ルー大柴の英語at ENGLISH
ルー大柴の英語 - 暇つぶし2ch90:名無しさん@英語勉強中
08/10/13 16:47:47
Getting married to men younger than themselves is popular among working women these days.
The reason they give is that younger men are naive, not haughty, and willing to help with housework.
Marrying someone younger than themselves is a new trend among working women these days.
Some of the reasons they give are that younger men are naive, not high-handed, and willingly help with the housework.
Recently there is a new trend among working women to marry men younger than they are.
The reasons vary, but most of them feel that younger men are naive and willing to help with the housework, without being authoritarians.

08/10/13 18:49:35
The number of foreigners speaking good Japanese has markedly increased. This is a good thing for the
Japanese, who are not good at speaking foreign languages. On the other hand, we wonder whether there
are problems with our methods of foreign language teaching.
A growing number of foreigners speak Japanese fluently these days. The Japanese, who are usually poor
speakers of foreign languages, are grateful for this, but at the same time, it makes us wonder if there is
something wrong with the way we teach foreign languages.
A growing number of foreigners speak Japanese fluently these days. This should be welcomed by the
Japanese, who typically have trouble communicating in a foreign language. At the same time, this also
raises the question of whether foreign languages are being taught properly in Japan.
The number of foreigners who are fluent in Japanese has remarkably increased. This must be welcome
to the Japanese, who are notoriously poor speakers of foreign languages. On the other hand, however, it
also brings up the question of whether our methods of foreign language instruction are what they should be.

08/10/13 19:04:40
At the beginning of her book ‘Kitchen’, Banana Yoshimoto writes “I think I like the kitchen better than
any other place in the world.” This one word ‘Kitchen’ makes me feel that this woman writer has begun to
talk about life from a completely new point of view.
Yoshimoto Banana begins her book ‘Kitchen’ with the words, “I think the place I like best in all the world
is the kitchen.” This one word ‘kitchen’ makes me feel that this woman novelist has started talking about
life from an entirely new standpoint.
Yoshimoto Banana starts her book ‘Kitchen’ by saying, “I think the kitchen is my favorite place in the
world.” This one word ‘kitchen’ makes me feel that this woman author has started to talk about life from a
whole new point of view.
“I think the place I like best in all the world is the kitchen,” writes Yoshimoto Banana at the beginning of
her book ‘Kitchen’. With this one word ‘kitchen’, this woman writer gives the impression that she has
started to talk about life from a completely new angle.

08/10/14 20:00:53
Today not only doctors but also ordinary people know that smoking is bad for the health. But it is very difficult
for nicotine addicts to stop smoking. Even doctors don’t fully realize that such people need treatment.
These days it is common knowledge not only among doctors but also among the general public that cigarettes are harmful
to the health. However, it is quite difficult for people addicted to nicotine to give up smoking. Even doctors don’t
fully understand that such people need medical help.
Nowadays it is generally accepted not only by doctors but also by ordinary people that cigarettes are bad for the health.
However, for a nicotine addict giving up smoking is far from easy. Even doctors are nor properly aware of the fact that
such people need medical help.
Today it is well known to everyone, both doctors and laymen, that smoking is harmful to the health. However, it is
quite difficult for a nicotine addict to give up smoking. Even doctors still lack proper understanding of the fact
that such people need medical treatment.

08/10/14 20:02:41
Making a movie from a great work of literature often results in failure. We can say that literature is in a sense greater than movies, because it creates in the imaginary world what we can’t see or photograph in the real world.
More often than not, the attempt to make a film of a great work of literature ends in failure. We can say that literature is in a sense grater than movies, because it creates in the imagination what can’t be seen or photographed in the real world.
Making a great literary work into a movie often results in failure. In a sense, that means a victory for literature over movies. This is because literature creates in the imaginary world what in reality can’t be seen or filmed.

08/10/15 11:36:50
A junior high school teacher said on television: “There is not much difference between children who pick
on others and those who are picked on. Most children could fall to either side. Many children are secretly
afraid that they will be bullied.”
A junior high school teacher said in a television program that there was no big difference between children
who bullied others and those who were bullied. Most children could be on either side. At heart many children
are afraid that they might be bullied.
A junior high school teacher said on television: “There is no great difference between children
who bully others and their victims. Most children could find themselves in either position. In their heart,
many children are afraid that they might end up the victims of bullying themselves.”
A junior high school teacher said on television that there was not much difference between the bullies and
the bullied. Most children could be both bullies and bullied. Deep down, many children are afraid that
they might be the targets of bullying.

08/10/15 11:38:44
At elementary schools in New York, sports days begin with the words, “Let’s have a good time!”
However, at sports days for Japanese elementary school children in New York, they begin with the announcement,
“Let’s try our best so we won’t disappoint our guests!” We Japanese tend to try as hard as possible
even when we are playing.
At elementary schools in New York, field days start with the words, “Now, let’s have fun!”
However, at Japanese schools in New York, they begin field days with the announcement,
“Let’s try our best so we can come up to our guests’ expectations!”
We Japanese like to try our hardest even when we are playing.
In New York elementary schools, Sports Days start with the words, “Let’s enjoy ourselves!”
However, Sports Days held for Japanese children in New York begin with the announcement,
“Let’s do our best, so that we don’t shame ourselves in front of our guests.”
Even at play we Japanese maintain a serious streak.

08/10/17 22:27:00
These days more and more Japanese people are traveling abroad.
The number of cars in this town is increasing.
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing year by year.
These days fewer and fewer Japanese people are traveling abroad.
The number of cars in this town is decreasing.
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is decreasing year by year.
I’m looking for an American to teach me English.
Tom was the first to come.
Tom was the last to come.
In those days not many people had TVs, but these days a lot of households have more than one.
I’ve only recently started to learn French.
These days more and more students are going abroad to learn English.
Nowadays the number of students learning English abroad is increasing.

08/10/17 22:29:28
Few people attended the meeting yesterday.
Very few people attended the meeting yesterday.
Only a few people attended the meeting yesterday.
Not many people attended the meeting yesterday.
A few people attended the meeting yesterday.
Very few of the women questioned blamed their husbands’ violence on alcohol.
go to by car drive to
go to on foot walk to
go to by plane fly to
by car in my car
in the morning tomorrow morning yesterday morning
My room is on the ninth floor of this hotel.
There are twenty rooms on the ninth floor of this hotel.
There are many people on the street.
Cars are numerous. Cars are rare.
The other day I drove to Lake Biwa. Probably because it was Sunday morning, there were very few cars on the road.
I drove to Lake Biwa the other day. There were not many cars on the road, probably because it was Sunday morning.

08/10/17 22:50:44
A lot of people complain that prices are too high.
There are many people who complain that prices are too high.
Some people say that the earth is getting warmer and warmer.
There are some people who say that the earth is getting warmer and warmer.
Most people want to be happy.
most Americans most of his books
It is a pity that young people today don’t take much interest in their own culture.
It is regrettable that young people today don’t take much interest in their own culture.
It’s a shame that young people today don’t take much interest in their own culture.
Unfortunately young people today don’t take much interest in their own culture.
Some people mistakenly believe that Japanese are a homogeneous people.
Some people are under the illusion that Japanese are a homogeneous people.
Only if you come first will you get the money.
It is a pity that many people still mistakenly believe that as long as they speak English, they can be international-minded.
Unfortunately, a lot of people still believe that they have only to speak English to be international-minded. However, they are wrong.

08/10/17 23:03:27
Anyone who wants to accomplish something must make an effort.
Those who are lazy will not succeed.
If you want to accomplish something, you must make an effort.
Someone who wanted to meet you came here.
You should look at this problem from a global point of view.
from a different angle in a different way from a different perspective from a different viewpoint
Babies need a lot of sleep, and this is also particularly true of newborn babies.
Those who have intellectual jobs sometimes need to look at things from a different point of view. This also applies to young people who are going to be doctors, engineers, or pharmacists.
If you have an intellectual job, you sometimes have to look at things in a different way. This is also the case with young people who want to have jobs in fields such as medicine, engineering, or pharmacy.

08/10/17 23:23:54
These days you can buy almost anything from vending machines.
You shouldn’t talk to people with sunglasses on.
We don’t have the right to destroy the earth.
We now know that neither the atoms nor the protons and neutrons within them are indivisible.
city life urban life life in cities country life rural life life in the country life in Tokyo in daily life in our daily lives
lead a happy life lead a miserable life lead a monotonous life
preserve nature protect nature be in harmony with nature damage nature destroy nature the natural environment
relieve the boredom of long car journeys relieve the anxiety of the inhabitants
In modern life, you often have a lot of stress. In order to relieve it, you should try to get some exercise, listen to music, or spend time outdoors.
These days people often feel stressed. They should reduce it by getting some exercise, listening to their favorite music, or spending time in the mountains or on beaches.

08/10/21 05:00:09
One of the purposes of a college education is to create people who can think on their own.
One of my pleasures on holidays is fishing in the nearby river.
The trouble with you is that you don’t listen to other people.
All you have to do is (to) keep quiet.
Tom never tells lies.
write with a pencil in pencil write by hand write with one’s left hand write on a word processor
write on the word processor look at with the naked eye walk with bare feet walk barefoot
I don’t like to write letters by using the computer.
You should be a little more considerate of young people’s feelings.
I can’t just move abroad. I have to consider my family.
The essence of humor is not so much to tell stupid jokes and make people laugh as to love and be considerate of them.
When you try to be humorous, what you should remember is not to make people laugh by telling silly jokes, but to show love and consideration toward them.

08/10/21 05:12:19
I suddenly realized that I was walking in the wrong direction.
Tom told me that he had lived in China for two years.
It never occurred to me that my remark might please her.
I crossed my fingers during the race so that my son would win.
I asked Tom if anybody had called me while I was out.
I want to know what the new teacher is like.
I don’t know what it is like to live in the country.
I don’t know how Tom is.
My three-year-old son is interested in almost everything and always asks me a lot of questions. Just the other day he wanted to know what an angel looked like, and I was as a loss for an answer.
My son, who is three years old, is curious about almost all things, and he always asks me a lot of questions. Just the other day, when he asked me what an angel looked like, I was at a loss what to say.

08/10/21 05:24:24
Prices have gone up by fifty percent in the last ten years.
Prices have gone up by fifty percent over the last ten years.
I’ve lived in the suburbs of Kyoto for ten years.
I’ve been riding this French bicycle for more than 10 years.
There have been five major earthquakes in this area in the last ten years.
My father is a lawyer (by profession).
We are so used to traditional buildings around us that we often take them for granted. However, we must remember that many people have been making great efforts to preserve them for a long time.
Since we are used to cultural heritage around us, we naturally expect to enjoy seeing it. However, we shouldn’t forget that many people have been working hard to preserve it for many years.

08/10/21 05:36:02
Yesterday I bought the book I had long wanted to get.
Yesterday I couldn’t buy the book Tom had recommended.
When I was young, I could swim across the river.
I don’t know how I’m going to get Susan to give up smoking, but I’m going to do it somehow.
Somehow they managed to climb in through the bathroom window.
I asked my boss to let me take a few days off in September. He didn’t seem to like the idea, but I managed to persuade him.
I went to my boss and told him that I wanted to take a vacation in September. He didn’t approve at first, but I finally succeeded in changing his mind.

08/10/21 05:46:43
Yesterday Tom went to the bank to get some money.
I worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.
We just play poker for fun, not for money.
S is used for doing
Tom tried to get another job, but he had no luck.
I tried making a Spanish dish for the first time. It was delicious.
You should make an effort to be polite to others.
my cherished memories my cherished dreams my cherished possession
In order to preserve nature, each of us must always make as much effort as possible to take good care of the flowers, threes and animals around us.
To protect nature, everyone should try to look after all living things he or she sees in daily life.
