18/11/05 10:00:17.42 jHqtpSKI.net
205 名無し草[sage] 投稿日:2018/11/05(月) 03:41:14.36
249 名無し草[sage] 投稿日:2018/11/05(月) 03:50:01.02
Hello everyone, I'm so appreciate to you cause we have so much power from you, so I'm so thank you,
and I was really happy to skate in Finland cause (わからん)
and I feel so much happy here, so again thank you very much, and looking forward to see in next time.
256 名無し草[sage] 投稿日:2018/11/05(月) 03:51:40.83
312 名無し草[sage] 投稿日:2018/11/05(月) 04:10:30.21
cause I really wanted to skate for…ブラブラ in Finlandに聞こえる