08/07/11 20:16:33
----------- July 19, 1951. -----------
FRUS 1951 volume6 page 1202&1203
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Officer in Change of Korean Affairs in the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Emmons)
[Washington,] July 19, 1951.
Subject: Japanese Peace Treaty
Participants: Dr. Yu Chan Yang, Korean Ambassador
Mr. Pyo Wook Han, First Secretary,Korean Embassy
Ambassador John Foster Dulles
Mr. Arthur B. Emmons, 3rd., Officer in Charge, Korean Affairs
The Korean Ambassador called upon Mr. Dulles at 2 o`clock this afternoon by prior appointment. In opening the conversation
Dr. Yang presented Mr. Dulles with a note addressd to the Secretary (copy attached) raising certain points which the Korean
Govenment wished to have considered for incorporation in the Japanese peace treaty.(omit)