【長文OK】2ch英語→日本語part181at ENGLISH
【長文OK】2ch英語→日本語part181 - 暇つぶし2ch194:名無しさん@英語勉強中
09/01/05 23:29:31
What can they do?
Whatever they please.
When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies.
Because, you see, humans live by beliefs.
And beliefs can be manipulated.
The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.
Thats why I sided with the powerful and served them - because I wnted to share their power.
I want to part in it! Streyu cried out.
Take it easy, you little fool, the werewolf growled.
When your turn comes to jump into the Nothing, you too will be a nameless servant of power, with no will of your own.
Who knows what use they will make of you?
Maybe youll help them persuade people to buy things they dont need, or hate things they know nothing about, or hold beliefs that make them easy to handle, or doubt the truths that might save them.
Yes, you little Fantastican big things will be done in the human world with your help, wars started, empires founded...
For a time Gmork peered at the boy out of half-closed eyes.
Then he added: The human world is full of weak-minded people, who think theyre as clever as can be and are convinced that its terribly important to persuade even the children that Fantastica doesnt exist.
Maybe they will be able to make good use of you.
Atreyu stood there with bowed head.
Now he knew why humans had stopped coming to Fantastica and why none would come to give the Childlike Empress new names.
The more of Fantastica that was destroyed, the more lies flooded the human world, and the more unlikely it became that a child of man should come to Fantastica.
It was a vicious circle from which there was no escape.
Now Atreyu knew it.
