もしひまだったら、翻訳を手伝っていい?^^;at ENGLISH
もしひまだったら、翻訳を手伝っていい?^^; - 暇つぶし2ch350:>>1
09/03/25 14:38:37

I don`t know my Japanese history very well, but didn`t Commodore Perry
force the opening of Japan at gunpoint? I thought `Black
Ships` had a negative meaning, like threatening technology from the
West? She seemed like such a nice girl, too.. www ^^

To me, she feels like the `Ichiro Suzuki` of the Anison industry. I
always liked it, but now that there`s a fellow Canadian who`s become
its latest star, I feel a more personal connection. I need to buy any
CDs that come out with her songs and become her biggest fan.

As for Spanish in the US, its very similar, but one big difference is
that Canada officially has two languages. The United States does not
recognize Spanish as one of its national languages, even though a huge
number of people speak it.

So some Americans feel resentment and anger that Spanish, the foreign
language from immigrants, is rising to equal status with English.

In Canada, however, French was adopted as the second language by the
order of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1982. It mostly served to
keep French Canadians happy, and most English speakers in Canada
don`t care about French being everywhere.

Personally, I`m from Vancouver, so there`s very little French spoken
there. In fact, it seems that Chinese and Hindi are more like the
second and third languages there just by the number of families that
have immigrated there.
