ルー大柴の英語at ENGLISH
ルー大柴の英語 - 暇つぶし2ch87:名無しさん@英語勉強中
08/10/10 22:07:23
When I write a paper, I try not to use the words “always” and “everyone” if possible. When I do use them, I think carefully and consider whether or not they are really suitable.
When I write a thesis, I try to avoid using the words ‘always’ and ‘everyone’ if I can help it. When I do use them, I think carefully and make sure that there is absolutely no mistake.
When I write a paper, I make it a rule not to use the words “always” and “everyone” if I can help it. When I do use them, I give the matter careful consideration and make sure that there is absolutely no mistake.
When I write a paper, I make every effort to avoid using the words ‘always’ and ‘everybody’ if possible. If I do use them, I think things over carefully and consider whether they are really suitable or not.

These days there are all kinds of manuals and handbooks everywhere. On the other hand, the number of young people who do nothing or don’t know what to do unless they are told to is increasing.
Today there are manuals and how-to books about everything all around us. At the same time, young people who don’t do anything or don’t know what to do unless told to are increasing in number.
Nowadays there are various sorts of manuals and handbooks everywhere. On the other hand, there is a growing number of young people who do nothing or don’t know what to do unless they are given instructions.
These days there are manuals and how-to books of every kind available all round us. At the same time, there are more and more young people who don’t do anything or don’t know what to do unless told to.

08/10/12 14:44:41
と ブログに記事を書いたのです(よろしかったら遊びにきてね)
でも どうも「ルー語」のようなのですね

08/10/13 16:43:23
Up to now, human beings have lived in harmony with the forests, but the situation is changing rapidly.
In fact, as more and more forests are disappearing from the earth, the climate is being seriously affected,
and more and more people are facing starvation.
Humans have lived in harmony with the forests so far, but things are changing rapidly.
As more and more forest land disappears from the face of the earth, more and more people face starvation
as a result of the serious changes in the climate.
Up until now, humankind has coexisted peacefully with the forests, but now the situation
is undergoing rapid change. The fact is that as more forests disappear from the earth,
the climate is being seriously affected, exposing more and more people to starvation.

08/10/13 16:47:47
Getting married to men younger than themselves is popular among working women these days.
The reason they give is that younger men are naive, not haughty, and willing to help with housework.
Marrying someone younger than themselves is a new trend among working women these days.
Some of the reasons they give are that younger men are naive, not high-handed, and willingly help with the housework.
Recently there is a new trend among working women to marry men younger than they are.
The reasons vary, but most of them feel that younger men are naive and willing to help with the housework, without being authoritarians.
