【東京】警察病院から逃走の韓国籍の男 バスに乗る姿が防犯カメラに…中野署「最善を尽くします」at NEWSPLUS
【東京】警察病院から逃走の韓国籍の男 バスに乗る姿が防犯カメラに…中野署「最善を尽くします」 - 暇つぶし2ch2:名無しさん@1周年
19/08/19 08:48:52.35 z2NzYkVo0.net
It was when I visited a tiny village in Hida region in Gifu and went to see a traditional festival there in the autumn
of 2014 that I had that hideous experience the reality of which even now I question.
At the festival which took place in front of the village shrine, I found a Japanese girl beckoning to me by waving
her hand. The girl, who is apparently not more than sixteen years old, entered into the shrine through its back door,
with her eyes fixed on me. Thus I followed her and entered there, which was the biggest mistake I ever made,
looking back now.
A room in the shrine I entered had no electrical lights and was lit up by torches instead, and the girl was standing
there. In this room, I saw a very bizarre statue sitting on a stone stand, which seemed to be a God of this shrine and
looked like a unnamable chimera with a octopus's head and dragon's wings and a body covered with scales. And I
found the girl wearing a golden tiara the relief of which symbolised the same blasphemous creature.
It was after this that even more hideous incident occurred. Before my eyes, she suddenly took off her kimono naked,
and shouted "please fuck me!"
Terror which surged within me was strong enough that I lost my consciousness, and I was found lying in blood
on a farm road of the village.
Having returned to Massachusetts, I told this experience to Dr. Armitage, a scholar of Ethnology in the university
in my city. He said that it was a kind of "religious prostitution" which is believed to have existed in ancient Babylonia.
According to Herodotus, every Babylonian woman, however rich or noble she was, could never get married unless
she had intercourse with a stranger in the shrine.
This experience is lingering in my mind against my will and taught me that on the world there are many things
which a man of sanity is not supposed to see. I think it is only the death that can blot out this damnable memory.
