【長文OK】2ch英語→日本語part181at ENGLISH
【長文OK】2ch英語→日本語part181 - 暇つぶし2ch153:名無しさん@英語勉強中
09/01/02 10:23:07
Paloanthropologists have for many years tried to determine the roots of the human race
by comparing the human bones and stone implements unearthed from earths strata dating back millions of years.
They agree that the Neanderthals (species or race of human beings that lived 40000 to 20000 years ago)
and other early Homo sapiens appeared in Africa.
But when it comes to determining the roots of the ancestors of modern humans (Gro-Mangnon Man and others that lived 10000 to 40000 years ago),
the paleoanthropologial community is split between those that support the Multiregional hypothesis and those that support the Out of Africa hypothesis.
The latter states that humans originated in Africa and slowly developed their modern dorms.
The Multiregional hypothesis argues that the existence of anatomic
diversity in modern geographical populations can be traced to when humans first left Africa and spread to various regions of the world.
The Eve hypothesis supports the Out of Africa hypothesis.
However a DNA form other than mtDNA has been discovered that can also be used to trace human evolution.
A number of studies using this form of DNA also support the Out of Africa hypothesis.
Finally, whatever happened to Adam?
Analysis focusing on the chromosome (the male chromosome),
as one would expect, traced all human today to a single man who lived in Africa.
Not a particularly startling finding,given that without both Adam and Eve there would be no descendants.
