08/10/23 10:18:25
今見たらnot expensiveとusefulのところがいろいろおかしい。てんぱってるときは全く気づかなかった。
Dear Dan,
I'm doing well. As you said, the price of gasoline is more expensive
than before in Japan. As you know, people in rural regions have to
use the car for daily life. For instance, it takes long time even to
go supermarket, but people in urban towns such as Tokyo don't have to. They can use various transportations that's not expensive and usefull.
I guess it's inevitable to rely on solar energy in the near future.
I think it's a good idea to develop something running on solar
energy, and will become popular.
It's difficult to answer your last question. Actually I got
the license when I was 16. So, in my opinion, I don't think
it's too young.
Hope this helps.