09/05/20 00:43:10
I'm not surprised they're trying to white-wash Himeka's origins.
Although it's a shame. I wonder if they'd let her post on 2ch.
Or if she'd want to anymore if she could.
I've never liked how the mass media holds celebrities to such an
impossible standard of behaviour. Everybody has a dark side, and
knowing that Himeka actually got into verbal fights with people on 2ch
only makes her seem more human to me, and thus more interesting.
I remember seeing her at the live show in Nagoya. Her first song was
残酷な天使のテーゼ, which was a very difficult song, even for her. I
think she missed one note in the song because she almost ran out of
breath, but I didn't care. She was still a great singer, and it was a
good show. Although a little too short.
Maybe its just my imagination, but I'm almost certain she was looking
at me in the crowd. I'm sure I was the only non-Japanese person in
the audience. Maybe she was shocked to see a blonde fan? lol
Mostly, its just inspiring to see her pursuing her dream here in Japan.
I can understand what she must have gone through to get there, so she's
sort of become my hero.
Anyways, I did find her blog, but I haven't read it in depth yet.
I would like to read over her threads, though. Thank you for posting