09/02/13 22:19:11
She have decided to leave the teaching of plastic arts(that employment
disappears from France since our government decides that art isn't
rentable enough) to become a "naturopath”.This is a healer who only
works with plants,nature,etc.,no pharmaceutical medicine.Her training,
started last September and will last for 2 years, enthrals her.We(re)
discover the need to eat only home made things, bio vegetables and
fruits,etc.in order to eat and live healthily.This is not only about
food,there is a lot of branchings:magnetism,the power of rocks,some
kind of healing massages,This is an opportunity as for he as for me!
These timetables are very charged but which are going to go calming
down in a few ; we only do what we think we have to for establish a
comfortable life afterwards, despite the economic crisis. And travel