives would go to karaoke and lessons in husband's abscence.
Decades ago there was a buzz words that "husbands are good when they are both healthy
and not at home". It doesnot imply abuse at home and as such. Houswives
declare "bring money but I don't want to do housewive job for you!
I don't wanna see your old face. I would rather see kimura takuya or
someon on TV"
It doesn't entirely explain japanese situaiton.
But that's also true.

09/01/09 06:17:35
A sixth of employees
Six tenths of employees is women.
More simpley 60%.

09/01/09 06:30:21
You're right.
I read somewhere about statsitcs on percentage of women who are in
manegerial postion in companies and the percentage of female politicians
worldwide. I don't remeber precise figures but Japan isn't ranked high, meaning
not many women are in such positions in a company or are politicians.

There is a term "glass ceiling" in English as used in the article, but
America has a larger number of female managers or politicians than Japan
according to the statistics I vaguely remember. You went as far as nearly
to elect female president.

Things have changed slowly in Japan. Some companies try to promote more female
worker to important positons not because of the gender equality perspective
but because they know that works in favor of their benefits. To survive
severe competition in business, you can't ignore female perspective in
products development, marketing, customer satisfaction and the stuff.

09/01/09 06:30:43
>And then of course once they marry they become housewives.
This trend has been changing, too. More and more Japanese women think
they want to get involved in society by working so more and more people
go back to workforce after their kids need less care. In a big company
they have a program ready for female workers to come back after
maternity leave. Even women who don't work for a big company try to
start doing part-time job because they want to get involved with society
by working. Adding her small income to her husband income and total
househould income's increase is a bonus.

If their husbands income isn't sufficient, they have no options but
to go back to work again after their kids need less care.

I don't think I welcome such women in the article with open arms. I'm amazed by their acheivement
but I have to admit I kind of am jealous of them because their salary
is hefty as a pilot. I felt disgusting to be honset. Women in cockpit?
Give me a break. It's like, what you have to hold isn't the control stick,
but my cock! And rub it hard and fast! Wash my dirty underwear and
cook nice meals.

616:ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc
09/01/09 06:45:27
"Who better to" is the same as "who would be better to".

Do you mean that those people get new names when they convert to Christianity?
I've never heard of such a ritual before.
Really, do names have that much power?
Sure, someone might name a child after a Christian figure, but that's the parent's choice.

There are probably plenty of Christians with names that aren't of Biblical origin.
There are probably plenty of Atheists with names of Biblical origin.

Perhaps this is a misunderstanding.
Strictly speaking, the term "Christian name" refers to a name formally given to a child at its baptism, or "christening".
However, sometimes the term "Christian name" is used as a synonym for "given name", without regard for religion.
It's not a common term, though.

617:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/01/09 07:01:12
When talking to people, I just say I'm protestant to avoid any drama. Officially,
I am Christian.

However, I don't really believe any of it.

09/01/09 07:14:35
I've never seen someone with christian name.

There are japanese names such as まりあ maria 真理亜 to Maria.
I dont know the origin. まりあ might come from Maria.

Wow I remember the one, 戸田アレクシ哲 toda Alexi tetsu.
He is half Japanese in blood line thogh.

09/01/09 08:09:43
>Do you mean that those people get new names when they convert to Christianity?
Yeah. It's just a name you get when you convert to Christianity.
It's not that your Japanese name is abondoned after becoming a Christian.
Maybe it's just serves as a proof that you sure changed to Christianity.

I think アレクシ is just a middle name.

620:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/01/09 08:10:13
I was thinking today... is it very easy to make song lyrics in Japanese?
I was thinking that rhyming would be a cinch since there isn't much variation
in the endings of words.

09/01/09 08:24:30
While ryming in songs written in English was common even before
Rap emerged, in case of Japanese songs, there were no such things
as ryming in Japanese songs' lyrics.

It was not until rap music was imported to Japan and Japanese rap musicians
emerged that ryming in lyrics appeared.

09/01/09 09:15:13
I have a friend at a university over there, and she introduced me to
one of her friends, who is a Christian (and Japanese). She doesn't go
by her given name anymore, instead choosing to be called 'Anna', after
Saint Anna.

09/01/09 09:35:40
I guess she was ohura anna.

624:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/01/09 09:36:31
>>609, >>611-615
Thanks for the replies, that's really interesting that the stereotype is actually becoming less applicable.
What about women in fields that require advanced degrees, i.e. scientists, doctors, lawyers, professors, etc.?

09/01/09 09:43:23
Female doctor's ratio is 15.6% from this article.
I read on another site that women who passed
the medical exam has been over 30% for consecutive years.

09/01/09 09:49:11
Female professor on average : 10.5%
Female professor in state-run universities: 6.6%
Female professor in university of tokyo : 3.8%

The date is September 2006.

09/01/09 09:51:21
I don't know whetehr compulsory equality is good or not.
Those who promote these things are usually single and don't have

And not beautiful in most cases. lol

09/01/09 09:52:23
When it comes to job openings in Japanese universities and colleges, as far as I know,
their first choice of successful candidates is single male applicants,
the second is married male applicants, the third is married female applicants, and believe or not,
their last choice is single female applicants. Things work quite differently on the other side of the Pacific.

09/01/09 10:39:43
English and Japanese are different in terms of isochrony. Your mother tongue is a stress-timed language, and mine is mora-timed.
Also, because of this difference and phonetic dissimilarity,
Japanese encodes semantic information into sounds in a strikingly different way from European languages.

It is virtually impossible to explain what's going on if you only speak one language,
but if you encode meanings into notes in a song the same way as you do in English,
then you give very little information to a song.

I know this doesn't make sense to you; it's like teaching people living in a desert the difference between the crawl and the breaststroke.
But the point is that we use time and sounds in a different way to convey meanings, and
this makes it entirely different to write and sing a song.

You'll be surprised when you compare Japanese versions of famous English songs.
Semantically very little can be encoded in such songs in Japanese
because the style forces translators to use a skewed poem writing method that only works in different isochrony and phonology.

09/01/09 10:57:15
Believe it or not?
I don't believe.
Any source?
First of all, women who chose science course are limited and
few. They are only 15% of entire departments.

There is no discrimination in college entrance examination.
Women prefers to choose literature, English and Art and stuff like that.
As for English professors, femal professors seems to be around
30% from my experience and hunch.

09/01/09 11:07:29

Whenever I read this word, I hear it in Crispin Freeman's voice.
Some words are too strongly associated with certain voices so the voice in my head suddenly changes into the corresponding ones.
Now I'm writing this hearing his cool voice!

09/01/09 11:38:43
>Wow I remember the one, 戸田アレクシ哲 toda Alexi tetsu.

This reminds me of the days when I was preparing for the entrance exam.
He was always on the top 3 list at every trial exam and everyone my age who wanted to go to a prestigious university knew him lol.

I didn't think アレクシ was his real name when I saw his name for the first time.

Well, I failed and Tokyo University rejected me by the way...

09/01/09 12:03:29
Everyone please be nice to me. I'm having a tough day.
Today I went to my first aerobics class in ten years.
The name of the class was "Basic Training", and so I assumed that
it was a beginner's class. But when I got there, I found out that
what it really meant was "Aerobics Boot Camp". Lots of jumping
on and off a step, high leg kicks and really uncomfortable
stretching with weights.
Man, am I out of shape.

09/01/09 12:08:47
Then tonight I came home from a meeting and my husband informed me
that our dishwasher died. Not at the end of the cycle, but right at
the beginning. So now I have to wash and dry all of today's dishes.
It's a lot when you have to do it all at one time.
The worst is the silverware--there's so much of it.
Do you think I can get everyone to use disposable chopsticks until
we can get a new one? They sell huge boxes of them at the local Chinese
supermarket, real cheap.
I can't stand plastic cutlery, so that's not an option.
Ah well, back to the kitchen...[exit stage left]

635:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/09 12:35:37
I was baptized at my age of 38 at a Mennonite Christian church in Japan.
We don't get a naming by baptism.
You are you all your life.
Making yourself called with other names than yours will make you feel weird.

09/01/09 12:38:42
The aerobics class must have been affected by Biily's boot camp and turned itself into harder one.
Keep your tough exsercise or you may have a special nice body some day.

From the ecological point of view, disposable chopsticks aren't recommended with open mind.

09/01/09 12:49:22
In some cases disposable chopsticks, or wooden chopsticks made by chinese are bad for the health.
And their wooden chopsticks may be with bleach.
Even if wooden chopsticks made by chinese have reasonable price, I won't buy it.

638:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
09/01/09 12:56:22
Billy's boot and stretch is too hard work.
But it may get you lose weight rapidly.
But it will make you stressful and make you feel like eating to escape your stress.
Then all efforts go vainfully.

639:Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s
09/01/09 13:01:56

I see, thank you for your responses. That is really interesting, though,
that Japanese songs used to (and still do) convey emotion and meaning without

09/01/09 13:02:42
No diets don't need mental toughness.

09/01/09 13:08:47
Free at last!
No, I won't buy disposable anything then.
I've seen nice painted? laquered? chopsticks at the Japanese store up
in Cambridge. They come in sets of 4, each pair is a different color, maybe so each
person can have their own set? But they are a little expensive. And face it,
it's difficult to eat macaroni and cheese, or make a peanut butter sandwich with
chopsticks. I wonder how you would tackle lasagne, probably with a knife and fork.

09/01/09 13:13:36
Lord knows I need to lose weight.
I don't think it will be that rapid though. I have the metabolism of a
three toed sloth.
But it's probably more important for me just to get some exercise
for my mental and physical health. I'm one of those people who gets
the winter blues.

09/01/09 13:23:39
Every Japanese person has his/her own pair of chopsticks, and each family has at least
one knife and fork to eat western cuisine.
So, as you mentioned, we eat those western foods with a knife, fork and spoon just as western people do.

09/01/09 13:33:04
Oh, man, have you ever tried doing Billy's boot camp ?
So do I!
Then, sorry to ask this a little personal question, but could you tell me your height
if you don't mind ? (I never have any intention to ask your weight after this question)
This is just out of my curiousity since western women are tall in general.

09/01/09 13:36:20
I like those pretty Japanese chopsticks they sell at Tokai.
Maybe I will get a set after I pay for the new dishwasher,
whenever that will be.

09/01/09 13:43:01
which is 165 cm, give or take
I'm about 1 inch taller than American female average height.
Don't bother asking my weight; I would just lie anyways.

09/01/09 13:55:59
haha, thanks indeed.
Well, your heights corresponds with the image about you.
With regard to the average height of U.S. women, it's a little smaller than I guessed.

09/01/09 14:34:42
Perhaps, general consensus about the definition of an adult will change in less than
a few years or so.
If children are supposed to become an adult at the age of 18, then the ritual for those twenty people
, which caled seijinn-shiki, will also change.
This can cause troubles because there is a two years interval and so some children cannot attend the ritual.
I just mutterd to myself.

The day after tomorrow, seijin-shiki is held.
