もしひまだったら、翻訳を手伝っていい?^^;at ENGLISH
もしひまだったら、翻訳を手伝っていい?^^; - 暇つぶし2ch604:1
09/04/27 18:37:33
You mentioned before that some of the videos you saw looked like practical
jokes. In fact, that's not too far from the truth. While our opposition
to Scientology is very real, part of the Anonymous movement has always
been about having fun and a few laughs while taking down the cult. This
is a bit of a paraphrase from Emma Goldman, but "if we can't have fun,
we don't want to be part of the revolution'.

That's one of the reasons why working with anti-cult groups in Japan
would be difficult. Most of them take themselves far too seriously...
far too officially to really mesh with our group spirit. The language
barrier also makes communication difficult, and to be honest, I think most of
those groups would dismiss a popular movement like Anonymous completely.
I'm sure the first time we would refuse to give names, addresses, or
other personal information, it would be the last time we spoke.

Official government-sponsored groups, or even private groups, are good.
They serve a purpose. I don't want to say they aren't important. But
Anonymous has more in common with オタク and オフ会 groups than with
the common housewife or salaryman. If that means we become alienated
from most common people, then we just have to accept that. If the only
thing we accomplish is to make more people aware of Scientology's
existence in Japan, then that's good enough. If we can't manage that,
well... at least we had fun trying. ^^

But really, Im glad I had the chance to hear your opinion and understand
your point of view. Thanks.
