A native english speaker is here!at ENGLISH
A native english speaker is here! - 暇つぶし2ch50:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/02 15:18:03


my floppy dive!

51:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/02 15:30:05


08/11/02 15:40:00
Welcome to 2ch.

53:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/02 16:00:41
this place is awesome!!!!!!!!!

08/11/02 18:17:39
I was the young boy who had big plans, now just another shitty old man.
I dont have a fun and hate everything, the world owes me, so Fuck You!
i wasted yourth and fistful of ideal, and I had youngs and optimized views.
My wife is nag, and kids are fuckin' up, I dont have a sex because I can get it up!

55:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 00:42:40

56:岩槻マララー(´・ω・) ◆MWoth2BNjo
08/11/03 01:38:28
I'm here♪

57:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 01:57:24
who are you?

58:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 10:33:24
sparky4 have a problem setting up an image board

moo.logCreating table!
\ncreate table moo.log (primary key(no), no int not null auto_increment, now text, name text, email text, sub text, com text, host text, pwd text, ext text, w int, h int, tim text, time int, md5 text, fsize int, root timestamp, resto int)
Unable to create table!
select max(no) from moo.log
Critical SQL problem!

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\My Documents\sparky4\16\imgboard.php on line 399

Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\My Documents\sparky4\16\imgboard.php on line 401
select no,ext,tim from moo.log where no<=-900
Critical SQL problem!


Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)17:10 No.2593323
you're trying to access an invalid db.

You failed to greate moo for whatever reason (bad config I'm guessing) so you'll not be able to access it.

sparky(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田 !AZWpeumso.!!CL37ryFbpjR 11/02/08(Sun)19:25 No.2594340
what is a db?

sparky(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田 !AZWpeumso.!!CL37ryFbpjR 11/02/08(Sun)19:29 No.2594368

how do i create database for image board?

59:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 10:34:40

the future 16 chan

60:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 13:20:11

hello anyone in 2ch?

08/11/03 13:24:49
hello 閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田.
what time is in America?
where do you live in America?

62:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 13:33:11

North Louisiana

08/11/03 13:35:24
which do you like, obama or McCain?
if you can possible, please tell me reason about it.

64:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 13:58:38

i really don't know!


08/11/03 14:05:51
holy shit dude, clean up that myspace page.
FYI there's a Chat in English thread for a reason: スレリンク(english板)l50
Also, there's already an "Ask a Native Speaker" thread: スレリンク(english板)

66:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 14:33:05
im a pretty new here ^^;

08/11/03 16:14:10
Is it true that girls of Central America are the most beautiful in the world?

68:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/03 22:30:56
i only been in Panamá for about 5 weeks

next time i got i will check on that

08/11/03 22:56:23
Where're you come from?

70:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/04 10:00:13

08/11/04 15:11:09
Do you talk about the presidential election with your friends?
Is it common for high school students to discuss about it?

72:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 12:00:16
Do you talk about the presidential election with your friends?
Is it common for high school students to discuss about it?

i don't talk about it
all my class mates do!!!!!!!!!!!

73:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 12:03:23
>> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)20:08 No.2608943

So heres my plan /g/.

I'm going to drive up to spark'ys house around 6 or 8 - it doesn't matter what time I get there because he's always in there.

So what I'm going to do is wear a ski hood and light a cigarette. Then I'm going to make a cardboard cutout of ME-Tan.

>> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)20:08 No.2608949

When I go up to the door, sparky won't know the difference because he's an idiot that likes to troll /g/ but does it wrong.

When I get inside I'm going to ask him to show me his awesome computer. Then when his back is turned I'm going to hit him over the head and knock him unconcious.

Afterwards I will take him down to his cellar. I might run into his mom, but that's okay because I'm a spy and I'll just backstab that bitch.

>> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)20:08 No.2608951

After he wakes up he'll notice that he is tied up. I am going to be raping him so it's going to be pretty uncomfortable and awkward situation.

After about 6 hours of rape and sandwiches I will then proceed to cut open his skull. Then rape his brain. It will be a brain fuck.

After all of this I will then proceed to eat his entire body. Kill myself and then blow up the house, killing the very last user of Windows ME.


this is why i ran away from the English speaking internet

08/11/05 12:40:55
Damn they got a whole lotta love for you there.

75:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 12:48:34

thats why i ran from the english speaking internet

but im being told alot to go back to there by the Japanese on Gikopoi

but there is no going back

08/11/05 12:57:41
Oh, and if you don't want the same sort of stuff to happen with you here,
make sure you sage the thread everytime you post. Don't know if that would help,
but it might help delay it from coming at least.

08/11/05 12:57:50
Yes, the english-speaking internet can be really nasty at times.

I guess you have to learn to grow a thick skin to have fun over there...

...a friend of mine once described the english-speaking internet as a girl
who would insult and belittle you, but would also occasionally do something
nice...while still insulting and belittling you.

(Is there a simple adjective for people like that?)

78:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 13:31:02
what it can happen here?
that is true


08/11/05 13:41:59
Nothing too bad will happen, just that some people may get annoyed easily.
BTW, do you really still use ME? Is there any particular reason for you to stick to it?

80:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 13:47:14
2 faced????
i dunno
Dunno = Don'T know

81:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 13:51:36
Japanese internet is not as bad as Western internet?

Yes i stuck on windows me
1. original os
6. Windows Me can still do something
7. to advoid all the NT malware
8. I prefer windows Me over any NT based windows expecially WinDOZE eXtra Problem$ and vIsTa
9. i just like windows me ^^ i grew up with windows me and have a bond with it

08/11/05 14:07:47
I don't know, it could be as bad maybe in a different way, but I'm not sure on this.
And yea, you can't forget where you came from, it shaped who you are, I guess.

83:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 14:15:03
>>82 hmmmmim never going to return to the FAR western chat rooms

thats were i started at
i hated it there
then i headed east ward
going upstream of the Japanese creative export online
and ended up on the easternmost part of English internet (they hate me there, but i love the culture they have)
but that West feel was still there
so i moved to gikopoi
it felt REALLY east there
and ended up here ^^
i feel "safe" here from the HATE!

84:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 14:21:12
hard to imagine that a 17 year old is representing a LARGE area consisting 2 countrys
North Louisiana and all of the local people, over 100,000 people!!!! ( and possibly all of Louisiana OVER 4,000,000 people)
and Panamà. OVER 3,000,000 PEOPLE!!!!!
in 2ch
and the Japanese internet
and the Eastern English internet (4chan, elc.)


08/11/05 14:22:50

86:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 14:48:50
did you called me an IDIOT?

87:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 22:21:57
Obama won you know?

88:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/05 22:26:41
i forgot to mention this!

the Majority of the English speaking Image boards
besides a few of them
the people in those Major boards are ロリコン!

.... i hate Porn of any kind

08/11/06 22:02:00
when you grew up, you would be able to love porn of every kind

08/11/06 22:53:14
You are kind of spammy yourself, 閃光...

It really depends on the person, doesn't it?
I'm way innocent for my age when it comes to porn...

91:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/06 23:24:14
Isn't Japan the most Perverted country in the world?

08/11/06 23:55:14
You can't really say or judge such a thing about ANY country, but
have you ever even considered how that could be a rude thing to say? ¬_¬

By the way, I'm not Japanese myself, nor am I American, but I'm not
going to have predujices towards any country. Pervertion is in people,
not in countries. Culture can always determine a bit more what ways of
perversion exist though (the term Otaku would definitely put question
marks on most non-Japanese peoples' heads).

93:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/06 23:57:12
America is the 3rd most perverted

08/11/06 23:59:23
Are you Australian then?

95:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/07 00:01:55

96:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/07 00:11:52
96 GET!

97:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/07 00:18:30
im fixing somebody else's compy
the OS is too SLOW
so im installing a lighter and faster OS
and im 17 years old!

08/11/07 04:03:14
Wow man, you're really spamming. You gotta start thinking
if what you're posting is really necessary, and try putting everything
in one post rather than 5 in a row. This is not a chatbox, you know...
Gotta learn some "netiquette".

If you want to install a faster OS on someone's PC, install Puppy Linux.
Not much beats it in speed. :)

I'm Dutch by the way, English is only my second language like most people here...

99:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/07 09:31:14
99 GET!

Yeah i came from many chat rooms
like gikopoi

i know an os that beats puppy Linux in speed

100:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/07 22:19:07
          ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ´∀`) < 100 GET!!!!
        /    |    \________
       /       .|     
       / "⌒ヽ |.イ |
   __ |   .ノ | || |__
  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \
    ̄ ̄ヽつ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄
   ___________| |
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |

101:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/07 22:34:17


can any Japanese speaker test this?

102:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/08 00:07:50
that is not working!

103:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/08 06:15:53
im trying to set up a chat room!!!!

104:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/08 09:29:59

105:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/08 12:34:04


106:閃光(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田
08/11/08 13:52:03
anyone here is welcomed to post

08/11/08 14:08:39
Don't try to be Queen in a deserted place.
Come here
chat in English thread! スレリンク(english板)l50

08/11/14 00:49:07

109:【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 ◆AZWpeumso.
08/11/15 10:53:00
109 GET!

08/11/21 22:13:09
110 GET

08/11/25 00:35:39
Is there an English native speaker here?
I have a question about English.

Please read the sample sentence below and answer questions.
1) She's a representative of America.
2) She's an American representative.
3) She's America's representative.
What are differences among those sentences?
The key point I want to ask you is the usages of
"American", "America's", and "of America" .
Thanks in advance.

08/11/25 00:53:09
1) She is a Mexican.
2) She is from Brazil.
3) She comes form Canada.

08/11/25 05:49:44
fack you!

08/11/29 21:42:41
pack u!

08/11/30 04:57:02
no! pikachu!

08/12/01 01:00:18
     /               \
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 ヽ  | >==、     ,,==<   ミミニ |
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    |    (⌒         ミ /  | < pika~
    |  (_  ゝ ^    _)   ミ ゝ /   \______
    |  ヽ ̄⌒ ̄ ̄ /     ミ_/
     |   \, ―-―、ノ    /|
     ヽ     ̄二 ̄   / |
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08/12/08 21:15:12
883 posts to go.

118:【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 ◆AZWpeumso.
08/12/08 22:23:35

08/12/08 22:26:39
Why don't you answer the question posted in >>111?
You are the builder of the thread.

08/12/08 22:31:54
Are you really from America?
I haven't seen you answering questions about English.
Why? You are not cut out for a teacher, are you?
You flunk English at school?

08/12/08 22:42:08
Anyone tell me about Hackney's English

08/12/08 22:43:06
I haven't seen Sparky use English, either.
All he can do is utter some random words and copy paste AAs.

08/12/08 22:47:15
Plus, to my knowledge, Sparky isn't from America in reality.
He's Panamanian actually.

08/12/08 23:03:03
I've noticed he's just whoring. I decided to skip this uneducated kinky kid just for this once.

08/12/08 23:26:42
You sound very educated. Are you a native speaker?

08/12/10 02:58:48
What I have in mind is, why did he tell a lie like that.

08/12/10 06:05:19
/g/ here. Don't come back, sparky.

08/12/10 06:11:45
That doesn't work. He has the right to choose where he goes.
/g/ is the place he feels he belong. Don't refuse. It's doomed.

129:Captain Spicard(TRIPCODEGOESWHERE?)
08/12/10 06:25:22
Oh sparky, what's up?

08/12/10 06:27:25
You two know each other? lol

08/12/10 06:31:20

132:Captain Spicard(TRIPCODEGOESWHERE?)
08/12/10 06:32:48
Indeed, I'm from 4chan's technology board, where sparky hangs out to troll us all.
Just heard about him traveling around to other boards in search of people to bother.
I didn't expect 2channel to be so different from 4chan's design however... very interesting.
Well, as long as I'm here I could always stay and chat, I suppose.

08/12/10 06:36:47
2chan and 2ch are two different things, faggot.
Also, learn2textboard.

Seriously, here's the 2chan moot ripped off of:

Have you ever been to textboard on 4chan? It looks exacty the same as 2ch.

08/12/10 06:38:06
I didn't know Sparky's appearance on 2ch lead to this. lol
I mean, there seem a number of people who knows about him posting here.
And I think the design of 2ch is quite similar to that of 4ch (not 4chan).

135:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 06:40:09
No, I haven't been on the text boards of 4chan, I don't think anyone goes on them, at all.
You're right though, I didn't really think about the fact that this was a text board, as I specifically remember there being an image board - the one you linked.

136:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 06:44:11
Sparky, well, he gets a lot of attention for being an idiot.
As for 4chan's text board yes, they are clearly similar, now that I think about it.

08/12/10 06:44:18
I sometimes post on /lang/ to help Japanese learners. They're really slow though.

08/12/10 06:45:10
Ah, by "they're slow", I mean "few posts."

08/12/10 06:46:05
Sparky said, "ask anything" in>>1 but I haven't seen him answering questions.
What the fuck is this?

140:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 06:46:52
As I said, I wasn't aware anyone actually used 4chan's text boards.
I don't think many people on 4chan are even aware that we have any - I had almost forgotten about them myself.

141:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 06:47:58
I was going to ask... but I didn't want to start some international anger issues.

08/12/10 06:51:50
Hm. Idionts periodically start how-to-learn-Japanese threads on /a/, so /a/nons are well aware of text boards. We say, "/lang/ (or sometimes /jp/) is that way ->" whenever that kind of weaaboo faggot pops up.

08/12/10 06:53:17
Haha. Sorry, my English sucks.

144:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 06:56:56
Are you a native Japanese speaker?
I didn't want to ask, since I feel like I'm not the only one on from 4chan's technology board right now.
I see how it is. I've never been to /a/ more than once, but you know the story: 1) Go to /g/ 2) Watch loli anime.

145:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 06:57:43
Er, I meant to refer to

08/12/10 07:01:19
Am Japanese, started the sparky thread on /g/, and of course Japanese is my first language.

147:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 07:04:07
That's cool. I've always wanted to learn Japanese, but probably for the wrong reasons as I doubt American perceptions of Japan are accurate.
As for sparky... must be bothering you guys a bunch if you went so far as to post on /g/, land of trolls and rage. Enjoy him while you can!

08/12/10 07:09:04
I've noticed there are a bunch of people in /g/ that say they are happy to take Sparky back to /g/.
That's impressive. GO GO /g/. Yes, you can!

149:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 07:10:18
Only because they are convinced he is the best troll that has ever lived, and love to harass him.
I'm not so convinced that he is faking it, as they think.

08/12/10 07:12:11
We do have strange stereotypes about America too; you know how Americans are depicted in anime.
Learning language is fun itself, so I'd recommend you start when you want to.
I can help you if you come to /lang/.

I'm used to trolls because I frequent /b/ and /a/, and sometimes browse other English boards and forums.
Many 2chers get trolled hard by Sparky though. Seems a little difficult to handle trolls in English. It's our second language anyway.

08/12/10 07:17:41
What stereotypes do you mean?
I'm Japanese, but I have no idea what you are talking about.
And just stop overgeneralise, I mean, don't use WE in that context.
You aren't representing the rest of us. That's it.

08/12/10 07:18:23
Fuck off, asshole.

08/12/10 07:18:55
Is that all you can do? Pathetic.

154:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 07:20:44
I'm not so sure about American stereotypes in anime, but I'm sure they aren't as bad as what the European trolls of /g/ would say about us.
I probably won't learn the language anytime soon, it's not that I don't want too, but rather it's work and I'm just not motivated enough. I do have some language programs on it though, and I feel like it would be easier to learn than, say, English.

As long as I'm here though, maybe you could answer a question I've always wondered: Many (not all) anime characters I've seen appear awfully white, rather than asian. Any specific reason?

08/12/10 07:24:22
ok, then.
>I'm Japanese, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

If that's the case, you're a total retard. Do you even have reading conprehension skills?
Can you read "you know how Americans are depicted in anime."?
Do you really think "we" always means literally all the Japanese people?

I hate to say it, but you ARE stupid. Well, you don't need to get out of here.
You faggot can stay here. I'll leave.


156:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/12/10 07:24:23
Hey-o friend. This thread is generally for Japanese to ask specific English questions.
You're question about cracker anime characters would be most relevant in the Chat in English thread.
Btw, I noticed you came from /g/, welcome.

08/12/10 07:27:37
I still don't understand your point.
Why don't you explain? By we, what do you mean?
Please explain before leaving. lol

158:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 07:29:10
Oh, then, I'll ask there some time. Well, since this thread was originally to answer English questions, I suppose I could do that to the best of my ability.
Also, yes, I did come from /g/. Hi there.
Where are we going with this?

08/12/10 07:32:05
>I feel like it would be easier to learn than, say, English.

Ah, English is the easiest language to learn. There're tons of excellent texts, dictionaries, teachers, and whatnot.
If you want to learn Japanese, you're out of luck... You have to go through the hardest way: Self-teaching.

>Many (not all) anime characters I've seen appear awfully white, rather than asian. Any specific reason?

I guess artists, directors, characer designers and others realted to anime production don't care if they look white or yellow.
I don't think the majority of audience doesn't care about it either.
As long as charaters look cute/cool/any-good-adjective, it doesn't matter to me.

08/12/10 07:32:07
For starters, how about this one (>>111)?
Sparky left the question unanswered. And I want to know.

161:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 07:37:06
If you can wait an hour or two, I got to go take a final exam for one of my classes at my university.
I'll be back after to answer.

Thats a reasonable explanation, I suppose I kind of knew that, but was just wondering in case I was wrong.
As for Japanese, I will just have to find out for myself how hard it is, won't I?

08/12/10 07:37:24
I guess he doesn't know what he was dealing with.

Oh, hi, darling.
>"you know how Americans are depicted in anime."?
And you are the representative of those who watch anime?
Darn it! You are a total moron. Don't make me laugh.
Tell me what stereotype we have?

08/12/10 07:39:20
No problem here.
Good luck with your final.

08/12/10 07:47:08
>As for Japanese, I will just have to find out for myself how hard it is, won't I?

Yeah. Try it and see how it turns out to be.

If you really want to learn language, don't give up just because a particular text/dictionary/method didn't work for you.
Another way of learning may be good for you. Take it easy and keep learing.
You won't fail as long as you keep studying.

08/12/10 07:56:40
>As for Japanese, I will just have to find out for myself how hard it is, won't I?
Don't worry one bit.
Spoken Japanese is quite easy to understand if you put your mind to it - learning
basic Japanese grammar does the trick. In fact, there are many American people posting
Japanese vlogs on youtube and many of them are quite fluent.
Meanwhile, I think it's tough to read Japanese due to kanji and vocablary - words that are
used in writing tend to be more difficult than those in conversation.

08/12/10 08:01:47
I'm not exactly a native English speaker, though that looks pretty easy to explain, give me a minute or two and I'll look into it.

08/12/10 08:18:15
>The key point I want to ask you is the usages of
>"American", "America's", and "of America" .
>Thanks in advance.

*'s shows ownership. for example:
"bob's dog" means that bob owns the dog.
But this is for an entity.
for "she's" this simply means "she is"

>She's America's representative
She is America's representative.

American means person of America
>She's an American representative.
She is a representative of America.

08/12/10 09:39:38
Hey guys what's going on in this thread?

169:M.C. 72
08/12/10 10:57:29
Another English speaker here, any questions about America or English
bring them our way. We are here to save you from ignorance, or some
equivalence of knowledge deficiency.

170:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 11:01:29
To answer this question I must say that
>1) She's a representative of America.
>3) She's America's representative.
Are basically identical, and using them is down to your preference.
In my case I'd say "She's America's representative" because it is shorter, but either is fine.
As for number 2,
>2) She's an American representative.
This is actually different. When saying She's an American representative it could either be taken as:
A) - She is a representative of America
B) - She is a representative that is FROM America.
Case B) is actually the correct meaning of number 2), as saying "She's an American representative"
doesn't actually mean that she is a representative of America, but that she was born in America, and that she happens to be a representative from an unnamed country.
If you were in America, we would understand what you mean from the surrounding context, but B) is actually the correct usage.

So to summarize
1) and 3) are identical, talking about the person representing America
And 2) is actually saying that she is a representative that is American, and may not actually be representing America.

Hope that clears things up.

171:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 11:04:23
>Meanwhile, I think it's tough to read Japanese due to kanji and vocablary
I don't doubt that. My goal is to one day learn the spoken language, as it does not seem difficult.
It would be nice if I were able to read it too, but that seems much more difficult and I will save that for later.

08/12/10 11:04:50

BTW, did you take a look at this thread スレリンク(english板)

It's the Chat in English thread, and there're severeal Americans too. Come to the thread if you're interested. The thread is more active than here.

08/12/10 11:09:38
I'm not the one who posted the question, but I think I must save your explanation.
Productive. Thank you, Captain.

174:Captain Spicard
08/12/10 11:11:44
I'm glad you think so... because I'm not very good at explaining things and I thought that I had made it confusing - I think I confused myself in the process.
Regardless, it is correct. So, I guess thats all.

08/12/10 13:34:49
all you are my pet!!!!!

176:【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 ◆AZWpeumso.
08/12/13 09:44:16

sorry i did not watch thread ^^;

177:【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 ◆AZWpeumso.
08/12/13 14:04:45
 / || ̄ ̄|| ∧_∧
 |  ||__|)(ヮ^   4) <キタ━━━ヾ(ヾ^ヮ^)(^ヮ^ノ)ノ━━━!!!!
 | ̄ ̄\三⊂/ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 |    | ( ./     /

09/04/17 02:29:46
Kiss my ass!

09/05/11 12:46:09
Fuck you!
Native Japanese speaker is here,
You french fries eating foreign faggot motherfucker !

09/05/12 11:40:50

09/05/18 01:13:58
Good site, admin.

09/05/19 02:50:54
Good site, admin.

09/05/21 05:56:00
>1) She's a representative of America.
>3) She's America's representative.
Are basically identical, and using them is down to your preference.

Not exactly. The second one carries the additional connotation that she's America's *only* representative in the situation.
The first one could mean that, but it also allows for other representatives to be.
Changing the "a" to "the" in the first one would make them more equivalent.

09/06/30 00:19:37
NSG=Nihon Souka Gakkai
NSG is the worst cult in Japanese history.
The head of NSG(Daisaku Ikeda) has been expelled from Nichiren-shuu.
Nichirenshuu and NSG has a relationship similar to Baptist and Jehovah.

NSG has a political group called Koumeitou.
I'm sure that koumeito get a huge amount of
donation from NSG, which is illegal.

I believe that many people have been murdered by someone in NSG,
or someone related to NSG.
NSG is connected with Japanese justice system,
therefore, police always put some reason to not investigate the
NSG related crime.
Japanese media are scared to say the dark truth about NSG and Koumeitou.
Anyway, please type soukagakkai and press 変換 key and turn soukagakkai
to 創価学会 then click SEARCH.

09/06/30 00:24:44

09/07/02 17:25:08
I can fly

09/07/13 01:41:09

09/07/13 09:56:36
"It is the east, and Juliet is the sun"

09/09/03 13:12:22
Koumeitou=Souka Gakkai=Organized Crime Cult=A BUNCH OF MURDERERS

Put Them Cult Realated Murderers Behind The Bar
