もしひまだったら、翻訳を手伝っていい?^^;at ENGLISHもしひまだったら、翻訳を手伝っていい?^^; - 暇つぶし2ch■コピペモード□スレを通常表示□オプションモード□このスレッドのURL■項目テキスト2:名無しさん@英語勉強中 08/12/13 20:17:52 Here's the first part: TEXT: "Scientology is a cult from America, but it has spread to many countries around the world, including Japan. It uses many different names and has many different front groups to hide its activities. Here in Japan, it uses the name “Dianetics”and pretends to be a self-help group. The truth is much more dangerous." 3:名無しさん@英語勉強中 08/12/13 20:19:03 Scientology's actions are very similar to Aum Shinrikyo. They advertise aggressively, but they hide their true teachings from the public. Members who join the group are not allowed to leave, and are forced to stop communicating with friends and family outside the cult. They must pay lots of money to the cult to buy books and classes. These classes promise to give them special powers and good health, but they have no real result. People who criticize Scientology are threatened until they become silent. 次ページ最新レス表示レスジャンプ類似スレ一覧スレッドの検索話題のニュースおまかせリストオプションしおりを挟むスレッドに書込スレッドの一覧暇つぶし2ch