Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 117at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 117 - 暇つぶし2ch350:名無しさん@英語勉強中
08/10/11 01:03:39
>>347 You should study more about japan. Why not copy and paste 酒鬼薔薇
and google it?
You'll know a trune genius you've never met.

08/10/11 01:12:16
I want to go to orange county and challenge racialists here.
I'm gonna
I'll show them what true japanese warrior is.

I'll kick the door of a restaurant full of white peopleand
drink alone with my legs over the table! But when some ugly nazis made faces at me and try to offend me, I'll
pour beer over the face, punch them in the face and throw them one after another!

08/10/11 01:13:00
Ah, so something like a "school killer". I see.
I don't hope to ever meet this "genius".

08/10/11 01:17:43
He spelled "shool kill" in his letter of criminal declaration.

08/10/11 01:23:08
I'm so dumb sometimes. >_< Thanks.

08/10/11 01:28:12
"This is the beginning of the game... You police guys stop me if
you can... I desperately want to see people die, it is a thrill
for me to commit murder. A bloody judgment is needed for my years
of great bitterness. shool kill. school killer of 酒鬼薔薇"

08/10/11 01:40:40
Symbol mark sakakibara uses was similar to that of Zodiac's.
Propeller or nazi like mark in the circle on stick.

08/10/11 02:01:04
I missed your reply. Thanks. Your reply comes across.
You have a future in your horizon.

08/10/11 02:28:46
Is she really ASS-HAT?
She reminds me of the fantasy horror movie "society".
Gross, she is like mollusk.

08/10/11 02:33:29

08/10/11 03:35:49
Wow, I kinda like that asshat.

08/10/11 04:20:12
Jews and Spics made sub-prime morgage crisis and
you white workers pay the price for it.
How does it feel?

08/10/11 04:27:11
Evil Jews and righteous Jews are.
More and more all American low income workders will fail with their morgate.
Only communist parties have wisdom to salvage societies to recovery.

08/10/11 04:35:33
wth? that's really amazing. is she really a human being? i mean, i guess she has no backbone lol.
I was confused which are her legs or arms.

08/10/11 04:47:54
As a white worker, I don't really mind.

08/10/11 05:02:06
Hello people.

Scary times out there.
Let's feel better!
What is your favourite joke?

08/10/11 05:08:36
A: I heard your neighbor's just made a new 塀
B: Hey!

367:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/11 05:31:50
Yes, many high-schools here do have corridors with lockers in them as you
describe. But not all. My high-school, for example, did not have lockers
at all. They gave you a separate set of books in the classroom and you had
a set at home as well. Therefore, you did not need to carry any books.

We tend not to have lockers in classrooms here. If we had lockers (past
tense, I am no longer in high-school), they would be in hallways. Going
into another classroom in between classes would just be bothersome and
cause problems for the instructors.


If anyone here plans on going to an American school, make sure to choose
one in a good neighborhood. Some of the others can be pretty rough. The
teachers won't care as much about your wellbeing in a school in a bad
neighborhood either, most likely.

Do not expect things to be as they are in high-school dramas. They're just
that, written dramas. They're completely fictional. Things aren't like that.

08/10/11 05:39:55
I heard somewhere White and African American don't mingle much at school.
They sure spend some time together but that's just bare minimum such as
after school football practice and other school activities.

Other than that in their free time, they don't really mingle.
In a class room, white and black people sit sperately unconciously.
Why is that? I think they think they are different from each other
at th bottom of their heart.

08/10/11 05:57:25
>>367 Interesting story.
By the way, I have had a question for you.
When do you think you started to be unable to post
in 2ch?
Many foreigners with trip-code left 2ch.
米人, keitan, rosiajin for example.
There is no evedence to prove the connection of their abscence and IP problem.
But I want to know the date. Then I'll check the date of
their disappearance.

08/10/11 05:58:35
Check the words, Jena six.

08/10/11 08:03:22
Indeed birds of the same wing flock together.
But we are all humans of the same body who can give birth to children.

372:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/11 08:15:31
I can't really provide you with an accurate time-frame; first it started
with them banning everyone from my ISP (*, so I began using proxies
to connect. Eventually they managed to ban every proxy I had, and I couldn't
find one that would work, and wasn't particularly motivated to try. It
was for quite a while.

Not necessarily. While this is certainly true for a large portion of
people of different races, there are many who do choose to intermingle
with those of other races. I was one of the people that would do this.
Many of my best friends growing up were of other races.

As for the others, I think it's more of a subconscious action than anything.
Most people are brought up amongst people of their own race, and tend
to flock toward them in social environments and otherwise. My mother
ran a daycare when I was small, and I was raised in a very multicultural
environment. I can only assume this had some impact on me, as I do not
feel the urge to mingle with people of any particular race.

>>371 put it rather well.

08/10/11 08:25:29
What a Friend we have in Jesus, [ all our sins and griefs to bear ]!
What a privilege (it is) [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
(It is) [ all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ].

08/10/11 08:28:23
Что за Друга мы имеем?
Нас Он к жизни пробудил,
В Нем мы счастием владеем,
В Нем источник вечных сил.
Ах, как часто мы страдали,
Боль терпя напрасно там,
Где просить мы забывали,
Чтоб один помог Он нам.

08/10/11 08:29:55
Quel ami fidèle et tendre
Nous avons en Jésus-Christ!
Toujours prêt à nous entendre,
À répondre à notre cri!
Il connaît nos défaillances,
Nos chutes de chaque jour,
Sévère en ses exigences,
Il est riche en son amour.

08/10/11 08:30:03
Thats was June of last year. It had been about a year when 2ch accepted my ISP again. (My ISP is also
When I really wanted to post, I borrowed the naborhood's wireless network that worked well lol.

08/10/11 09:50:21


08/10/11 10:06:48
Jeez they keep banning my ISP (Comcast), and it worked yesterday...

379:28chan Supporter
08/10/11 11:07:41
I'm using Comcast and I'm not having any troubles connecting here.

08/10/11 11:11:04
Now it's not working...?

08/10/11 11:13:27
nvm, I'm an idiot. apparently my lines were too long. my ISP was blocked before tho.

So I go to a public school in Chicago and it is very very diverse. Here are my estimates: 25% white, 25% black, 25% hispanic, 20% asian, 5% other.
I hangout with tons of different people at school and I have plenty of friends across every ethnicity. However, it is true that outside of school I hangout mostly with other white kids.
My school is a little different from other Chicago public school though because you need to take an entrance exam and get at least a certain score to attend.
So pretty much everyone is intelligent and therefore we all have common academic backgrounds.
Also my high school teaches 5 different languages: Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Latin.

Actually at my school the girls wear less make-up then the girls at the Japanese high school I went to.
However, since we don't have to wear uniforms at my school the girls definitely show off through fashion. This of course is in general, there are also girls that wear lots of make-up/don't wear flashy clothes.

382:28chan Supporter
08/10/11 11:19:05
Wow, you're lucky your high school teachers 5 languages. Mine taught only Spanish and French.

Additionally, the estimates for my school was about 25% Hispanic, 15% Black, 15% White, 25% Armenian, and 20% other.

08/10/11 11:46:08
They gave you a separate set of books in the classroom and you had
a set at home as well. Therefore, you did not need to carry any books.
This idea is very impressive. Had I known about it!
I used to carry and bring back all the text books and note books everyday.
At least I could have left them at school. And bring them back home
if necessary. I wonder why I didn't come up with this idea.
And I'm not sure everyone had his/her own key to his/her locker. It shoud have been.
But I don't remember.

08/10/11 12:08:35
Many of my best friends growing up were of other races.


08/10/11 12:15:22
Tom Metzger, the founder of WAR (WHITE ARYAN RESISTANCE)
had been liberal untill he met blacks for the first time in his 20's.

08/10/11 12:23:21
Do you wanna go to University of Chicago?

08/10/11 12:27:51
Is this where >>381 goes to?

08/10/11 12:39:50
here in japan already aliens have come.
they are in many meanings wonders.

08/10/11 12:40:07
>>382 15% White, 25% Armenian
Aren't Armenias considered to be white?
They must be white in census. But there seems to be an implicit
barrier between true white people and Armenians.

08/10/11 12:49:54
wtf...true white american???
is it a name of booze? like white russian?

guys, it's columbus day next monday here.
so why don't you study a little history of the great america?

08/10/11 13:10:46
My school does this. I have 2 copies of all my textbooks, except for Japanese class.


08/10/11 13:14:03
Nope. Not interested in the University of Chicago and nor do I attend DHS.

08/10/11 13:14:47
double post, that's weird. You get the idea though.

394:28chan Supporter
08/10/11 13:22:02
They are white, but "whites" are considered to be from Western Europe, mostly notably from Great Britain.

08/10/11 13:29:00
my ignorance,Where is Armenia?
what language do they speak?
the language barrier sometimes cause bad relationships.
in europe do they speak so many languages???

08/10/11 13:29:17
I myself am a product between two different "races", neither of which are "white".

08/10/11 13:41:01
i read in the newspapers that japan's life insurance company is now financial bankruptcy
already 10 years ago,did it start to fail?
now i think next 10 years what should i do.

398:28chan Supporter
08/10/11 14:11:35
It's at the edge of Eastern Europe, near the Middle East.

And yes, there are many languages spoken in Europe.

399:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/11 16:43:09
Mine was similar as well. It was a state-funded public school, but
you had to apply to be accepted, and that was dependent on your
record, etc. As such, it was pretty small, to spite the fact I live in
a populated area. The number of students was capped somewhere between
500-560 at all times, and there was a waiting line to be accepted.
A large number of people made it through the screening process that definitely
should not have, however. Most of them found out that you actually
have to do work, and its not all fun and games with the laptop they
lend you each year, and go back to their zoned school (this was
a magnet school).

Race estimates: 40% White, 30% Black, 25% Hispanic, 5% Asian. Yeah,
there doesn't seem to be many Asians here in comparison to those of
other races.

400:ギリギリ君 ◆D1A7cJqOrA
08/10/11 17:30:33
I must confess that I can't tell middle easterners or Jewish people
from Caucasians. I think south Europeans look like middle easterners.
I thought Armenians as middle easterners when I first saw their some

401:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/11 18:09:56
There were some middle easterners at my school as well, of course, but
not a significant number of them it seemed. Maybe 1-2%.

I can usually tell by looking at someone whether they are Caucasian or
from the middle east. Armenians kind of do look more middle eastern, I
know what you mean. It's kind of hard to explain, though.

08/10/11 18:35:00
>Race estimates: 40% White, 30% Black, 25% Hispanic, 5% Asian. Yeah,
>there doesn't seem to be many Asians here in comparison to those of
>other races.
No wonder you have no problem calling Japanese people Japs.

08/10/11 19:10:25
塀 now, you can do better than that. :D

404:ギリギリ君 ◆D1A7cJqOrA
08/10/11 19:29:37
I understand what you mean.
I can usually tell by looking at someone whether they are Japanese or
from the other Asia, too.

08/10/11 22:23:14
So, is Jap really a derogatory term? I was guessing that Jap was _kind of_ like "gaijin".
To us Japanese, gaijin is just a normal word for foreigner but many foreigners think it's
We understand why, but we still use the word gaijin when just talking with friends.

08/10/11 22:51:49
nothing is more shocking than being shouted at streets by pretty girls, 'China Schei e!'

407:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/11 23:03:21
Except for the fact that I haven't lived in this area my entire life.
I've moved around a lot. Areas I've lived in previously have had quite
a few Asians. A failure of a jab at me, but nice try.

Yes, some foreigners that know its meaning do take offense to "gaijin."
It further separates us, singling us out as outsiders. People that take
offense to this will prefer "gaikokujin" instead. Personally, however,
I don't care either way. It doesn't bother me.

08/10/11 23:13:40
"Jap" is most definitely a derogatory term since it was commonly used to refer to Japanese people in WWII
(i.e. "kill those Japs, piece of shit Japs, etc.").
As Ether said, some foreigners don't like being called a gaijin but I found it extremely funny.
I even referred to other foreigners as gaijin in Japan as a joke.
It's all about context.

Completely different topic, but here's a question:
If you (a Japanese person) would want a Westerner(American/British/Australian) to learn only one thing about Japan, what would it be?

08/10/11 23:21:29
A: I heard your neighbor's just bought a new 斧。
B: Oh no!

Two seperate sets of books both in school and at home? Gimme a break.
That's a waste of state funds. Even a chimpanzee like me can calculate
that the budget needed bulges to twice as much.

I was a very serious student.I wasn't the one who tries to look cool by acting like a
delinquent. The delinquent type of students left textbooks
in class room if there's no homework on the subjects. I was a very serious student
so I brought back every textbooks I took to school on any day even there was no homework involving
the subjects because leaving textbooks in class room means that you don't
study the subjects at home. Yes, more often than not, if there were no
homework on the subjects, you don't study the subjects at home so it might be natural
to leave the text book but that means you don't review voluntarily what you learned
in the class on the day. So I brought back all the textbooks home.

Bringing back all textbooks home on any given day was tough. First
they were heavy and second, that made my school bag look very
thick and that's considered not cool. The bulged bag was called a "pig bag"
back then. In my school days and maybe even now the junior highg and high school
school bag is considered cool if it looked as thin as it could.

410:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/11 23:29:18
It's neccessary [ to review the day' class lesson at home ]
[ if you follow the process of understanding by yourself
[ so that you really understand ] ].

08/10/11 23:33:04
I would say that Japanese people aren't too assertive, too direct
compared to western people, especially American people.
I heard people in UK and German have kind of same kind of mentality as Japan,
being kind of reserved, though.

My image on American peoople is they speak what they think directly and
emotionally and that sounds sometimes arrogant and pusy and too direct.
I don't want a society where squeaky wheels always get oil. (I quote
a proverb but am not sure if I'm right.)

08/10/12 00:43:18
You are just an ignorant japanese.
Don't spread nagative information.

08/10/12 00:58:25
Woops! someone seemed to have come at such time.

08/10/12 00:59:59
Armenians are halfway between europe and east asian in geographical
aspect. Most likely they looks like middle easeasteners on west
coast like Syria and Jordan. Armenians are chiristians like europeans.

In census aspect they are white (even iranians and iraqis and
north africans in america are white).
In general they are sometimes welcomed in white society
and sometimes not white. some Armenians are not percieved as white
merely from outer appearance.
From nordicist point of view they are absolutely non-white.

That's my assumption.

08/10/12 01:01:32
east asian shoud have been middle east or western asia.

416:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/12 01:11:21
Be my lover, and get [ me to understand your [ feeling ]
[ speaking out honestly in English ]
[ to make me understanding every word [ you honestly utter ]
[ to tell me [ that you love me irresistably ] ].
Got it?
like to do this?

08/10/12 01:25:26
Ether and other foreigners, who do you want to vote for
as the president.
As is expected do you guys plan to vote for Brian Holland?

Digressing from the subject, I wonder whether the name Holland comes
from Dutch people in netherland or British people from netherland.

And Dutch people seem to be pretty laughing stock of Europe and they
tend not to be fit in anger like Koreans.
They are many negative words from Dutch.
"go dutch" "dutch wife" "dutch roll" and so on.
Dutch's pride won't be hurt?

08/10/12 01:28:17
And the word Dutch itself is doubtful. LOL

08/10/12 02:32:45
The surname 'Holland' originated Anglo-Saxon times, in Britain. It's
completely unrelated to the Holland region in the Netherlands (the region's
name comes from the old Dutch word 'holtland', whereas the surname
apparently comes from the Anglo-Saxon word 'hough' with a territorial

The Netherlands itself is a really nice place, with friendly people. It
can be a bit crazy there, sometimes, though.

420:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 02:50:38
Personally I can't stand any of the candidates. I usually don't like
to get into political discussions, as they nearly always end in pointless
arguments, but I'll speak a little on the subject.

As far as the presidential election is concerned, either McCain or Obama
will win in my country. Most likely the latter. I have a fairly negative
opinion of both of them.

McCain seeks to continue Bush's policies, which
quite obviously haven't been working too well for us. He's essentially
Bush v2.0. Furthermore, his choice for Vice President, Palin, has absolutely
no experience and considers 'being able to see Russia' from Alaska as
'foreign policy experience.' The number of people she governs in Alaska
is fewer than many of the single counties in my state! She has no
significant experience, and avoids questions concerning policy. Another
problem is more of a liability issue; if McCain, in his old age and with
his poor book of health, up and dies on us... we're stuck with Palin as
a president! I can't imagine how fast she'd assist in driving this country
further into the ground.

Obama also has no experience, and tends to avoid questions about policy
and about how he will handle whatever situation is in question. He simply
skirts around the question, yells the words "CHANGE" and "HOPE" at the crowd,
and the sheep cheer.
Part 1/2

421:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 02:51:10
I must admit I haven't really paid much attention to third party candidates
this election.

Either way, both are bad choices. We can only hope we get the lesser of
the evils. Our economy, as well as many other economies around the world,
are falling at the moment. However, this isn't the first time this has
happened, and I highly doubt it will be the last. Just have to ride it out,
and pray the politicians will start making the right decisions (and retards
will stop trying to live beyond their means, piling up debt).

Part 2/2

08/10/12 02:59:38
OH, thanks. It can be concluded that Anglo-saxon and Dutch and north-west german
have the same origin. You are very literate.
I am a your fan. I'm glad to receive the answer from you
for the first time in a month or so. You seem to be very busy in your business
these days.

08/10/12 03:22:43
Palin has rich experiences of governing Moose and polar bears.
The largest number of them inhabit there so naturally she's the ideal
vice president followed by Michael Jackson.

424:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 03:44:50

08/10/12 04:02:45
Have you ever seen Manaty with your own eyes? Your house is away from Evergray?
I saw on TV yesterday featuring Evergray in which they introduced
aligator and Manaty. They said that an aligator is not so ferocious then
we imagine.

Manaty is so friendly and two of them got closer to a boat in which
they film them. Some of them got in water with a snorkel and touched them.
Touching them with both hands is prohibited because Manaties
feel as if they were hold and they get scared. Some of them have scars
made by boats speeding.

In some areas they are suppoesed to run with idol speed noy to scare and
hurt manaties.

426:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 04:20:27
Yes, I've seen Manatees and Alligators. I live in Florida. There are
places where you cannot use a boat because of manatees, as they are
a protected species.

Alligators are usually only aggressive toward humans if they have been
fed by humans, because from then on they associate the scent of
humans with food. Otherwise, they usually do their best to avoid humans...
though they may aggressively protect their territory if they have

08/10/12 04:29:39
I see. I was surpeised to know that a manatee can grow as large as 4 meter or
13 feet. Alligators on shore escaped into water when they saw people.
That makes sense. Sounds like a tiger who has eaten human come back to a
villiage and attack human again.

08/10/12 05:04:38

08/10/12 05:18:20
Palin was a sessionist. Some white patriots pray for the
death of Maccain (their another enemy)
and expect Palin to steer your nation to good old white america.
But some white patriots suspect her pedigree of jewish lineage.

"Less evil is better" policy in sinuates that you will voter for Obama.
Or are you a supporter of Ralph Nader or Buchanan?
Here is Holland's site.
Don't you think a man with English (fonder of your nation) surname deserves to
be the President?

And you have many many great candidates other than two.
They should be equally covered in your biased media.

08/10/12 05:26:55
Wow, I didn't check Nader is runnnig for the president again.
And CONSTITUTION PARTY is near the ideology of Buchanan.

08/10/12 05:29:48
Who is this?
I won't be bothered if he become the prime minister.
I usually don't drink.

432:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 05:52:14
I'd rather not get into politics. 'Tis getting rather silly at this point.

08/10/12 06:02:34
Would someone do the dictation of this video for me?
Please add words or correct my words.

I'm Gene Amondson. I'm running for President of
United States, America's third oldest party.
While I was prohibition greatest 30 years.
Prison medal liberals can't have.
from 50% down to 30%. Vote traditon, vote prohibition.
I need your vote.

434:ギリギリ君 ◆D1A7cJqOrA
08/10/12 07:17:29
According to Voice Of America, Palin was speaking about Obama's
association with William Ayres, a college professor who founded a
radical group called the Weather Underground in the 1960s.
The group claimed responsibility for bombings on several government
buildings as a form of protest during the Vietnam War. Ayres never
refuted the claims, but was also never convicted, and later went on
to an academic career in Chicago that brought him into contact with
Barack Obama.

08/10/12 07:30:10
To me, it sounded like...

I'm Gene Amondson. I'm running for President of
the United States, [something] America's third oldest party.
While I was prohibition, America's greatest 13 years
Because our prisons emptied, our mental institutions emptied
sclerosis of the liver was cut in half: from 15% down to 7%.
Vote tradition, vote prohibition.
I need your vote.

436:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 08:47:19
I was thinking the same thing. The message he got across seemed a bit inconsistent.

08/10/12 10:10:29
Argh... cirrhosis of the liver, sorry... a bit burned out

08/10/12 10:25:21
What's negative about that? I just stated what I personally thought/guessed.
If you think that's negative, then you are the one who is being a negative twat.
I knew it was used as a derogatory term during the war, but after all jap is just an
abbreviation of the word Japanese and WW2 = 60 yrs ago.
I've seen many people who like Japan and still use jap as an abbreviation, like
how we casually use gaijin even though we know they hate it.
I do take offense when someone *directly* calls me a jap, but I don't when it's used
as a casual abbreviation. Likewise, I don't directly call a foreigner gaijin but use the
word all the time when talking with friends.

Always eat natto with rice. Seen way too many westerners eating natto without rice.
Also, don't put soy sauce in natto. It will taste like shit. Use the sauce that comes with the package.

439:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 10:28:32
Oh god, I tried natto while in Tokyo at the behest of another person
in the guest house. It was one of the most disgusting things I have
ever put in my mouth. x.x Never again!

08/10/12 10:30:38
For me, ty and teen like fifty and fifteen
are always confusing. And his
Thing even primary students can understand is hard for most of
English learners in Japan.
>While I was prohibition, America's greatest 13 years
This sentence seems lacking some words.
While I was in prohibition, America is in the greatest 13 years.
make more sense to me. Is he talking broken English or
am I just ignorant?

Because our prisons emptied, our mental institutions emptied
cirrhosis of the liver was cut in half:

it makes sense. I wonder why alcohol dependant Bush can lead the
movement of christian right.

441:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 10:33:09
(Sorry for double post)
I just re-read my post; please do not take offense, as I can see how it
could be seen as offensive. I have a policy to try something before I
"diss" it, so to speak, and I just found natto to be extremely
unpalatable personally.

08/10/12 10:40:44
I've seen many people who like Japan and still use jap as an abbreviation, like
how we casually use gaijin even though we know they hate it.

So they are ignorant. And don't generalize two words.
They have quite different historical meaning. Not just a abbreviation.
Chink and Gook are abbreviations too. Gook are abbreviation of hangook.
Paki is so famous that pakistan frinedly people never use it.

Don't liken gaijin to jap. You are helpless because you know
jap is bad word. It's your duty to correct them.

08/10/12 10:42:03
It's acquired taste like alligator's balls

444:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 10:47:20
Bush? Alcohol-dependent? I doubt it.

But in any case, I think he leaves words out unintentionally. It might be that he's talking so fast that he doesn't notice he's leaving out a few words, but you still get his overall message.

08/10/12 10:59:12
Also, don't put soy sauce in natto. It will taste like shit. Use the sauce that comes with the package.

??? I always add a little soy sauce in natto with prepared natto sauce.
Prepared sauce is rich in dashi but too mild for me.
And soy sauce only is O.K for me. It's still hard task for me
to adjust bitterness and mildness.

For foreigners, stir natto neary 100 times with chopstick or spoon.
Natto will be sticky and it is producing something sticky which
is good for your health.

08/10/12 11:06:52
>>434's English appears to be almost perfect.
How do foreigners here think?
Without prior knowledge ギリギリ is japanese, can you notice
something not native?
ギリギリ is progressing day by day.

447:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 11:18:43
It sounds like an except from an article.

08/10/12 11:19:18
I am a native of California.
If you hadn't told me otherwise, I wouldn't have believed that >>434 is Japanese.

08/10/12 11:26:01
Does he sound native american or totally non-native American?

The people are predominantly German-speaking with a unique (and easily recognizable)
Southern Austro-Bavarian dialect {typical of which is that}
all short German vowels before double consonants have been lengthened

Can someone analize the sentence above? I especially can't understand
pracket part{}.

450:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 11:26:47
I'm also a Californian.

08/10/12 11:27:35
Sorry... bracket part.

452:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 11:32:08
His accent's pretty good.

The part in the brackets means that the dialect features lengthened German vowels, which are usually short, before double consonants.

08/10/12 11:36:05
I see. While I can only write japanese English unlike him, at least
I can see the difference between japanese English and others. That's a relief.

454:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 11:41:51
That's a rather odd phrase you're using there, "Japanese English". So this implies there's an "English English"?

But yeah, glad to be of service.

I think I can elaborate a bit more on this.

There exists people. These people speak German with a Southern Austro-Bavarian dialect. In that dialect, German vowels (which are usually short) before double consonants have been lengthened.

I don't know what exactly you meant by analyzing the sentence, but I hope this helps.

08/10/12 11:56:22
I think I understand!

typical of "which" is that all short German vowels before double consonants have been lengthened

"which" 's antecedent must be Austro-Bavarian dialect. If there is a
commma before "typical", it can be more understabdable for me.

I am used to a relative pronoun sentece like "club of which I'm a memer.
So I searched an object of "of".
But "typical of" is also an set phrase. Pretty complicated sentence for me.

456:ギリギリ君 ◆D1A7cJqOrA
08/10/12 11:57:08
Please don't deceive yourself.
The comment I left is almost all excerpted from VOA.

08/10/12 11:59:09
English by japanese sounds better?
ギリギリ's English has been good. But I can feel something by japanese
in them.
>>434 was exceptionally good and seemed perfect.

08/10/12 12:01:15
Then, what's your original parts?

459:28chan Supporter
08/10/12 12:02:15
A bit of wishful thinking doesn't hurt.

08/10/12 12:07:55
So I searched an object of "of".
Please forget this. of's object is apparently which. I mean
a word before "of".

461:ギリギリ君 ◆D1A7cJqOrA
08/10/12 12:42:40
Since I'm not still good at listening, I excerpted it from script's
version of VOA.
Only "According to Voice Of America".
You're right.

08/10/12 12:48:22
This is 2ch... You can hate on natto as much as you like and no one cares!!
I absolutely hated natto and then one day I saw the light and it was great.

I personally think it's a waste of energy to be offended by something thats intended
to be just an abbreviation, let alone "correct" them. Of course you can get pissed by it
and go correct them as much as you want. It's just, I don't.
I didn't say jap and gaijin are the same. It was about how they are used, not about
history and stuff. Polite Japanese ppl would never use gaijin, but I and many others
just don't care. That's the similarity I was talking about, or guessing about.

08/10/12 13:15:05
Just informing them and letting them go on their own is O.K.
Enthusiastically forcing them to correct sometimes go
reverse unless we don't have powerful interest group
like blacks and koreans...
As for gaijin, gaijin doesn't have strong and offensive
meaning. It's just that abbreviation is an idle thing and can be
rude term for people and refrained from at news and newspaper
and as such.
We don't feel anything particular when gaijin is refered.
Rather gaikokujin sounds wierd cos it's so formal like NHK news.
Gaijin is not refering to particular ethinic group.
Gaijin is most likely to point at white or caucasian people, sometimes blacks.
It's just that gaijin look pretty different from average japanese.
And Japanese are most vulnerable to westerners. Look
half-breed models on the cover of model magazine.
No racist, xenophobic connotation. We tend to aspire for the difference.

08/10/12 13:26:57
unless we have
Sorry. If they love japan and want to know japan, it's not meaningless
to know Jap has strong reminder of deragotary term intentionally targeting
at japanese, used by the US during WW2. I've read comic book hadashinogen and hear jap on TV
dramas. I don't have my own experience. But I do have very unplesant
I think it's the problem that japanese loving people use the term jap.
I don't care if racists or koreans call us Jap. It's natural thing.
I care if Url of offcial site for japanese readers ends with Jap though.
LOL I've seen one from korean. They are using it intentionally.

08/10/12 13:45:42
I think we're beating a dead horse here. Pretty much everyone seems to agree that "gaijin" is not offensive but the abbreviation "Jap" most definitely is.
Saying someone is a "half-breed" is offensive.

Btw, the time difference between America and Japan is really annoying. When I'm asleep it's late afternoon/night in Japan, which is when I assume most of the 日本人 post here.

08/10/12 14:07:49
Whoever started this moronic topic was non-Japanese, that's for sure
'cause that bitch(hey, I meant 'female dog' here) was looking for deragotary
terms other than Jap just to offend Japanese people or something. Lame.

08/10/12 14:08:15
Sometimes 年号 is annoying too.
nengo : inaugration era of a tennno.
I am not particularly against tennou system though.

It's sometimes tiring to change nengo to A.D.
We use both daily.

During edo era, era name was changed on various reasons including
tenno. Tenno was powerless. Syogun was the strongest.
But tenno has privilege to bakuhu(governing body).

08/10/12 14:17:18
It's realy annoying, especially when I play online games.
Our "golden time" = morning in America = noon in Europe
This is the only thing I hate about living in Japan.

08/10/12 14:24:17
I serached on the net. Era name during edo period is not consistent
of tenno inauguration period at all.
Sometimes era was even changed for the convinience of syogun.
You can see power struggle between bakuhu and tyoutei.
Bakuhu estteemed chotei's privilege but placed chotei in the hands of
It can be compared to the relationship between emperor and pope.

08/10/12 14:25:28
Hey, I am that bitch. Got anything to ask?

08/10/12 14:29:56
Are you Zapanese?

08/10/12 14:30:29
I despise your spellings of japanese words. It's SHOgun, CHOutei, BakuFU.

08/10/12 14:40:28
Wouldn't you only want to play on Japanese servers? The latency for US/European servers would be really high.
Guess it depends on the game though.
The time difference is especially strange with how it has affected the global economy. Since Japan is at least 12 hours ahead of USA, your stock market closes for the day before the US market opens for that day.
This means Americans can use the closing points of the Nikkei exchange to estimate how our stock markets will do. Before this economic crisis the time difference didn't really matter, but you can be sure that the USA stock exchange will go down
significantly with panic sales as a result of the Nikkei dropping 10%.

08/10/12 14:52:59
I think nikkei is not as influential as you say.
Nikkei is likely to rise after dowjone's rise and
go down after dowjone's decline.
It's a pattern. And big sell and buy orders are from overseas.

This means Americans can use the closing points of the Nikkei exchange to estimate how our stock markets will do.
we use your friday closing points.... It's very essential for japanese investers to know
the amount of buy and sell orders from overseas investers.
It's said that more than half of the investers in japanese markets are
foreigners. I guess americans are biggest among foreigners.

08/10/12 15:01:50
It's very essential for japanese investers to know
the amount of buy and sell orders from overseas investers

This sentence is not related to the sentence afterwards.
But in genral after U.S market plunged, japanese markets will be filled
with sell orders from abroad.

08/10/12 15:11:17
yea, I stand corrected that this whole rise+drop is a part of pattern.
All I was thinking about were the articles I read in the New York Times which would update with the Nikkei closings and then sure enough the US exchange would drop later.
However, both obviously affect each other, making this economic crisis worse for all of us. The New York Times just had an article discussing whether we can learn from the Japanese bubble of the 90s:

08/10/12 15:14:24
This is not a chatroom but a message board so time differences around the
world don't matter at all. You can post whenever you want, read whenever
you like, you can even refer to comments posted one week or longer ago.
That's the beauty of a messsage board. Quick responses aren't what you
expect to be here. So take your time.

08/10/12 15:16:34
I realize this, but when I have nothing better to do it would be nice to see more posts =P.

08/10/12 15:21:18
Latency is about 150-250ms to US west coast servers, and
350-500 to European servers. It's a clear disadvantage gameplay wise,
but playing with them helps learning English tremendously.

480:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 15:24:15
If I use "Jap" at all, it's only when writing as shorthand, and I
use a period after it to specifically identify it as an abbreviation.


"Studying the Jap. language" <- What I would use
"Studying the Jap's language" <- Clearly meant in an offensive manner
"Studying the Jap. student's language" <- Acceptable

Also, to whomever said that "Chink" and "Gook" and such are abbreviations,
you are completely wrong. An abbreviation is derived from the original word
with the purpose of making it shorter (and, thus, faster to write).


"Chin." for "Chinese"
"Viet." for "Vietnamese"
"Kor." for "Korean"

08/10/12 15:34:08
btw, who is this? >>406
"Schei e" is scheisse right?

08/10/12 15:36:04
That's not terrible for US servers, it's about what I get for European servers.
What games, I'll try looking for you =P

08/10/12 15:53:51
外人 is the same as 国連, 国際連合.

so You use paki too.

08/10/12 15:55:25
Well nothing atm. The time difference got too annoying to pay the monthly fees.

08/10/12 15:59:29
I think it might be the root of the problem that 外人 itself has a negative
But as foreigner and alian, foreigner means man of outside and
alian means another man.

486:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:01:03
Can't say I ever have used "paki." I don't know its connotation and it's
just not part of my personal vernacular. I'm more likely to say Pakistani.

On another note, I've seen Pakistanis calling other Pakistanis "Paki" in
chat-rooms while trying to speak English. Granted, this was when I was
much younger, so I don't remember all of the details.

08/10/12 16:01:27
You kicked my dog!

08/10/12 16:05:13
it's like young blacks calling nigger each other.


08/10/12 16:07:35
外人 is just a short word of 外国人, doesn't mean anything else, you know.
It's not even offensive

08/10/12 16:08:52
"外人" has no negative connotation attached to the term itself, while
"Jap" DOES. Use at your own risk and just drop it, moron.

08/10/12 16:13:46
Pakis responds to chink. chink is applicable to all east asians.
Paki is widely used to all south asians.
I guess "chink" was the first to settle in large numbers in america
and "Paki" was the first to settle in large numbers in Britain.

492:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:14:07
Interesting. I didn't know that. Either way "Jap." as an abbreviation of
an adjective is used quite differently from "Jap" as a noun.

I suppose for Pakistani's it'd be fine to use "Pakis." or "Pak." If I were to
find that "Jap." is truly seen as offensive to the MAJORITY, I'd probably
give it up in favor of "Jpn."

08/10/12 16:24:46
the majority rules? at least majority of japanese hate it.

I am worrying that some day idiots like zeebra start to shout jap, emulating
black. lol
I think he doesn't have courage to probibit foreingers from
calling him jap while he uses jap.

08/10/12 16:26:21
The majority of Japanese simply don't understand the diference between Jap. and Jap.

08/10/12 16:33:11
Zeebra is far smarter than you judging from your post and
probbaly speaks English better than you.

08/10/12 16:39:25
I think so too. He speaks better ebonics?

Zeebra is criticising american influenced by his favorite comic.
I've never heard he criticised american in front of them.

497:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:39:46
>>494 may be on to something. That's a good point. I suppose it could be
difficult to tell the difference between its use as an adjective and as
a noun if you don't know English well. I might have to rethink my use
of the abbreviation, never really considered it from that aspect.
Perhaps I'll make a conscious effort to use "Jpn." if I am to use an
abbreviation for it. I only really use abbreviations much at all when
writing by hand, though. Typing is so fast that I tend to type out
the entire word.

08/10/12 16:46:32
I won't instruct you anymore.
don't you have your experience of "jap"?
I don't have personal experience. But I have read and heard
through comic and movies.
I guess Jap was replaced with another word in american war movies
whereas it was actually used by the soldiers?

499:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:47:23
Wow, I Zeebra's mother must've dropped him on his head one too many times.
He sounds really ignorant, and really stupid. I don't understand everything
he says, but his demeanor and of course the English he throws in to try
and look cool speaks for itself.

08/10/12 16:50:08
Shut up Zeebra is the truth. Fuckin sponsa! Bitches?

501:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:50:40
No, Jap as a derogatory term is shown in movies et cetera here as well.
It's not censored or changed in any way. The issue is, using "Jap" as a
derogatory noun and using it as an abbreviation of the adjective "Japanese"
is completely different. The only way I can understand it being found
offensive is if the person doesn't understand the difference between
its use as a noun and as an adjective.

Also, I don't understand what you mean by "don't you have your experience
of 'jap'." If you mean have I seen it used in a derogatory fashion, then
yes. Have I ever been called it? No, because I'm not Japanese.

08/10/12 16:51:02
He only experienced hentai anime and Akiba in Japan.
Doesn't care about history.

503:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:52:07
>>499 Wow, just noticed a mistake.

"Wow, I think Zeebra's mother" it should have been. I need to get some
sleep, it's nearly 4 A.M.

Good night.

504:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:54:45

Before I go to sleep...

No. Just no. You're wrong. Completely. Words fail to describe just
how wrong you are. I don't like "hentai anime", only went to Akiba a
couple times (I'm a programmer, I like electronics, why wouldn't I?),
and I enjoy reading history. Hell, I'm taking an east Asian humanities
course this semester.

08/10/12 16:54:56
>>501 I have a trauma of Jap. So For me it doesn't matter if
it's noun or adjective.

By the way, what's you major? Computer science and something like that?

506:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 16:56:38
Wow, new replies are showing up rather quickly now. I'll stay a little
longer, until they slow down a bit.

Yeah, Computer Science.

08/10/12 16:57:40
I wrote >>505
before reading (I'm a programmer, I like electronics, why wouldn't I?),

508:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 17:00:13
Yeah, I figured that was the case.

08/10/12 17:01:41
When you are employed by google, make sure to donate money to me.

510:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/12 17:03:11
Google looks like a fun place to work, actually. You can view pictures of
their office online.

And they have street hockey.

08/10/12 17:03:17
Guys, don't dis hentai. Ever. You talk to the fuckin sponsa. Fuck all y'all, bitches?

08/10/12 17:08:15
Is Hentai is a derogatory term?
That's why you denied it so hard?

08/10/12 17:15:13
Hentai is hentai.
Hentai means (sexually) deviant person.

08/10/12 17:16:38

08/10/12 17:18:12
Is this Ether?

08/10/12 17:20:27

08/10/12 17:21:39
Nice diaper though

08/10/12 17:25:46
I'm starting to like him now. He doesn't look so hardass there.

08/10/12 19:07:11
That is surely his hentai anime uniform.

08/10/12 19:12:50
In 2008, adulterated milk caused kidney stones in tens of thousands of consumers.
To show his confidence in Chinese diary products, Mandelson drank a glass of Chinese milk in front of reporters.
Nine days later, he was hospitalized for a kidney stone.


521:ギリギリ君 ◆D1A7cJqOrA
08/10/12 23:24:56
It is certain that Chinese dairy products and agricultural produce
aren't safe compared to that of developed countries.
As for me, I always try not to buy anything made in China. I think
that to eat Chinese ones reduces our life span.

08/10/12 23:35:44
South Korea officially threatened America at the G20 meeting held in
Washinton by saying S.Korea didn't care to sell America's Treasury Bonds.
As you know, the world is faced with the financial crisis and most countries
(including Japan, of course) tries their best to support America so as not to
let the world collapse.

I'm searching for the news article in English, but it seems that American media
haven't reported it until now.

* For those not in the know about why selling America's bonds means treachery,
to put it simply, if they are actually sold, values of dollar will depreciate,
meaning American people will suffer from economic downturn, which also means
the financial crisis will affect the rest of the world. In this respect,
what South Korea is doing is damaging not only America, but also the world.

I'll post articles if I can find any... if you are intersted.

08/10/13 00:40:12
Bush administration turned its back on Japan and instead chose to be
friendly with North Korea. Good bye, America. We "were" friends.
I'll remember the last day when I lost trust in you.

524:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 00:40:12
If you're referring to me, I can assure you I'm no hardass. I simply
don't speak here as I normally do elsewhere, seeing as many come here
to help familiarize themselves with the English language. As such, I
tend to avoid much use of slang, and respond in a more serious manner
to inquiries and otherwise so that my answers are not misconstrued as
meaning something other than what they are meant to. I've had far too
many instances where this is the case.

And no, I don't wear diapers. But goddamn, that must be convenient,
even if absolutely disgusting.

I'd be interested in reading about that.

525:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 00:42:15
You should be happy, instead. As result of our taking them off our "list",
they are dismantling their nuclear weapons program.

08/10/13 00:50:06
I hate Magibon.

527:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 00:51:56
We have something in common, then.

08/10/13 00:52:53
The day will come when North Korea will develop balistic missiles
with nuke because the agreement doesn't describe clearly how and where
inspections of nukes will be conducted. All is well for North Korea.

08/10/13 00:54:36
As a trial, would you speak colloquial English you
daily use on the net?
If you're referring to me, I can assure you I'm no hardass. I simply
don't speak here as I normally do elsewhere, seeing as many come here
to help familiarize themselves with the English language. As such, I
tend to avoid much use of slang, and respond in a more serious manner
to inquiries and otherwise so that my answers are not misconstrued as
meaning something other than what they are meant to. I've had far too
many instances where this is the case.
Transform it into your real English.

08/10/13 00:55:55
my penis is erecting now

531:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 01:01:02
If I were speaking as I would to a good friend online in an extremely
casual setting...

If you're talking about me, I'm really not. I don't speak like this everywhere;
a lot of people come here to get some help with their English, so I don't like to
use a ton of slang and the like. I speak a bit more seriously, 'cause
often people misunderstand what I'm trying to say if I don't. Happens
pretty often.


Though, I might curse a bit normally. I swear like a sailor in real life.
Among people I don't know well, however, I tend to write as you normally see
me writing here. It's all a question of what I'm comfortable with.

08/10/13 01:04:16
My feel smell bad.
What can I do to them?

533:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 01:05:40
Try some medicated powders?

...wash them, at least?

08/10/13 01:07:29
they are dismantling their nuclear weapons program

Wishful thinking. The U.S doesn't know how many nukes and nuke facilities
there are in Northkorea. And it was just a verbal contract and
North Korea has always betrayed us a number of times. And the U.S is not too fool to
be incapable of being conscious of it.
The U.S is busy with middle east problem including Irsrael and finaicial problem there.
East Asia is not their priority at all. So Bush want an nominal
achievement before his retirement. How fool Bush is.

535:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 01:08:56
You're probably right in that they likely will hide some facilities
and continue production.

08/10/13 01:09:44
As long as >>531 is concerned, it is more clear.

537:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 01:14:09
The question is, would people rather I speak simply so they can
understand very easily, or would they rather I speak using higher-level
English so they have something to learn if they don't immediately

08/10/13 01:16:35
I've seen your usage of "As such" in the head of the sentece.
Does it mean "that said" and "so"?
Is it your particular way?

and seeing as many come here
to help familiarize themselves with the English language.

I can't see structure of this sentence. "As many" is both noun and subject?

08/10/13 01:18:53
Sorry "As many" is both noun and object?
I wonder why "as" is necessary.

08/10/13 01:19:50
Sadly, I didn't find English articles, but the news source I found is
this (in Japanese) : URLリンク(
Yonhapnews is originally a korean newspaper, but its subsidiary in Japan
translates their articles into Japanese.

I talked with people about this in another board of 2ch, and many of us were
agreed on how bad, though probably small, effects South Korea's threat had on
the world economy.
(Some of the posters in there are specialists, such as writer of buisiness books)

* South Korea is supposed to have more than 20 billion dollar worth of treasury securities.
* Japan, nearly 600 billion dollar worth, though.

They said the biggest problem was, threatening affiliates like that
would leave a bitter taste, even if the face value of the securities
are "not so" large.

541:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 01:21:47

"Seeing as" is like "because."

08/10/13 01:22:47
Oh, "seeing as" was a set phrase.

08/10/13 01:24:06
I read in English-Japanese dictionary on the net that
"seeing as " is rather British way of English.
Do you think so?

544:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 01:26:13
I've never considered it. I've never even been to Europe.
I use "seeing as" quite often, and hear others doing the same;
though, come to think of it, I think I may use it a bit more
than average.

08/10/13 01:27:46
Don't you wanna go to your homeland, Europe?
Your ancestor came all the way to America from Europe.

546:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 01:28:51
If given a reason and a chance, I would certainly like to visit Europe.

08/10/13 01:47:12
"Britain's a terribly negative place. And it hammers people down and
it pulls you back and it prevents you. Also, with the issue of
immigration, it's very difficult because although I don't have
anything against people from other countries, the higher the influx
into England the more the British identity disappears."
"So the price is enormous. If you travel to Germany, it's still
absolutely Germany. If you travel to Sweden, it still has a Swedish
identity. But travel to England and you have no idea where you are."
The change in England is so rapid compared to the change in any other
"If you walk through Knightsbridge on any bland day of the
week you won't hear an English accent. You'll hear every accent
under the sun apart from the British accent."

You'll be disillusioned with the actual condititon of England
like Morrissey was.
I have a question. Why paritcular British bands and songs don't
sell in the US as much as their homeland?
The Smith and Morissey is one example. They are so pessimistic and
masochistic from American view?

08/10/13 01:59:34
2 Korean guys sing popular hate song "Fucking USA"

I'm sick and tired of Korea.

08/10/13 02:05:44
Cold Play was exceptional.
What made Cold Play special from other bands?
I guess they sound somehow like U2 and Radiohead, the world's biggest

550:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/13 02:09:02
Before I visited Europe many many years ago,
it was a fanciful land with prince and princesses.
But when I visited there, it was a history-filled earthly place with all those stone buildings.
Before visiting, I had a notion that Germans are full of devil thoughts of Hitter.
But they weren't.
They were humanistic, Christian-like, good people.

08/10/13 02:09:35
Coldplay seems to be egghead band like Radiohead and unlike

08/10/13 02:11:26
Hitler tried to destroy Christianity(jewish religion) in German, which
Christian identity groups, another worshippers of Hitler won't admit.

08/10/13 02:16:09
The matter of how to speak to English-learners is a double-edged sword,

On one hand, using simpler sentence construction and more commonly used
words allows the more basic and early-intermediate learners to come to
understand sentence structure better, as well as picking up a few words
here and there without having to take in too much information at once.
However, the more intermediate-advanced learners may not find it challenging
enough, and would probably like to read the more complex nuances available
in our language.

There are many people who have the first name 'Dutch', which probably does come
from families from the Netherlands who emigrated to other countries - perhaps to
reminds their children of their ethnicity.

554:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 02:22:34
Maybe I should change it up a bit now and then, then?
My typing in a more complex manner here is purely subconscious,
but I could make a more conscious effort to vary it occasionally.

555:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/13 02:22:50
Oh, really??!!
For the sake of extermination of Jews!
Oh, fuck it!
Hard life in Egypt and the rocky deserts in Sinai got the Jews get to God.
Who among non-okult Christians can not be thankful to those hard years of the Jews?

08/10/13 02:42:17
I've been making an effort to make sure I'm not writing anything too complex or using much slang.
Posters like ギリギリ probably have no problems, but if other 日本人 want some more colloquial English to practice I guess I could start neglecting my grammar lol.

Too bad Skypecasts are gone, then we could get some real colloquial conversation going. Writing is a world apart from speaking.
I know there's actually a Skype thread here, but my Japanese is no where good enough to be able to read anything. They saying anything in there about skypecasts?

Side note: What's the syntax for trip codes on 2ch?

08/10/13 02:44:47
I don't want to pick up 4ch slangs here, though.

558:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 02:51:26
In the 名前 field, after your name, put a # and a password.

Ex: Nick#password

As far as Skype goes, I wouldn't at all be opposed to getting conversations
going if there's at all interest in it.

08/10/13 02:52:58
アメリカ人, how long did you stay in Japan?
Seems like you know instinctively how to handle the situation in
coordination with its surroundings, which is what most Japanese
appreciate in general. Did you learn that while you were in Japan?
Or is it your nature you think?

560:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/13 02:56:52
Should I invade 4-ch to prevail English-language 10 formula grammar all over the world,
[ inviting people on this planet
[ to learn any language with 4 formulas easily] ]?

08/10/13 03:25:23
Korean Problem Solving Flowchart

             Start Here
              "Is it a   
               thing ?"
            YES       NO
            ↓        ↓
          Korea    "Can you
         invented    blame an
            it      inferior ?"
                 ↓        ↓
                YES       NO
                 ↓        ↓
               Problem   "Did it
                Solved    happen
                        1945 ?"
                     YES       NO
                      ↓        ↓
                   It's Japan's  It's America's
                     fault !      fault !

08/10/13 03:39:39
Papers reveal Nazi aim: End Christianity

Hitler was better than christian identity groups, who claim
they are true jewish. It's ridiculous.
At least Hitler recognized or suspected that Jesus was jewish.

08/10/13 03:45:44
I give my highest regard to Hitler and Karl Marx.
Two were the only men to challenge Christianity in History in the west.
Abolishing Christianity (True Communism) plus Paganism will be
the true National Socialism.

564:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 04:18:53
only 2 weeks. I really wish I could have stayed longer.
It's really not that hard to be aware of how to act in different social situations. I usually think before I act so my mouth rarely gets me into trouble.
My biggest fear when I was in Japan was whether or not the next thing I did/say would offend someone, so I was always very careful-
at least until I got a better feel for how I should interact with my host and her friends and family. Really I think that 日本人 and Westerners have more similarities then differences, so if you use common sense it all works out.
Not all Westerners are loud mouthed lol, we can be polite as well.

4chan slang would make no sense unless you know the joke, so I won't reference any internet memes.
thanks. Skype chats would be fun, but of course it's an issue of that nasty time difference.

565:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 04:23:56
Magibon parody song: URLリンク(

566:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 04:41:49
I stayed a month; might go back next summer as well. Yeah, it's pretty
much the same for me. Think before you speak, and your mouth will indeed
rarely lead you into trouble. Five minutes of reading customs that you
may not have known goes an incredibly long way, too.

Yeah, time difference can pose a problem. JST is usually a twelve
or thirteen hour time difference from where I live, depending on DST.
It's something that'd have to be planned beforehand, not a spur-of-the-moment

08/10/13 04:42:04
Don't you know Marx invented historical materialism and denied religion
saying "Religion is the opiate of the people"?
In communist world Christianity was under the control of communist party
and suppressed.
Nazi government didn't promote Christianity. It made compromise with
tradition and Christian Church had to show their alligiance to
nazi party.
One of ultimate aims of nazi party is to abolish Christianity.

08/10/13 04:45:39
I'm just noting something, without agenda:

Marx's statement about religion is often misinterpreted today.
He was saying that religion wasn't a problem, but a symptom of the
real problem. Only after getting rid of that main problem could
you get rid of religion.

It's too bad that the communist governments also missed this.

08/10/13 04:51:04
What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, selfishness

Wow, from Marx's own words... He was genius. Goebbels was

08/10/13 04:51:48
That must've been kind of a silly question to ask I guess, I feel retarded now...
It can't be something you'd just pick up during a short stay in Japan.
Anyway, I was just impressed by the level of your consideration and
insight that I imagined should have helped you easily assimilate into
a rather exclusive community, like Japanese highschools, judging by
your posts in the past few days, because it's not a random attribute that
everyone can attain overnight or naturally comes with. Very cool.

08/10/13 04:55:59
Have you ever lived overseas?
You are good English speaker, I guess.

08/10/13 05:00:25
Please answer my question, native English speakers!!
What 3x5's exactly mean?

573:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 05:01:21
Yes I do. I was commenting more on the confusing English. I know my history so Nazi fascism and Marxist communism aren't unfamiliar to me.
In theory communism is a good idea, the problem is it holds people to a very high standard and also requires the entire world to embrace the ideology.
I don't think fascism however, is ever a good idea. One shouldn't confuse it with nationalism which probably has some merits in times of extraordinary circumstances.

08/10/13 05:10:39
The reason that I ask this question is because there was a song named "3X5" by John Mayer.
Then there're lyrics saying "No more 3x5's" in the song.
What does this mean?

575:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 05:18:13
3x5 = 3 inches by 5 inches, which are the dimensions for a standard notecard.
As for the meaning in the song, that puzzles me. It could be he's referring to photographs...
yea I don't claim I know the subtleties of Japanese society, but I tried to pay attention for the short time I was there. At least I got a taste of Japan.

576:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 05:25:44
Apparently Skype now supports 25 person conference calls so that would be an option.
However, the host needs to have each person's screen name to invite them into the call.
I don't know if people would be comfortable posting that information here. Well we should keep it in mind for the future.

08/10/13 05:27:29
Oh I see!
Thanks so much!!

08/10/13 05:39:38
Didn't think you guys try to follow English grammar so that we English learners
don't get cufused. Tnank you for your concerns and I feel the same way
when I have to write something in Japanese to Japanese learners overseas.
I try to follow grammar and avoid too coloquial style so that they
don't get confused when they read my Japanese.

As a kind of advanced English learners, I don't think I have any troubles
understanding your English when you write the way you write to your buddies in English.
I sort of have reached a stage where I can learn from any types of English,
even if colloquial or not.

They stop providing the Skype Cast service? Didn't know that.

08/10/13 05:57:04
I meant to write, I imagined it did help you assimilate into your schoolmates.
Anyway, it's good to hear you enjoyed your homestay.

580:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 06:11:14
You're quite welcome.

Hm. Perhaps if we had them mail their Skype information instead of posting
it here?

08/10/13 06:48:15
If people are worried about their personal Skype information, I
could build a small-scale web-based voicechat application, capable
of supporting around 20 people simultaneously. Participants would
be able to stream at up to 512kbps, so there'd be very little loss
of quality...

08/10/13 06:56:05
When you say web-based, you don't need to install the application
in your PC?

What does it take to use the application and chat with all participants?
You get access to a certain URL that イギリス人 makes and people
who wants to participate in chatting go to the URL with mic incerted
in PC? That's all?

Will Nanako SOS guy join the chat?

583:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 07:10:21
That's an idea.

08/10/13 07:15:35
That's exactly what I mean - it would run from your browser,
and you would be able to use it as long as you have Flash Player
installed, as well as a microphone.

As for your last question... well... I'm trying to think of
a way to control who can join, yet keep it completely anonymous.
All I can think of so far is to allow anyone to join, but allow
users to locally mute users they don't wish to hear.

585:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 07:25:14
That'd be pretty impressive Briton, but I thought of another idea (which would require less work on your end).
The person hosting the Skype call is the only one that needs the person's name.
If the host just posts his/her Skype name then anyone interested can just message them asking for an invite.
Of course, once in the call people can see each others names, but at least you don't have to add them to your contacts.

Lets see how many people are interested, specifically the Japanese posters here. Maybe someone could write a post in Japanese as well asking about interest?

586:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 07:33:52
Who here has enough upstream bandwidth to be able to host 20 users, though?

(Supposing we get that many at any point in time)

08/10/13 07:40:26
Ah, Flash Player is needed, too, but chances are most PC users have it
installed even when their PCs are on a store's shelf.
If イギリス人 doesn't feel bothered and he wants to practice making such
a software for him to improve Software making skill or anything, イギリス人's
idea sounds good but アメリカ人's idea is good.

I wonder how many Japanese here'll join. I think it is better to set
up a date which falls in to weekends or national holidays.

08/10/13 07:44:03
I have a shared license for Flash Media Server, hosted on a server
with a 10 megabit upstream connection - allowing for 512kbps for
each user if all users transmitted simultaneously - more than enough
for our requirements.

Of course, that's with the custom application solution. If it's Skype-
based, I hear that Japan tops the charts for highest speed broadband, at
a national average of 93Mbps.

589:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 08:12:23
Quite true; even the internet cafes I visited in Tokyo were pretty quick.

590:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 09:08:35
Gaijin Invasion! URLリンク(

591:うんこ ◆2bmoujqRHk
08/10/13 10:01:06

592:うんこ ◆2bmoujqRHk
08/10/13 10:05:53
This is my first time to use a trip code. I followed >>556.
And I'll leave soon after like legendary superstars like vanilla ice.

08/10/13 10:09:54
It's funny, I think your casual version is actually easier for us to understand than
your "English learner friendly" version.

WHo are you?

594:うんこ ◆2bmoujqRHk
08/10/13 10:46:29
I wrote countless times by anonym, 名無しさん.
Now I vanish.

08/10/13 11:07:20
No Unko, please come back. I like your smell and cuddliness.

08/10/13 12:50:02
i prefer wet socks

08/10/13 13:29:42
I wish I could smell and cuddle people over the Internet.

That sounded odd.

598:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
08/10/13 14:19:25
giving a shout out to URLリンク(
It's a social news networking site for anything related to Japan.
I imagine it'd be pretty funny for 日本人 to see what us Westerners are interested in regarding Japan lol.

599:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 14:47:05
It was intended to be. I basically just simplified what I had said before.
My normal posts are how I usually write amongst people I do not know,
utilizing higher-level English skills. A lot of people here appear to
be on an appropriate level, so I didn't think to simplify things very
much in the hopes that conversing with one who knows English well would
help them with their studies. It seems like some here would rather the
simplified version, however, so I'm going to try to make an effort to
vary any complexities in my writing here as to try and net both crowds,
so to speak.


600:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/13 14:55:32
And I'm sure it'd be pretty funny for us to see what the Japanese are interested in regarding America.

601:Ether ◆4p9idX66UM
08/10/13 15:10:43

08/10/13 15:24:03
Umm, it seems to be a rather ordinary website.. What's funny?

08/10/13 15:57:19
I think we could have someone who can chat in Middle English as well.
It'd be fun.

604:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/13 16:09:02
It's not the website itself that's funny, but its content. Well, maybe funny isn't the right word. It's amusing, at least to other Americans.

Middle English?

08/10/13 16:30:18
>Saying someone is a "half-breed" is offensive.

Boo-hoo! Half-breed niggers can leave the western world.

08/10/13 16:47:35
Does "website" only mean its design etc and not its content?

607:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/13 16:59:35
I meant 'website' as in the website's goal or purpose. Sorry for being ambiguous there.

08/10/13 18:43:35

08/10/13 20:57:02
Something with big power is coming... and it's not Jesus

08/10/13 21:45:54
    ∧_∧     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
__( ;´Д`)__< Please stay with me!!!
|  〃( つ つ   |  \_______
|\ ⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒\
|  \           \
\  |⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒ |
  \ |_______|

08/10/13 21:57:19
I have to go.

08/10/13 22:03:23
I'm Tokyo-born Hiphop-bred, baddish guys are mostly my friends

08/10/13 23:08:10
The social bookmark site is dubious in a way because photos of girls
there for matci-making or making penpals seems the ones picked up soewhere
on the Net randomely, not the ones female subscribers of the match making site registered.
I guess in reality, few girls has joined match-making site if any.

URLリンク( Maybe tThis site is better.

08/10/13 23:17:41


08/10/14 00:15:27
I'm always confused when I'm going to write something in(by?) English.
so、it takes much time to finish writing the sentence
can you make english seutences easily?

08/10/14 00:18:06
There're no secrets behind being able to write good English.
All you have to do is just write, write and write!

I think I've written 100 times as much English as you.

08/10/14 00:26:04
I fear making mistakes.
it keeps me from writing in english,I think.
I'm so nervous and fragile.
but,what you said must be right,probably

08/10/14 00:35:03
>>612 Are you ZEEBRA arent you?

619:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/14 00:37:06
Yes, write, write, and write!
Write here!
No one who are good people mind about your errors of English.
Converse here by writing.
Good people will respond you.
Reading our responses, you will learn how to write gradually.
Language is just for communication of our brothehood.
I am right, am I not, everyone?

08/10/14 00:40:43
Im tired of you!!!

08/10/14 01:00:26
I heard the huge space ship named ¨ohaio¨would come to the earth today in オカルト板andニュー速.
If it is true, something horrible would happen.

622:semp ◆8rOg85/Sq.
08/10/14 01:01:39
Practice makes perfect. It's going to be difficult to write in a foreign language, but the more you keep at it, the better you will get.

By the way, you got it right: write something in English, not write something by English.

623:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk
08/10/14 01:09:51
suck everybody's soul!
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall off the cliff
lower, lower, lower
roll,roll, roll down the cave
deeper, deeper, deeper dooooooooooooooown
utter darkness waits you there with no returning!!!!!
