08/10/08 23:36:07
①At 5 P.M. on that winter afternoon she had an appointment with Dr.Bentsen,
formerly her psychoalalyst and currently her lover.
When their relationship changed from the emotional to the analytical,
②he insisted, for ethical crounds, that she cease to be his patient.
Not that it mattered. He had not been of much help as an analyst, and as a lover
--- well, once she had watched him running to catch a bus, ---
③he was two hundred and twenty pounds shortish, hip-heavy, myopic Manhattan Intellectual,
and she had laughed: How was it possible that she could love so ill-humoured a man like Ezra Bentsen?
The answer was she ( A ); in fact she disliked him.
④But at least she didn't associate him with resignation and despair.
She feared her husband; she was not afraid of DrBentsen. Still, it was her husband she loved.
( A )に適切な語をいれよ。