Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 117at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 117 - 暇つぶし2ch608:名無しさん@英語勉強中
08/10/13 18:43:35

08/10/13 20:57:02
Something with big power is coming... and it's not Jesus

08/10/13 21:45:54
    ∧_∧     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
__( ;´Д`)__< Please stay with me!!!
|  〃( つ つ   |  \_______
|\ ⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒\
|  \           \
\  |⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒ |
  \ |_______|

08/10/13 21:57:19
I have to go.

08/10/13 22:03:23
I'm Tokyo-born Hiphop-bred, baddish guys are mostly my friends

08/10/13 23:08:10
The social bookmark site is dubious in a way because photos of girls
there for matci-making or making penpals seems the ones picked up soewhere
on the Net randomely, not the ones female subscribers of the match making site registered.
I guess in reality, few girls has joined match-making site if any.

URLリンク( Maybe tThis site is better.

08/10/13 23:17:41


08/10/14 00:15:27
I'm always confused when I'm going to write something in(by?) English.
so、it takes much time to finish writing the sentence
can you make english seutences easily?

08/10/14 00:18:06
There're no secrets behind being able to write good English.
All you have to do is just write, write and write!

I think I've written 100 times as much English as you.

08/10/14 00:26:04
I fear making mistakes.
it keeps me from writing in english,I think.
I'm so nervous and fragile.
but,what you said must be right,probably

08/10/14 00:35:03
>>612 Are you ZEEBRA arent you?

619:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/14 00:37:06
Yes, write, write, and write!
Write here!
No one who are good people mind about your errors of English.
Converse here by writing.
Good people will respond you.
Reading our responses, you will learn how to write gradually.
Language is just for communication of our brothehood.
I am right, am I not, everyone?

08/10/14 00:40:43
Im tired of you!!!

08/10/14 01:00:26
I heard the huge space ship named ¨ohaio¨would come to the earth today in オカルト板andニュー速.
If it is true, something horrible would happen.

622:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 01:01:39
Practice makes perfect. It's going to be difficult to write in a foreign language, but the more you keep at it, the better you will get.

By the way, you got it right: write something in English, not write something by English.

623:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/14 01:09:51
suck everybody's soul!
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall off the cliff
lower, lower, lower
roll,roll, roll down the cave
deeper, deeper, deeper dooooooooooooooown
utter darkness waits you there with no returning!!!!!

624:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/14 04:06:47
Just curious Ether, what kind of program was your 1 month in Japan(study abroad)? Or was it just a vacation?

08/10/14 04:34:01
Where did I go? Here I am!

Native speaker +1 for this thread

08/10/14 04:43:10

08/10/14 04:47:30
is belgrade a nice place to visit? :D

08/10/14 04:50:47
What is your blog's url?

08/10/14 04:56:13
It's super old though. :C I need to update badly. I haven't taken a Japanese class in a year, so I think I'll just embarrass myself if I try to write a newer post. Hopefully I'll get the Rosetta Stone language kit in the future though n_n

08/10/14 05:09:23
It turned out that somebody who has been repeating robotin*** was your
your fan.

631:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 05:18:04
Alriiiiight, native speakers ftw!

08/10/14 05:18:36
is that so? xD

so what is new with you guys? How's the weather in Japan ?

633:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 05:19:33
I find it funny yet sad that I only post in this thread just because I can't understand what's going on in the others on this board.

08/10/14 05:22:53
Never been there.
Actually I've never visited overseas.
robotinsomewhere is a call to ask you to come here more often.

08/10/14 05:23:10
You don't know the guy who keep posting robotin*** in this series
of thread?
These days it is becoming cooler and cooler. Japan is into

08/10/14 05:26:33
What's new? I'm as NEET as ever.
Getting cooler here. The season of fall has come and is a good time of year
to enjoy nature, go hiking and all that. But these outdoor activities
have nothing to do with NEET like me in almost Hikikomori status.

08/10/14 05:27:38
It's okay, I'm the same way. xD

Oh, i typed it into google and it looks like a pretty place!
I'm sorry, I get caught up and school and forget to drop by. I think I should though. I want to help everyone practice their English

No, I had no idea, I've been gone a long time!
Oh, I bet it's so pretty right now in Kyoto<3

08/10/14 05:28:54
If you tell yourself that it has nothing to do with you, then it won't. But if you at least open the window to the autumn air, maybe you will be lured outside more. :)

08/10/14 05:43:15
2 entries www

08/10/14 05:45:47
Most of the threads in English borad are for exchanging information on
how to improve your English, what private English conversation schools
are good, tips to get high score on English testssuch as TOEIC(test of English
for International communicaton), E<---->J translation threads.....

Exchanging information on these topics might be important to improve your
English effectively but most of of English learners here in Japan focus
to much on how to get good scores on tests and in reality, they don't
write English as much as it takes to improve writing English because
some tests don't require examinees to write in English, instead questions
are all multiple choice question.

08/10/14 05:53:19
is familiar phrase for you americans?
Keira, do you know it? Or have you guys ever used it?
Culprit, miura kazuyoshi commited suicide in the cell of prison
in L.A.
He wore the cap written PEACE POT MICRODOT
on it. There was a speculation that words insuniate his
death. But it was misconception. The hat was given to
miura by his son-in-law.

08/10/14 05:54:27
Here is a picture.

08/10/14 05:55:02
Test makes no sense? I guess they should make more nicer one, maybe it costs much money though><
I've never taken tests like that actually, but I like to learn English. It's so fun

08/10/14 06:02:28
A lot of stuff here are really nasty flaming you don't even wanna know.

Or, may be that's the juicy part?

08/10/14 07:13:36

Hey native speakers, I've just posted a question there.
I'd appreciate it if you come and answer.

08/10/14 07:26:17
I've never heard that phrase. How mysterious~

647:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/14 07:40:40
Hahaha, I can't believe he was wearing that hat. Why does Japan have an obsession with clothing/apparel with marijuana references?
I saw tons of that in stores when I was in Japan.

08/10/14 07:44:05
Ohhhh! so it's something like that?
I remember in middle school we used to say "love, peace, and afro-grease" as a farewell.

08/10/14 08:06:16
A little trivia.

Palin's glasses are made in Japan and the sales of the same type of them
is skyroketing since she was selected as the running mate of Mcain.

650:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 08:18:05
Next thing you know, little Palin clones will be runnin' around. Oh goodness.

08/10/14 08:20:00
What does semp mean?

652:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/14 08:20:28
Seriously? That's the saddest thing I ever heard.

08/10/14 08:26:21
I guess people are crazy for japanese eye-wear lately.
Even Kanye west had a cult following of those shutter-shades he used to wear.

654:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 08:27:12
My message or my name?

08/10/14 08:33:47
Your name.

656:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 08:34:06
My name doesn't mean anything. It's just a name.

08/10/14 08:36:15
Hey keira, It's been like half a year. How are you doing?
Anything new lately?

08/10/14 08:39:35

08/10/14 08:40:36
Kinda disappointed.

08/10/14 08:41:09
Hello! thanks for asking! Not much has changed, although I'm taking piano now, which I really love.
We were planning on going to Thailand this year, but because of recent happenings we can't go there-it isn't safe. :(

That's about it form me. How about you?

661:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 08:44:36
Sorry to hear.

08/10/14 09:01:35
I'm doing good, just getting ready to find a new job. I just quit my old one.
Yeah, Thailand doesn't seem to be the best place to visit right now.
What song do you paly on piano?

08/10/14 09:02:37
I'll charge you with dissapointing me.
What you'll expect is life in prison sentence........

08/10/14 09:10:15
Good luck in finding a new job! what field are you interested in?
As for piano, I'm trying to learn this song right now:
Although the man playing it is playing it in strange tempos.

08/10/14 09:15:39
I didn't know that that is called "shutter-shades".
Doesn't Kanye wear those recently?

08/10/14 09:20:40
I don't know if he wears them much anymore.But they're big novelty item here.
You can find plastic versions at different stores. They're supposed to be kind of funny and ironic, but some people actually are wearing them as a fashion statement. xD
Oh well. If that's what they like to wear, then that's okay I guess.

08/10/14 09:21:56
What is your piano's manufacture's name?
Steinway or Yamaha? Or to think you love Japanese cute things, it's

08/10/14 09:31:33
lol xD
I have an old fashioned up-right piano. Wurlitzer brand.
Although in my piano class we use Yamaha keyboards which are really nice.

08/10/14 09:40:44
I never knew what a shutter-shade was ether, so I googled it.


I don't think I can manage not to laugh out loud if I come across this guy on a train or something. Thanks for the laugh lol

08/10/14 09:42:43
Grand piano occupies much space...
You take private lessons?

08/10/14 09:47:00
"ぶっちぎりのスーパーブレイク" is just great.
I have no idea what exactly it means but I can feel it. lol

08/10/14 09:55:24
I'm not 669 but that("ぶっちぎりのスーパーブレイク") can be translated to
"there are no comparisons with this which has become all the rage" or something.

The paragraph including this sentense explains how the glasses are popular
overseas, mentioning Paris Hilton and Kanye West using them, too.
I think all you have to avoid is being outside in summer during daytime.
You would get terrible suntan around your eyes.

08/10/14 09:55:43
Yes, lol.
It all started with Kanye West (who's the man on the left)
They're pretty ridiculous, but like I said, some people wear them to be funny, but some people actually wear them to try and be stylish.

I'm taking a college course, but I also am learning some songs off of Youtube. n_n
It would be nice to own a baby grand piano, but yeah, it would take up too much space. That's why I have an upright piano.

08/10/14 10:05:43
hahahah, those are difinitely nice, maybe I gotta find people who are wearing them.

08/10/14 10:17:36
Try this.


08/10/14 10:38:34

Those were the days........

08/10/14 10:51:51
This guy on the left actually looks OK. On stage and stuff. But that Japanese model lol

I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of weirdos like him when I go back to Tokyo next week though. And oh, it'll be Halloween.
I heard there'll be Halloween parties going on the trains in Tokyo. How cool. They sure didn't have that when I moved out there 10 years ago.

08/10/14 10:59:45
The Halloween party on the train is nothing but a nuisance.
Don't do that in public transportation system.
It's OK to have a Halloween party at a proper place but not on the train.
Having a Halloween party on the train shows how arrogant Western (esp. American)
people here. They don't even try to show respect to different cultures.

08/10/14 11:08:10
LOL. Oh my god, that's hilarious! Why would someone even do that? xD

Yes, people can get away with almost whatever they want if they are performing on stage. On the street...not so much!

08/10/14 11:23:24
I do respect different cultures. So I respect Halloween. It's like we now have 2 忘年会シーズン a year, isn't it? I don't see what's wrong with it.
Sorry, I'm a party whore.

I guess you guys have enough crazy people in CA. Never seen one like that on the street here in boring CO.

08/10/14 11:30:11

08/10/14 11:30:11
You are too dumb to understand what I mean.
It's like you can rub your stinky penis in your house but can't do
that in the train because it's a nuisance.

It's OK to have a Halloween party at an appropriate place but not on the
train crowded with lots of passengers.

08/10/14 11:42:38
Hey, that definitly counts as slander in Japanese justice system. Is it OK for you to break the law because you are anonymous and won't get caught?
Then what is the differense between you and those what you call arrogant Americans? Actually, they may be lousy but most of them at least don't break the law?

08/10/14 11:43:42

>>678 is right. They are absolutely disgusting.
>>680 I don't care if you do that in your country. You just don't party on a train in Japan. That's the cultural difference
you need to respect.

08/10/14 11:45:36
Right, you don't party on the train, drinking, smoking and wrecking the train.
It's just not a cool party if it's only troubling regular commuters. Party elsewhere.

08/10/14 11:49:41
Personally, I think they should have Halloween express or something. That way, JR make money, people can have fun, and people who don't care about it don't get annoyed. Win Win Win situation.

08/10/14 11:52:13
Then I have the rights lol I was born in Shinjuku. Where were you born? Don't tell me you are not from Tokyo.

08/10/14 11:52:44
>>683 is a shameless Japanese.

08/10/14 11:54:08
I really used to love Halloween because it was all about being scary and dressing up.
Now people go around drunk, throwing eggs at people/cars and throwing toilet paper in trees. :C
I don't think that the Halloween train party is a good idea. The people think it's okay because no one is stopping them, but really, it's just obnoxious to people who want nothing to do with it and don't really celebrate Halloween.
Maybe they should try to arrange a Halloween festival instead?

08/10/14 11:54:53
Stay away from Japan, please.

08/10/14 11:55:01
What those people are doing is like if the Spanish Tomato-throwing festival happened in new york or something.
People wouldn't appreciate having tomatoes thrown at them and the big disturbance because it's something that they aren't used to and wouldn't be in a designated area.
If you want to celebrate, make sure it's okay first.

08/10/14 11:55:57
Really dignified people, saying rub your stinky penis and things lol

693:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/14 11:56:39
I don't know how they thought it'd be a good idea to have a party on a train...
Did they get into any trouble with the police?
Easy solution, I agree. Make it only a couple cars and use it as an advertising campaign for JR.

08/10/14 11:56:41
Well now you're just arguing like a retard so I have nothing to say any more.

08/10/14 11:58:08
Born and raised in Tokyo and I just don't want to see them wreck the Ymanote Line like that.
Go get fucked up somewhere else.

08/10/14 11:58:43
Cool. bye bye.

08/10/14 12:02:17
I can see some words that are.. WYL

08/10/14 12:05:55
yeah, waste you life there.

08/10/14 12:12:08
You 日本人の2人, look in the mirror. You are slandering. That's up to 29 days in jail in Japanese justice system.
Only reason you are not getting it is because you are anonymous and you don't get caught. Then who are you criminals to judge other people?

You may be frustrated by lousy people on the train. I totally understand that. But that doesn't give you the rights to slander whoever have defferent opinions from yours.

I love Japanese culuture but I REALLY don't care for THIS part of it.

08/10/14 12:14:45
>You are slandering. That's up to 29 days in jail in Japanese justice system.

Really?! O_o
Their opinions are harsh, but does that really count as slander? They can't say what they want?

08/10/14 12:20:17
Didn't know swearing at someone anonymous is a crime, either.

08/10/14 12:23:18
"You're dumb. Rub your stinky penis. Go get fucked up" Sure counts as slander in the US too, isn't it?
It's just people usually don't sue them.

08/10/14 12:24:56
Then pretty much every American I met is a criminal. LOL

08/10/14 12:24:59
Ten years of spending time in the US and don't even know the meaning
of slander.>>699

08/10/14 12:26:54
That's it. now it's all done. let's go home

08/10/14 12:28:32
whatever. Have fun cursing JKKK.

08/10/14 12:32:02
That was terrible even for a troll...

08/10/14 12:34:22
keep going?

08/10/14 12:35:38
Is your piano electronic piano?
I googled Wurlitzer. And it seems to have reputation for electronic
music instruments.

08/10/14 12:37:48
White men in japan these days are dropouts in USA and all that.
So I don't think they are ordinary white americans.

08/10/14 12:38:18
way to go JKKK.

08/10/14 12:41:53
Beware. >>687 is shinjuku mafia (魔悲夜).
Never associate with urita junshi if you wanna live on.

08/10/14 12:43:08
Oh, that sounds kind of cool lol

08/10/14 12:44:41
うわっ。これは笑えるwww vowとかに出てきそう。

715:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/14 12:46:08
Yay for sweeping generalizations. Also, "ordinary" is a very subjective term.
It's too bad that the actions of some gaijin give the rest of gaijin a bad reputation.

08/10/14 12:50:01
¨°º¤ø„¸ NEETs ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ ROCK!!! !``°º¤ø„¸¸

08/10/14 12:52:07
No, it's actually those stupid 日本人 getting excited about this thing that I can't tolerate most.
True that some of them are giving themselves a bad name, though.

08/10/14 12:55:03
Sorry, he's no 'ordinary' Japanese. I appologize for him. Working too hard.

08/10/14 13:01:49
Yes, it is :3
I can put a roll of music on it, and the piano will play all by itself. :D
It's very cool. It looks like an invisible man is playing the piano when I do that.

It is a shame. :/
some tourists will go there and mess around. they might American, or even be english or australian but because they're white people think they're American.
Just remember to give everyone a chance!

08/10/14 13:02:47
A driver would get a traffic ticket with sunglasses like this
in Japan.
I don't know about the US law though.

08/10/14 13:09:55
I don't think anyone would get a ticket over here for shutter-shades.
You can still see through them. xD

08/10/14 13:10:47
イギリス人 said Halloween was rather a minor festival
compared to that of the U.S.
Australians and Americans and Canadians have high possibility.
Generalizing is dangerous. But I am inclinded to doubt (white) Australians because I've seen a couple of mess
on the train and outside in Japan on youtube. They happened to be all australians.
Most likely ammeriacns considering their population and tradithion though.

08/10/14 13:15:15
I'm not sure though. And this kind of stuff must be beyond japanese authority's
imagination. It can be possible that tha law is not catching up with
this trend.
But item in the law can be interpreted as being applicable to penalty.

08/10/14 13:15:29

08/10/14 13:15:31
It's also a shame that some Japanese have such a strong white fetish that everything foreigners
do is 'cool' to them. Usually end up marrying very pathetic ones... but that's life.

08/10/14 13:21:48
suspectO suspect that they are australian.


Those were the days..........

08/10/14 13:22:37
I made a same mistake again..
thank you. I know by brain, but not by heart.

08/10/14 13:23:13
That's not really for you to say though...someone might seem pathetic to you, but of it's real love, then why not?
As for western stuff being popular...yeah I don't really know why it is! xD
The stuff over here isn't very interesting at all, It's just influential I guess... *shrug*

08/10/14 13:29:41
I've seen several sele sites. Driving with shutter-shades is
not recommneded in every site. But they don't clearly say it's a violation.
I wonder why. Are they escaping responsibility while they think
driving can be a good motivation to buy?

And now I totally undersantand why shutter-shades is a joke.
It doesn't have lens...

08/10/14 13:32:30
Japanese stock price goes crazy. I hope your stock market
will go crazy this night again.

08/10/14 13:32:59
Yeah, I guess I can't judge them that way, but some of them are not happy together at all though.
Maybe just that I happened to meet those couples.
I think lots of things here are commercialized under American influence, which is not necessarily
a bad thing, but sometimes people go too far.

08/10/14 13:38:59
Shutter-shade with lens keeps worthless..
And now I remember a black man in Star Trek.
A man on the second left in front row.

08/10/14 13:54:25
Lol! yeah, I remember him from star trek! the actor,LeVar Burton,also hosted a kids show called "reading Rainbow" when I was a kid (early 1990's)

734:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 13:57:18
Reading Rainbow? Man, haven't watched that since I was a wee little kid! And Mister Rogers' Neighborhood? That show was awesome.

08/10/14 14:02:19
I know! It was great!
Reading Rainbow, Mister Rogers, Lambchop, and Bill Nye were the ultimate shows.

08/10/14 15:06:14
I like Bill Nye because he still does great documentaries,
perfect for the kids that grew up with him.

08/10/14 18:43:54

I have never seen anyone celebrating Halloween and I live in Sydney.
I thought it was an American thing.

08/10/14 21:16:36
The Osaka police has successfully eradicated the Halloween idiots.
Tokyo better do something about it this time.

739:ギリギリ君 ◆D1A7cJqOrA
08/10/14 21:47:47
I hear Prime Minister Rudd is pro-Chinese man who had started to
censor Internet. It is said that the Internet censorship is obviously
an imitation of Chinese one. I think Australians should be opposed to
it strongly to protect free speech.

740:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/14 22:12:21
Just a vacation.

I've never heard that phrase before.

No kidding, I laughed when I came across a couple shops in the Ameyoko
area where I was staying in Ueno. One selling a lot of U.S. military
clothing and accessories, and another with a huge American flag advertising
American children's clothing. It also appeared to have a lot of brands
that are far from common/popular here if I can remember correctly.

08/10/14 22:13:19
I've writen a message for the first time.

08/10/14 22:19:01
whats funny about sellking US military clothing?

08/10/14 22:20:43
write for the second time next

744:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/14 22:51:05
It's funny because it's not what I expected to see. I don't expect to find
clothing from my country's military when I visit another country. Stores
that sell that kind of thing aren't even common -here-. There's some army/
navy surplus stores and such, but they're few and far between.

08/10/14 23:08:32
Funny, the same thing is going on here in the Netherlands...
I guess it can be the same everywhere though.

08/10/14 23:26:06
Military fashion has been around in Japan fora long time.. I think non-nerds buy brand stuff and
poor people buy the cheap surplus stuff... Also we have tons of military-otakus...
We have some major Airsoft companies (tokyo marui, etc etc), scale model(tamiya etc)... So military goods are
quite popular here... I think

Are you a DUTCHMAN? (is that a rude word?)

08/10/14 23:34:52
That's right.

"Dutchman" isn't an insult, unlike a lot of English phrases
containing "Dutch" (apparently... I did some research on this).
I mean, Double Dutch? Dutch wife? Etc. it continues. I guess the
British loathed the Dutch a lot during the two big wars (or else
at least the second).

Woops, I'm rambling.

08/10/14 23:48:32
Cool, I want to be called a dutchman, it sounds rad...
Now off to bed... nite nite...

08/10/14 23:51:15
I'm not 746 but when I asked a Dutch man if he knows the meaning
of Dutch wife, he didn't know that.
I guess average Duch people don't know what it means.

08/10/15 00:04:44
Hello, everyone.

Can I join you ? Though my English is not good.

08/10/15 00:12:14
I know "Dutch wife" means whore though, but in that case shouldn't
"Dutch husband" mean a male prostitute rather than "Dutch man"?
Still, I don't think THAT phrase exists.

Everyone's welcome, except spambots and trolls of course. :)

Oh by the way people, what's a good resource (site) for learning
Japanese words and Kanji? Like word lists with increasing
difficulty / decreasing commonness or something?

08/10/15 00:18:09
Leah Dizon said she's pregnant and married to a Japanese guy.
What a suprise.

08/10/15 00:25:54
Oh? In Japan, Dutch wife doesn't mean a whore. It means a sex doll which
looks like a woman. It's said crews of Japan's south pole explorers team
brought such dolls on their trip because they had to spend quite a long
time without sexual intercourse.

Now this type of dolls are partly for disabled people who have little chace
of sleeping with women or for men who have difficulty having a relationship
with women or for men who has excentric hobby in which they collect these dolls.


This is a website of a "Dutch wife" manufacturer.

08/10/15 00:30:41
To be honest I wasn't completely sure about the meaning,
but it seemed to indicate something similar to that.
Thanks for the info.

People sure know how to make weird stuff... :)

08/10/15 00:32:23
Yeah, I was really surprised.
It's a shotgun marraige, meaning she's pregnant already.
The husband is said to be a stylist in his twenties.
Maybe he had chances to fit her into costumnes he chose on his job.
He's the man who can suck and lick and whatever her boobs, anal and whatever.
I envy him.

08/10/15 00:38:30
It must be kind of disgusting to know somewhere in the world, "Dutch" is
used in a bad way.

Many years ago, a place where women give men sexual servise was called
トルコ, which mean "Turkey" in Japanese. Turkeish government protest
against Japanese government claiming the name should be changed and now
it's not called トルコ. It's called ソープランド(soap land) now.

757:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/15 00:42:08
Can you lick the anal which has been wiped with paper after shitting?
I feel somewhat resistance to doing it.
I feel like quaking dizzling.

08/10/15 00:48:47
Well, it's definitely justified to change a name like that.
Though no one ever had to rename the type of bird!

This stuff can be taken too far:
A type of candy called "negro kisses" (angel kisses in English)
had to be renamed as "kisses" some time ago here. It's a bit weird
to have to give it a different name - there's really no insult, is
Renaming to just "kisses" just confuses people, why didn't they just
adapt the English name if they were going to rename it anyway?

Negerzoenen - whipped cream coated with hardened chocolate. Mmmm.

08/10/15 00:53:04
I am dating Keira, please lay off of her.

08/10/15 00:53:08
As long as it's Leah Dizon's anal, I'd definately lick it with pleasure. lol

08/10/15 00:54:10
Hill said he wouldn't stop supporting North Korea if it doesn't
cooperate for the inspection of the nuke facilities.
What a dork.

08/10/15 00:58:37
It looks yummy. Its shape looked a tip of penis though. lol

Maybe "Negro" can mean African american it it's not a good word to call
them so that's why they had to change its name.

08/10/15 01:04:24
Leah is already someone's.

764:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/15 01:05:01
Even when the anal has been wiped one time instead of three times an as stinky as I would vomit?
What if my anal was washed clean with soap?

08/10/15 01:12:41
I know. I envy him.

Smell your own anal to make sure if it's stinky or not after you poo.
If it's your anal, I just poke it with a branch I pick up on the street.

766:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/15 01:21:23
Mercy to offer your fist to poke it so that I can feel your warmth instead of a branch?
