Debate in English (英語で討論)at ENGLISH
Debate in English (英語で討論) - 暇つぶし2ch151:名無しさん@英語勉強中
05/07/13 17:15:04
many idols have a singing career too. even yuko ogura! and they starring in movies
and TV dramas.

but in west there are a lot of fashion models who does nothing. what do you
think about it? and have a tons of fans!
as for me
I think fashion models is the people with a lot of skill in desing and with
very good taste, but they use their skill on themself. turning themselfs into
some kind of art.

05/07/13 17:15:28
Do you know?
They decided baseball is not chosen in the 2012 olympic,
because it's not popular. Only a few countries such as
America like it. Most people like succer better.LOL

05/07/13 17:16:43
137: I'm not angry, but if you don't understand the real useage of swear words I can understand why you would misconstrue it that way

05/07/13 17:17:30
it's impossible to tell. but its possible to know that in the world there are
a lot of diffrent people who will never understand each other

05/07/13 17:18:54
MLB is boring but JLB is interesting.
I guess it's because players in JLB has greater skills
and get people enchanted. MLB should work hard and find good

05/07/13 17:18:56
Rosa Kato is beautiful enough to get along with EU-USA movie market I bet.

05/07/13 17:21:00
I don't know the suitable word burikko in English

05/07/13 17:21:06
I forget to tell you this.
Only Ichiro is superb. He hit 262 hits last year.
No one but himself can break the record.

159:Urban Predator
05/07/13 17:21:18
One dictionary close at my hand difines the term "unique" as:

being the only one of its kind; having no like, equal or parallel.

Well then, what is not unique about Japan?"

05/07/13 17:21:24
ryoko hirosue is already played a role in a popular EU movie

05/07/13 17:21:27
142: By saying that Westerners don't understand Asian cultures you are actually implying that they are unique.
Anyway, it sees to me that it is more of a national obsession of Japanese people to try and constantly define who they are by making endless comparisons with other countries.
The term 我々日本人。。。is often used to try and portray some homogenised version of Japanese culture or 'Japanese perspective', but the reality is that there is a lot more cultural diversity in Japan
than most Japanese people are aware of.

05/07/13 17:22:06

05/07/13 17:22:24
No Yuko released a single that displayed her horrible singing voice
in the hopes the all her creepy fans would buy it. That is not a
singing career. And yes some of them are allowed to act, not because
they have talent because of what they look like and how many fans they
already have, in most cases.

Fashion models in America usually only have fans once they become
"super models." I don't know how they do that. A fashion models job
is showcase a designer and like you said turn themselves into art in a sense,
that is a little different from standing around in a
bikini or smiling when told to. But they sort of similar i guess.

My real point is that in America we don't have the concept or idea of
idols like Japan does. We have plenty of models who are photographed in
bikinis and smile but we just call them models and no one knows who
they are unless they somehow get an acting or singing job. The we either
call them singers or actresses.

05/07/13 17:22:28
RH is more slut than yukorin! She should stay outside TV!

05/07/13 17:23:15
i think burikko is 'child woman'

05/07/13 17:23:45
>>161:the reality is that there is a lot more cultural diversity in Japan
than most Japanese people are aware of.

What's that?

05/07/13 17:25:53
The question is not whether or not there are some unique aspects of Japanese culture, the question is why this issue is always on Japanese peoples minds?
Why is there always this need to try and distinguish ourselves from other countries. It is definetely strange for foreigners when Japanese are always trying to emphasise their uniqueness.

05/07/13 17:26:05
Even idol nerds have the right to live in Japan.
They are happy. When do you think they die out?
I guess it's so soon that you can see them disapper.

05/07/13 17:27:58
idol nerds in Japan devote to economy in a way I bet.
Fukakyon and yukorin are similar stupid idol with no so pretty

05/07/13 17:28:05
It's because some foreigners often points out some differences
between them. It's all your fault, moron.

05/07/13 17:30:32
well i dont know.
but in west(not only west, in the whole world)
there are a lot of talent-less popstars who can't do anything
and the whole concept of popstars is the making money. same for idols.
so I dont see very big difference.

05/07/13 17:31:23
She was my favorite years and years ago.

05/07/13 17:31:30
Zani-zu is completely idiot company which sell out Yamato spirits

05/07/13 17:31:43
well you have large resident korean populations,
and chinese and Brailizians. Many Okinawians dont feel that
they are really Japanese, but yet they are a part of Japan.

Plus many statements that try explain Japan as unique make it
sound like all Japanese think and act the same. If this was true
there would be no freeters or NEETs, etc.

05/07/13 17:32:35
what makes you think >>167 is foreign?

05/07/13 17:32:49
170: Yeah right! Most foreigners couldn't care less about Japan. I want you to go to an average bookshop in Japan and look at the huge number of books there are on theories of Japanese people or cultural uniqueness.日本人論・日本文化論
Most countries aren't this obsessed with trying to 'create' their identity and uniqueness.

05/07/13 17:33:36
You are idiots!!!!!!!!!!

05/07/13 17:33:36


05/07/13 17:34:52
americans seem to the same though. don't they say things like
"the american way" and what not?

05/07/13 17:37:25
You need to study anthropology.

05/07/13 17:38:40

05/07/13 17:39:09
179: Yes, but this American way can be applied to anybody regardless of ethnicity. Japan's conceptions of homogeniety are more often than not based in theories of biological determinism.
There is an ideology in Japan that conveniently uses the myth of a Japanese 'race' to create a country of people that are obedient and easily manipulated.

05/07/13 17:39:52
So, let's go back to idols.
Yukorin is the icon of idols in Japan. No doubt about it.
She is cute but couldn't do anything special. But that
makes Japanese males feel superior and so she's popular.
The less wise, the better.

05/07/13 17:40:15
so i take it you're not japanese

05/07/13 17:40:32
180; You need to study debating.

05/07/13 17:41:22
fuck you!
just when this thread was becoming interesting you want to go
talk to stupid idol talk?

go wank off to you yukorin dvd

05/07/13 17:44:27
183: Yes, I strongly agree with you. But what I have in mind is if a cute girl
is talented, she couldn't make it as an idol. Britney sure is not wise and behaves
herself, though. Maybe it's true everywhere idols' popularity depends on
only cuteness.

05/07/13 17:45:17
186: A ha ha! Well done! 184: What makes you think that? It's possible to be Japanese and objective/ critical at the same time isn't it?

05/07/13 17:46:59
yes it is possible, but rare. we don't question such ideas
that often

05/07/13 17:47:27

i dont think Britney Spears is not talent. not talent girl just can't made herself a
pop star.

05/07/13 17:47:31
184: No, I'm not. I like to know about Japanese pop-idols more than anything.
Could you tell me who's the hottest in Japan now? In truth, though, I don't take
it seriously that Yukorin is most popular among japanese males.

05/07/13 17:47:47
Seriously, you guys talking about fucking idols all day need to get real girlfriends that you can satisfy!

05/07/13 17:50:12
190: Do you also believe Britney Spears cuts the cheese and it smells like
rotten fish?

05/07/13 17:50:58
why not? She got pregnant so I bet she farts too

05/07/13 17:51:05
189: Yes that is true and it further confirms what I was saying about Japanese people.
Too often we tend not to question things but I have my doubts about this authoritarian aspect of Japanese culture.

05/07/13 17:51:32
what? listen dude. no talened guy can become rich. but she is rich.
she is not artist of course. but she have amazing career.

05/07/13 17:51:50
192: I thought you said you loved Yamazaki Mami.

05/07/13 17:55:13
196: She is rich because she is a good singer and very sexy. If you don't call it a talent,
what do you call it?

05/07/13 17:55:43
You cunts are really fucked up ay.Even more than I thought. No wonder Japanese guys aren't very attractive overseas

05/07/13 17:58:46
195: Just because you are jelous of Britney becoming rich and happy doesn't mean
you can call her a name. I hate it when people are talking behind her back.

05/07/13 18:01:43
200: Ha ha. You truly are a fucking friek aren't you? Britney is a fat, ugly bitch with bad acne now so her sexy days are over.
By the way, don't forget to take the Gerbil out of your arse!

05/07/13 18:02:18
199: nowhere in the world are American males popular, I'm sorry. They're

05/07/13 18:06:35
202: Check out the metropolis magazine in Japan. There are heaps of Japanese girls looking for American men. Especially army types.
Personally I think that a Japanese man is more likely to commit domestic violence or force his wife to have sex....that is in the case he doesn't go to soapland

05/07/13 18:08:23
201: Rudeness is your nickname. Anti Britney maniacs loves to speak badly
but actually they are too disappointed to know she got pregnant, to distinguish
vice from virtue. If you once loved her, you shouldn't betray her.

05/07/13 18:09:51
203: Both of them aren't worth living in the world.

05/07/13 18:11:36
britney have more money than you. money is the judge. if you dont have money
just shut up looser (i dont care about britney, but it's universal rule)

05/07/13 18:17:20
Breaking News!

Let's talk about idols and actresses

05/07/13 18:19:01
i think when foreigner(especially american english teacher) come to japan
all they want is to see some kind of US filial in japan, but japan is japan
and all they can do is write stupid messages in their uninteresting blogs,
taking tasteless boring photos of japan and all crap like that!

05/07/13 18:23:09
What is filial? Why do you have the right to judge their photos as boring?
The most stupid thing I've ever seen is Japanese tourists on a group tour only get out of the bus
to take photos all at the same time just cos the guide told them too.
Anyway, that's a bit of th topic. Please continue

05/07/13 18:24:34
205: No, they are not. Only idols are worth living. Imagine the world where
you come across only idols everywhere. Isn't it superb?

05/07/13 18:26:25
go to the idol thread, asshole!

05/07/13 18:27:11
210: Fuck off! Take you deluded sexual frustration somewhere else!

05/07/13 18:27:51
their photos are boring because they dont know anything about desing and dont have
any taste. they are just boring english teachers. how can english teacher can be
creative? no way he can.
they want to see things in japan in US ways only. they can't accept japanese way.
all i want to say is that I respect USA (and if i come to USA someday i will never
complane about how US is wrong and incorrect), so I want those english teachers
do the same.

05/07/13 18:28:54
I'll quit talking about idols in this thread. Instead, I'll keep
bringing up girls. What they like and dislike, how to talk or something
like that. These must be mysterious to males. So I'll answer your questions.
Girls like to talk about male idols behind boys―boys that are cool, though.

05/07/13 18:31:13
What do you mean by 'male idols behind boys'??

05/07/13 18:31:30
If all of the English teachers in Japan thought like Japanese there would be nothing you could learn from each other.
If those teachers are just being ethnocentric and condascending I understand your feelings, but in my experience, foreigners often
help us notice things about ourselves that we had forgotten. One of my old teachers knew more about traditional Japanese culture than I did.

05/07/13 18:32:13
If you're ugly, girls won't take care whether you hear them talking
very badly about boys that're ugly. They ignore you. We girls are more
devoted to endearing ourselves to cool and cute guys.

05/07/13 18:33:31
215:talk behind boys about male idols. You need to learn English.

05/07/13 18:36:08
SMAP, as you know, is the best idol group in Japan, even in SK.
Kimu taku sure is known for his coolness in east Asia. He's cool.

05/07/13 18:38:50
Why is Kimura Takuya so popular?
He's very talented and acts very attractively and cool.
That's why girls love him. Even westerners living in Japan love him.

05/07/13 18:39:21
I dont like japanese pop music at all

05/07/13 18:40:42
But I like Japanese idols.

05/07/13 18:42:06
Idiot! I don't care about your likings!

05/07/13 18:44:19
>>222 like who?? oh congratulatins on getting 222!!

05/07/13 18:44:37
idiot!! i don't care about you dislikings!

05/07/13 18:45:21
Can I have a question?
Mr Shit hasn't come along? He's the epitomy of the Japanese male.
He's gentle, cool and kind to everyone. I like him a lot.
I said it very often.

Do you know when he usually appears in this thread?

05/07/13 18:46:12
koreans girls are most beautiful girls on the earth! you should know it by now

05/07/13 18:47:52
i didnt saw mr.shit....
How do you think he looks in real life? what kind of cloth he likes?

05/07/13 18:48:14
Tinen Rina's photo album was realeased, in which you can see her nude.

05/07/13 18:50:59
I bought old hiromix photobook. it's not idol photo. it's very nice photos.
she won a prestigious prize with it in 1995 or 1996. nobuyoshi araki said that
she is talented. i really like her photos

05/07/13 18:51:35
How I think? In my head, he looks younger than he really was, and
his face(cheek) must be somewhat gaunt but healthy, very cool.
He looks similar to Tamura Masakazu, maybe.

05/07/13 18:53:26
Because of surgical improvement?

05/07/13 18:56:09
Well, maybe his beard looks sexially very appealing to me...
Mr Shit is nice and hot.

05/07/13 18:57:40
not really

05/07/13 18:57:41
Please understand how much I love to meet him.
I love him more than Kimu Taku in a way.

05/07/13 18:58:43
how old is mr.shit? is he NEET? or hikikomori?

05/07/13 19:01:11
Oh, don't speak ill of him in front of me.
He should be 55 years or so. I find him so smart that he never
replies to any idiot like you... I must follow him in a way.

05/07/13 19:04:09
why 55years old guy are posting on this board???

05/07/13 19:05:14
I guess Mr shit has read as many books as he can and become
very knowledgeable, but the habit must've made his eyesight sort of
weak. I respect males with good knowledge on things around the world..
Girls often are enchanted with them...

05/07/13 19:06:34
Why can't 55 years sophisticated male post here??

05/07/13 19:06:59
I read a lot of books. murakami haruki for example

05/07/13 19:10:14
Ah, well, no, I didn't mean reading MH is good..

05/07/13 19:10:25
because sophisticated 55yo male can find a better things to do.
hell, even a normal 20yo guy dont post here

05/07/13 19:12:08
why you dislike murakami haruki?
who is good modern japanese writer?
I also like wataya risa

245:Urban Predator
05/07/13 19:13:06
May I propose another topic we can discuss about?(´・ω・`)

05/07/13 19:13:07
Which means you're not normal?

Well, anyway, whatever you say, Mr Shit is my king.

05/07/13 19:14:20
do you guys like wataya risa?

05/07/13 19:16:13
I dont judge people by their personalities. I dont care about it.
I only judge by their success, independent, money and talent.
which make me depressed sometimes. but i can't think otherwise

05/07/13 19:17:13
I didn't say I dislike him, but well, reading him means you want to
talk about him with girls. In my case, I don't want males fawning up to
girls. This is all my indivisual opinion. So things should change if you
talk with other girls. So don't worry too much.

05/07/13 19:20:23
I believe Mr Shit read books which is too difficult for me to
understand. It's very, say, musculine..

05/07/13 19:21:56
is liking dazai osamu abnormal?

05/07/13 19:23:07
If you mean Ningen sikkaku, I'd say yes...
Do you want to kill yourself?

05/07/13 19:27:02
I like ningen sikkaku, I like it a lot. but i dont want to kill myself

05/07/13 19:29:52
I bet mr.shit likes dazai osamu a lot. otherwise why he is calling himself
mr.SHIT ?

05/07/13 19:40:38
'I cannot think of the slightest reason why I should have to go on living.Only those who wish to go on living should.Just as a man has the right to live,he ought also have the right to die.'

I was died when I was 14 years old...

Is this the reality?

Who can help me to remember something?

'I have no room for hope.Good-bye.'

'In the last analysis my death is a natual one---man cannot live exclusively for principles.'

'I am,after all,an aristocrat.'

---Dazai Osamu,The Setting Sun

05/07/13 20:12:46
>>248 must be really cold-hearted person
do you think so?

05/07/14 03:13:02

"Should English be taught in elementary schools in Japan?"

05/07/14 09:12:33
Becky, as everyone know, speaks both English and Japanese because
her dad is English and mom Japanese. So it's more important to
get married to English speaking people if you really want your decendants
to speak it. By the way, Becky sure is very exotic and cheerful.
I like her a lot.

05/07/14 09:19:21
You are crazy...she resembles reptile I bet

05/07/14 10:36:23
and beckys english really doesnt seem that good. she said so her
self actually.

05/07/14 16:23:56
Yeah, I know she said so, but to the contrary her English skill is something.
I watched her interviewing an overseas singer on TV and of course she
talked fluently with him, so I guess she's reserved or so wise that she
tried to let Japanese people with no English skills feel releaved.
Becky knows a lot in Japan. If she says she's a good English speaker,
lots of the Japanese people will feel jelous and say something derogatory
to her... I'm very confident she's better than, say, at least, those
Japanese talents who appears on TV saying they can speak the language.
Don't you think so?

05/07/14 21:11:44
I agree. She speaks English better than most Japanese people.

05/07/14 21:45:15
I don't know nothing about Becky.
But the proposition seems to concern general public and non-native English speakers.
Of course if you have a native speaker of English as at least one parent,
you will be able to speak English much more fluently than others.
That is, however, not realistic for most Japanese.

I am in favor of the introduction of English to elemantary school children.
The younger you are, the more you can make yourself familiar with a foreign language,
especially with the pronunciation,
since the pronunciation of English is very difficult for Japanese.
Don't you think it much better to familiarize yourself with the English pronunciation
at as early a stage of learning as possible?

05/07/14 22:13:13
year. that's true.
p.s. I DOUN'T agree to get married with foreign people just because you want to
get language skill. it's crazy.

265:Urban Predator
05/07/15 06:56:27
I'm on the neutral ground.

I am no expert on English education so I can't say what is best for children concerning English education.
But I can say that the most important thing is not how early we give children English education,
but how we motivate them to learn the language.

05/07/15 10:01:23
>because you want to get language skill.
As long as ONLY language skills go, I wouldn't, either.But language is one reason.
Some people love to hang out with foreiners, Why is Becky half English? It's because
her mother love his father (of course, he's English). Language is not a goal.

05/07/15 19:08:21
I'd be happy to get married to Britney, though.

05/07/16 08:08:47
Let's get back to the subject.

I am going to be on the negative side.

I think earlier English education is not necessary.
As >>263 said, the early education would have an advantage of making children
familiar with English pronunciation. But, pronunciation is no more than an aspect
of the English language.

What you should be concerned about is what you present in English, not how you
speak English nor even who you get married with. We already have a lot of things
which we want our children to tell foreigners, such as Japanese technologies, history,
philosophy, artistic sense and you name it.
What do you want your children to tell foreigners in English?

05/07/17 01:01:29
Let all school boys & girls stay abroad for 1year. Make it compulsory.
then they can have good experience in short term. Cost by tax.

p.s. I don't understand 268's "negative side" well.

05/07/18 02:59:27
>>269 Wow. That's a novel idea. They would have good experience, surely.
But, I don't understand why it should be "compulsory."
What do you think good experience is, more specifically?

05/07/21 18:47:29
The 3rd Proposition:
Smoking in public should be prohibited by law.

State which side (pro or con) you stand and make your argument.

05/07/21 19:58:42
Okay. I'll take the con-side,
though it looks like my choice is wrong, because it has too weak a ground.

Smoking in public shouldn't be prohibited by law.

Smoking is one of the many habits or tastes which have been accepted in a lot of societies
for a very long time.
This fact makes smoking part of the culture which has allowed its members to do it.
Not only has it taken root in everyday life of ordinary people, but it has also been depicted
in a lot of pictures, novels and movies.
Prohibiting smoking in public by law will destroy such part of our culture.

Second, if we think it wrong and decide to prohibit it, what effect will the prohibition bring about?
See the famous Prohibition enacted and enforced in the United States in the 1920s.
The prohibition of smoking in public will have the same effect and cause some serious crimes,
perhaps even the rise of new maffia, which will make our life so dangerous and vulnerable.

Considering those grounds mentioned above, the prohibition of smoking in public is the wrong way.

05/07/21 23:02:53
> Smoking is one of the many habits or tastes which have been accepted in a lot of societies
> for a very long time.
> This fact makes smoking part of the culture which has allowed its members to do it.
> Not only has it taken root in everyday life of ordinary people, but it has also been depicted
> in a lot of pictures, novels and movies.
> Prohibiting smoking in public by law will destroy such part of our culture.

And what's wrong with that? What exactly harm will it cause?

> Second, if we think it wrong and decide to prohibit it, what effect will the prohibition bring about?
> See the famous Prohibition enacted and enforced in the United States in the 1920s.
> The prohibition of smoking in public will have the same effect and cause some serious crimes,
> perhaps even the rise of new maffia, which will make our life so dangerous and vulnerable.

I don't understand why ban on public smoking make people commit crimes.

We are not talking about total ban on tabacco.
You just can't smoke in restraunts but you can where smoking is allowed.
You know, more and more restraunts, office and public places are already prohibitting ban on tabacco.
I've never heard such measures are increasing crimes.
Did your office mate go mad and start to murder people only because your office started to ban public smoking?

05/07/21 23:08:22
> You know, more and more restraunts, office and public places are already prohibitting ban on tabacco.
You know, more and more restraunts, office and public places are already banning public smoking.

The new law will only increase the number of such places.

05/08/13 18:58:17
You guys are fucking idiots. Go commit group suicide while jacking each other off, you suicidal faggots.

05/09/24 15:07:36
I agree with myself.

05/09/24 15:15:27
As he said before, koji doesn't like to argue with those mates who
learn English, because he want them to calm down and have a chat with him
cheerfully. As for him, he keeps his peace of mind whatever happens such as
a big earthquake or tidal wave, though he has never experieced either.
Anyway, koji is kind because a chinese girlfriend of him talked him into doing
what he can to help others.

05/09/24 15:16:11
But second-hand smoke is harmful to the people who breathe it -
even more so than to the actual person smoking. People die from
second-hand smoke.

You wouldn't allow someone to go around giving little bits of
poison to innocent bystanders, would you? It's the same thing.
So, smoking in public should indeed be banned.

05/09/24 15:22:43
koji askes you to never say a derogatory word.
Sure, people die when they get older but koji thinks it's not
escapable. koji's girlfried was from china and as you know, more
chinese people love to smoke than Japanese do. But he doesn't want
his girlfriend die. He would feel very sad if she were not alive.
koji is kind because of her. If he can see her nowhere in the world,
he would lose himself and get at all of you.

05/09/24 15:28:36
koji wanted to shout at the one who got 1000 in another thread,
but he calmed himself down. he remembered he was so good and nice
as not to bad-mouth anyone he meets online.

05/09/24 15:34:11
koji has to speak his mind. he said he was very nice and good-natured.
But when it comes to Yukorin, he would be beside himself and become really very
hot and utter some bad words. So remember: koji is kind to anyone except when
they are talking about Yukorin behind her back. You can believe me.

05/09/24 15:39:17
I have a topic to offer you to discuss.
Idols should smoke or mustn't smoke?

koji thought for several whiles that if Yukorin smoke he would stand
for idols who smoke, but if not, he would change his opinion.
So koji has no idea. Do you think idols shouldn't smoke?

05/09/24 15:41:39
┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨ ┣¨┣¨┣¨

05/09/24 15:49:51
koji felt lucky when he meet another koji and he too seemed very kind and
amusing. koji wants Yukorin's fans to get together, talk about her, and have fun.
It's the paradise of her fans. he likes lots of koji to come along.

05/09/24 15:59:57
How kind of him, koji! how kind of him!
If there're many kojis in the English board, he can enjoy talking
with himself, though. Don't pretend you're not koji! They'd love to
see you here, koji.

05/09/24 16:41:47
Kindness is koji's middle name!

05/09/24 17:08:23
Do you approve of female emperor

05/09/24 17:14:52
Yes, indeed. koji is very supportive of Yukorin.
So if she becomes Japanese emperor, koji will be pleased.

05/09/24 17:21:29
No...not Yukorin.
I hope that Aiko would succeed emperor and find a better future
for every Japanese.

05/10/25 03:07:21
The 4th Proposition:
High school students (and students in lower grades) should not own cellular phone.

State which side (pro or con) you stand and make your argument.

05/10/25 03:41:10
I take the con side.

High school or lower grade students can have their cellular phone.
First, cellular phones has broaden children's ways of communications.
Not only do they remove the limitations of conventional ways of communications
in terms of time and space, but they have helped create new usage of written language.

Second, cellular phones help children and their parents to locate each other whenever or wherever
they are, which assures parents of their children's safety.

Although the time and money spent using cellular phones on "wasteful" game playing and
"meaningless" emailing are immense, the advantages mentioned above cannot be underestimated.

05/10/25 08:20:50
Start to learn English language in pre-school is the best way.

05/10/25 20:01:57
I shall make rebuttals on your argument:

> First, cellular phones has broaden children's ways of communications.
This merely points out that mobile phones provided new means of communication.
It must be noted that mobile phones have driven away the conventional ways of communication at the same time.

> Not only do they remove the limitations of conventional ways of communications
> in terms of time and space, but they have helped create new usage of written language.
In a bad way, yes.

> Second, cellular phones help children and their parents to locate each other whenever or wherever
> they are, which assures parents of their children's safety.
This is just a trivial advantage hardly merits the cost and other sacrifices.

> Although the time and money spent using cellular phones on "wasteful" game playing and
> "meaningless" emailing are immense, the advantages mentioned above cannot be underestimated.
Yes, there are advantages to kids owning cellular phones but you have to give statistical data that
support your statement. Merits must surpass the demerits.

05/11/17 15:08:58
Think of counterproposals to failing birth rate !

35hourwork week could be effective.

05/11/17 15:18:55



05/11/17 15:42:00

05/11/17 17:45:57

Great book to learn about modern China : "Wild Swans"
Aurthor : Jung Chang (ユン チアン)
Its translated in many languages (The original is in English. No Chinese version, of course)

Good people have left china or murdered a lot.

This is a so called "must read book" if you are interested in China.
As a novels, simply worth to read.

05/11/17 18:19:19
Let me correct some errors or misunderstandings.

Good people have left china or being murdered ...

novel, worth reading

05/11/17 19:24:02
Let me correct some more errors or misunderstandings.

Good people have left china or been murdered...

As a novel, it's simply worth reading.

05/12/24 11:30:38
 ,、i`ヽ                        ,r‐'ァ 
 `ヽ::                      ::´
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      ヽ  ` ー 、.,,ゝ´ヮ`,ノュ_, - '   r'
        ` 、_ /::: `山':::::    /
      /   ヽI,r''"""^~ヽ
     /   ,/ ヽ    ヽ

05/12/25 08:27:04
Greatest book to learn about modern China : "Mao"
Aurthor : Jung Chang (ユン チアン)

"Mao Tse-Tung ・・・ was responsible for well over 70 million deaths
in peace time, more than any other 20th century leader"

Mao killed well over 70 million even in peace time.
If this is truth, Mao was the only human being
beyond super-bloody butcher Gods in the Old Testament.

well over 70 million even in peace time!
This is a real holocaust.
Sorry for China people////


06/01/22 01:37:19
I know there is the debate in English thread just now. Thanks spammer :-)

06/02/02 16:38:41
Is this thread alive?

06/02/02 16:49:14
No, thread is not a living thing.

06/02/02 17:27:37
monkeys like to throw their poop

307:The intelligent DQN 2.5/2000 ◆09kWcY3MNc
06/02/02 19:04:36
Perhaps someone need to bring us a theme. to debates is based on a theme.
Now is no subject. Its status is impossible to debate. I want to use this
thread but I don't know what a good subject is here. I guess a subject is
something to join everybody.

06/02/02 19:08:38
The 5th Proposition:
Electronic dictionaries are superior to paper dictionaries.

State which side (pro or con) you stand and make your argument.

309:The intelligent DQN 2.5/2000 ◆09kWcY3MNc
06/02/02 19:09:17
> I guess a subject is somithing to join everybody.

I guess a subject is somthing which everybody is able to join with.

06/02/20 01:05:46
I'm waiting for you.

06/03/09 10:09:00

Electronic dictionaries are a wonderful invention, but they have their
downsides as well. The best part of them is that they are fast, and if
you have a good one, you can get all of the meanings for a word, whereas
the paper dictionary may only have the most important ones. On the other
hand, one has to exhibit a higher mastery of the language to use them to
full effect...I had a translation professor accuse me of running my
entire assignment through Babelfish and not editing it, while I thought
I had been picking the right words.

The best solution is to use both - a paper dictionary is good where
it may not be best to get on the net (work) and an electronic when you
can sit down and really hammer on something for academic or personal

06/03/09 10:17:49
Why don't you argue with native English speakers?

06/03/09 19:07:14
I've seen Markov chains produce more coherrent sentences than babelfish normally produces.

06/04/08 16:57:33
Conclusion: 2ch'ers are not interested in dabating.

06/04/08 17:36:57
Come on!

06/04/08 17:43:54
Is Bush the world learder?

06/04/11 00:47:00

06/05/19 05:18:06
then, why do you do bump?? *shrug*

06/06/12 10:42:22
What does doodoo taste like?

06/06/12 15:56:42
is this thread alive or dead?

06/06/12 16:17:03
It's alive and kickin'!

06/06/14 00:55:40
It seems dead . . .

06/06/14 01:50:16
My johnson is three times as long as banana.
On the other hand, your dick is too short, so I make your dick big and strong.

06/06/14 01:56:15
       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       | キモッ!
          ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                   ∧_∧      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ∧_∧     ( ´Д` )    <  キモッ!
         ( ´Д` )   /⌒    ⌒ヽ    \_______
        /,  /   /_/|     へ \
       (ぃ9  |  (ぃ9 ./    /   \ \.∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /    /、    /    ./     ヽ ( ´Д` )< キモッ!
       /   ∧_二つ (    /      ∪ ,  /   \_______
       /   /      \ .\\     (ぃ9  |
      /    \       \ .\\    /    /  ,、    ((( )))  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     /  /~\ \        >  ) )  ./   ∧_二∃    ( ´Д` ) <   キモッ!
     /  /   >  )      / //   ./     ̄ ̄ ヽ    (ぃ9  )  \_______
   / ノ    / /      / / /  ._/  /~ ̄ ̄/ /   /    ∧つ
r   / /   .  / ./.      / / / )⌒ _ ノ     / ./    /    \   (゚д゚)キモッ!
  / ./     ( ヽ、     ( ヽ ヽ | /       ( ヽ、   / /⌒>  )  ゚(  )-
(  _)      \__つ    \__つ).し          \__つ (_)  \_つ   / >

06/07/15 20:12:01

06/07/15 22:19:34
how do you know about Zidan's headbutt on the Worldcup final?

Zidan decided to retire from professional football after the Worldcup.
He was a player of Franch international and was the most great player
during two decades. He led Franch international to the final game.
When the game reacheaed at 110 minites, He fought with Materazzi and
shotted his head to Materazzi. Of cource, He took a read card then he
got out the game. His retirement game was suddenly sad end.

This problem is a controversy over the world. Perhaps, everybody might
know about this problem.

06/07/16 00:22:34
Zidan said he shotted his head because Materazzi insulted his family two times.
If this is true, I think Zidan is not so wrong.
He could be patient to be insulted his own matter, but couldn't to his family matter.

By the way, he took "red" card, not "read" card.
thank you.

06/07/16 00:47:47
...I reckon what Zidane did is still total shit,
considering that it was his last game.

How come people try to justify that red-card..?
Imagine if it wasn't Zidane. He definitely would be fucked by media.

Zidane just utilizes his big name. He is being so spoilt.

06/07/18 23:37:58

06/07/23 17:27:12
It's no problem. I want to know the level of your skill about English devate.
If possible, You might as well decide the subject to discuss on the thread.
But, Here has , I guess, a debater, only you, and a lot of non-debater.
Of cource, I am not a debater. Therefore, If you write how to debate,
a lot of people might admire you for it.

06/07/25 19:42:17

詳しく知りたかったら全日本英語ディベート協会(NAFA: National association of foreignstic argumentation)か日本ディベート協会(JDA:Japan debate association)のページでもみてください。

06/08/12 01:40:15

Odd Number: Positive
Even Number: Negative

333:how do u like it?
06/08/12 02:23:16
Debate-in-English Rules:

1) Statements on the topic should be written in English.
2) Statements should always be positive or negative, not in-between.
3) A debate will end with six statements: three positives and three negatives.
4) Comments on the debate or individual statements can be written in either 日本語 or in English.
5) You can comment on ongoing debates, but preferabley, AFTER the debate.
6) English correction is always welcome, but not in debating statements.

Any suggestion?

06/08/12 02:51:36



06/08/12 02:55:35
You will never know if you're going to be odd number or even number.

06/08/12 13:31:41
Sometimes you do, sometimes not. I think it will still work with some pre-statement signs,
showing your positive or negative position. For example:

337 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:
On the topic >>332
Possitive 1:
Zidane's deed was totally allowable because...

You can add the number after "positive" (line 3) to 3
341 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:
On the topic >>332
Possitive 3: >>337 >>339
[Anchor-tag reference to previous statements will be usable in some cases]
My point is, Zidane's bald head was so perfect for headbutt, and...

You can add more statements if you want to continue, but the whole procedure
depends on others' comments. If many say "yamere" against you, you were probably
not convincing enough. That is, you lose on the debate.

The "odd-positive" and "even-negative" rotation is not a rule. It's a preferable order.
But we sitill need it just because a debate should be as rotational as possible.

337:just a correction
06/08/12 13:36:03
But we still need it just because. . .

06/08/20 16:13:29
Thank you for your advice.

06/08/23 17:27:54
The point of view of allowable.

First, Zidan made mistake to behave his headbutt that hits Materazzi on
the world cup final. Although the reason is unclear in detail,
The action occured from his thinking of saving his family. If it
is true, the action might allow Zidan. His thinking tought us
strongly relationship between him and him family. It is great!
Second, FIFA punished Zidan to pay some money and to do social
action to take a red card on his final game. The final red card
is the worst memorial for him. This indicates to be the end of
pysically payoff for his punishement.
Finally, I guess Zidan has been bothering the action that is
good or bad forever. and also he might bother to break down his
final game. He brought him a heavy weight cross as well.
It is difficult for me to allow Zidan's action. Because whatever is
violence, it is bad! In particular, Zidan is the best player for a
decade from 1996. The best players make us efficient siginificantly.
Therefore they become good examples for children although I understand
his thinking for his family.

06/08/31 01:42:35

06/09/29 06:28:44
The debate has ended.

06/10/09 16:30:38
Is this thread alive at all?

06/10/10 20:51:47
I wonder why people become stupid when they get old.
I know a lot of people who graduated from the top-elite universities
but very stupid when they are in their 50s or over.

06/10/10 21:37:00
I don't agree with you. Many old people are respectable.
What do you mean by stupid? Not smart? wise? intelligent?
You might be too young to realize your stupidity.

06/10/10 22:07:56
Yes, many old people are respectable, expecially those who went through the hardship of the war are respectable, no doubt about it.
However, it is also true that there are many people (N.B. not everyone) who have stopped using their brain, obviously for a long time.
Those people only rely on the knowledge they acquired up to Uni. and never try to go beyond that.
Since they have stopped thinking seriously, they end up make stupid decisions.
I know I'm sounding like beating around the bush, that's because in order to make more clear explanation, I need to use some examples,
but unfortunately, that's no possible due to the nature of the Internet.
So my point is, those who have stopped using their brain become stupid, and the longer one stops thinking seriously,
the more stupid one gets, thus many old people are stupid.

06/10/10 22:58:59
I don't want to blame over 60 years old retired folks..
50 years old people in society are still working hard.
You have to make effort to meet with sophisticated people.

Anyway, stupid is bad word.

06/10/10 23:12:16
This is a thread for debate, therefore, you need to substantiate your comments with reasons.

06/10/10 23:19:07
I found a solution for him.

06/11/19 17:57:36
I,....I want to pee.

06/12/17 02:26:20
I think this thread is most needed.

06/12/20 02:48:06
Agreed. So let's continue it.

06/12/20 04:59:16
I like to write in english.
It's fun.

06/12/20 05:15:28
I like to write in english.
It's fun.

06/12/20 06:59:06
So what's the next topic?

06/12/20 17:34:45
What do you think about the ban on scatology in USA?

06/12/20 17:39:45
It is unrealistic. Every food in the United States are
obviously made of Shitt; the taste reveals it to you.
How come all the Americans bear with emforced fast?

06/12/20 17:55:21
what do you think about american people saying 'happy holiday' instead of
'happy christmas' in public. i think that's pretty disgusting!
they should stop jewish being ruling the world.
christmas is not that religeous at all.
it's a sort of culture we enjoy.

06/12/20 18:06:30
If Americans were willing to celebrate 'Hari raya puasa'
(final day of Islamic fast) and some other non-Christian oriented
festivals in their country, perhaps muslims should
convert their hostility to the United States.

06/12/21 03:52:36
Christmas is more of a worldwide tradition
than a Christian holiday these days.
I celebrate at Christmas and I'm a Buddhist.
Is there an actual law against saying "Happy Christmas" in public?

06/12/21 04:01:54
damn!! u guys r such assholes.
just shut the fuck up. ur english make me nuts!
u know wut? this site is like a mother fuckin shit!
guess wut!? u better stop writing on this damn site with ur mother fucker! niggar

06/12/21 04:03:13
Can you imagine we share only one religion in this world?

06/12/21 04:10:44
>I celebrate at Christmas and I'm a Buddhist.

Commercialization of Christmas by non-Christian
Japanese and Chinese(Such as Hongkoneese and Singaporeans)
invokes great disdine and cynicism from the rest of the
world. What 'enjoyment' do you got from Christmas?

>christmas is not that religeous at all.

Some christians seriously hate such statement.

06/12/21 04:24:44
I just celebrate Christmas for fun really.
In the same way that I would celebrate a birthday,
there is no religious reason behind it.
I don't mean to offend anyone in doing so.

06/12/21 04:38:49
That is a typical case of asymmetric perception.
It does not matter wherther you mind it or not, yet Christians mind.
They simply wonder why do you 'celebrate' it.
If you say that it is a simply joyful amusement, their wonder goes
more serious and merely despise you from the bottom of their heart.

06/12/21 04:50:16
Hmm. Maybe what you say is true.
But isn't despising someone from the bottom of their heart
against the core principles of Christianity?
Also, many Christians celebrate Halloween.
This is a Pagan festival. And so in criticizing us
for celebrating Christmas, they are being hypocritical.

06/12/21 05:04:05
Hypocritic? It is nothing more than common sense that
Americans and Europeans are great hypocriticians(w
As famous staying 'A british would be a Knight if he robbs much'
tells even themselves hava ironic view toward their nature.

Syncretism you mentioned above concerning Pagan origine of
Halloween may be true; actually some european countries, especially
France and Spain have many festibals that can be dated back to
past heterodoxy.

However, a main difference is that these past religions, say
some Celtic ones or Greco-Roman polytesism had abolished after
prevailing Christianity, while you belive in Buddism, a major and
exsisting religion. Christian may ask you how you celebrate
Buddha's birthday in April and the day of his death. Most of the
Japanese got annoyance toward this question since few celebrate
these days in contemporaly Japan. This fact shocks Christians and
invokes another serious wonder and cynicism toward your way of
celebrating Christmas.

06/12/21 05:13:33

06/12/21 05:26:20
I do understand what you mean, but I see no reason
why I should stop celebrating because I do enjoy it.
I mean no disrespect towards Christians, but if they
percieve it that way, then that isn't my fault.
Also, if they want to celebrate Buddha's birthday,
then they are welcome to do so in my opinion.
Furthermore, it was the Americans themselves that
commercialised Christmas (or Xmas) and made it seem "cool".
I believe that this is why it is popular now in Japan as
well as many other non-Christian countries.
And today, there are still Pagans but it is minority.

06/12/21 05:37:34
As continiously mentioned, it does not matter if
you mind it or not and how do you evaluate your way.

This kind of asymetric perception is really something hard
to deal with. I can admit that your view typifies well
common Japanese feeling toward Christmas, and even for
Religion in general, as a Japanese. However these kind of
relatism is hardly accepted by THEM.

Sequently,the simple consequence will be that you continue
to celebrate in the Commercialistic way as a comsumer, while
billions of Christians and Muslisms keep lookig down you
to an extreme degree.

06/12/21 05:50:09
Then if they choose to look down on me it can't
be helped.\(--)/
I wish that they could have a better understanding of
non-Christian and non-Muslim ways of thinking,
but maybe they are too much narrow-minded?
I have to leave now sorry. I'll discuss this again later.

06/12/21 07:12:44
I hope you don't mind a native speaker joining in this debate...

I'm a Buddhist living in a mainly Christian country.
I celebrate Christmas with my Christain friends, and
they don't bear any ill will towards me for doing so.

Like I said in another thread, Christmas is more of a
commercial holiday in this country now.

I will admit however that some traditional, right-wing
Christians don't like the fact that I celebrate Christmas.

I have to stress that they are in the minority though...

06/12/24 09:32:10
hay guyz wats going on

06/12/24 21:53:47
Right-wing Christians don't like the fact that anyone celebrates
that "heathen" version of Christmas. That is to give each other gifts, and
to be with each other, instead of attending mass, praying, thanking god
for jesus and all that. They greatly dislike the commersialized christmas,
as they feel it doesn't convey the god fear and obedience to their god, but
is about worshipping gifts and the heathen god/saint "Santa Claus".
"Terribly un-Christian," they say.

06/12/25 14:26:13
I once visited Christian minority village in Malaysia.
The situation I saw there was awful one.

While Christian minorities(They are descendents of Portugues
and preserved their belief in Catholic in the Muslim country
handreds years against all desbenefits) and Indian Christians there
prey really sincerely and decently, Chinese just messed the celebration
making terrible noise.
They just flocked to drink and loon over the night, and
they enter decorated houses in the village without asking to
take keepsake pictures. For them, Christmas is nothing more
than an amusement. Although I am not a Christian and I believe
I am free from current anti-Chinese atmospher among the youth,
the Chinese way seemed to be very shallow and totally ridiculous.

Needless to say, Japanese spent Christmas day just like the
Chinese, possibly even much worth than them since Japanes Christmas
is even synonym of sexaholic night.

06/12/25 14:27:06
Needless to say, Japanese spent Christmas day just like the
Chinese, possibly even much worth than them since Japanes Christmas
is even synonym of sexaholic night.

06/12/25 16:10:11
Merry Christmas, everyone v^-^v

06/12/25 16:21:17
For being a non-Christian Japanese, I wouldn't mind if Christians or Muslims
going to the shrines on Jan. 1 and celebrate the New Year.....
I guess a lot of originally religious ceremonies have become
diluted as years go by.

06/12/25 16:28:59

06/12/25 16:42:48
Regarding the ways to celebrate Christmas, why don't we put it this way.
Although Sushi is a very traditional Japanese food, when it gets eaten
in other countries, its styles often get changed dramatically to adapt to
the needs of the country.
For e.g. in the U.S., they have invented "California Roll" which uses avocado
as an ingredient, which never existed in Japan.
As someone said, the "right-wing" sushi maestros might get offended, but in general,
we are happy that our traditional food is taking root in other countries.
Same goes for Chinese food, Italian food, etc. etc.
So I think it's OK for each country to have different ways to enjoy celebrating
religious ceremonies including Christmas.

06/12/25 16:48:16

07/01/02 09:00:26
* Happy New Year *

07/01/22 04:07:52
Lets debate the meaning of DQN

07/01/22 04:15:38
DQNs are meaningless. Period.

07/01/22 04:22:30
