08/03/30 13:02:23
①Last week formidable units of the Japanese Army & Air Force moved upon Jehol
from Mukden and the Chinese Press screeched, "Invasion!" Meanwhile at Tokyo
the bespectacled Son-of-Heaven addressed a little homily on sheep-raising
to the Governors of Japanese provinces. Referring to Japan's huge imports of wool
from Australia, His Majesty ventured to suggest that "Japanese themselves should
grow more sheep." He also spoke highly of growing apples.
②Despite RID's ominous undertones of A Clockwork Orange, most inmates speak highly of the program.
"I feel better about myself than I have since I was in the service," says Russell Thomason, 22,
who entered Parchman after violating probation on a drug charge.
*RID=the Regimented Inmate Discipline program
(Welcome to Parchman's "boot camp" prison. Officially known
as the Regimented Inmate Discipline program, it is a paramilitary project
designed to discourage young, first-time felons from pursuing a life of crime.)
どちらにせよ、speak highly ofの後には、「人」以外の語(句)もくるようだ。
>speak highly ofの目的語は「人」のみ